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Posts posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Glass


    Glass caught sight of Rail's kick a second before he was blinded by the sand. Reacting blindly, he charged forward and swung his staff in an arc ahead of him. Having kicked the sand, Rail would be off-balance and in no shape to move for the duration of Glass swing. He hoped the blow would connect.

  2. IC: Glass


    Rail's somersault caught Glass off-guard, and as he turned, Rail was already levelling a crossbow. He twisted to the side, shrinking his profile, and the crossbow bolt hit his front armour at a shallow angle.


    The ringing of metal on metal still in his aural receptors, Glass shifted back into attack position and took a quick steps forward, thrusting his electrified staff forward in short, darting strikes.

  3. IC: Glass


    Giving an imperceptible nod, Glass darted forward and stabbed forward, using his weapon's reach against Rail's Claws as his advantage.

  4. IC: Glass


    "Hey, what's up?"


    That's the best you can do?


    It's not that easy.



    Hush now.

    Glass mentally quietened the voices. Now wasn't the time. Adopting a guard position, he started to circle his opponent, Chain Lightning flickering at his fingertips, ready to launch out through the staff.

  5. IC: Glass


    The Chain Lightning Rahk stepped up to the aforementioned platform, he couldn't help but start to get excited. The thrill of battle...


    Since when has that been thing for us? It's... Weird that I'm feeling it.


    Shh, just let go and enjoy it.


    Glass pulled out his main staff, his macuahuitl Terrortooth resting dormant on his hip.


    "So who's this Rail?"

  6. IC: Hassan


    The pilot looked on with amazement at the Mech. He hadn't realised that the Jinn had sclerosis before Gwen had worked her magic on it. Hopping into the cockpit, a quick diagnostics scan showed zero damages remaining, and revealed that almost every function had been tuned to optimum performance.


    "Wow, this is... It's incredible! Your well-earned reputation doesn't do you justice," Hassan said after turning off the Mecha.


    "That sim competition sounds like a of a place to stretch the old boy out again."


    His stomach started to grumble.



  7. IC:


    "Socket wrench and a soldering iron, if you wouldn't mind," was Gwen's battlecry, one grasping hand bursting forth from the hole she had made for herself in the mech.



    IC: Hassan

    The soldering iron was easy to find, and it disappeared along with Gwen's hand into the belly of the Jinn. A socket wrench was surprisingly difficult to pick apart from the nuts and bolts on the floor, but Hassan finally realised there was one in the toolbox the mechanic left behind.

  8. IC:


    "Well, you've still got weapons on-line. So I guess you still have a weapons emplacement that you can wheel out for battle. " Gwen said, suddenly hanging upside-down from the entrance to the cockpit. "But considering you're probably looking for a little more mobility, I can probably fix it up for you. Pretty sure the last guy just put everything in backwards."



    IC: Hassan


    "Yeah, that's what I feared, with all the flashing warning signs appearing on the HUD.


    As Gwen dove back into the machine, Hassan looked around at the growing heap of components on the ground. Despite the increasing entropy of the area, he still suggested:


    "If you need me to pass you anything, I'm happy to help."

  9. IC: Glass


    Glass paused for a second.


    "You're right that I've been keeping low lately, though not on any conscious decision on my part. As to returning to attention..."


    Glass wasn't sure.


    "I just wanted to stretch my legs, so to speak. I've been out of combat for too long."


    Should we ask for his opinion on the students that escaped the school, since you're thinking of joining them...


    Not a sensible idea. We don't know how he feels towards the school, at least, not yet.

  10. IC: Hassan


    Dodging the flying components, he answered, "Mostly the joints in the limbs, like the servos, as well as the wires that were running from it to the main computer."


    As he didged another projectile, Hassan hoped Gwen didn't toss anything too vital out.

  11. IC:


    "I'm fiiiiiiiiiine," Gwen assured Hassan, airily waving her hand. "Sleep is for wusses, anyway. Fixing mechs is where it's at now! So, lead the way, my bro!"



    IC: Hassan - Hangar


    Hassan smiled a little, glad to see the hyperactive pilot remain enthusiastic in spite of all that had happened.


    He led Gwen to the Jinn. The visor-like face stared out from the dim lights in this section of the hangar. The maintenance ladder was still open and leaning against the machine, clearly indicating the previous mechanic's sloppiness.


    "Well, here we are."

  12. IC: Hassan


    "Have you been getting enough sleep? You look more... Frazzled than usual."


    Hassan wondered if a kebab would help things.


    Of course it will! It's just a matter of what type it is.

  13. IC: Gwen

    IC: Hassan


    "Hey Gwen!"


    The Levantine pilot jogged towards the engineer, her face now covered in soot.


    "Could you give the Jinn a once-over? I don't trust the other mechanics. The one that patched 'im up forgot to wire some, or all, of the servos. He's not walking right and big scary red screens are lighting up all over the cockpit," he shrugged helplessly.

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