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Status Updates posted by Kopekemaster

  1. Eyyy what you doin' lookin' at my profile

  2. Runescape is ok, I guess.

  3. die young and save yourself

  4. Welc welc welcome omeome to moons idemoo nside

  5. vote +1 for this to be renamed bionicle month

  6. What is the area of tastiness of a torus formed of flour, sugar, water, and oil, given by the equation r=sin(theta) and rotated around the polar axis?

  7. Hurray! You finally released a collection of songs you have done!

  8. My life has been somewhat hectic recently, so I will probably not be on here very often for a little while.

  9. ANOTHER pic change AND a name change?!?!?!?!? AAAAAUUUUUGHHHHHH

  10. The Cell Phone Pencil of '3067.

  11. hey hey hey, mr. hangman

  12. wow. maps. such grave. much death.

  13. About to watch The Angels Take Manhattan.

  14. Goin' back to the old Trickster Roxy avatar.

  15. arc y u name change


  17. How did I get 400 posts so quickly? The world may never know.

  18. woo boy 5 year anniversary coming up soon here

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