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Posts posted by Stroxx

  1. Zamor Spheres basically have their own time-space wormhole wich they disappear into. I think most them save for a few one and the ones from the combiner already escaped into a far far away galaxy. Some squids too probably, but I'm not quite sure how many squids we usually have in one canister and I only have Takadox unfortunately.


    And out of the 6 shadow leeches I think one made a run for it too. Might be hiding in that dark corner I never check or my rats already executed it. Poor thing.

  2. Oh, this siriously gave me the giggles. Captain Antartica and the Doctor are just fabolously cute. I totally could hear him just sing out aloud his song :D Promise me that you'll keep your photo comic going. It makes me feel so nostalgic. =)

  3. I really like how I don't have to squint at the characters and the story is nice too. When duing colored bgs it might help using some more pastelly colours to balance it with the characters. Still it looks nice. =)

  4. I cannot sufficiently describe the joy that has consumed by heart. Really looking forward to seeing this here! :D

    Hey! Good see you around these parts too! Glad you already like it. :D I'll try to be as frequent with updates as much as possible, though pages might arrive here in a bit slower pace. X)

  5. YES! Now I don't have to use that Lord Voldetube joke anymore. XD


    Favourite post. XD But yeah, pretty much sums up how I felt about that policy.


    Been giving me a lot of headache that I would have had to change the watermark containing my DA adress on at least a dozen pre-drawn pages. 8D Not like it would have been that much work, but my PS for some odd reason refuses to be abe to write texts, wich makes title (and in another instance speechbubble) writing a horrifically tedious job.


    I myself don't mind the pop-up. Actually I like it. Very good protection against spam-crusades. Also, lets hope it really does bring back some members.

  6. So, let's do something out of the box. This is going to be an enterily handdrawn comic, with Makuta (the species) being one of it's main focus! I've been trying to pull together something like this for years, but I only got around doing it only recently. Some of the first pages are going to look a bit wonky, because they have been revised directly from their old work file, but I hope you're going to enjoy the ride nontheless. :D


    Diaries of Destral

    As the title suggests, and mentioned before, this is going to be a mainly Makuta focus comic. The setting is directly a few days before the ending of the Metru Nui civil war, when our good, venerable Teridax is dispatched to the city island to finally solve a 400 years old problem.


    Chapter 01 - Angry Fish:

    Makuta Sethuldur, after his apprentice has been abducted by his latest catch, he sets out to save the wayward Toa of Gravity from his rather... erhm.. angry prey.






    ]Main Cover | Prolouge Cover | Chapter 01 |

    Prolouge: Page 01 | Page 02 | Page 03 | Page 04 | Page 05 | Page 06 || Chapter 01  : Page 01 | Page 02 | Page 03 | Page 04 | Page 05 | Page 06 | Page 07 |  Page  08 | Page 09 | Page 10 | Page 11 | Page 12 | Page 13 | Page 14 | Page 15 | Oct.28th! |


    2015-10-21 Edit: Next page up! Next week: FINALLY FIGHT! Someone's gonna have a bad time! Can Seth get Traqq out in time?




    With clickable links! YAY!



    The Story so far

    These icons will be clickable very soon! =)




    Ironically, our story starts waaaaay down south from the city, at the islandic region of the Twin Gates, where things are dull and peacful usually. Aside from the seasonal super-storms that lay waste to the region every half a year or so. The Matoran population of this forsaken parts of the Domes are strewn across a myriad of tropical islands in villages with only a dwindling number of barely two dozen Toa patrolling on the unpredictable waves and shelves of the ocean on their makeshift boats. Most of these Toa are barely a few seasons old in their office as the frequent storm and other natural elements easily puts a dent on their numbers. Such is like Traqq, the fresh Toa of Gravity, who has joined on a fishing trip with the ever-so adventurous Makuta Sethuldur who often pays a visit to the region, enjoying the hectic nature of the weather and occasionally helping out the ordinary and welcoming people that endure it.

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  7. So, it really has been quite some while since I really posted here anything and I have to make a few amends too (me being the lazy Maha I am). I also want to apologise for never making for that calendar project I promised to contribute to. I have the actual half-done pic on my hard-drive for it and I promise to make it into at least a nice wallpaper of it's own.


    But in the mean time, I hope you'll like the noms on my entry untill come around with some new stuff. The masohistic last-minute gal I'm, I just couldn't bear the sight that there are so few entries for this contest and I still had a few days until the deadline. So there I go dropping whatever comic I was working on and jumped at the opportunity of pulling out something nice as quick as possible with a nasty monster in it. And Helryx. And Johmak. And Tobduk. And Jebraz. He is there too somewhere. At least I think so...


    NOTE 2013-08-15: Only adjusted levels on the entry to make it a bit more brighter and visible, nothing else.




    As always, comments and crits are welcome. Hope you guys enjoy the pic. =)

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  8. Nice work!I love the water effect, it looks really cool. :biggrin:However, I think the picture should be brighter. It worked on your Makuta pic, and added a lot to the feel. On this one though, it makes it hard to see what's going on. I can't see where her legs end, and her torso looks messy from lack of detail.Overall a very good piece, just a little too dark.

    Wow, you're fast :D The pic's darkness here is intended, though it doesn't help the issue, that my monitor is overly bright. I've been trying to balance this out somewhat lately on more recent pictures. I might adjust this ones brightness a bit, but I'm afraid that it would ruin that nice gloominess and them light effects. o_____o
  9. 91a9d6101958bc43e0090cba07a7a95a-d3k9yaw

    I've recently made this pic a few months ago (if I can recall it correctly). Took me quite a while before finishing it, especially because I have no idea how I exactly made it. Really, I was just totally experimenting on it, but anyboo. Helryx is one of my all time favourites, and since she doesn't get enough love I decided to whip up something how she might look like. :D And water Toa are cool. They could literally own anybody with only a spoonful water. Just think about~ high pressure cutting machines are using WATER to cut stuff. (And no, I have no idea what's on the other side of the shield :) )And as always, constructive criticism is always welcome, though picky 'peoplez' will be handed pickles. Love you guys and enjoy the pic. :baaa:Note: I have posted this pic elsewhere too. Oyee is my other alias I usually use to sign my pics. Made with CS3, love and delicious cakes.

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  10. The 1st ShadowThen it certainly is resolution problem. Nothing wrong with your computer, though you might have to scale down your monitor resolution temporarly a bit to make out the pic easier. It usually works for me. =)Chi Keeper Cho Voxumo-ChanI'm not quite sure. I tend to make up random stuff when sketching up a generally settled character so it would fit him.Most of his brethren call it the mask of imbicility (well, at least those who are generally irritated by him). Otherwise he doesn't really have an idea (neither he is bothered by it) and he acts it up a bit too. Aaand I'm not sure if I want to let it on yet. :D I have some plaaans. °u°

  11. Woah. Just WOAH! 0:58 is really powerful. 8D This really does sound more wellrounded. Really, I don't think the mislap is noticable at all. It's just. Powerfull. It's like that single malt whisky mum likes drink on holidays. Wellrounded and lingers. 8D

  12. As by now it has been generally discussed that it should be CGI. Obviously the only choice. Though I'm not sure if it really needs reallife scenery. That could be just plus budget if it's not just reconstructed in 3D and generally be more trouble. Even Mr.Cameron's Avatar's jungel scenes with the navii were completely made in CGI (and actors additionally filmed in one big empty studio prepped up just for green/blue screen) so it can be pulled off in one room filled with a lot of good people virtually (a mediocre animator studio usually has about 20 or so people only for inbetweenings - and that's not talking about character animators and keyframers or the guys mixing up all the sweet sounds and probably post production too [cutting, mixing ecetera]).Though the biggest problem of such a film would be, nay it already is how to reach a generally WIDE audience with the story without adding too alien/external elemants such as humans.I believe the use of human characters are only proposed by most filming studios because the human is the most easiest relating point for a COMPLETELY new wiever. Because a film only survives if it can be EASILY related to by a wide variety of people. If there is someone whom the audience easily can relate to even the film director has an easier time building up the story inside the audience. Because a film only lives inside the head of the weiver, put together and solved by him - only guided by the hints the director puts in the film. And this leads us to the general first problem that it needs a really good and clever animation film director, who is a Bionicle nerd himself too, or can crazily relate to Bionicle.The other thing that hinders such a production is recognition as I said before. And let's face it, a robot, even if it has a human-like face not that well-known, and probably it's the big screen they'are first seen on is hard to relate to by the general citizen growing up on all that cheap stuff they broadcast in television nowadays. The only way to help that without adding a human in the story is marketing. And a good marketing isn't that cheap. LEGO probably has the money to do that, but they need someone who lives in the filming vein, eats and drinks and dreams filming, and knows where to throw all the commercial-stuff to get the right amount of people with a generally acceptable budget.As it has been stated somewhere circa 1 or 2 years ago, Bionicle has only been put aside, not completely dropped of the table. The best way to get the theatrical attention the way we would like it with the film that would generally appease Bionicle fans and complete strangers too is to grow into such a community who could make it real. I have already seen some really awesome goes at it and I know that with people like here on BZP it could be pulled off. And I'm going to chew off my hands if there isn't some LEGO staff keeping their thumbs on us.Woow.. that's some lengthy post..

  13. Mmmmh. I'd sooooo 'tween and key this baby (that's animator slang peeps, not some wierd wooing ritual 8D) if my computer were more of a monster and had a 3D program. 8D Even though I find his legs a tad bit 'blocky"/compact... wait... no... should have checked the partial rig too. Though he looks a bit fat from front it really looks like that's going to heal when he starts moving. Still. So sweet. I really hope you bone legs down from the hips and not up from the feet. 8D

  14. FrozenFlashDark backround is dark. But hey! Thanks! :DEekoI'm happy you're happy. :DIt also lifts my heart that you find the lightning to your appeal, though this Makuta is before the Metru Nui Civil War wich is way before Teridax's betrayal, so it's hardly pure shadow energy. But ehrrr... I'unno. It's glowy anyway.I remember Vezok's Friend from the old forums, I used to like what he/she arted around. =) Though the General Arts section doesn't seem to have more than 1 page on my browser. Could you link me one of his/her threads? :DTrueshadowX01Aww shacks, thanks. I guess it's sticks and rocks then. I love Mr.Bay-Boo's japanese CGI guys to bits. The only comptetent people in his staff besides his shooters and stage-hands in my opinion. Also, on a side note:sethie02-lores.jpgChi Keeper Cho Voxumo-ChanHmm, yummy, good long compliments. Feeds my dark intents just well. I wasn't quite aiming for nightmare-fuel (though it was kind of implemented anyway), but definitely for elegant.As of the lighthearted part, I understand your view of perception, but I could have told you guys too that he was an aspect of butterfly and pies who likes to prance around in flowery fields being all Fluttershy-ish. But as long as I don't show him in a deliberate context and show his interactions in character with other characters kind of makes my statement nonexistent (wich happily brings me to the conclusion that I need to draw him more). Remember my friend, we can always put Draco Malfoy in leather pants and make Ron Weasly into a green skinned Deatheater (as it has been proven by several fanfictions in that other fandom).And smelt yeah, front pictures. Definitely something I'd scratch in the close future.The 1st ShadowWhat I gather from your post that the pose is most likely hard to make out. Does your computer show the pic in a smaller resolution or is it overly dark/light? Because he is just leaning forward dipping his head forward.

  15. Oh I so omnomnomed these on the old forums it's so good to see you here again. As always ou'standing. It generally baffles how you manage to produce all those curves, without getting all that paper mashed into a gooish glued mass. :DI also second the thought that you should post the old ones too and post some pdf files for it, 8D

  16. Oh, hey, good see this one again. I'm still in love with it. I really do love how all those lego pieces come together so 'organically', and generally stand together making the figure believeable. I hope there is more where this came from. :DAlso, pruple for the win!

  17. An older OC of mine. I've posted him on the previous board and guessed it would be a nice start on the new one too. Please read description below, might contain additional info too.




    Though I consider this pic a bit old now. This rendition of Seth is prior to the Matoran Civil War. A loyal supporter of Leader Miserix and a rather potent agent of the Brotherhood, though some of his brethren hardly take him seriously for his lighthearted, more "naiive" behaviour (simply putting it: cocky, brattish). A well rounded warrior aswell, mainly specializing in spears and other... long weapons.I used Photoshop CS3 for this pic. It took roughly 4 hours to draw. 'Oyee' is my other alias I usually use to sign my pics.Also, constructive criticism is always welcome, though picky 'peoplez' will be handed pickles. Love you guys and enjoy the pic. :baaa:

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