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Space: Ocean of Awe

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Posts posted by Space: Ocean of Awe




    I like it. It reminds me of an alternate model for the Axalara T9 that should have been made.

    Glad you like it! I owe much of this to Axalara T9. It wouldn't've been even remotely possible without it.




    Looks like a fusion of that and Jetrax to me.



    I thought the same thing myself.


    The cockpit was based on Jetrax, and from the cockpit this MOC was born.


    Really it has aspects of all three vehicles -- Axalara body, Jetrax cockpit and wings, Rockoh tail fins. Fits right in with the rest of 'em.


    Now that we have a front view, I wanted to say that I appreciate it even more. You really have shown excellent creation skills in your blending of colour and shape, with the gradual curvature of the central column and the tapering of the wings, choice placement of silver and other highlights like the port/starboard coloured lighting.


    Waiting on the next creation. ^_^

    Thank you very much! I'm not sure I can ever live up to this again, though...


    Very nice. I like that it looks like a fusion of the Karda Nui vehicles like others have said. It's especially impressive to me because I'm terrible at making vehicles. :P


    Good luck in the contest!

    Thanks, and the same to you.



  2. I was expecting a car, not a masterpiece! This thing is amazing! I love the colors, the design, the shape, everything. I don't know how you built that thing!

    Thanks! I just started making the cockpit and part of a wing, then adding onto it and expanding until I ended up with this.


    I like it. It reminds me of an alternate model for the Axalara T9 that should have been made.

    Glad you like it! I owe much of this to Axalara T9. It wouldn't've been even remotely possible without it.




    I organize my memories around Bionicle. When I want to pin down an approximate date any time during Bionicle's run, I need only recall which Bionicle sets I had at the time, which ones I hoped to get, which book I was reading.

    For a long time, I thought I was weird for doing that. Am I the only one who feels like 2010-2014 has just been one really long year? BIONICLE's retirement kind of stunted my time perception. I'm so used to associating a year with one of the distinctive chapters of BIONICLE, I feel empty and ageless without anything to attach 2011-now to.


    One long year, yes. I try to associate different times with other things, like TV shows, but most of the shows I watch are really old.



  4. I think you should double check that the videos are correctly named. ;)


    From what the images and videos reveal, this is an epic plane. Really wish you had a 3/4 nose shot so we could see it from the front too! Can't really say there's anything lacking in this, my eyes are simply having a day at the park looking at it. The functional aspects add to the realistic measure and it feels like something we'd see in Makuhero Airport, heh.

    However, the section just behind the cockpit has an exposed ball joint. Does this serve a purpose?


    Really well done.

    Oops! Problem fixed. And I knew I would forget to put an important picture! I'll upload some front shots as soon as I have the chance.


    Glad you liked it! But no, the ball joints serve no purpose, anything I used to cover them up ended up sticking out, so I left them as-is.



  5. It was the very beginning. I was five years old, sitting in a shopping cart in Walmart, being pushed through the toy section. Then I saw them, on an end shelf, so many sing canisters, and colourful...I was drawn to the red one like a moth to a flame, Tahu Mata. Being little, my parents allowed me to buy it. It all followed from that day.


    I also remember giving my cousin his first Bionicle set, Toa Gali Mata. I bought it for him, and kept it in a drawer in my grandparent's room. He was coming to visit us, and when he came, I took him up and gave it to him. He was younger than I, and so he had a bit of trouble with the construction, putting her mask on upside down, but it all worked out in the end.


    Before Bionicle, I played with my sibling's Lego sets, and occasionally MOCed (though they weren't exactly spectacular). They had a few Throwbots, but I was more into System.



  6. BIONICLE was what made me realize I liked reading and writing too, it has always been a great inspiration for me and I work hard to not forget what it means to me.

    Same here. I didn't much care for books, not even comic books, until some time in 2005, when, for whatever reason, I became attached to a single Bionicle comic to the point of taking it everywhere, like a safety blanket, and mending all the tears with scotch tape. In 2006 I started collecting the Bionicle books and comics, and have been a voracious reader. I never cared for writing either, until I got into the Bionicle story.


    I organize my memories around Bionicle. When I want to pin down an approximate date any time during Bionicle's run, I need only recall which Bionicle sets I had at the time, which ones I hoped to get, which book I was reading.


    Whenever I visited my cousins, or they visited me, we would spend most of our time with our Bionicles. We would make trips to the store to buy some, or all gather in my basement to create anything we wanted. And I fondly remember the long phone conversations I had with one cousin in 2007/2008, talking about the Bionicle story, where it was heading. I insisted that I had totally seen Karda Nui coming (and I did, sort of). I was sad when they all grew out of it, and kind of lonely from that point on, because there were so few things to do together when we weren't MOCing or making up epic battles.


    I'm terribly sad that it's a thing of the bast, but I think that it ended at a good time. It's better to quit while you're ahead, to end when it was still good. Maybe years from now there'll be a revival of sorts (though that seems rather unlikely). At least the ending gave me a chance to catch up with the story, which was moving a little too fast for me to keep up with it.


    When Hero Factory first replaced Bionicle, I didn't mind it so much...I was excited to see what it'd be like. I'm now rather disappointed. It took the "clone build" to a whole new level, and the story is practically non-existent. I also miss Bionicle's style...it looked almost natural, with the detail. The moles were great, and I prefer the Bionicle system, with its strong alliance with Technic.


    Needless to say, I do miss Bionicle, and recently I've been super nostalgic.



  7. I made it a couple of years, ago, but never got around to photographing it. The BZP Flickr contest was motivation enough. Let me know what you think! I'm rather proud of it, both the magnitude and the working colour scheme. I do wish the red had come through in the images, though.


    Vroom vroom!



    • Upvote 1
  8. Incredible. I love that head, that face. Definitely my favourite part of the MOC. Great colour scheme, too, though the gold from the Knights Kingdom is a shade off. I love the body, arms, and legs, though I must say they are rather long, which makes it look a little odd, but not bad.


    I just can't stop staring into those glowing white eyes... :drool:



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