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Posts posted by Lielac

  1. I got my first Bionicle set, Gali Nuva, at a second-hand store. My mom also saw a couple Bohrok-Kal canisters at Goodwill quite recently (May 2, 2013!!) and bought them for $5 each. While the Nuhvok-Kal set was woefully incomplete, Lehvak-Kal was in perfect condition and currently rests in ball-position on my knee as I'm typing this.

  2. I'm writing an Alternate Universe fanfic where the Matoran in the Chronicler's Company become Toa via the stones the Toa Metru created. Initially I went with the vague description in one of the Adventures books of 'the Toa Metru hid the Toa stones all over the island' and began sketching out possibilities for where, but when I read on BS01 that Quest for the Toa involved Takua gathering up the Toa stones at the Turaga's request I made it my mission to play it so I could get more detailed canon information. When I did find a version of it by scouring the net and began playing it, I find that Onepu tells me that the Onu-Koro Toa stone has been stolen from Kini-Nui. Then Turaga Whenua tells me that the Toa stones are needed to tell 'the legends', and that they're named after their Koro's Toa. They are also carved into the shape of their respective Toa's mask. None of this data matches up with the reason the Toa Metru created and hid the Toa stones, which was so that new Toa could be created when the Toa Metru became Turaga if the island needed protectors, and back then none of them knew that the stones would be used to summon the Toa Mata instead of creating another team. My question is this: how canonical are the points of 'the Toa stones are shaped like the Toa Mata's masks', 'the Toa stones were gathered up at some point to be used as props in storytime', and 'the Toa stones were later stolen, either by Rahi under the control of the Makuta or TerryMak himself'? The first point is mentioned in passing on the BS01 Toa stone page, but the second isn't mentioned at all even on the QfoT page itself and the third, while mentioned in the game summary, is contradicted by the line "Using a Madu Cabolo, [Takua] blasts a hole into a small section of the caves, containing Onua's Toa Stone, hidden there long ago by Whenua."


    So, basically... Bionicle canon is contradicting itself again. WHAT'S CANONICAL HEEEERE

  3. When the Toa Mata had all six individual Kanohi, with 5 on standby at their Suva and one at immediate command, there would always be a short delay before they switched to the one they wanted that was on their Suva and then they could activate it. With the Golden Kanohi, they had all six powers at hand, with only a moment's thought needed to switch between powers. (Somebody correct me if this is inaccurate or just plain wrong, please!)

  4. Anyone who doesn't pick Matoro is wrong, wrong, wrong.Yeah. Matoro. He laid down his life to save the universe and didn't even flinch, and I think that's kind of the pinnacle of heroism. All the times I wanted to reach into the book and shake him and tell him he was an cool dude were when he was doubting his own abilities and his own spirit and how important his ability to be compassionate and selfless and loving really is --No, I don't have a favorite character. Why do you ask? ^_^If Matoro's disqualified due to being too much sheer awesome, I'll have to get back to you on that. Maybe Jaller, for the reasons LewaLew laid out.

  5. so massive that anything that set foot on it would be instantly crushed
    Just so you know, although the exact size isn't known, it is common knowledge that SM is indeed extremely huge; this is why I have theorized before that there is something (probably core rock modified by the EP) that absorbs any gravity over a certain intensity, so it always has Earth gravity -- including all its fragments.
    Ooooh! As someone whose suspension of disbelief snapped when I found out the height of the Mata Nui robot, I like this absorption idea. It goes a long way to making the last year of Bionicle as easy to believe in as the rest. I think I'll incorporate it into my personal canon until such time as GregF either says that's what happened or gives a different explanation.That still makes for a mind-blowingly massive surface area, no matter how big Spherus Magna actually turns out to be... Oh Mata Nui, I may have to rethink that germinating idea to make reasonable maps of all the places. (I could probably -- probably -- restrict myself to just the Koro and Metru. Koros? Metrus? Feh, that's what I've always said but now I can't remember if they're the actual correct pluralization. They're definitely off topic, though.)
    • Upvote 1
  6. Whoooooooooo! New chapter! Hurraaaaah!I'll admit I was kind of horrified when I realized what was going on with the Ta-Wahi telescope, because... well... in canon it never gets moved, and Nixie just gets another one! I trust you to know what you're doing, though. :PI really like the Toa messing about and being silly and a bunch of play-fighting brothers. I've not got a clue what is up with Tahu's inferno of a mood, though, but again, I trust you to make things make sense by the end of all this.I love Kapura's brief appearance. Then again, I love Kapura period, because he is weird and awesome. The disk-stack thing made me snicker, as did Takua's thought about him and Kapura being the flakiest guard unit on Mata Nui. (And about Nixie not needing guarding. Dang straight!)Also: pssst, you misspelled Macku as Maacku about halfish-way through the chapter. (But you mentioned Kotu two words later, so s'all good.)

  7. 4.) It is either, as Mr. Lielac said, still in the Bahrag's chamber, though I believe it may have been destroyed when the Toa Nuva released the Bahrag.
    -cough- Miss Lielac, thanks. :P (Easy mistake, Bionicle's target demographic was preteen boys.)I'm just going off BS01, because the last I recall it being mentioned in the story was 2003 and the BS01 article corroborates that by the history ending after stating the cube was left in the nest after the Kal's mission was foiled. Maybe it fell in a plot hole... pff, this'd be one of those things to ask Greg about, wouldn't it?
  8. 1. Not an in-story one that I know of. Out-story, of course, it's there so the Mata can get their upgrade.2. I haven't the foggiest.3. I do believe they're in his face, seeing as they were under the island and their explicit purpose is to clean up that coat of rock when he needs to get up and go.4. BS01 says that the Nuva Cube remains in the nest. Presumably it hasn't been touched since the Kal tried to use it.5. The Toa Metru created Toa stones, yeah, but at the time they thought they were creating the stones for a new set of six to use. I have a theory that it depends how Toa stones are activated as to whether they create Toa or summon them. Takua was told by Turaga Vakama to use the stones to summon the Toa Mata, presumably because Vakama got a vision of them, and so that's what Takua meant to do and that's what happened. If the stones had instead been used by a group of Matoran with the intent of becoming Toa, that's what would have happened.Or maybe if it's one Matoran messing with six Toa stones the stones send out a signal (put into all Toa stones via GB Safeguards R Us) to the nearest Toa, and it's only when the number of Matoran with intent equals the number of Toa stones that a team is formed. I like my intent theory more, though. The Safeguards R Us still factors into that to explain the Toa-summoning signal; presumably it hooks into canister propulsion systems. If a Toa was hanging out nearby for an SOS to reach them they might get a telepathic guide urging them to go help.Pff. I wonder how much of that answer is baseless speculation.

  9. The Red Star, why it tells the future
    Now that is an annoying little plot hole. In Metru Nui the Ko-Matoran read the stars to find what Mata Nui had planned for the proper operation of his innards, but on the island of Mata Nui the stars are like Earth's and constellations are sheer dumb luck, so how?My opinion on how to patch it, because spreading my headcanon is fun? Nixie can see the future, and the prophesies she sees are just visions connected with a future location of the Red Star. It's not that the Red Star being there means the thing will happen, it's that the Red Star will be there when the thing happens. It's a way to pin her visions to a when because she can chart where it will be, and maybe she has enough control over what she sees to get a matching constellation out of her crosswired dreams as well as flashes of the future.I'll add another unresolved plot thread to the pile, too: Marendar and the EX-TER-MI-NATE ALL TO-A thing.
  10. Kopaka and Pohatu, of course, because if you don't like their banter you have no soal. Takua and Jaller, because Takua's allergic to work and Jaller [acronym=Platonically, I know the relationship canon. :P]loves[/acronym] him anyway. Hahli and Jaller because... okay I don't know she put a flower in his mask once and I have loved those two together since. Macku and Kotu as kickbutt Hands of Nokama... I could probably list a few more. Ooh! Lewa and Onua, of coooooourse, how did I forget that one.... Matau and that Kikanalo that licked him. No, okay I'm joking. Ish.
    Flower? When did she do that?
    One of the Bohrok Online Animations. After the Storm, that one. Then Jaller decided to stay a bit longer.
  11. Well shoot, I'm a protodite. Buzz, buzz. I follow the Toa Ignika, and when you trap it and get the mask I land on it. It turns me into a landshark with laser eyes; I laser-eye you and flee with the mask between my copious amounts of teeth. Bwahaha, my mask!

  12. Fused to the back of your head, you say? I gained access to the Spear of Fusion through shenanigans and whack you in the head with it. The Ignika unsticks from your head, and I catch it and run off. Hahaha, my mask!

  13. And got there...? (Shenanigans, probably. GB shenanigans.)Oh, speaking of Marendar: is it ever specified who worked on or suggested that particular piece of paranoia, or can I add an addendum to your theory that suggests Velika was the one to head the creation of Marendar for reasons of "Toa are potentially dangerous"?
    1) Well we apparently know that Velika must have the ability to travel great distances very quickly (perhaps using the RS teleporter that seems to exist, or perhaps a fast vehicle), although I'm a bit rusty on that.2) I don't see anything about it on the GB page. Marendar doesn't seem to have its own page, so not sure where else to look besides the OGD. Short answer I don't think we know, so your theory would make sense.

    1. RS teleporter? I've seen that mentioned before on this topic... what is it that you're referring to? ... hang on. RS... Red Star... okay I think I know what the acronym means, but now I'm confused again because I still don't know what you're talking about.2. Aha. Thanks. Assuming (heh) your theory is correct that Velika is out to kill all powerful beings because he was against them from the start, him making a fallback like that to at least kill all Toa if he can't go do it himself for whatever reason makes sense.Semi-related tangent: I wonder if Glatorian with elements on would count as Toa?Other semi-related tangent: I wonder if Velika backed the Baterra project? Targeting all those with weapons sounds similar to targeting all those with powers... (But without Greg, it's not like we can aaaask, so this is kind of theory upon theory, progressively less stable as I build on sensible theories with perhaps less sensible speculation...)

  14. S&T, S&T, and S&T. Also some posts in Games & Trivia, but... yeah. S&T. Also Lego Discussion, in general and the 'other' section in that larger section. General Art gets a looksee every so often and I'll probably post some things in there once I've drawn them, and I plan to create topics in Epics and Short Stories at... some point once I've written things I can bear to show other people... but Bionicle Storyline & Theories is my home and native land. It has all my kindred spirits.

  15. So here's a theory:

    This is about Velika's motive for the murders. I see two key evidences; first, that he did something without or against the other GBs' will in going into hiding in the MU, second, the "delicious" line. What if he had major disagreements about how to design the MU from the beginning, and now that the mission is accomplished, he feels free to act on those disagreements? Spending so much time waiting for that might indeed be delicious to someone like that, and become an obsession that might override their caring about the beings being fully sapient.With Tren Krom, perhaps he originally wanted him destroyed after his usefulness was up, rather than merely trapped. Now that his final usefulness is over, Velika would feel free to end him.With Karzahni, perhaps he originally suspected or knew he was a bad repairer and disagreed with giving him that job. Or as others have pointed out he might have realized that only when he was sent to be repaired himself, and kills Karzahni not so much out of personal revenge but out of a desire to undo that mistake.With the fortress beings, perhaps he disagreed with giving anybody in the MU great power, but wanted them all to be powerless like Matoran, using only machines in the MU, inventions, or tools with powers to accomplish whatever was needed. This would explain both why he mentions the beings of power in there, and why he chose to become a Matoran in the first place. It may also fit with his giving out information on how to shut down Toa power. And possibly he also let Marendar loose for that reason, though that might just have been a coincidence.Thoughts?

    Very, very intriguing. It seems plausible, gives him a motive that doesn't rely on "He's insaaaane!", looks evil to the MU inhabitants but to a GB is just "they're too dangerous", and explains all of his potential targets in one fell swoop.Marendar seemed to have escaped on its own, though I recall that Angonce did express uncertainty about whether its prison could hold it. And how would Velika have released Marendar without Angonce noticing...? And got there...? (Shenanigans, probably. GB shenanigans.)Oh, speaking of Marendar: is it ever specified who worked on or suggested that particular piece of paranoia, or can I add an addendum to your theory that suggests Velika was the one to head the creation of Marendar for reasons of "Toa are potentially dangerous"?

  16. Didn't we already have this topic at some point? :P My vote's the same now as it was then: the Makuta. Everybody else go home, Teridax has been maniacally menacing the Matoran since day one. He's evil, and brilliant, and a magnificent sonnuva Doom Viper, and evil. And awesome. Nostalgia due to him being my first and oldest villain may plays a huge factor.

  17. 1. Velika's real name is, in fact, Velika? Oh, good, that means I won't have to go back and change things in the fanfic I'm starting to work on.2. Velika's the murderer too? YES! PROOF! Proof of what I've been saying for -- er, DAYS! I was RIGHT! I was right, I was right...Okay, party over: I'm suspecting Velika's either been off-kilter from the start or his stay in Karzahni knocked a few bolts loose, because what we've seen of the murderer shows, to me at least, that he is cray-zay. That might be me talking as a nonmurderous member of society, but I have no idea why he'd be killing the powerful people.

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