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a goose

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Blog Entries posted by a goose

  1. a goose
    alternative title: i literally only make these (heck, literally only change my name) to find out what people here like the things i like
    i'm guessing it'll be a lot for this one
    - Ramona Flowers
  2. a goose
    hi bzp
    there are probably some people who know me from when i was more often around here, and i felt like making this post to catch the world up on what's been happening while i've been away
    as of honestly only really yesterday, i have gotten out of an extremely unhealthy situation in a relationship i'd been in for almost six months, so imma say some things about myself that i was discouraged from saying and acknowledging there as a release and enjoyment of the freedom i've now found and a kind of reintroduction for those who know me, and i guess a whole new introduction to those who don't
    my name is sam
    i am genderfluid and demibisexual
    and if this site makes me feel good then i'm allowed to hang around here, because my decisions are my own to make
    see y'all around
    - Indigo Individual
  3. a goose
    alternative title: This Is Primarily For My Own Benefit And The Recordings Aren't Of A Particularly High Quality (Although I'd Like To Think The Piano Is Good), But I Would Like To Share It With Anyone Interested
    (left like that because i know i can't click blog links at the very least)
    so yeah
    this is primarily for my own benefit, and the recordings aren't of a particularly high quality (although i'd like to think the piano is good), but i would like to share it with anyone interested
    i play the piano and i've been recording some stuff and putting it on my soundcloud account, and i'll probably be updating it pretty much weekly (usually on tuesdays)
    that's my soundcloud up there
    y'all can listen to it if you like, i guess?
    - Indigo Individual
  4. a goose
    Considering entering, but wondering whether it's worthwhile this late? I don't exactly have a great deal of substance at the moment (a 870-word prologue for a novel that doesn't yet have a title), but I'm still interested in participating. Any advice?
    - Indigo Individual
  5. a goose
    - Indigo Individual
    EDIT: post bumped because i realise that i really messed up in my wording here and i've added a comment that explains what i was actually trying to say
    apologies, i'll try to be clearer in the future
  6. a goose
    i did actually rewatch lilo & stitch
    can we all just take a moment to mention how bloody sad that film was?
    my god
    i went into that with bunsen-burner coppercoin jokes and i left in tears
    was that a kid's movie
    who made that a kid's movie
    who thought 'oh yeah kids should enjoy this incredibly sad story'
    i watch disney movies for white people who are sad because of magic
    i was not ready for this
    - Indigo Individual
  7. a goose
    so has anyone else noticed that moffat introduced a boyfriend for clara right before she's meant to be leaving?
    because, you know, companions can't just leave the TARDIS on their own, it has to be because of a man, to think otherwise would be silly
    also, danny
    i really want to like him, guys
    i really do
    can he just be a nice guy
    why can't he be nicer
    why is he threatening clara with ending their very forced relationship if she won't tell him the intimacies of her travels with the doctor
    also 'what other kind of love is there' oh my god what
    doctor pls stop insulting clara, it's not funny, it's not sassy, it's mean
    there is a generation of little boys growing up thinking that's appropriate and it's not, just the same as judging by the interwebs there's a generation of little girls growing up thinking that the doctor wouldn't like them because they're 'fat' or their eyes are too big
    can we acknowledge how problematic this is
    in fact can people contribute some more issues so that we can make sure we're covering all bases
    i want a master reference post for everything that's wrong with it right now so that we can come back later and be like
    'oh we were so young and innocent'
    'we had no idea how much worse this was going to get'
    extra stuff like: female antagonists have to have black suits and red lipstick and updos and whenever they need a 'cheeky' child actor they choose a black girl and also the general treatment of PoC characters in this
    also the doctor is being so mean like what
    - Indigo Individual
  8. a goose
    wow i'm blogging so much
    this is what happens when i don't go out and socialise on saturdays, i guess
    but yeah, any Fringe fans around here? i could've sworn i saw the name being thrown around somewhere on the blogs at some point, and i'd be interested in talking to any of y'all that watch it/have watched it 'cause it's a pretty cool show
    - Indigo Individual
  9. a goose
    ...preferring not to use capitalisation in my posts here unless it's, like, srs talk, i dunno
    like, everyone else has all the grammar things and that's pretty cool, but sometimes i can't help but wonder if the fact that the rest of this site doesn't adopt quite as conversational a tone means that every now and then people look at the stuff i write and are like 'god that guy looks silly, not doing the grammar thing'
    is that a thing? am i, like, unintentionally breaking an unspoken law of bzp?
    ...am i breaking a spoken law of bzp? is that a rule somewhere? it's been ages since i read those tbh
    but yeah, more importantly, i kinda wonder if that's something that comes across as unusual compared to errybody else, and the way in which it comes across as unusual if so
    - Indigo Individual
  10. a goose
    some day, i will use this blog for something that isn't a huge personal reveal or a comment on my latest name
    in the meantime, seth gabel's beard

    have fun sleeping tonight, kids
    - Indigo Individual
  11. a goose
    bought The Dying Of The Light today
    i'm excited but also so, so sad that this series is ending, having followed it since it began, and seeing as it's been going since 2007 and I'm 16, that's darn near half my life
    - Indigo Individual
  12. a goose
    Yeah. Pokémon Black & White are, apart from the exp. system and unfortunate distribution of Pokémon, the best games. N is also the best character, possibly by virtue of being the only person so far in the series who was actually developed enough to be considered a character.
    woo controversy LET'S ROLL
    - Indigo Individual
  13. a goose
    scenester swag yo
    ask stuff if you feel that way inclined, this is primarily just so that i can say that i did this so long after it was cool that i'm doing it before it next becomes cool
    it's the only way to retain hipster cred in this economy
    - slawwwwwwwth
  14. a goose
    i decided to check out what this whole 'steam sale' thing was about now that i have a laptop that can play games
    ...yeah (full names because even though shorter names work, why not)
    Assassin's Creed
    Assassin's Creed II
    Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
    Bioshock 2
    Bioshock Infinite
    Borderlands 2
    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
    Mirror's Edge
    Year Walk
    if anyone is reading this and doesn't have it they should get year walk, sale or no sale
    it's still v. cheap and it's a gorgeous game
    - slawwwwwwwth
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