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Let's Henshin!

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Everything posted by Let's Henshin!

  1. IC: Silvanni So uh I said stuff to the SHOPKEEPER before and we're just going to imagine he listened and responded, since it appeared my words had been overlooked by some godly hand up above. So with that little decision I asked my new found acquaintance a new question. "So tell me Cap'n, what sort of relation do you have with the 3 honchos running this place?"
  2. Still being forgotten. It's okay Onarax, someone out there remembers.
  3. Seriously guys this is getting way out of hand and I'm pretty sure many of us getting annoyed reading it. This has gone beyond being a critique of Ben's RP and into a critique of every aspect of his character. So I'm gonna put this bluntly and maybe we can move on to discussing the one RP that actually looks really interesting and has a potential player base. Namely Humva's that has been buried in this steaming pile of vitriol. Ben honestly right now you're inexperienced when it comes to this particular forum. I understand that you've had bad experience in different games but the point is that this sub-forum is radically different from all those places and you'll need to learn the kind of hurdles you'll have to overcome here. We aren't Nationstates, we aren't the BZPRPG, we aren't bloody 4chan. This is the OTCRPG scene and the best way to learn how to make a successful game on here is to first play games here, then maybe co-GM and most importantly listen. Really listen to the people who know what they're talking about. Perp come on man, you're better than this. You're being just as abrasive and combative as the rest of them right now. We need to all cool down and just take a step back. We're talking about one game man, you don't need to point out every mistake Ben has made. You've been playing here for a while now, you should know there's a difference between tearing some one apart and guiding them to a better game. We all want to see a good Elder Scrolls game and that's why we're trying to make sure one of these games can become one. It's why we're suggesting things like Co-GMing and playing first. As things stand just about any game that hits the OTC is going to die, this is not an easy environment for games and the two of you are just making things worse. So can we just calm down, apologize to each other and move on?
  4. Silvanni not on the Shopkeeper's team as a one man fighter.
  5. People still trying to claim spot numbers.
  6. Just realized I forgot the appearance so that's been edited in.
  7. Hoping it's not too late to get this guy in Wargames. Name: Onaya Reoth Species: Vortixx Power/Weapon 1/2: Shield Bits: Onaya's primary armaments are 9 Shield Bits which can combine to form one complete buckler on his wrist. However the individual bits are also able to be mentally controlled by Onaya and hover around him. Effectively allowing Onaya to shield himself and his allies from any angle. However these shield bits aren't extremely large, only about the size of an average being's forearm. Thus without careful placement, it's very easy for shots and attacks to make it behind Onaya's shield bits. The shield bits also have one final power when they have formed an even circle around an area. Namely within that circle all beings other than Onaya have their speed reduced and powers negated. That said the circle isn't very large, only able to contain about four combatants at max, and it is easily disrupted if even one shield bit is moved out of place. Power/Weapon 3: A simple pistol capable of turning into a short sword. Power/Weapon 4: The Boomstick: A weapon formerly belonging to Kellin, this Rahkshi Staff of Fragmentation, was looted by Kellin from a Vortixx during the infamous Siege of the Nuju-Marion Hospital. It fires purple bolts of destructive energy, which, as the name would imply, have the tendency to make things go boom. Appearance: Onaya Reoth strikes a fairly tall figure. He has a lean figure that is in shape but doesn't have real defined muscles. His armor is black in color with white and icy blue highlights. His eyes always appear to be in deep concentration and carries himself with what appears to be a rather prideful stride. Bio: Onaya Reoth had a fairly typical past. He washed up on the beaches of Mata-Nui with no memory of his past, and became another run of the mill hero for the Matoran. Well almost. Truth be told he never became a hero for the sake of the Matoran. In fact Onaya had very little interest in the Matoran or saving people. His fascination had always been with learning and acquiring new information. The only reason he became a hero in the first place was because of a certain crazy Toa he met. The being was impulsive, emotional and always spewing ideals of justice and heroism. The polar opposite of Onaya and despite the severe clash in personality or perhaps because of it, Onaya found himself fascinated by this self titled "Hero." Together the two formed a fearsome duo as they traveled the island in hopes of achieving the Toa's dream of a peaceful world. Onaya was along for the ride and interested in seeing just how far the Toa could make it when confronted by such a hopeless situation. However it now appears Onaya may never get to see the end result. For it was during one of their many heroic quests that Onaya suddenly found himself plucked out of his world and thrown into the realm of Bionifight. Of course while he finds the concept of tournament rather fascinating and seeks to learn about all of the different people and their experiences, he is a bit worried for the sake of his friend back on Mata-Nui. Personality/Other: Onaya is rather intellectual being, preferring to calmly analyze the situation before jumping in headfirst. This can lead to him appearing rather aloof and arrogant on the outside. Indeed the condescending tone his words sometimes possess has lead to a few unfortunate misunderstandings. In keeping with his intellectual nature, Onaya always keeps his cool and makes sure to calmly reassess when the situation has fallen outside of his expected parameters. Indeed logic and learning are the primary focus of Onaya's thoughts and he makes sure his every action aligns with this train of thinking.
  8. IC: Silvanni I don't know why that dude continues being so lazy, I just want to speak. Whatever, I'm still here and if someone else is reading I guess the neets are as well. I call you guys neets a lot don't I? Probably should control myself. Now back to the conversation. The esteemed shopkeeper had given me the name Tronameg. Captain Tronameg. Wonderful name by all counts. "Captain Tronameg. Has quite the ring to it, although I suppose being called Shopkeeper is fine if it's of your own volition. Gets pretty boring being born and raised as Shopkeeper A. The name I chose is merely a parody of two heroes from my world." Wait did I just do what I think I did? "Apologies for the clunky exposition. I didn't think people did that." IC: Lexa Lexa was ready to demonstrate her powers when a flurry of events suddenly occurred. The majority of which centered around a new comer that had just invaded. From the little she understood from the conversation his name was apparently Kellin and he was a normal Toa of Sonics. However like the others he appeared to be from a world far different from Lexa's own and once more she found herself lost as she quietly observed. In truth Lexa found herself a little relieved that she didn't have to show her rather pitiful powers. They really did pale in comparison to everyone else's.
  9. So Silvanni gets to be bored for a week. This is not going to end well.
  10. So what if Silvanni decides he'll have more fun playing solo against the other armies. Can he spawn in the center of the map without a stronghold? Or does he have to actually leave the stronghold and put some distance between him and everyone else.
  11. Due to Lucina being busy a role is being shuffled. PM will be sent out soon.
  12. If that is indeed the case then it means you are an ordinary matoran/villager.
  13. There we go. Roles will be sent out soon. EDIT: All PMs sent. Night roles have 48 hours to decide on actions. If decision is reached sooner then the scene will go up sooner.
  14. Your voice is great sure, but it's more so a really interesting accent and less masculine. Raz on the other hand.
  15. One more spot till we can start this party.
  16. >masculinity. Hubert your definition of masculinity is flexing non-existent muscles with your dad while grabbing a jar of pickles.
  17. I dunno about you being the cutest Ty, Silvan might be hiding something.
  18. Yes Hubert, join me on the list of people that will be free from being permanently scarred.
  19. Look I get up at 6 as well, if I'm lucky I'll get to sleep by 12 AM, more often than not I won't be that lucky and will go to sleep around 2 or 3 AM. For many of us that's just the way life is, yeah it sucks but that doesn't give you an excuse to take it out on others. If you're really tired and grumpy just don't post until after you've slept. You don't see me going around being a smug and condescending jerk, there's no reason that you have to be one as well. I get it okay, having a messed up sleep cycle can put a lot of stress on you, it's not really surprising that you end up taking those stresses out on others. However that by no means excuses anything. If you feel stressed don't post or read over it and find a way that you're not taking your frustrations out. You can always wait to post at another time. Also don't be afraid to apologize, again and again and I don't mean one throw away word. I mean a completely sincere apology where you acknowledge that you were in the wrong. Don't throw in a single word in a rant where you just try and justify yourself. Apologies speak loads about one's character and, to tie it back to the game at hand, make you far more trustworthy as a GM. At this point all you've done in pursuit of trying to make this game is alienate others. You can't have an RPG if no one wants to play because you're the GM. My advice would be to take a step back and listen to the complaints of others and I mean really listen. Find and a really good co-GM, someone who's had experience, and listen to them as well. You can't keep stubbornly defending your game and ideas when the vast majority of people reading find issue with it. And honestly, I would recommend finding some one who's been RPing on this site for a lot longer, and earned our respect, to GM the game. Not co-GM, but be the head GM. I'm sure there's a few people who have great ideas for an Elder Scrolls game, so ask one of them if you can co-GM their game. Learn the ropes by watching someone with experience, use to the time to mellow, and get a better understanding of how games work in the OTC. Then you can feel free to try to make your own game afterwards. It'll make you a lot more credible and appealing to the judges. But hey, that's just my two cents, make of it what you will.
  20. Three spots left.
  21. Everyone above added. 11 more spots.
  22. Everyone added. See I debated using that name because of those characters, but then I realized I was too lazy to come up with alternatives. A reason why I'm very happy I snagged the 15th game.
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