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Blog Entries posted by JiMing

  1. JiMing
    Everyone, you probably don't know this, but my friend here Sybre has an OTC comic series going on called Sonic: Pure Chaos.
    It's an original plot with fan-characters, and I think it holds a lot of promise, so I'm putting this on my blog as an attempt to get his series more exposure, as he could use the comments and(constructive)criticism.
    Thank you for reading this entry, and I suggest you give the series a go!
  2. JiMing
    (also I am pretty sure Sakurai is aging backwards, just, as an fyi)
  3. JiMing
    So I haven't been on here much lately, haven't I? Sorry bout that, but I've been getting into the Pokken Tournament competitive community and been trying to improve my play hard these last few months. Also been watching people stream, talking on Discord, etc.
    Since it was basically 5 hours away from me, I decided to visit the Evolution Championship Series 2016 to compete in Pokken Tournament and meet the people of the community! I've been practicing hard to get in shape for this event, but we'll just have to see what shall happen. I just wanted to give an update and let you all know that was what I've been planning for lately, heh.
    Not sure who will even care at this point, but that's what I've been up to yeah. Hope to make people proud with me and my Lucario!
  4. JiMing
    BZPower was chilling like a cool person (not cool dude) does, until every website in existence walked up to it and said (in unison), "U are not good website, we beat you up!"
    Then BZP laughed at their faces and said "Nu-uh, you guys can't stand up to my awesome!" BZP then showed off it's awesome, scaring the website.
    "Anyways," BZP said, "Fight!"
    Yeah so it's BZP's twelfth anniversary, so because the site has been around so long, it's obviously very awesome! Let's show every other website how freaking awesome we are because go BZP!
    But seriously, happy twelfth birthday BZPower!
  5. JiMing
    So remember this? Of course you don't. Well the gist of this whole thing is that I pit two fictional characters against each other for you wonderful people in the blogosphere to debate who the victor is going to be. Normally, I'd write up a quick narrative on how the battle started, but I cannot figure out how to do so for this match, so we're going to skip to the rules.
    For simplicity, the Link discussed is the Adult Link from Ocarina of Time. Both characters have access to all weapons and abilities from their respective games, though they cannot have any outside assistance (this means no partners or fairies). The battle goes on until one of them is either dead or unable to continue battling. And no, their good natures don't affect them and make them into good buddies at the end. Think Death Battle rules.
    Got it? Okay... GO!
    EDIT: You may now interpret which Link you would want to use. But remember, any Link is at their fullest potential when fighting.
  6. JiMing
    Sonic the Hedgehog was a blur as he made his way to Dr. Eggman's latest fortress. It was sorta boring for him actually, another day, another scheme to stop.
    "If only something interesting happened..." he muttered to himself.
    Meanwhile, a ship was descending down the atmosphere. Inside housed the intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran. An anonymous client had offered a very nice sum of money for her to terminate a certain speedy, blue hedgehog. Landing at the coordinates given to her, Samus noticed the creature described skid to a halt next to the ship. Samus smirked underneath her Power Suit and got out.
    "So who're you supposed to be?" asked Sonic, slightly confused.
    Samus turned around and shot off a charged shot towards Sonic, who dodged.
    "Ah, something new. This oughta be good."
    Inside the fortress, Dr. Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik cackled madly. "Yes! Finally, I will be rid of that hedgehog forever!"
    So this here's a battle between Sonic and Samus, requested in the previous entry. I will now list the rules for the battle.
    Both Sonic and Samus will have access to any ability or equipment from their games, such as the Homing Attack or Power Missiles. Samus specifically will be forced to switch between her various suits and beams, though attacks like the Screwattack can be used regardless of what is equipped. Sonic, as stated will have access to any move from any game he has been in, and will also have the ability to summon various powerups, e.g. shields, speed shoes. As per all battles, the battle will continue until one of the opponents is dead or incapable of fighting any longer.
    So who do you guys think will win? Feel free to suggest more battles in the comments as well.
    P.S. Please don't say "Use Smash Bros." As fun as the series is, they are not good representations of outcomes of a fight. I mean, I played Meta Knight in Brawl, but my more experienced friend won against me with Kirby.
  7. JiMing
    So I heard there was a remastered version of the Ducktales games for the NES, with a remastered soundtrack as well. Given that Ducktales has some of the best 8-bit music ever, I listened to some of them, and wow, the composer did a good job modernizing them. The theme for The Moon is brilliant, and it lives up to all the hype it probably got. Don't believe me? Listen to it.
    I'm also a fan of the remixed Transylvania theme. Be warned, it contains minor dubstep.
  8. JiMing
    Hey, Blogosphere! Me and the team would really appreciate it if you took some time to help us decide on a name! Various positions are also still open, so if the above has piqued anyone's interest, contact Unown Mercury through PM!
  9. JiMing
    It's up.
    After a delay to polish the animation, it's up, for the internet to see.
    I will put my thoughts in a spoiler tag, cause you should really go see the episode for yourself. Yeah, do that now!
  10. JiMing
    Hey guys, I'm back with Lifetime Premier Membership! I seriously cannot thank you enough JMJ, keep on being awesome!
    So I don't have anything interesting to blog about yet, but I want your opinions on what my blog name should be. I have come up with the following.
    Mystic Golden Perfect Super Saiyan 15
    Playin' Vidyagames and whatnot
    Feel free to suggest more!
  11. JiMing
    My sister returned from college for the break. Woo-hoo! And I got four free game apps thanks to a Christmas Eve deal from Amazon, which would be Sonic 2, Terraria, RPG: Soul Historica and Five Nights at Freddys (which I doubt I will play but if I feel like scarring myself for life, I know where to turn to). Overall, pretty good break so far!
    What about you gentlementlepeople? Are your breaks okay too?
  12. JiMing
    So I decided to download the Bravely Default demo, since I've been hearing/reading good things about it. I knew I was going into a traditional, Final Fantasy-esque JRPG. Shouldn't be too bad, right?
    Few minutes in, I die in my first battle.
  13. JiMing
    A Mafia game, to be exact. Requiem of the Dead, the next side game in the series.
    To tell the truth... I'm kind nervous at how this'll proceed, since I've never hosted a game previously. But if I'm careful, everything should be fine. Oh, and if you wanna sign up, feel free! There should be a few spots left.
  14. JiMing
    And I'm okay with that. Even though I'm in high school.
    Not to rain on the parade of anyone who is in a relationship, that's fine and I'm happy for you. But I'm not exactly in a rush to get a relationship. Whether that's normal or not I don't know and I don't care.
  15. JiMing
    So today, me and a fellow member going by the name Ghabulous Ghoti played an online Brawl match. Wow, I got my butt kicked so badly it wasn't even funny. (Okay, maybe it was)
    That guy left no chance for me to retaliate, and I exposed myself pretty much all the time, so time and time again, I would go blasting off into the distance. Perhaps it was my choice of characters, as I played mid-tier characters Sonic and Toon Link, but he managed to pummel me with Captain Falcon (well, he was Fabulous Falcon, so maybe his sheer awesome alone did me in).
    I guess I have no one to blame but myself, a majority of the time I've played Brawl was the Subspace Emissary, trying to unlock every character, and only recently did I try and improve my skills in a normal Brawl. If anyone wants to Brawl with this noob, my friend code is 4943-6690-9221. (Just expect a lot of lag)
  16. JiMing
    So I got a Wii U over Black Friday... The Smash Splat Bundle, to be specific. It came with Smash Wii U and Splatoon downloaded to the system. Oh boy, Splatoon...
    I kinda chose a girl Inkling cause I find the boy to be sort of doofy-looking. The girl Inkling's actually pretty cute though! It helps that I am a MASTER AT FASHION. YOU WANT PROOF, PUNK??!
    PROOF 1
    PROOF 2
    Well I'm actually kinda mediocre with the freshness of my fashion, but I think it's cute so eh. xP Oh, those two pics actually do show off my favorite weapons in the game thus far: the Slosher Deco and N-ZAP '89. I like being able to toss ink over cover with Sloshers in generala, and I prefer the Splash Wall of the Deco to the Burst Bombs of the regular, which I have always found to be kinda superfluous. Meanwhile, I like the speed value on the N-Zap '89 and the Inkstrike is one of my favorite Specials to make use of thus far. I do know that I should probably start using more than those two only, but they're what I'm best with, and if anyone who plays the game can reccomend me their picks, I'll go consider getting those!
    But yeah! Splatoon came free with my Wii U and it's kinda hooked me. Yeah I know I'm late to the party to be gushing, but heck, I've just been playing whenever I can, and... Getting 0-2 on the Splatfests. Maybe next time I'll win...?
    (also yes I'm aware I have really bad skills rolled on my gear, I may or may not be fixing that later, but for now I'm just trying to play to have a good time and all that)
  17. JiMing
    I've literally had nobody post on anything on my blog for several entries in a row, so I'm freaking out thinking my blog is invisible or that there are bad opinions of me running through the community. I know I'm overreacting, but I CAN'T HELP IT. I'm paranoid like that.
    Could people at least post saying "I'm here", so I know I'm not going mad? Thanks. If people have some tips on how to be more visible in the blog spectrum, that would be appreciated as well.
  18. JiMing
    So I was bored today, and after spending some time on the internet, started thinking of the outcomes if Kirby and MegaMan fought each other.
    I mean, both can copy abilities, but MegaMan is limited to the abilities of Robot Masters he defeats. Kirby has a much wider range of powers at his disposal at any other time, even if MegaMan keeps every ability he obtains.
    MegaMan however, is far less vulnerable than Kirby in their normal states. MegaMan has constant access to the Mega Buster, while Kirby can pretty much only inhale enemies or exhale air. Kirby is far more durable however, because he's practically like bubblegum, so he can withstand a great variety of attacks. Spikes are instant kill for MegaMan.
    There's probably a lot more information I overlooked, but this was just a random idea I thought up of. Who do you guys think would be the victor?
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