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AuRon the champion

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Posts posted by AuRon the champion

  1. IC: Auron, Ko-Wahi, Ko-Koro, Chasing a Murderer:Auron had stared in shock as the Matoran had suddenly died, but saw the strange glint of light from in between two ice buildings. Now using his control of his mask, The Toa of Fire disapeared.This like in Ga-Koro, but now Toa Auron have bad stranger! The Toa thought.He followed the Murderer into the alley, seeing him among the shadows. His anger increased as he believed the killing of innocents to be the work of evil beings. Unwitting, his rage caused the snow to melt into water and the ice buildings dripped. He didn't know he was exerting heat via his elemental powers, all he knew that he was angry, and that the murderer would pay.

  2. IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred Forest, Talking:Suminaxe snorted at the Matorans request, "I'd rather not, as the Guard would perfer to find their comrades, and bringing them to us without those bodies might be a bit difficult. Who are you to command me anyway shorty? And a even better question, who the karz are you?"Suminaxe readied his claws so he could spear the Matoran if it posed a threat.

  3. IC: Auron, Ko-Wahi, Ko-Koro:Auron had arrived in the village after traveling through the wastes. He wandered about the village, and had second-thoughts about not getting supplies before he had left. Again. He also regretted not learning how to read, as he didn't know where a place to find work was.OOC: Auron, open for interaction.

  4. IC: Auron, Ga-Wahi, Ga-Koro, The Fourth's Home:The Toa stood, however, he wasn't steady enough to stand, and wobbled as he talked, "Auron no be bad, but Auron think Auron should go from Ga-Koro elsewhere. Much to learn elsewhere, can not spend forever in Ga-Koro, despite what Auron wants. Matoran Darre, if you see Matoran Daylah soon, tell her Auron said Good Bye, and that Auron is thankful for Daylah helping Auron."With that, the Toa preceeded to walk out, while he had enjoyed staying with the Matoran, he felt as if there was more to learn. Enjoyment was to be found in Ga-Koro, but finding the rest of his memory was more important than relaxing. Besides, to him the being known as the Makuta seemed more dangerous. When the name was spoken, chills went up the Toa's spine. It was evil, evil like the monsters that invaded his home. The Toa put aside his self-pity and awakened his anger. He had failed to protect others once, and he decided that he would do everything in his power to protect the people of this island. He wouldn't fail to prevent the enslavement of another island, and as he walked through the Koro, his elemental energies seemed to respond to his anger, warming the air around him. As the Toa reached the outskirts of the village, he passed through the Ga-Koro gate, and began to head west, into the icy slopes of Ko-Wahi.OOC: Sorry to leave you Hubert, you're fun to RP with. However, Auron's plotline must continue! And it's much farther behind Suminaxe's and Phavion's plot. Auron to Ko-Wahi.

  5. I'll enter, I just found out how to make sprites last night (yeah, it took me a decade to figure out how to make sprites). So that means more characters! Unfortunatly, I don't have the sprites with me at school, and I've been bogged down with coding web sites (curse you helpful side! How could you force me to help so many people do the things they can't do!?), so I should have at least that toa of Gravity I wanted to make up by tonight, maybe the same with the mark-bearer... Also, does anyone in le-koro have a boat? Phavion needs transport, he's somewhere in the Le-Koro Market...

  6. IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred Forest, In combat:Suminaxe quickly let loose his elemental blast at the caravan, Hope the fools in Ta-Koro hear that, the slayers of the sons of Makuta shall be drawn to here, it's hard not to notice all this commotion. He also took the opertunity to run by the Arkanid and aimed to tap him on the shoulder with his left forearm, hoping to end the challenge before the oncoming fight.

  7. IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred Forrest, In Combat:Suminaxe was thrown back, the wind knocked out of him. Quickly charging up his elemental powers, he fired a small fireball at Lezold, hoping to bring the Toa of Earth into combat. In the mean-time, he began to charge up a larger blast, and began absorbing some of the natural heat of Ta-Wahi to charge his blast up.

  8. OOC: Gah! NINJAD!IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred Forest, Talking:Suminaxe frowned, "I don't think you understand entirely. It's been some time since the last group of guards showed up. That means that something has happened, whatever it is, there's going to be less guards than usually, mostly because they're trying to get everything under control. And if, we punch a big enough hole in their numbers, and travel north a little ways, there might possibly be a way to get into the village undetected, where we can cause more havoc. Besides, this is less about service to the Makuta, and more about getting revenge for him."The Toa folded his arms, and waited for his counterparts to try and rebuke him.When he heard the Arkanid's comment, he lunged towards the lizard, claws extened, hoping to tear a nice-sized hole in him.

  9. IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred Forest, Talking:Suminaxe nodded, "I plan to put a dent in the Ta-Koro Guard. The more they send out here, they less defenses they have in the future. Also, once they stop sending guards in here, they either know something is about to happen, or have gotten smarter. In that case, we'll be able to attack and destroy them easily."Suminaxe knew that the guards would send more in soon. Soon, the bodies will begin to pile up.

  10. IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred Forest, Talking:Suminaxe grunted, "My name is Suminaxe, and an alliance would be most... Profitable."Suminaxe looked at the other Toa, He probably thinks he'll be able to control me, manipulate me to his desires, like Karz is he going to do that!, He thought to himself. Whatever the objective of these two other beings, loyalty to the Makuta was the only loyalty he had. If the other Toa showed any hints of trying to double-cross, him he would die. Same with the Arkanid too.

  11. IC: Auron, Ga-Wahi, Ga-Koro, Recovering in the Fourth's home:Auron's vision returned first, and he rolled onto his back and lay there, holding his hands over his eyes. Partially rubbing his eyes, and partially blocking the lightstones on the Fourth's roof from his vision. When he felt ready enough, he sat up and leaned on his arm while he sat."Auron remembers," The Toa said, "But Auron no remember everything."The Toa then wanted to tell the Fourth and Darre what he saw, but did not know if he was ready himself to go over what happened.Mustering up his courage, the Toa spoke again, "Auron no see everything from remembering, but several things. Auron remember parts of home, another place, far away, Auron no remember where. Auron remember helping Matoran. Stopping bad Matoran who hurt, who fear, who steal, who murder. Auron stopped them, and put them in place where Ga-Koro Matoran put murder Matoran from trial and investigation. Then Auron remember seeing a group of things. These things, horrible smiles, claws, metal, and horrible spines. Monsters hurt Matoran, hurt Auron. Auron no stop Monsters. Too many Monsters. Monsters take Auron and throw him somewhere, then Auron no remember. Then Auron wake up on beach talking to Matoran Daylah, and Matoran Darre knows rest of Auron memory."As the Toa of Fire finished his tale, he was unsure of how The Fourth and Darre would react. But deep inside, these memories he had gained scared him. They told him he had a job protecting the Matoran elsewhere, and he failed. He failed, and others were hurt, killed because of it. He had great power, Auron knew this, but he still failed in his duty. Shame, something he had never felt, in his previous life, and now, clouded his mind. If his job was to protect the Matoran here, how could he stop a being like the Makuta when he was unable to stop the monsters from hurting his people?

  12. Stupid laptop *would kick laptop but is posting from school* Anyway, sorry I didn't reply to any RP's, my computer blocked them for no reason (was anybody posting aything above the age limit!?) and I could only see my inbox slowly being spammed... But I'm gonna reply now.

  13. IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred Forest:OOC: I did read his profile, but not well enough it seems.Suminaxe looked at the Toa of Earth in amazement, "You serve the great master as well?" The Toa asked. Very few Toa served Makuta, meeting another Toa of the same interests was rare.The Toa then turned to the Arkanid, "Yes, I killed them. The fools are like mindless Mahi to the slaughter."

  14. IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred Forest, Talking to other members of the nine:Suminaxe spun around, starting to slash at Lezold, however he stopped and spoke to him, "Toa of Earth, what do you want? If you oppose the master, then you too will die like these pathetic Matoran."

  15. IC: Suminaxe, Ta-Wahi, The Charred forest, Talking to Kyju:Suminaxe turned to Kyju, and stared at the reptillian creature. While he was unsure how the creature detected him, he knew if he had to he would be able to defeat it if it was hostile."What do you want?" Suminaxe demanded.

  16. A quick update on my characters:

    • [*]Suminaxe: Currently in the Charred Forest, he just recently killed the clean-up squad that was sent to recover the bodies of the patrol he killed. Anyone related to the Ta-Koro Guard or talking to a drunk Guardsman who found the bodies, feel free to join in there. When is the Fearless Nine going to be started up? The Rutheless is in the charred forest if you're looking for him.[*]Phavion: Currently recovered from being knocked out by the Hau Karda (still don't know what that is). What!? He's in leauge with Suminaxe? Yes, he was sent by the Evil Toa of fire to find something for him, and is on his way to the Kumu Islets to give Suminaxe the information, unfortunatly, Suminaxe is no longer there. If you have a character that has a boat, feel free to talk to him, he's looking for a way to the islets.[*]Auron: Currently in the Fourth's house, he de-activated his Kanohi, only to have parts of his memory restored. The pain from these memories were so strong that he was knocked out. Not to much else related to him, his RP is taking really long (curse the timezones!), if anyone near the fourth's house hears a yell, that would be Auron.

    Thinking about making a character with Telekinetic powers, I'm going to assume the mask of Telekinesis is allowed since Zauk has it (I saw Chronicle the other day, I want Telekinetic powers badly now...), and this new character is going to be evil. Just need a name and a little bit more on his personality bore I add him into the RP. See him somewhere north. Also thinking about making a Toa of water, she'll be somewhere on the island where I haven't posted yet. I need to define her "objective" a bit more before implimenting her.In other news? there are 22 guests reading this topic as I type, along with JI (is it an "i" or an "L"?) and the Most terrifying flying glove. I'm going to be making a large amount of wiki pages, all the new events must be documented! At this point I'm basically waiting for replies. I'm not going to post until MUCH later in the day, unless I can get on a computer during my second bell. If your in the areas that I described above, and looking for interaction, feel free to try and meet my characters. (Such a long post! Spare me!)-AuRon.

  17. IC: Auron, Ga-Wahi, Ga-Koro, The Fourth's Home:Auron thought about the great fear he had found from the lack of memory, he would have to deal with it at some point, he decided, but for now he concentrated at the task at hand, existance to him may have only been short-lived, but at least other's reconized it. He sought inner peace, and rested on the thought that he had helped Darre and Daylah earlier that day, that they were helping him, and that he could be considered blessed to be able to be on this island. Uncounsioucsly, as he turned off his Kanohi, another short gap in his mind was filled in the instant he became visable. Images flashed through his mind, another island, danger, strangers with wicked grins and spines, death, and being forced to sleep. The pain that he rememberd from these past events was great, so great that he fell to the ground, the memory of his near encounter of death shocked him to the core, and he thought no more.OOC: Oh gosh, I'm rhyming. He's only uncounsious right now (can't spell! Stupid windows!), the memories are coming back to him, however, they are only fragments. Painful fragments.

  18. IC: Phavion, Le-Wahi, Somewhere in Le-Koro:Phavion was jolted awake by a large blast of sound, and looked around, panicing. The last thing he remember was barging into the hut to find a giant metal monster. After settling down, he decided the two skakdi were working on a sculpture for some posible customer, and that he was thinking about his task at hand. If Suminaxe did not get the information he was promised, he would kill even more to find it, something that the Toa of Plasma could not allow. No more would have to die for him. Phavion looked about, and started walking through the village. Hopefully he would find a boat to the Kumu Islets soon.OOC: What am I alluding to? Possible back-story? *insert dramatic music here.

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