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Posts posted by Stroxx


    A friend of mine just told me recently, that Wierd Al is going to be in one of the episodes. I kinda want to hear some other bronies on this, because I'm not that updated on pony news, and I have a fleeting suspicion that I might me rick-rolled here. 8D

    Yep, he'll be in the episode that airs on February 1st. I can't wait!




    That's... that's two weeks away. Why do I have to wait for everything? XD I really hope it's going to be just as a pleasantly akward episode as I expect it to be.

  2. That's correct! Actually I'm just going to be staying up late, because it's still early afternoon here in my parts, but only having my studies continue at the 17th of February does kind of qualify as me having a day off. A lot of days off. :D


    TPBM plays WoW and never killed Mr.Biggles (Kel'Thuzad's siamese cat just outside that dungeon he is in FYI).

  3. Thought I already posted here; guess not.


    Very impressed, glad to see a drawn quality Bionicle comic around here.


    Happy to see you back at it. I await.


    It's like. all of the topic's posts since september had been nuked when the forums went crashing down back in October. And I'm glad you like the comic so far. I'll try to keep a weekly schedule. Hope you stick around for the ride. :D


    Also, two new pages are up! Click the images for bigger the version, or just scroll up! =)

    bio_page010_small_by_oyee-d77i0if.jpg bio_page011_small_by_oyee-d77i0i8.jpg

  4. Oh hey, a new is up. Poor Takua, he should really find that toy Duckie. I'm sure he could have very good use of it.


    Takua: Follow the footprints and draw silly things into them, boy!

  5. I have already commented a bit on this back over DA, so I'll just go and loose my sh-... my smelt over here.




    It's just. So much. While I've always picked on you for quality, this is just - overwhelming. It even makes me loose my ability to write grammatically sound and coherent sentences. I really only came up here, to see if my thread has sprouted any new replies and hey! Isn't that bub from DA who posts stuff like if he was a group of people just himself? Definitely. I like that guy.


    And then this. I just feel flimsy with my own little thread, and I'm actually supposed to do this for a living when I finish college.


    So, back on what the thread is about. It was so good to have something like this just pop up here after I'm finally done with all my exams and the whole semester. The prolouge is really well made, and I just laugh at myself when I think back that 'Haha.. A few years he just told me that he wouldn't make so big panels' and '... he won't be slowing down the flow of the story with posting less text in one panel'.


    And then you just nail it. The compositioning is just awesome. I can just feel the whole thing dripping from nostalgia fueled love while you laboured over each panel. Most of these guys probably haven't seen how you've started off over DA, but boy, do I feel proud when I see you just skyrocketing another level and exactly doing the things I've also poked you for then and now and excel at it to top it off.


    You did evolve a lot because I just keep scrolling up and down to have another look at the prolouge to see what else can I say about it. And that is good. So, spacing? I love it. Texting and dialouge? Times New Roman isn't exactly for comics and it could use some background of sorts to divide it from the visual parts (like bubble but not speech bubbles and the like). But your storytelling is always spot on. Design and execution? Sure, there are still a few things to improve on, it's mostly details I always whine about, but you'll learn eventually. A longer analysis on this is for another comment, because there is only so much text I can handle in one sitting. Haha. :D


    I'm goint to reiterate myself, you've come a really long way. I love what you've done so far and it's so extensive (concept art thread included) I really wish it was printed out so I could just cover my table with it and see them at once.


    Also, consider yourself finding competition. This thread screams for blood. On to glorious battle! But first... lunch... Because I'm kind of hungry...

  6. Oh man, I'm so happy people are actually coming back here. It's so good to start my next semester like this. \(°u°)/

    On topic, I love how clean the master post looks like, I know it sounds silly, but I'm just happy to look at it and see how much art is there. Compositioning like that means a lot to me. :D


    And comic pages. Kind of makes me nostalgic. I remember seeing this colour palette in older comics and I really like pastelly colours. It comes of pretty well with the style itself and... Names. I'm so excited to see the ghost hunters name. /dance

  7. 2014-01-13 Edit: It's been quite some time ever since the site had a little hiccup back in October and then majhost decided to fall in on itself for quite some time when I kind of gave up on continuing the comic in my first semester. I guess it's about time I bumped up this topic. Majhost still seems to have some problems. Mainly I just planned to post all the finished pages now at once, but they seem to have swithced back to their old processing ways where it takes hours to upload a pic. I don't quite know. I'll just post what I have on my hands right now.

    Wich means the last three pages that got gorged by whatever monster has set foor here. :D

    Chapter 01

    Page 01

    Page 02

    Page 03



    So the green one is either a biologist or a conspiracy theorist :P

    And purple is a collector.

    Seems pretty good so far, keep it up.


    I guess he is a little bit both since he is a Makuta. :D

  8. The 6th panel in the new comic is just delicious, it came out so well with the back light there as it glitters on Ghutan's hand. It's really so well composed. :D More shots like this! I'm absoloutly positive you could pull of more posing like it.


    How do you make so nice hands by the way? Are they from Glatorian/HF sets? Evil Teridax's and Ghutan's hand look really awesome.

  9. Main page has been updated with new pages! Since I’ll be mainly away from internet in the next two weeks, I’ll likely only have time to surf around a bit and check the forums I frequent. Wich means the rest of the prolouge pages get up here now! >> Page 03 << >> Page 04 << >> Page 05 << >>Page 06 <<


    This looks GREAT!

    I'll definitely be following this.

    The art style reminds me of a mix between the actual Bionicle comics and Marvel AGE's.


    Thanks! I really like the old Bionicle comics, you have no idea how happy compliments like this make me. And yes, that kind of ’80-ish, ’90-ish comic vibe. It has some what stuck with me since the old Spidey comics. :D


    And I’m really glad to hear that you’ll be a reg here.

  10. I'm not sure about the comic. I find it a not that bad read. Some lines made me crack a smile, some made me roll my eyes. But I don't feel offended.


    Sprites in general are more symbolic and simpler in their visual languages and aren't really equipped to carry through all the little nuances and details of a given situation so it may result in some unfortunate interpretation with some character types (in this case a more tsundere lady). In any case, a bit more careful and/or expanded dialoging might solve the problem for those who aren't familiar with the comic, maybe even the actual outcome of the fight too could have been helpful. Just some points that might help in the future. I will even gladly help or beta-read if you PM me. ;)

  11. While I'm not much into these kind of comics exploring the more absolute forms and relations of picture and typography, it's always interesting to see them pop up. Brings up a lot of associations and actually makes people look a bit harder on the whole or a detail of the a picture and forces them to put together what they see and think. This is something I encourage in visual media and you pulled it of quite well (and judging from the posts).


    Ever thought about exploring the more Picasso-ish or Salvador Dali-ish side of the spectrum? :D

    • Upvote 1
  12. This really is an atmospheric image, though as Click mentioned before the direct clipping there is a bit off there. But- the rest looks really well worked-out. I like how Annonna has actually an inner pattern there and looks like having some kind of hellish matrix core in the middle. Matrix-archon, heh.

  13. Ali Baba in Mad Max hehehe. I really like it. :D


    And I'm getting the overall feeling that you're actually just working with a mouse seeing more of your art. I mean that's some real hardwork especially in such a big scale. Though I might be wrong here. Only guessing a mouse because it looks like one of those really cool oldscole pixel games. And those detailed little cracks. Yummie.

  14. Another amazing entry that got shoved to the bottom of the digital file. Such a shame, because I can tell you really worked hard on it. The first thing that really catches my attention is that sunset. It looks amazing and the lighting effects are wonderful! All your effort to make that look great really paid off, from the shadows to even the reflection in the windows. I am just awestruck.Your character design is also just great. The monster was well-thought out and looks very threatening, but so do the Order members and those great water effects conjured by Helryx. I really like your style and the poses look very dynamic, which is quite hard to do sometimes. Even on the little details here, you still used that great shading to your advantage and I love it a lot.In trying to give some constructive criticism, all I can come up with is just cleaning up some of the pencil lines. Some of them are a little inconsistent, like the gas emanating from the monster's maw, and then there's some dark shading that makes it difficult to see certain areas like all of Helryx's body (which is a shame, since the others are designed so well) and much of the monster. So many lines and a lot of dark shading combined to make them look nearly black.Can't wait to see what else you come up with!


    Thanks! I really love getting these kind of comments. :D Always gives me a good chance to wind up writing all those loooong posts. I'm really happy you like the designs. Monsters are always a hard nut since it's pretty easy to stereotype them in into looks-like-a-dragon especially with lizard-like ones. And I'm a real big fan of details. Funny thing is that I even came up with the background story of the fleeing civilians too. Okay, maybe I'm not sure about that two Ko-Matoran in the lower right corner, but basically I could tell you what most of them have been doing there before the monster interrupted. XD


    Darker values always seem to be a problem with me, especially since I can only work with my laptop and my desktop still needs to be slapped back into shape. I always try to double check to see if my drawings get too dark by dipping backwards the monitor, though sometimes I slip up. Like now. It should be more visible now all in all. Adjusted the levels a bit. And I think I also see wich lines you're talking about. Odd. I remember erasing some of the lines there where the steam comes up from the poison puddle.


    I definitely am planning to put here a bit more too. I've had posted two other topics too a few years back (should put them under banner as dead topics maybe, hmm), Makuta Sethuldur (very old) and a Helryx fanart of course. I think I'll just collect these pics in a big new topic after I post up something else too. XD


    Though my most current one if you're interested is Diaries of Destral over at the Comic forum.

  15. Main post had been updated with second page. Or if the reader doesn't feel like scrolling >> Page 02 <<


    Wow, this is amazing! It's so good to see a hand-drawn comic, and a quality one too! Drawings and colouring are both awesome, the two suns are a very nice touch.I really like the prologue cover, I'm looking forward the following pages!

    I only aim to oblige to that wish. And fortunately, there are a lot of pages already in backup. Nothing to worry about for the time being. ;)


    And much thanks for the compliments! :D

  16. Three rats (2 boy, one girl), a grumpy MainCoon cat, a biting turtle, my mums corns snake, some fruitflies when it's not too cold and there are fruits at home, spiders and a little sister.

  17. Tahu Mata. It was the awesomest commercial of my life. I was cringing at that time that I would never be able to own an actual Star Wars droid and then comes this awesome robot surfing on lava looking all kinds of awesome with his flaming sword of flames (BURN STUFF!!!). But didn't buy the sets when I had the chance. I only have Gali Mata. If I could I'd travel back in time and find my 10-11 old self buying her B-Day gifts with mum, I'd totally convince myself to buy those awesome robots instead of that lame toy-baby.


    Though, my first set I've ever had was Gahlok I think. Or a Nuhvok. Maybe both. Though this got me nostalgic. I think I've already found a Tahu Mata somewhere looking for a new home.

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