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Leg O'Brick

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Year 13

About Leg O'Brick

  • Birthday 10/04/1995

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    Right behind you.
  • Interests
    Hey! I'm me, and that's who I am, and if you don't know me, then I guess you are not me, and I suppose that would make you you! Unless I am NOT me, in that case you are not you, so if I'm him, then your them, and in that case were all in one BIG case and IT'S GETTING STUFFY IN HERE! LET ME OUT OF THIS STUPID CASE!<br /><br />All that to say, I love:<br /> Building with LEGO Bricks,<br /> Reminiscing about the past (particularly BIONICLE's past, but I'll talk about the andy griffith show too),<br /> And anything shiny. iPods, iPhones, iPads, laptops, netbooks, iMacs, pretty much anything with a screen and a uni-body aluminum backing.<br /> <br />My hobbies include:<br /> Programming (I wrote "hello world" in helvetica! Wait, is that even a programming language?)<br /> Football (the one with the line of skirmish and the bad happy-dancing on the torn-up turf),<br /> Listening to music ( I love sanctus real, owl city, kutless, seventh day slumber, mainstay, the afters, Lee Nicklen (Nitrome soundtracks), fee, starfield, and stellar kart (my iTunes wishlist is a bit pricey, as you can imagine. I also love soundtracks. Lots and lots of soundtracks.) )<br /> watching movies (favorite TV show: psych; favorite movie: national treasure; second favorite movie: the incredibles;)<br /> And writing dumb rambling stuff on profiles no-one ever reads (if you made it this far, you are either really awesome or really sleeping)

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  • LEGO.com Account

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Tohunga (5/293)

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  1. When you're tired, everything tastes like red bull.

    1. Steelsheen
    2. a goose

      a goose

      I don't know what Red Bull tastes like, therefore I personally do not apply, so you should say 'When one's tired, everything tastes like red bull'.

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