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The Lonesome Wanderer

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Posts posted by The Lonesome Wanderer

  1. IC:Kitane

    Weapons huh?

    Alright then.

    Let's see here...

    Longsword, Bow, Trident, Hooks, Shortsw-



    If I attach the hooks to strong wire, then I could create a grapple.

    I'll just grab the hooks for now.

  2. IC: Gunzer-001


    I'm sitting here, in a blank room, with absolutly nothing to focus on. They're trying to test how I respond to a lack of information.



    I can't access most of my systems, I can't shut down, I can't move.




    I think that I have come to understand the concept of 'Boredom' that the humans dispised so much.

    I have to agree with them.

  3. OOC: ...Now I'm thinking that there should be a plot to create a Technological Singularity AKA A robot that thinks like a human.

    Until then, more testing out Gunzer-001s systems.



    So, this body is pretty durable. And strong! Well, now to keep practicing using this body.

  4. IC: Gunzer-001

    Huh, so this body may take a lot of getting used to...

    For one thing, it's hard to operate these limbs.. I'm just not use to running the calculations.

    But I'm learning, and soon, I'll be able to go to the front lines and attack the bridge.

    And then I'll destroy them all.

  5. IC: Gunzer-001

    ..loading new OS..




    ..downloading memory..




    Huh. This is.. strange. I appear to have a fairly developed conciousness in this new body.

    "Attention Gunzer-001. The testing on your OS has been completed. As a result, you have had all restraining software removed, as to increase your performance."

    "Please proceed to practice the functions of your OS over the next few weeks."

    "Your suit has also been altered. More details on that shall be presented later."

    The speaker goes silent, and I look around the room. It looks like all of the other robot-testing labs on this part of the mountain. Which is to say, completly void of features, except for whatever tests are sent in.


    Well, I guess I better get used to this new body and OS.


    OOC: Guessing that the edit's may need to be approved:


    Updated appearence: Looks like a Devastator, but with arm plates with the word 'Gunzer' writen on them.

    Suit Update: Now with better sensors, to detect enemies and allow a pilot to see in a full 360. These sensors can be plugged into the Gunzer's own internal motherboard, to allow the Gunzer-0001 to see through them, instead of looking out it's own eyes. However, overuse of this function can cause the Gunzer to crash.

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