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Logan Tec

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Status Updates posted by Logan Tec

  1. I'm so tired but I cant sleep till night otherwise I will mess up my sleeping. Danget Eruope

  2. Go look at the live steam im all alone in the comments

  3. Really sad my hamster died less then 24h ago D':

  4. episode 7 is out but WHAT IS GALI the actor is the same for all and her bio states clearly she so what is is?

  5. Has obtained the sea cow

  6. Hoping to be a narrator in my classes play

  7. Hoping to be a narrator in my classes play

  8. playing througth portal 2 i found the first den and its got kitty cats and cat ears on a cube... is their a cat in one of the cubes?

  9. brass lots of nosie

  10. gum lots of bubble gum

  11. Hmm I got like 5 mocs all built that I really should take pictues of

  12. So skull warrior and skull scorpio are both non unique enimes judging by the characther trailers

  13. no no no no nooooooooo all my comic stuff lost why why why stupit usb i'm going to be laying low for a long time till this blows over bye for now

  14. sigh home work so bored

  15. When will the server be back up to work on?

  16. Why do i keep seeing many ppl just posting in old topics past their date do they not read teh last posted date?

  17. rain its poring out side

  18. bugs of lu i'm in one

  19. Off to disney land wiht band

  20. Has a Mocing idea for Bohrok Va when Mixels come out.

  21. school only 1 huor of learnign then its a all school party today ya

  22. and my secret santa is done cant wait to show it to ---------------------------

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