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Posts posted by PooZy

  1. The savage chunk of oozing flesh sat in a decaying glade, surrounded by a shroud of mechanical insects. Blood leaked endlessly from the unrecognisable mess of veins, muscle and gristle. Three spires of bone protruded from the rotting meat, they were stained a pinkish grey. Its foul odour forced the hunter to wince. He pushed his shiny black body further down into the undergrowth that he had wrapped himself in. His face was scratched and shattered from a life-time of misuse, yet his luminous blue eyes shone through with a youthful vigour.Cautiously, a large green animal poked its horned head from the dense forest walls surrounding the glade. Its red eyes gleamed with a frantic excitement, and its sideways jaws began to whir with the thought of a new meal. Slowly treading from the trees and shrubs, the rest of the animals body was revealed. It had long arms that ended in a wicked blade like a Prey Mantis, a crown of four elegantly curved spines rested on its armoured back, ending with thick and powerful legs and a broad arched tail.The hunter sunk himself into the soil, his face intently set on the large beast mere meters before him. Achingly slowly, he reached for a long serrated knife at his side. He clasped its handle tightly. Arching his back and readying his legs, the hunter casually slipped into a pre-combat stance. His knife was held parallel to the ground.The monster relaxed and crept up to the rotting meat where it noisily chewed down gristle and flesh. The hunter saw his brief opportunity and pounced at a ferocious speed, long knife slashing violently at the startled creature. With near impossible speed the animal darted backwards, dodging the blade by no more than a hands width. It craned its head down and looked up at the hunter, emitting a loud oscillating growl. Without missing a beat the hunter corrected his position and thrust his blade into his prey's shoulder, only to have it deflected by the animal's tough hide. Pulling back on his weapon the serrated edges caught the skin and tore it open. The animal yelped and whipped the knife from the hunters hand with a quick tug. It lowered its head once again and growled... deeper and louder.In response, half a dozen more of the animals bounded in from the glade's borders. Now outmatched, the hunter span around and dived into the undergrowth behind himself. He crawled quickly to the tree line and righted himself, sprinting amongst the labyrinth of tree roots. The creatures erupted into a frenzy of chattering noises before separating into two groups and climbing into the tall trees. They rushed through the network of canopies above the running hunter, managing to over take him as he struggled over a collapsed tree pillar. Releasing themselves from the trees they dropped weightily onto the soft earth in front of the hunter, surrounding his flanks and closing in hesitantly. Bowing his legs and raising his right arm to his side, the hunter grew a black three-pointed star from his hand. His eyes dimmed greatly and flickered from the effort. The creatures flinched in their advance, unsure as to the development of their situation. One of them leapt forward and was instantly tossed aside as the hunter span his new weapon at it. In an elegant movement the hunter bolted over the tree pillar again, rolling underneath it so that his body was hidden. The animals hummed anxiously but were confident once again as their fallen comrade twisted back onto its feet and howled with anger. Working in unison the beasts loaded their backs against the log and heaved at it. It began to shift, rolling gradually onto its side. The hunter tensed underneath the log as it began to squash him into the soil. His metallic chest crumpled under the weight and his eyes dimmed so that they were only just visible against his black face. With one final surge of energy, the hunter ripped his spiked arm from the ground and sawed the log up the middle. Splinters filled the air and the creatures released the log as their view was obscured and the wood ripped apart. Groaning with pain the hunter turned his hand and pushed the weapon into the ground, as it span it pulled his damaged body from the crushing power of the fallen tree.One of the braver animals aimlessly ramped over the broken log through the dust-filled air and turned to face the hunter, lashing with its slicing claws. They caught the his face, scratching it once more. Before he had time to regroup his thoughts the creature pushed with its hind legs to lift its entire front from the ground, and tipping forwards it rammed the hunter into the log so that he was nailed by the crown of spikes on the creatures back. As the wood split the hunter's head flopped sideways and his eyes struggled to remain shining.Flexing his shoulders, he reached up with his hands. His eyes flickered on and off with the strain, but he finally clenched his face in his fists. He pulled, and with a shallow clunk it detached. Curious, the animal raised its head to meet with the hunter. Its eyes widened, and it began to battle with the log that its back was now glued to. Gathering his remaining energy the hunter turned around his severed face so that he looked into its eye-holes. The creature desperately fought with the bark of the tree, scraping the wood with its claws and eroding deep lacerations in the soil as it feverishly toiled. In a sharp forceful movement the hunter jammed his face onto the animal's head and its vast body shot back out of the tree as if it had been hit by an electric bolt. The hunter's eyes faded to almost nothing at all and his skin had peeled back over his body as result of the creatures brutal skirmish. The other beasts had now worked up the courage to hurdle the log and surrounded the hunter, but they did not attack. They gazed at their comrade as it writhed in vicious agony, its limbs clawing at the edges of the mask on its face. Then they gazed at the hunter. He was but a steel frame, stuffed with whirring gears and levers. A few patches of damaged skin remained draped over his mechanical body, and he swayed side to side - steadying himself against the log. The creatures screamed like a high-pitch siren and fled into the forest, leaving their fallen twitching friend lying in the dust. The hunter strolled up to it. It was lifeless and its flesh had sunken so that it looked like a simple skeleton with a rug thrown over the top. The hunter picked his face from the animal, which then flung itself back onto his head with a strong magnetism. In unison, the animal's skin bursted off the grey skeleton and wrapped around the hunter's limbs and body.His eyes glowed with a blinding white light.

  2. [...]

    Wow. Just... wow. I really like your art style, it looks great!The kraata-inspired piece fascinates me most. It seems so alive, and is wonderful in terms of execution too. I'm looking forward to seeing more from you in the future! :)

    Thanks, that means a lot to me. Recently I've been focussing on art for my school work so it lacks any bionicle orientation so I'm afraid I won't be posting that much in the near future :c.
    You're welcome ^_^ That's okay, I know that situation, for I've been encountering it myself...(I'll still keep your name in mind - you never know...) Reminds me, which programme are you using for your artwork?
    I was using photoimpact12. If you're asking because you'd like to try it out, don't. It's a really bad program for creating images from scratch. It's actually only meant as an image manipulator but It came free with my laptop so I had to bear with it.Nowadays I've been using physical means to create art so much that I fear I might lack skill with a mouse. Sad days :c
  3. Edit: PLEASE COMMENT I'm ashamed to say I tried posting this moc twice whilst I was a new member, I just hope they aren't in some moderation queue annoying the mods :} Anyway this is my moc: bb92.png Head close-up: http://www.majhost.c.../diablo/bb3.pngBack: http://www.majhost.c...iablo/bb992.pngCrossbow close up: http://www.majhost.c...iablo/bb994.pngPose 1: http://www.majhost.c.../diablo/bb6.pngKilling Tahu: http://www.majhost.c...diablo/bb91.pngPose 2: http://www.majhost.c...iablo/pose6.png Anyway onto the details: My moc features doubled up hips, articulated shoulders neck and waist. What I was going for here was a model that could occupy a variety of poses but maintain joint strength so it doesn't risk toppling.I've built this model very solidly, it's dense. Weighs a lot more than it looks like - but the bonus is that it doesn't break easily.It features a fully working crossbow that locks and fires. It can shoot the arrows stored on its other arm. By the way it is supposed to be blind, I didn't forget to give it eyes. Thanks for viewing my thread!

  4. Wow. These are amazing!The Kraata is my favorite, I've never seen one done like that before.I love the poses in the first two, they're very dynamic.I'd love to see more art by you!

    Thankyouz <3

    Wow. Just... wow. I really like your art style, it looks great!The kraata-inspired piece fascinates me most. It seems so alive, and is wonderful in terms of execution too. I'm looking forward to seeing more from you in the future! :)

    Thanks, that means a lot to me. Recently I've been focussing on art for my school work so it lacks any bionicle orientation so I'm afraid I won't be posting that much in the near future :c.
  5. Hai!I've only just joined BZP so all of this art is actually old by at least a year, but I never really got to show anybody so here they are: This is a toa inspired by an old moc I made. The actual moc looks bad, you don't want to see it. letssee4.png This one was done when I was 14/15 so excuse the awful cheesiness and quality. icechaser.jpg This was inspired by the kraata (I think they were called that) leech2small.png

  6. Awesome. I like the Lewa ones the best... something about the greeen...One thing I don't like though is with the tahu banner where it's really dark and you can hardly see Mister Toa himself - the actual editing is good apart from that I can barely see it.

  7. I'm new here so excuse this.I was just wondering why every thread has to be approved first. I'm sure the reason is to stop spam, is that a large problem on this site? I just feel like it slows the forum down especially with so many active members. I just posted my first thread twice because I didn't realise it needed to be approved before it appeared. :C Thanks for your patience with Mr. Newbie.

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