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Posts posted by NorikSigma

  1. IC: Natalie - Canteen


    The Frenchwoman sat in the canteen eating a burrito.


    IC: Hassan - Hallways of the Horizon Garrison


    Having left the two women to their conversation, Hassan headed towards the bunks to catch some shut-eye.


    OOC: Natalie and Hassan open for interaction.

  2. IC: Greisk(Toros)/Cyrena


    Although she had tried to hide it, Greisk could sense the knot of tension within Cyrena unwind and deflate as Oreius accepted Eisen's offer.


    The mute watched as the duellists took up position. For all of Eisen's skill, Greisk simply couldn't see him winning this. Oreius was a Maru, who defeated the Makuta, and heir to the power of the First Toa.


    He couldn't say that he felt bad for the Nightfall if one of their own died.


    IC: Lunefeld


    Lunefeld gave a small bow upon hearing Hakann's orders. Truth be told, Lunefeld was not reassured that he would be able to kill Oreius should he live. Fortunately, he was sure that there would be no need for that.


    Despite the Ta-Toa's power and abilities, Eisen was a formidable duelist in his own right, and with the Crast, it gave the Fe-Toa an edge over Oreius' potent but known abilities.

  3. IC: Hassan


    The contrast between the tall and charming Brightbridge and the fiery petite Koizumi, in both physical form and current mental state, was truly astounding. One was thoroughly relishing the direction the conversation was going, while the other was only able to twitch in response. Hassan was fully expecting them to mutually annihilate the moment Brightbridge laid a shapely hand on her new co-pilot.


    Maybe I should stand back all the same, he thought, as he observed Koizumi's... thoroughly flummoxed, expression.

  4. IC: Lunefeld

    Now isn't this just interesting.


    With the sudden appearance of Oreius, Sylus was supposed to be escorted out of the Citadel to someplace safe, which was something Lunefeld was far from happy at. He wished to see the proceedings first-hand.


    Fortunately, Sylus was willing to stay and watch, so after letting him take position beside a sturdy pillar, Lunefeld left to join Hakann at his side.


    Silently, Lunefeld had to consciously stop himself from shivering as the temperature slowly dropped, every joule of heat energy drawn into Oreius' body. The fiery gaze of Oreius made it clear that his threat was far from empty.


    What a way to go.


    Lunefeld's hand strayed to his weapon.

  5. IC: Greisk/Toros, Cyrena


    At Agrona's command, Greisk immediately turned back and ran towards the aforementioned Nightfall members.


    Stunned doesn't quite cover what I'm feeling right now.


    Greisk didn't answer. He reached the pair and immediately signalled, Emergency. Come now.


    Even if Rorg and Karnakie didn't learn sign language, the worry in Greisk's face and the anxiety in his signals tipped them off.


    The mute Toa followed Rorg and Karnakie as they headed back towards Agrona. And there he was.


    Oreius. ######. Maru.


    Greisk resumed his place beside Agrona, silently removing his Escrimas from his hip. The new Glaives he had been given were sitting in his quarters, and they would have to wait.


    IC: Pae - Ko-Koro - Abandoned Hut


    "Who's our target?" Pae asked simply.


    IC: Agrona - Ko-Koro - The Citadel


    After the two Piraka left, I let out a sigh.


    "Their pretentiousness will cause me to take my own life before any Maru kills me," I said through a half-closed mouth. With a small shaking of my head, I stepped away from Karnakie and Rorg, "Now to inspect Ambages' corpse before he freezes over in this icy ######."


    I wrapped my cloak more tightly around my body, musing a little over the idea of taking Le-Koro or even Po-Koro instead of Ko-Koro.



    IC: Greisk/Toros, Cyrena


    Greisk exited the autopsy building, making his way back to the Citadel. Returning the way he came, he saw that the group of guards that were roughing up refugees had left, leaving behind a single corpse, a young Matoran with a large wound through their chest, and two others sobbing over the body.


    The Toa could feel the rage of his Anxilia bubbling up inside his head.




    This is what you wanted, wasn't it? For some reason, your own skin is worth... worth that.


    Would my death have forestalled any of this? Would your-


    Enough. Let's just get the out of here.


    Greisk continued onward.


    They finally reached the Citadel. His footsteps echoed throughout the empty hallways, the sound reflecting back into his ears and his soul.


    He found Agrona waiting.


    The body is ready for dissection, he signaled.

  7. IC Maigo:


    There was a pause, and some heavy breathing.


    The door to the simulator burst open, and an extremely frazzled looking Japanese woman stepped out, still breathing hard.


    "What do you want??!"

    IC: Hassan


    Taken aback, Hassan backpaddled hurriedly.


    "Woah woah, sorry. Am I interrupting something?"

  8. IC maigo:


    The fiery tempered pilot had decided at some point that moping wasn't going to do her any good, and instead was in one of the simulators, trying desperately to recreate the battle that had just occurred, in hopes of figuring out what she could to win.


    So far, she was at a staggering nine complete losses. And zero wins of any kind.


    Barely muffled screaming and swearing could be heard from within the Simulator.

    IC: Hassan


    Finishing up the meal, Hassan absent-mindedly ambled in the direction of the simulators. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had performed much more poorly in the Battle(having entered right at the end) than he should have.


    A good long stint in the simulator should do the trick...


    As he approached them, he heard a muffled string of expletives from the nearest one. When they finally stopped, he approached the simulator.


    "Um, hello?"

  9. IC: Natalie - Hangar


    The sounds of heavy machinery and shouted orders filled the hangar of the Horizon Federation Base as the mechanics rushed to repair the surviving AWs of the sudden attack.


    Natalie surveyed the scene from her AW, frustration boiling inside her. The attack was fast and brutal, leaving her no time to suit up or enter the baatle.


    And now I'm stuck fixing the Walkers...


    She sighed and jogged away from the hangar, hoping nobody noticed her leaving for the canteen.




    IC: Hassan -  Canteen


    Hassan was presently in the canteen snacking on a Souvlaki, calming his nerves. He had entered the battle late, but had a few close calls.


    ​OOC: Both characters open for interaction.

  10. Pre-approved by Krayzikk.




    Name: Natalie Adelaide Martell


    Age: 25


    Gender: Female


    Occupation: AW Pilot, E-3(Lance Corporal), engineer


    Appearance: Petite and mousy, Natalie tops out at five and a half feet, which makes the cockpit of an AW rather comfortable to move in. Her caramel hair is kept short for regulation reasons, and her stormy grey eyes give off the impression of a rather hard personality, which isn't entirely accurate.


    Equipment: FAW-007[G] Unit G-8, AW Pilot suit and helmet, standard sidearm and knife.


    Skills: AW Pilot, trained engineer


    Personality: Quiet and reserved, Natalie tends to keep to herself and her research on modern machinery. Nonetheless, she can be rather open and relaxed with those she considers friends, which are a rarity.


    Bio: Born into a poor family on the fringes of the Western European DMZ, Natalie had admired Arsenal Walkers and their pilots since a young age. Living in a small town near the unstable border, the sight of the gigantic sentinels that guarded, and occasionally entered battle for, Federation-controlled territory from bellicose rogue states filled Natalie with a desire to learn about the Arsenal Walkers and how they worked.


    To that end, she worked hard in school and managed to obtain entry into university, before joining up in the Federation Armed Forces, her engineering degree opening up an AW career. Following a rather average career for an AW pilot, she was promoted to E-3 and given her AW certification.


    Her first posting was back home near the border and she saw little action, simply patrolling the border and occasionally being attached to the rear echelons of a counter-attack in a wider battle. It seemed that garrison duty would constitute the rest of her career.


    However, a year into her tour of duty her home village was caught in one of these border skirmishes, and although most of her village survived the attack, her family was not among them.


    Finding it too painful to stay with the memories, she requested a transfer to a unit that was anywhere else but home. Natalie was transferred across the globe to another 'hot' zone and distinguished herself in battle with her zeal, bravery and willingness to charge into battle, drawing on her pent-up guilt and anger.


    However, her CO noted her almost self-destructive tendencies and, once the region was pacified, put in a transfer request for her to a safe and quiet garrison: Horizon.


    Although resistant at first, it has been a year since then, and Natalie has managed to settle into her new, more peaceful life. Time will tell of that situation will continue.




    Weakness: Although a trained soldier, Natalie is far from being proficient in hand-to-hand combat, nor is she particularly physically resilient. In addition, she is not the best in communication and is not proactive in excommunicating vital information in battle, usually focusing only on the fight she is in.





    Base Model: FAW-007[G]


    Designation: G-8 Valkyrie


    Appearance: Painted in teal and grey, it is the job of the Valkyrie to charge into the thick of battle as quickly as possible and stay in it for as long as possible, being more focussed on mêlée combat. As a result, it is more heavily-armoured than the standard Warrior, with additional armour plates layered over the areas most likely to get hit in battle and weak spots.


    In addition, the rear thrusters can be boosted to vastly increase the speed of the Valkyrie in order to be the first to engage hostiles. This is why the rear thrusters take on the shape of extended 'wings' or 'fins' in order to increase forward propulsion by narrowing the exit area of exiting gas.




    Tajcorp S-4b Ballistics Shield- Armed with a Federation Ballistics battle shield capable of stopping and deflecting the majority of small arms fire or average Arsenal Walker projectiles.


    Federation Ballistics K8(s)- The Valkyrie is also armed with a long vibroblade is the shape of a longsword. The sword can be activated for a short period of time in order to shift the vibrational frequencies of the molecules along the edge. This effect allows electrons to be excited along the edge and travel along it. In this mode, the blade's electric current shorts out localised electronic systems it touches and can cause local shutdowns in the case of Arsenal Walkers such as temporarily shorting out servos if it hands a limb. A side effect of the excitation of electrons is that light is emitted when they de-excite, hence the blade glows when in this mode.


    Krueller Weapons Systems MA-37 130mm Shotgun- Perfect for close-quarters combat, the MA-37 can be stashed on the hip of the AW when not in use.


    Weakness: Due to the Valkyrie's heavy armour, it is more heavy than the average Warrior and moves less nimbly than one. In addition, its standard operating speed is lower than that of other Mechs, except when boosting.


    The vibroblade consumes a lot of energy from the AWs power cells when activated, and so can only be used in that mode for short periods of time.


    Pilot: Natalie Martell








    Name: Hassan Bin Ahmad


    Age: 29


    Gender: Male


    Occupation: AW Pilot, E-3(Lance Corporal), resident kebab chef


    Appearance: Usually seen with a smile on his face, Hassan stands at an average six feet tall. Hassan's black hair is usually cropped short due to regulation standards. Regular exercise has given him a slightly muscular frame, and his light brown eyes compliment his darker skin.


    Equipment: FAW-007[G] Unit V-2 Jinn


    Skills: AW Pilot, Kebab-making(and the many variations thereof)


    Personality: Friendly and easy-going, Hassan is always willing to help younger pilots, make new friends or cook up some food if the situation calls for it.


    Bio: The eldest son of Levantine migrants, Hassan was born in Cairo. His father, and his father before him, made a living selling Kebabs at the roadside. Through a combination of friendliness and their secret recipe, the family made enough money to move to the tourist-heavy parts of the city and rent a storefront.


    Hassan, despite inheriting his father's joviality, did not inherit his disinterest in the outside world. On the contrary, Hassan wanted to travel the world, maybe even visit one of the space colonies one day. Knowing that neither his family nor his lack of lucrative prospects could afford such a lifestyle, he resolved to enlist in the Federation military, which was a respectable occupation given the Federation's success in its efforts to protect the hard-won stability in his homeland and the region.


    Thus, Hassan became an AW Pilot after graduating from Basic and made a tour of duty, serving in hotspots across the planet(and picking up recipes of local variants of kebabs). After several tours of duty, Hassan was wounded in battle and pulled from the front. Although he has healed from his wounds his back muscles occasionally seize up if too much strain is put on them.


    Hassan was then transferred to Horizon, a strategically-valuable location that was nonetheless far from any hotspots, as a reward for years of faithful service. Accompanied as ever by his guardian Genie, Hassan is ready to kick back and enjoy garrison duty, far from all the fighting...



    Weakness: Hassan is not always able to take things seriously, even when he should. He also has a bad back that can strike at the worst of times.





    Base Model: FAW-007[G]


    Designation: V-2 Jinn (sometimes affectionately called the Genie)


    Appearance: The bronze and russet Jinn looks similar to the base FAW-007, with its notable differences being its head. It is equipped with an old head and sensor package, replacing the faceplates of a base FAW-007 with a rounded mask appearance, including a sensor module that emits light from the centre of the face, giving the Jinn a cyclopean visage. In addition, the new head is equipped with a transmitter in the shape of a "fin" extending backwards. The transmitter is used to send targeting data to other friendly Arsenal Walkers to aid in combat.



    Armaments: The Genie is armed and armoured like a typical Warrior, with slight variations in its weapons and targeting systems.


    Federation Ballistics K3p- Double-edged vibroblade, the K3p is heavier than most vibroblades and relies on that to crush armour and stop targets dead in their tracks.


    United Armaments XB-20 100mm Assault Rifle- The Jinn's main weapon is its arm-mounted Assault Rifle. Its ammunition is internally stored in the rifle, which removes the need for reloading. This, however, makes the XB-20 more vulnerable to jamming and overheat, hence, its standard operating rate of fire is lower than that of other comparable magazine-fed Rifles.


    It is also directly connected and interfaced with the AW, granting it increased accuracy.


    Pratt Corp. C12 Missile Launcher- Missiles are arranged in a 2 by 2 square and can be toggled to fire all at once as suppression fire or one at a time with greater accuracy. The missiles are standard Pratt Corp. ML-17. A fast reload system allows for the Jinn to carry 4 extra missiles in battle.



    Weaknesses: Without any shield equipped, the Jinn is forced to rely solely on parries and blocks with its heavy vibroblade to ward off mêlée attacks. In addition, its weapons configuration and technical specifications is entirely average and unspecialised, leaving the Jinn behind in performance in certain fields versus specialist Mecha.

  11. IC: Glass


    The sudden realisation dawned on Glass that he hadn't been dueling any normal Rahk. She was apparently some sort of enforcer with a liking for fear and order.


    I'm surprised you survived her.

  12. IC: Glass


    Glass stared for a few seconds and burst out laughing.


    "Was that a joke? Because-" he was cut off by a wall materialising in front of him.


    "What-" and then he saw another Rahk dashing at the wall, almost as if he was going to daah his headpiece on it.


    This day sucks.

    No it doesn't. Didn't you hear? It circulates.

    • Upvote 1
  13. IC: Glass


    Glass breathed a sigh of relief. No fatalities.


    He walked up to Sliver, noticing her expression of... Amazement.


    "Well, that sucked."

  14. IC: Glass


    This sucks.


    The cyclone was already dying down, but he was more worried about Icarax's soon-to-arrive wrath.


    At least we have our excuse to get out of here and track down the others.


    Now's really not the time.

  15. IC: Glass


    oh no. Two Rahks have been caught in the cyclone.


    How are we going to-


    We could use our flight ability to ride the wind currents.

    That's crazy, and that's coming from me!


    Glass shut away the voices for a second, assessing the situation. An unconscious Rahk had been swept into the cyclone, while another was torn from a fight. Neither seemed to be injured by the glass, probably because most of it had already been flung out.


    It wasn't very big, as cyclones were, since it only just topped the gym ceiling, and it seemed to have stop growing. The real worry was if any of the two Rahks were flung out of the cyclone now, the damage to their suits and their Kraata would be extremely dangerous.


    We need to catch them if they get thrown out.


    But you're just one Rahkshi.


    Unless we get the others in the gym to help?

    "We need to catch the two of them if they flung out!" Glass shouted over the noise of the howling wind.


    "Form a wide circle around it!"


    He dashed over to Sliver's makeshift shelter and rapped on it.


    "Do you mind exiting your very comfortable shelter and helping to catch any of the two Rahks trapped inside your cyclone if they should flung out?"

  16. IC; Glass


    Ooh, we done up.


    Glass was too stunned from Sliver's outburst to react, and the first glass shards scratched into his armour.


    "Ow!" The cyclone grew in power, and he saw Sliver run away as the cyclone expanded beyond her control.




    He ran in the other direction. More glass(hahaha) cut into his armour. No time to engage flight mode, he continued running.


    "Run!" Glass shouted, warning everyone else in the gym before the wind became too loud.

    • Upvote 1
  17. IC: Sliver - Gym.


    I struck out with my blade, attempting to parry his strike and deflect the ominously-glowing weapon away from me. 


    IC: Glass


    Terrortooth sliced through Sliver's blade, chewing it up and sending shards of the blade's material flying through the air. Glass stepped into the strike and follow up with a slice towards Sliver's torso, this time with no blade to block the strike.

  18. IC: Glass


    The javelin was thrown off-course. Glass, however, was already in mid-jump, and while the blast of air did stun Glass for a second, his weapon continued forward towards Sliver, destruction-infused surface glowing softly in a menacing bath of illumination.

  19. IC: Glass


    While Sliver was talking, Glass leaned back and tossed the staff, point first, at Sliver. He reached into his pack and pulled out Terrortooth and lunged forward, following up on the improvised javelin.

  20. IC: Glass


    The Chain Lightning Rahkshi recovered from his stabs in time to see Sliver draw an arrow. He dodged aside just as the arrow was fired. It caught his arm but bounced off the armour.


    I can't let her stay at range. Until I get to level 3 I need to get in close...



    And her sharp blades won't matter when up against Terrortooth.



    Glass dashed forward in zig-zag, switching his standard staff for a shorter one in anticipation for close combat.

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