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Status Updates posted by MetaStriker

  1. I updated my bio even though absolutely no one will read it. Am I really at that stage of quarantine?

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      I'm absolutely no one so... XD

  2. The last time I visited before today was December 20, 2020. But fear not, Stynth is here!

    That's what most people know me as on the Internet these days, but I don't feel the need to change my username here because I'm seldom active here.

    I hope everyone on BZP is doing well and still finding ways to talk about BIONICLEs. I found ways to write about marbles of all things, and if I can do that then you can keep the BIONICLE fiction going.

    Feel free to check out what I've been up to lately at https://projectmarblearth.wordpress.com/. Keep on rolling!

  3. "I also like listening to some video game music....which I guess can be put under the "weird" category as well" nonono Zelda music is awesome not weird

  4. “All right, guys. Make your final statements now.” “Okay. In short, don’t get the Wii U: I’m not on it.” “Don’t beep get it, unless you bleep want to see Captain beep Falcon crash his beep blue falcon in the fourth beep wall.” “Get it if you’re tired of these two complaining that they’re not on it.” “Don’t get it unless you want to see Falcon crash his blue falcon in your TV screen.” “Buy it in 2014 when the awesome new Zelda comes out.” “Sonic says: Buy it to see some awesome racing in Sonic...

    1. MetaStriker


      i just thought this needed to be brought back

      it's 2016 and we still don't know when Breath of the Wild is releasing in 2017

  5. |MetaStriker Productions| Short Slew of Announcements: The new title for the entire series has officially been decided. Production of The Hero Tahu has advanced, but research papers suck. Still slated for a December release.

  6. A lot of partings over the past few days. While I won't be leaving for a good while, shoutout to Voltex and MT Zehvor for being great friends and inspirations. Good luck in wherever life leads you, and don't forget all about us here on BZP :)

  7. also, I've changed my name to the name that I normally use on the Internet these days. Make sure to check out my blog and video channels as well!

  8. Chapter 10 and the Epilogue of Tahu's Consequence are up!! Season 3 is coming...sometime, but for now, why not catch up on what you missed? http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/24356-tahus-consequence/?do=findComment&comment=1130386

    1. MetaStriker


      Also, stay tuned for a special something else...coming very, very soon :)

  9. Chapter 3: Enflamed, of Tahu's Transport is up!!!

  10. Chapter 4: Parting is up!

  11. Check out my blog and choose a name for the remake comedy!! http://www.bzpower.com/board/blog/1909/entry-137549-name-a-comedy/

  12. Check out my blog at skywardstriker16.blogspot.com for a good time.

  13. Decided to combine the old and new screen names and I guess it works out pretty okay-ly.

    1. Meta-Mind


      gotta love it when things work out that way.


      [then again this is coming from the guy who hasn't changed screen names on any site in 5ever, so take with a grain of salt]

  14. Fight me...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Meta-Mind


      Victory... is my destiny...

    3. FrozenFlash


      "Come back again when you can put up a fight."

    4. MetaStriker


      Best quotes ever.

  15. Finally back for break!! The Hero Tahu still slated for this month. Very excited for it :)

  16. finally...my new profile pic makes sense again.

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