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The Lonesome Wanderer

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Status Updates posted by The Lonesome Wanderer

  1. Getting SD Gundam Capsule Fighter without knowing anything about gundam besides 'Giant robots''

  2. Getting SD Gundam Capsule Fighter without knowing anything about gundam besides 'Giant robots''

  3. Gonna read Dune and some more Ender Saga over the holiday

  4. Got Icewind Dale II for freeeeee! :D

  5. Gundam 00: ERMAHGERD SO AWSOME!

  6. highly anticipating beyblade world championship

  7. I GOT A COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I GOT A COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I got lost/To find myself

  10. I have a store with Gunpla and Gundam action figures. To be a fanboy or not to be a fanboy....



      yesssss those toys are VERY cool B)

  11. I just got KOTOR. 13 years late. xD

  12. I need to be filled in on the BZPRPG since August

  13. I saw hunger games. EPIC

  14. Infra Arcana is an amazing game. And it is also very hard xD

  15. Infra Arcana's Insanity Mechanic: My character is regaining his composure by killing things, because going insane gave him the 'Sadistic' skill........ WhatamIevenplayingIhavenoideaanymore

  16. It's summer time and I have nothing to do :(

  17. Just finished watching Yogscast Hannah play the 400 Days. It seems just as good as the original Walking Dead. But without Clem ;_;

    1. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      agreed hard


      can't wait until "season two" is released, if only for Hannah's playthrough.

  18. just saw THE AVENGERS. awsome movie.

  19. Logfella didn't dig grim mysteries, so he chose to go home & chop wood

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