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Blog Entries posted by JiMing

  1. JiMing
    As the title suggests, none of this is final. I literally just came up with it today and I haven't set anything in stone yet.
    So anyways, my idea is a story centered around side-protagonists (so no generic shopkeeps from a JRPG or anything, people with a name and impact on the story but not serving as the main point of view) from different media getting invited to a sort of... Vacation home? Vacation neighborhood? Not sure what it's called. Anyways, said characters get a letter saying something along the lines of "We feel your contributions could use appreciation!" that invites them to the place, so a bunch of these wildly different side characters from wildly different series all end up in this one place. And for the first part or more, it'd be a sitcom-ish story about this ragtag group struggling to get along well and also live a rather mundane life. However... There's the potential that, as the story progresses, those at the vacation home could discover secrets that suggest something less than wholesome at work.... Or something like that. =P
    So yeah. That's about it. The collab part comes from selecting interested folks to control two(?) side characters from some series of their choosing, no original characters or fanon additions. Aside from a few chapters that require input from multiple writers (probably handled with a Google Doc), it'd mostly be an at-your-own-pace setup, with each member writing a chapter from the perspective of their chosen characters. If this actually becomes a thing I'll formalize a selection process but for now, I'll just listen to people who habe anything to say.
    I'm sure the concept needs a ton of refinement, and truth be told, I'm not sure I could actually make this happen? But if things work out alright and enough people would want to see this... Well. Time to hope for the best.
  2. JiMing
    You Are A:
    Lawful Neutral Human Wizard (1st Level)
    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 10
    Dexterity- 12
    Constitution- 11
    Intelligence- 13
    Wisdom- 14
    Charisma- 12
    Lawful Neutral- A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. Order and organization are paramount to him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot. However, lawful neutral can be a dangerous alignment when it seeks to eliminate all freedom, choice, and diversity in society.
    Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.
    Wizards- Wizards are arcane spellcasters who depend on intensive study to create their magic. To wizards, magic is not a talent but a difficult, rewarding art. When they are prepared for battle, wizards can use their spells to devastating effect. When caught by surprise, they are vulnerable. The wizard's strength is her spells, everything else is secondary. She learns new spells as she experiments and grows in experience, and she can also learn them from other wizards. In addition, over time a wizard learns to manipulate her spells so they go farther, work better, or are improved in some other way. A wizard can call a familiar- a small, magical, animal companion that serves her. With a high Intelligence, wizards are capable of casting very high levels of spells.
    Hopefully this isn't anything too bad or whatever.
    EDIT: Wait what the wizard uses female pronouns. Isn't that sexist and demeaning to suggest non-physical fighters are all women?
    Oh, and it speaks tantamount to my reserves of MANLY TESTOSTERONE FUELED MANLINESSS! I apparently don't even deserve gender neutral pronouns. Don't know how to feel about that. =P
  3. JiMing
    Hey guys, I'm back with Lifetime Premier Membership! I seriously cannot thank you enough JMJ, keep on being awesome!
    So I don't have anything interesting to blog about yet, but I want your opinions on what my blog name should be. I have come up with the following.
    Mystic Golden Perfect Super Saiyan 15
    Playin' Vidyagames and whatnot
    Feel free to suggest more!
  4. JiMing
    So I really need something to post about on this blog, and based on the reception of my last blog post, I will turn that concept into a series.
    It'll be called the Fictional-Character Face-Off, and I will take two fictional characters from any medium and set rules for the fight. I'll also write a quick and short narrative of the circumstances of the fight, but be warned, I will take a lot of liberties with those.
    Dr. Light had sent MegaMan to the Planet Popstar to examine and conduct research on the natural flora and fauna, as well as examine the various species that inhabited the planet. As MegaMan landed on the planet, the wind from the landing knocked over Kirby, who was about to eat a delicious strawberry shortcake. Kirby got up and saw that his perfect cake was ruined! He searched for the assailant, and just then, MegaMan exited his ship. Fuming, Kirby quickly inhaled a Waddle Doo, gaining the Beam ability and struck MegaMan. Knocked back, MegaMan got up and readied his Mega Buster.
    You guys are free to suggest specific battles, but I'll only select them if they are particularly interesting and if I have any knowledge of the characters.
  5. JiMing
    Whaaaa the game is releasing tommorow in the States?
    Really though, I seriously regret not getting Bowser's Inside Story when it came out, and I'll make sure not to miss this game. It looks pretty awesome. I mean, check out this trailer!

    It pretty much just SCREAMS awesome.
  6. JiMing
    This wonderful drawing was done by NickonAquaMagna. Super awesome to look at!
    Now, you may be wondering, who is this golden-clad being about to divekick Pohatu? Well! Then you have to educate yourself on the warrior of justice,
    Basically take Kamen Rider, make his motif a Naga and this is who he is. HE SEEMS COMPLETELY AWESOME, BUT unfortunately for everyone, it's not possible for him to make his grand debut in Indivisible unless it gets funded... =(
    Please, consider donating to the campaign! There are less than 5 DAYS left, and it still has about $280,000 to go! Indivisible is on a Fixed Funding campaign, so unless they reach their goal, Lab Zero will receive no money, and Indivisible will NOT HAPPEN.
    I understand that many people don't have the money to spare, so in that case, try to spread it to your friends and family, and see if they're interested as well!
    Another reason to donate to the game is that a person named matoro.wannabe did so yesterday. You can't make this up, folks.
  7. JiMing
    So I decided to download the Bravely Default demo, since I've been hearing/reading good things about it. I knew I was going into a traditional, Final Fantasy-esque JRPG. Shouldn't be too bad, right?
    Few minutes in, I die in my first battle.
  8. JiMing
    After watching every single one of them multiple times, I have compiled a list of which ones were best in my opinion:
    1. Meet the Medic
    2. Meet the Pyro
    3. Meet the Spy
    4. Meet the Soldier
    5. Meet the Engineer
    6. Meet the Sniper
    7. Meet the Scout
    8. Meet the Heavy
    9. Meet the Demoman
    Keep in mind that is just my personal opinion. You're free to agree or disagree with this list.
  9. JiMing
    I posted this in my feed:

    I like my games looking pretty as much as the next guy, but I'd want to play the next Zelda game over Battlefield 4 or Halo. Not that they're bad games, I just don't really have much interest in the current exclusives for Xbox One or PS4 as I do for Nintendo's exclusives. SMASH 4 CANNOT COME OUT SOON ENOUGHHHH
    *ahem*, sorry about that. I don't know why I posted this, maybe I just felt like sharing my sacrilege-according to my classmates.
  10. JiMing
    Sonic the Hedgehog was a blur as he made his way to Dr. Eggman's latest fortress. It was sorta boring for him actually, another day, another scheme to stop.
    "If only something interesting happened..." he muttered to himself.
    Meanwhile, a ship was descending down the atmosphere. Inside housed the intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran. An anonymous client had offered a very nice sum of money for her to terminate a certain speedy, blue hedgehog. Landing at the coordinates given to her, Samus noticed the creature described skid to a halt next to the ship. Samus smirked underneath her Power Suit and got out.
    "So who're you supposed to be?" asked Sonic, slightly confused.
    Samus turned around and shot off a charged shot towards Sonic, who dodged.
    "Ah, something new. This oughta be good."
    Inside the fortress, Dr. Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik cackled madly. "Yes! Finally, I will be rid of that hedgehog forever!"
    So this here's a battle between Sonic and Samus, requested in the previous entry. I will now list the rules for the battle.
    Both Sonic and Samus will have access to any ability or equipment from their games, such as the Homing Attack or Power Missiles. Samus specifically will be forced to switch between her various suits and beams, though attacks like the Screwattack can be used regardless of what is equipped. Sonic, as stated will have access to any move from any game he has been in, and will also have the ability to summon various powerups, e.g. shields, speed shoes. As per all battles, the battle will continue until one of the opponents is dead or incapable of fighting any longer.
    So who do you guys think will win? Feel free to suggest more battles in the comments as well.
    P.S. Please don't say "Use Smash Bros." As fun as the series is, they are not good representations of outcomes of a fight. I mean, I played Meta Knight in Brawl, but my more experienced friend won against me with Kirby.
  11. JiMing
    So I realized I hadn't touched the game in a while, and got back to playing it. Pretty good, after coming from Ocarina of Time 3D, the mechanics are very familiar and I had no problems jumping back into the game. Even though it's the Wii version, I still like the controls, and being able to swing the sword while walking is a GODSEND. I don't think that it was a good call to make the graphics realistic, as they have aged horribly in comparison to most consoles, even the Wii itself! I was never a fan of 'realistic' graphics, as the next console always makes the games look hideous in comparison. I much prefer Wind Waker's art style, as the graphics are still gorgeous today, and work well within the limits of the Gamecube, instead of pushing it to it's absolute limit. Of course, if they want to please both crowds, why not stick with the Skyward Sword style? But I'm getting off track here. What I meant to say was that HYRULE FIELD IS FREAKING HUGE. Ugh, now they've made Epona necessary in order to get anywhere within a reasonable amount of time! I didn't like Hyrule Field in Ocarina of Time, and I sure despise it here. Oh well, at least the dungeons are still cool, and the bosses are still easy but clever. I've only gotten to Death Mountain's dungeon, so I guess I still have a long way to go.
    Also, Wolf Link is cool, and I don't care what other people say. Biting my enemies to death is just so satisfying. And the teleportation thing makes traveling through Hyrule Field uneccesary. I wouldn't mind seeing something like this in another Zelda game.
  12. JiMing
    As this blog entry probably has clued on, it is my birthday! Am now 16 years old. =P Couldn't do much today though, as I had to attend SAT prep class today. xP
    Ah well, there's always the weekend. Hope you fellows had a better day than me!
  13. JiMing
    Yes, I posted a picture of myself. It's also the one that looks absolutely ridiculous.
    By the way, this was taken on my birthday this year.
  14. JiMing
    Now begins the story of a young boy. But not just any young boy. A young boy whose father is the prestigious Hoenn Gym Leader Norman! A boy who will strive to become the very best, no matter what the odds! And his name iiiiiiiiiiiiiis......
    Okay, so his name's like any other boy out there named Jim. But that's besides the point! Because when he exited his house for the first time, the young boy ran into May, the daughter of the also-prestigious Professor Birch! The two hit it off rather alright, though perhaps that was in part due to May having heard about Jim from her father beforehand, as she mentioned how she hoped he would be a nice person she could be friends with. Despite being embarrassed over such a wish, it turned out that Jim was exactly the person she had hoped he would be.
    ....Still not impressed? Then what about the moment directly afterwards, when he met Birch himself, being attacked by a vicious Poocheyena! With a prompt, Jim wasted no time grabbing a Torchic from the professor's bag and fended off the wild Pokemon with haste. When returning to the lab, the young boy was allowed to keep the Torchic as thanks for being there at the right moment.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Bree the Torchic
    A mild-mannered Torchic, Bree is just as eager as Jim to explore all of Hoenn. Being as mild as she is, Pokemon battling is something for her to get used to, but her trainer seems to have faith in her capabilities.
    After this, Jim made his way towards Oldale Town, where a kind woman stopped him at the Pokemon Center. Apparently it had been sent over from a 'Steven'. Whoever he was, Jim had no idea. Oh, and she gave him Heal Balls too but that's not as cool.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Beldum
    Upon spending a small amount of time with Beldum, Jim developed a theory for why they were sent over to him. The shiny Beldum turned out to be extremely mischievous and naughty, constantly playing pranks on those around them. Despite being unable to change the name, Jim has taken to calling Beldum Crocea Mors.
    With two Pokemon in hand, Jim was able to win against May rather easily. Despite her loss, Birch's daughter wasn't mad at losing, in fact, she was proud of the trainer in the making for succeeding. Afterwards, Jim spent the rest of the day battling and catching Pokemon, with the occasional Trainer fight sprinkled inbetween.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Pooch the Poocheyena
    Pooch's name isn't very creative, yet she still loves it. It must be due to her very relaxed outlook on life, simply strolling by without a care in the world. Even if she is finicky about some things, Pooch never lifts a finger to change them. She stood out to Jim due to knowing Ice Fang, rather than Bite like most of her kind.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Stormageddon the Wingull
    It shouldn't come as a surprise to know that Stormageddon is slightly vain, as she will only respond to that name. To make things worse, she's rather impish, sharing Beldum's love of practical jokes and riling others up for fun.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Gerridae the Surskit
    A textbook example of never trusting a book by their cover, Gerridae is bold and fearless despite his dainty structure. Adding on this is a quick temper, both attributes contributing to his competition with Stormageddon on who is truly the superior Water-type.
    Pokemon Acquired!-Jade the Ralts
    Jade is a rather jolly individual who brims with energy and runs around often. He struggles with the prospect of evolution, as while most male Ralts wish to become a mighty Gallade, Jade feels a preference for the elegant form of Gardevoir. This has caused him to be mocked by others of his kind, though Jim has promised to support him no matter what path he takes.
    After filling out his team, the young trainer stopped by Petalburg and meeting both his father and a young boy named Wally, he rested at the Pokemon Center. It had been a long day, and he was to have much, much more ahead...........
    (P.S. Apologies to Mahou Shoujo Mega Man/Pahrak, for stealing pretty much everything. Please forgive meeeeeeeee)
  15. JiMing
    I saw on Amazon that preordering the game would discount the price from 60 dollars to 48, so I took it! I know this game's not perfect by any means, but it's the Pokemon game I've wanted for a long time, you know? I'm honestly not the hugest fan of turn-based role-playing games, even though I can enjoy a good one and highly respect the genre. But like, I never really got into competitive Pokemon battling against my friends, due to the setup needed to make viable teams. The breeding, the EVs, the movesets, all takes a huge timesink and one I don't feel is super worth it, no matter how much I love the Pokemon themselves. I like games that are easier to jump into and just bash out a few matches, like Smash Bros. over the 3DS, now that's great. I also like games that are more moment-to-moment play, cause I'm not really enough a tactical genius with team composition and the I-know-you-know trickery that goes on in Pokemon matches. Pokken really scratches that itch of a game that's easy to setup, features characters I adore, and has dynamic and fluid gameplay that's a blast to watch. That alone had me super excited for the game, but a preorder discount finally convinced me to pick it up.
    So... Which Pokemon will I use? Honestly, going by what my 7-year old self would want, it's in all honesty probably going to be Lucario. Yeah I know, it's probably the easiest and simplest character to go pick up what with having the most balanced stats and all, probably making it the Ryu of Pokken Tournament. I started out with Pokemon Diamond however, and Lucario was just my favorite Pokemon and the one I look back on the fondest, I've forgotten exactly why, but still, Lucario has been my favorite Pokemon for a long time, and my inner child tells me to main the heck outta the Aura Pokemon. But hmm, if I had to choose alternate ones... Blaziken is the Ken of the game from the looks of it, and it's one of my favorite starters as well. I also like the Bruce Lee noises during some attacks cause it's just sorta funny. xP Pikachu surprisingly enough looks very fun to play, and Mewtwo is pretty much superior to its Smash incarnation in every way... Oooh, and Weavile too. I should probably stop now, before I get to the point I sit in front of the TV screen on launch day for an hour, just deciding who to play. xP
    So... Thoughts on the game itself? Any ideas of who you'd like to main? I wanna hear what you guys have to say, cause me personally, I am super pumped for this game and can't wait 'till the 18th! =D
  16. JiMing
    I have a question for all of you in the blogosphere. I've got an idea to count down on all of my favorite Sonic the Hedgehog final boss songs from the main series (No Advance, Rush, etc.). Now, I get a feeling that many people here dislike Sonic the Hedgehog, and love mocking the games, characters, and even fans. Yes, it's true the games struggled in quality from the 2000s onwards, but I have a feeling that Sonic has been making a comeback as of late (I don't believe any of the reviewers on Lost World, as game footage of it makes it seem extremely fun). Plus, if it's one thing a lot of people love, it's music, and I feel that Sonic games as a whole have awesome soundtracks. So I'd love to maybe introduce some new songs to you guys from an underrated series. And who knows? Some of you guys might disagree with my thoughts. Anyways, that's the gist of things. I'd appreciate it if you guys gave me some feedback.
  17. JiMing
    So that Monster Hunter 4U demo, it's great huh? Want access to it? I've got a demo code!
    But see, I'm also part of a collection of members who have all agreed to change their display names rather soon to match the casts of Bravely Default and Bravely Second. We've filled up all the spots-save for one. Nikolai Nikolanikov.
    The deal is this: I give you a code so long as you change your display name to Nikolai Nikolanikov and take a new avatar.
    Sound good?
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