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Posts posted by Lielac

  1. IC: [Jenali]"I don't actually know, I'm just--" Jenali paused and used the momentum of her next swing to launch herself onto the next tree's branch, which she wrapped herself around and clung to. "I hear something," she said instead, looking at Atonal from her currently upside-down view of the forest. "Construction, I think."

  2. IC: [Jenali]Jenali clearly knew what she was doing, fearlessly jumping from vine to vine and laughing as she went. She checked to make sure Atonal was still following her every couple of jumps.

  3. IC: [Jenali]Jenali scooched over on the branch to give Atonal room, then grinned at him and pointed at the next vine she'd chosen. "Just use your momentum and keep switching vines. Follow me!"And with that, she seemingly toppled over only to grab the vine below them and swing off, whooping delightedly.OOC: Have I mentioned Jenali doesn't quite know the word 'stealth' yet? Heeheehee.

  4. IC: [Jenali]"Sure!" Jenali looked around and finally headed toward what she was pretty sure was back the way she came, or to about the northeast by her guesstimate of where north was. She tugged on a vine hanging from a tree and nodded. "This one's good," she said, and promptly clambered up it like a monkey and perched on the branch it fell from to better look for a tree to aim at.

  5. OOC: Eh, I can't remember where my dice are anyway. Call heads or tails and say what it'll mean and I flip a coin? :PIC: [Jenali]"Lake Kanae," she repeated. "Hmmm. I know I had to go around at least one lake. That was when I ran into the river, actually, it was at one end of the lake and I got a bit wet trying to cross it." She shook herself as if to remove any remaining droplets of water, though it had been long enough ago that she had dried before meeting Atonal.

  6. IC: [Jenali]She laughed. "I saw a pretty clear river somewhere back thattaway," she said, gesturing vaguely the way she'd come. "I think falling in a swamp would be worth a thorough bath." She walked around the base of the nearest tree, crouched down to peer at the moss where the trunk met the ground, and after repeating that with a few other trees she finally straightened and pointed off into the forest. "North's probably that way. Do you know where Le-Koro is supposed to be in Le-Wahi?"OOC: I may or may not roll d100 to see if Jenali's right. Thoughts? Opinions on what the probability should be? :biggrin:

  7. IC: [Jenali]Jenali completely missed Atonal's apprehensiveness, too busy examining the trees, adding up what she knew of Le-Wahi so far, and occasionally glancing at her new friend's mask. Finally she said, "You've got a Miru, you should be fine. The ground's pretty springy anyway." She bounced once or twice to illustrate her point. "What do you think about falling in swamps?"

  8. IC: [Jenali]"I don't think so, no," she said, frowning in thought. "That sounds really hard to miss, and really, really cool." She tilts her head and examines him. "I could probably go find it and probably I'd be able to come back, or I could scout ahead and you could follow, but... Hmm. have you ever done any vineswinging before?"OOC: No, seriously, Atonal, beware. Behind her innocent exterior lies an equally innocent but slightly mad interior.

  9. IC: [Jenali]"Hmm." Jenali looked thoughtful. "I can do food easy if you don't mind fruit." She gestured at the trees with a grin, then continued more soberly, "I haven't seen any taverns yet. I've only just got here, really."

  10. IC: [Jenali]"Huh. I'd suggest picking a direction and just walking, but..." she looked around at the dense trees again, and remembered the swamps she'd gone over. "I think I'd get turned around too if I hadn't figured out how to get over those miserable bogs instead of having to go around. I think I am anyway, actually..." she squinted at a thinner patch of leaves and shrugged when she gave up trying to tell where the sun was. "Eh. I'll figure things out. Where are you trying to get?"

  11. IC: [Jenali]Jenali pretended to be offended for approximately half a second, which was how long she managed to keep a straight face before breaking out into a grin. "Of course I'm good with plants, Atonal, I'm a Ma- a Toa of the Green!" Jenali's slip of the tongue only showed how new her form was to her, and it didn't damp her cheer any. "It's good to meet you too. You're lost, then?" She was already considering helping him in any way she could.OOC: Beware, Atonal, you may never have a quiet moment again!

  12. IC: [Jenali]Jenali shrugged. "Well, moss grows best in the shade, and since the sun's path is slanted to the south moss would grow better on the north side of the trees." She looked up at the dense canopy and frowned briefly. "It's probably going to be hard to tell down here, though, with the leaves mostly blocking the sunlight so the moss grows all over everything, but I think it'll be possible." She smiled to show him she was pretty happy about their chances, then added, "I'm Jenali, what's your name?"

  13. IC: [Jenali]Jenali swung through the treetops of the lush jungle that was apparently called Le-Wahi and hummed happily. There were so many trees and amazingly varied plants, all healthy and strong -- well. Most of them healthy and strong. She'd seen signs of battles in her so far brief exploration of the island, and she was pretty sure she didn't like it. She definitely didn't like what had happened to the Rahi here, or what she'd heard of its history...She sighed, then noticed the Toa of Ice below her and stopped at the next sturdy branch. Jenali peered through a barrier of leaves and listened to his muttering about direction, then considered it. She could keep going, but he looked nice and she could use talking to someone.She dropped down out of her hiding place and suggested, "Check where the trees have more moss?"OOC: Hullo!

  14. Ooooh! This is creepy and rather wonderful at the same time, and I really like how well you got into Darylhii's mind with the disturbing urges he has. I think my favorite part is the conversation between Iegasa and Darylhii, and how Iegasa is pretty much a textbook example of affably evil. At the very least he's affably south of neutral, and unnerving to boot.Then, of course, comes the incidents of police brutality, and I do love how Darylhii's snapping is implied but not outright stated to be because the interrogation is another like the one he saw before. I suspect Iegasa of having something to do with Darylhii's urges, though I have no idea why and haven't actually paid enough attention to the BZPRPG to be able to tell how reasonable my suspicions are. Speaking of the BZPRPG, this is a rather wonderful little thing even with my meager knowledge of the BZPRPG, and stands just fine on its own. I can't say I like this story, because the word 'like' is not sufficient to express my satisfaction with this tale! :biggrin:

  15. Aaahahahahaha I just finished reading Journey into the Light and it was awesome I hope you update soon GaliGee. I've been a huge fan of yours since forever! I think I'll go reread everything you've ever written, that should keep me entertained for a while. I might read the Makuta stories twice.

  16. Jenali {Dropped}

    Species: Toa of the GreenAlignment: Neutral Good, leaning Lawful.Gender: FemaleMask: Rau, Mask of Translation.Powers: Elemental Power of the GreenAppearance: Tall and wiry, Jenali stands at seven feet four inches but is thinner than the average Toa. Her armor is designed for maximum aerodynamics, smooth and streamlined, and is various greens and blues in dappled splotches like shifting shadows in a forest. Her organic parts are a tealish blue, her mask is dark green, and her eyes are a more neon shade of the same.Weapon: Jenali doesn't like weapons, preferring to use just her elemental powers to distract and disable whoever she has to attack, so at the moment she is unarmed.Personality: Jenali is... overbearingly, unrelentingly, determinedly cheerful. She's exuberant, and innocent, and has no sense of personal space. She protects the island and everything on it, even the Rahi, and takes the Makuta's corruption of the Rahi as a personal affront. She's a bit naive, but takes her new Duty as a Toa very seriously and throws herself into protecting Mata Nui, Le-Wahi especially, with the same innocent enthusiasm she has for everything.She dislikes violence, however, trying to use diplomacy whenever possible. She's found being a Toa isn't just calming down Rahi and using her powers to create food for everyone, but clings to her innocent roots in the hope that she can be a force for peace and good all on her own. She's stubborn when she gets it into her head to talk to someone, and if she thinks someone 'needs her help' they'll have a hard time getting rid of her.History: Jenali was a Matoran living on the Northern Continent until recently, using her affiny for plants to tend crops and keep her village fed. She found a Toa stone and jumped at the chance to help people in a more direct way than feeding them, and when she found out about the situation on Mata Nui she knew she had to help. Considering she's been a Toa for maybe two months, she's got a lot to learn...Abilities: As a Toa of the Green Jenali has the innate ability to create, control, and change plant life, and as someone who spent most of her life as a gardener in a jungle, she knows a lot about plants of all types. She's agile, and fast, and due to her lithe body she can squeeze into places other Toa couldn't. While she's naive she's not stupid, just overly trusting, and when it comes to plants and animals she can tell how healthy they are by examination, plants more easily because of her innate connection with them but Rahi as well due to practice.Weaknesses: Jenali's a new Toa, so she's still working out how to use her powers quickly and effectively. Getting into a real battle will shake her, as she's not used to anything more than calming down irate Rahi by talking and a little food, and she hasn't really had to learn to fight yet so she's not very good at it. Her naivete could easily get her into trouble by trusting or not trusting the wrong person, as she still has a very black and white view of the world and the people on Mata Nui are anything but. She's unnerved by fire, knowing how rapidly it destroys plants, and while she loves heat when it's humid like in the jungle she fears Po-Wahi and Ta-Wahi for how hot, dry, and perfect for brushfires they are. She's also not the strongest of Toa, so while she could probably outrun an average one of her fellows and she's good in the trees she's likely to be overpowered if in a grappling match.

  17. My favorite is the Makuta. Everybody else go home, he's been maniacally menacing the Matoran since 2001! He also bores me for he is Nothing, but even as a swirling vortex of Technic pieces and a rusty Matoran disguise he is awesome. He's cunning, and sneaky, and utterly evil, and has been plotting to take over the world since forever. I'd help kick His Nastiness over the horizon any day, but he's the oldest and finest piece of work the villains of Bionicle have to offer.I still call him Terry, though, because it's funny and I have no sense of self-preservation.

  18. I've always thought that Matoran of the Green would have innate ability with plants that would manifest as a green thumb. Anything they grow and tend to is stronger, healthier, has more flowers or fruits. They could also tell things about plants, like how strong a vine is or if a plant is poisonous.I think Matoran of Magnetism having a mental compass would make sense, and also that it could get confused by them being inside a very strong magnetic field that overrides whatever greater field they're using for directions.Ba-Matoran being resistant to gravity and so jumping higher and falling slower makes sense. No additional comments.Plasmatoran would probably be even hotter than Ta-Matoran. Most plasma's in the form of stars, so something like being walking-talking solar batteries or having a higher body temperature would hook into that. Pahrak-Kal's usage of it was very much a heat thing, melting and superheating and such, so a Plasmatoran ability that's related to heat would fall in line with Plasma's previous usages.

  19. Oh, yes, you're right on all points there. Especially the Nova Blast one, whoops! It's kind of a strange thing to me, though, that sand belongs to neither, and that the only actual difference is size of particles... eh, if it's canon it's canon.What's the dividing line between really hard-packed dirt and stone, then, since that would be another line between Onua and Pohatu's powers?

  20. Like bonesii said, dirt/soil - Onua's element - is/has decayed plant matter, an organic component. Stone is entirely inorganic (and dirt can, over time and through pressure and/or heat, become stone, but I can't think of any way to turn stone into dirt). The difference between Onua and Pohatu, I think, is that Pohatu could control sand. Pohatu could probably turn a pile of sand into a solid rock by basically putting it back together using his control over Stone. Onua couldn't, except maybe by squeezing it hard enough, but that requires Onua has his Pakari on so it's not part of his elemental powers.There are also more obvious things: Pohatu kicks boulders around that didn't exist a second ago, Onua has to find them first. Onua seems in tune with seismic tremors and such (the earth as in that thing beneath our feet) and can I think cause earthquakes, while Pohatu is more finding weaknesses in rocks to bust them to sand. I think Onua's Nova Blast would be something like a serious earthquake, and Pohatu's would more likely be something like rocks fall everyone dies.

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