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Let's Henshin!

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Blog Entries posted by Let's Henshin!

  1. Let's Henshin!
    For a long time I've had this collection of Army Men in a bucket just sitting there, with me doing next to nothing with them since I was about 8, and I've had these guys for even longer than that. Recently I decided I'd take to organizing, so for about 2 hours I finally organized them all so that I had an idea of how many I had.
    Soon I'll be buying more, and displaying the ones I have in some sort of scene, I'll post of picture of that later.
    Without further ado here are the pictures.
    As a whole.
    First Rows.
    Second Rows.
    Third Rows.
    Fourth Rows.
    Total Figs: 150
    Army-Men: 142
    Others: 8
    Native Americans: 6
    Cowboys: 18
    Soldiers: 118
    Green Soldiers: 3
    Big Green: 1
    Dark Green: 47
    Tan: 16
    Light Tan: 18
    Blueish Green: 16
    Light Blueish Green: 17
    Number of Unique Molds(Excluding Non-Soldiers): 19
    Total Hours Project Has Taken so Far: 3
  2. Let's Henshin!
    I've set up this Entry to act as a sort of Discussion Topic for Epilogue for until it gets approved.
    Here you can ask questions about the game, leave profiles for me to approve, or just discuss aspects of the game.
    So yeah, have at it I guess, of course I'm not sure if really sure if anyone is even going to use this.
  3. Let's Henshin!
    "When it comes to milk, its gotta be Musashino Milk"
    Seriously, this guy is awesome and you know it. I need more than just two episodes of him.
    Anyhow, I really felt the need to make an entry dedicated to his awesomeness, I'm enjoying Railgun a lot so far. Now if you'll excuse me I've more episodes to watch.
  4. Let's Henshin!
    Here's the draft of the post, note I've included everything including my char's thoughts.
    IC: Vernadon
    Vernadon stepped lightly on the snow, he was here, the place his father had once cherished. And it's a place of painful memories. For once I agree with you.
    The place itself didn't look all that remarkable, just a few huts clustered around a courtyard. Not to mention, the hut had not aged well, but it wasn't what the place was that was so important, rather it was would it could be. What father envisioned. Vernadon knew that he could take up the his father's quest. To educate the Matoran, and to create a place where thinkers of all sort could come together in harmony. Nova needs training I can only provide him so much, but there are others out there who are willing to teach. Not just Nova but others as well.
    At that moment a Matoran came running out of the hut, he was older fellow. He wore a Huna and dark orange armor. His name was Movik and at one point he had taken care of Vernadon.
    "Vernadon!" the Matoran called out, "Have you come back to finish your father's work?"
    "Yes I have." Vernadon replied cooly.
    "Why now, after all these years?"
    "Because, I was never fit to teach, nor did I have a reason to. But chance has given me a reason, to teach Nova. However I can not do it alone. To achieve what father truly intended, we need other teachers. I wish to make this a place of sanctuary and knowledge. A place neither Makuta's reach extends to or the Turaga's. Rather this will be a place where rationale beings can come to their own conclusions, and pass that knowledge on to others. For years Matoran have lived in the dark shadow of ignorance. Let this become a place where we can enlighten them. A bright candle, in the middle of night. A night filled with ignorance." Vernadon finished
    "Your father would be proud," was Movik could say.
    "Can you gather some teachers, while I work on fixing up these huts?" Vernadon asked.
    "Of course," Movik replied. "And in fact, there are other Matoran who believed in your fathers dream. Many live nearby, I could send them out to recruit others."
    "Thank you," Vernadon said to Movik as he was leaving. "Oh and Movik, make sure you tell the teachers that there is no money to be made from this venture." Vernadon then turned back to the huts. This place may not be much now, but we can make it so. Why are you helping me? Because even I believe that knowledge should be spread.. "Nova, let's get building."
    So yeah, I didn't delve much into what the huts looked like seeing as we should decide that as we build it. What we do need is a consensus on the scenery.
  5. Let's Henshin!
    First episode was awesome in it's own right, but those Cameos man.
    Burnie Burns and Joel was awesome enough but then you get Stan Lee. Seriously that's so many levels of awesome all in addition to Freddie W.
  6. Let's Henshin!
    So I watched a decent amount of stuff today.
    First off I started A Certain Scientific Railgun, I really enjoyed Index so I'm hoping Railgun lives up to that reputation. It's been varying from decent to good so far, so a promising start I guess?
    I also watched Despicable Me 2, it was good, I suppose. Much more comedy based than the first one though, hence I do like the first one better. My sister really enjoyed it though.
    Oh yeah and I watched that Pacific Rim thing. I have but two comments to make.
    First Rocket Punch!
  7. Let's Henshin!
    Here's a game to break up the monotony - think of a 'theme song' for each of your characters.
    Here are mine:
    Merror: Everybody Hurts (REM)
    Lohkar: Up is Down (from Pirates of the Caribbean)
    Zadron: Psycho Killer (Talking Heads)
    Echelon: Dies Irae (Mozart)
    Stralix: Theme from World of Goo
    The Illusionist: Caught in a Dream (AIK)

    Source: Bzprpg News And Discussion
    See this is something which has popped into my mind multiple times, but I can never figure out. I've tried searching for songs that could fit but can't find any. So I ask for your help, that is if any one reads this. To give you a better idea I'll give you a brief rundown of characters
    Nikaron- Goes from wisecracking joker,to wise warrior, to darker vigilante.
    Ramanox- Blames himself for everything, on the outside he is a joker, but when in a mission he is much more serious.
    Salvinn- Tries to inspire hope in others because it increases his own power. Character is somewhat based off of Robin Hood
    Vernadon-Revolves personality around principle of chance, to the extent where he has a separate personality he calls Mr. Tails. A Bard/Scholar/Swordsman, acts a lot like the stereotypical Bard/Gentleman.
    Torv-Evil Spy who is a lot like your stereotypical joking hero.
    I haven't played with my other characters enough to come up with satisfying descriptions. Anyway if you do come up with a song that works, IMO, then you shall get Cake Oh wait that's a lie.
  8. Let's Henshin!
    So I just watched that movie and loved it. Wished I could've heard Hub's speech though.
    It was rather interesting watching the Deleted Scenes and seeing the alternate take they seemed to be going for originally, ultimately though, I loved the way they did cut it.
  9. Let's Henshin!
    So I suppose this marks the end of my Premier Perks and the end of this blog. Its been fun, and the moment I can spend money on the internet I'm definitely buying Lifetime PM, cause I mean honestly, if there's one place on the internet I feel deserves my money, it's here. BZPower has helped me grow a lot, both as a writer and a person.
    For now so long, and thanks for all the fishmemories!

  10. Let's Henshin!
    Finally thought of something to talk about so yeah, he's the boring stuff none of you are going to read:
    Anyways today's the first day of Ramadan, which means I'm starving, the first day is always the worst. However I've been doing this for the past few years so it shouldn't be too bad. Thankfully I don't have to go outside in this heat, that would suck. Anyway yeah, if you have an questions or the like feel free to ask.
    Second I really doubt that watching all these Let's Plays of scary games is good for me, however I blame it all on RoosterTeeth and their Rage Quit of Slenderman. Thankfully Chols made Amnesia a bit more funny than scary, but dear god MatoroIgnika you scared the Karz out of me.
    If I suddenly disappear, it's because these games gave me a Heart Attack.
  11. Let's Henshin!
    I just watched Gundam 00 A Wakening of the Trailblazer, and the movie exceeded all my expectations I had for such a kind of movie.
    It was awesome, and truly was a great way to end the series. For those of you who have not checked out Gundam 00 I strongly recommend it, one of my all time favorite Anime. Of course I was sort of hoping that Descartes Shaman would have a more prominent role, but alas it was still a brilliant portrayal.
  12. Let's Henshin!
    So Epilogue is up and I'd just like to post a few words of thanks. First off a big thanks to the Judges and Makaru, without their approval Epilogue wouldn't be up. I'd also like to thank the many people who helped me out with this, including: Silvan Haven, Humva, Lord of Adder's Black, BenLuke, Hubert, Xomeron, and a plethora of other people I'm now doubt forgetting considering the hour and I feel really bad for that.
    Finally, I'd like to thank all those people who joined Epilogue during its first day, the warm welcome is a lot more than I expected and for that I really have to say thanks.
    My dad always says you can never say thanks enough so, thanks guys for just being so plain awesome. Here's to hoping Epilogue has a successful run and that you guys enjoy playing it.
    Once again, thanks a ton.
  13. Let's Henshin!
    Youtube huh, took long enough. Now I can link my OSTs and the like.
    Speaking of which:
    My reactions to this development are also at the end of that video.
  14. Let's Henshin!
    So now that I can actually talk about this I can rant/ask about one thing that's been bugging me.
    What happened to my Youtube Mix? Did anyone else rely on that feature as heavily as I did? It was how I listened to all my music and found new ones, just picked a song I liked and bam an entire playlist filled with songs like it. Now though, I haven't been able to find it.
    Help please, anyone know what happened?
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