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Posts posted by Lielac

  1. If you mean the game now called BIONICLE: Quest for the Toa, I've played it on an emulator a few times. It's fun! It's of questionable canonicity, but fun, and gives a bit of explanation to how the Toa Mata were summoned to the island of Mata Nui and just why Takua woke up with amnesia. I mean, get flung a couple hundred kilometers, a human would be impossibly lucky to only get an amnesia-inducing bump to the head. Matoran are ludicrously sturdy.

  2. Kiiiiinda? I was playing the MNOG on vacation a couple years ago, and my dad's friend's kids wouldn't stop asking me what it was so I explained it to them.


    And I've been ranting about sci-fi writers having no sense of scale to a friend of mine today, specifically all of Bionicle's glorious wonkiness, so I guess that might count. Also trying to hash out travel times for a fanfic, and when she asked if the Mangai is terribly active I said "they'd be more concerned about the mind-controlled wildlife trying to eat them" and then had to explain why there's mind-controlled wildlife trying to eat people.



    Guys I'm pretty sure it's a reboot since Lewa's element is Jungle now. :P

    You have absolutely no way of knowing that other than leaked and possibly fraudulent materials, so I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that and proceed on the assumption that we really can't know anything for sure until we get an official statement from Lego.


    Except that the Mask of Hype is pointy, shiny, and almost certainly Important. That's pretty definite.

    I made an educated guess, I have NO idea what you're talking about.


    Ehe. Sure, let's go with that.


    SO! If we're making guesses, I want the Chronicler's Company as Toa. Because it'd be an entertaining band of misfits, and also because they're on my mind right now for some unfathomable reason. -hides fanfic behind her back-

  4. I like the idea of Makuta still being around, but not as a threat. What if some Matoran stumbles across all that remains of Makuta in a jungle somewhere, and he's been reduced to a powerless ghost of antidermis? Just floating around as a whisp for thousands of years, regretting what he's done. 


    Could be kind of a haunting story, if done right. Perhaps some young Matoran has to go talk to him to learn some ancient knowledge relevant to the current storyline? 

    Pfffheh. Teridax. Not a threat. He's the kind of annoying git who'd manage to plot your demise if you left him powerless on an asteroid on the other side of the galaxy.


    Buuuuut it's an interesting mental image, him being "not a threat". And possibly entertaining.

    • Upvote 3
  5. ARE YOU READY FOR A MIRACLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    [video snipped]

    While I was greatly saddened by Matoro's death, bringing him back -- except maybe in a reboot -- would cheapen his sacrifice.


    ... Okay, bringing him "back", in a reboot where Bionicle Classic's storyline never happened and therefore there's no sacrifice to be cheapened, would be liable to make oldbies cry and newbies be baffled as to why the old fans are sniffling. So I think I'd be okay with it.

  6. Guys I'm pretty sure it's a reboot since Lewa's element is Jungle now. :P

    You have absolutely no way of knowing that other than leaked and possibly fraudulent materials, so I'm just going to pretend you didn't say that and proceed on the assumption that we really can't know anything for sure until we get an official statement from Lego.


    Except that the Mask of Hype is pointy, shiny, and almost certainly Important. That's pretty definite.

  7. Purge your pre-existing ideas about Bionicle from your mind. None of that applies any longer. It will not be a continuation of the same bloated, convoluted story.

    But, it will still have the essence of classic Bionicle. Mystical masks, noble heroes, elemental powers, dark creatures, and face-hugging parasites.

    The same "beats" of the story will still be there, but the details will be different. It will not be a literal successor to the theme, but a spiritual one.

    Yes, this.


    ... but not a spiritual successor like Hero Factory!

  8. How about this.


    It takes place far in the future on Spherus Magna. All organic beings died out only leaving the MU inhabitants and whatever creatures were more mechanical than organic there on the planet. So we eliminate the whole 'too much species is too complex to understand' argument.




    Spherus Magna gets obliterated, everyone takes refuge on another planet. New location, new mysteries.

    But then we still have the 10 years worth of backstory to slog through if new fans want to get all the context for who all these people are. Unless all the characters we know and love get killed off, but in that case why not just have a reboot?


    At the very least, I hope we get a game in the save vein as the MNOLG, if not necessarily Flash animation.  It'd be wonderful to have the chance to interact with the new setting just like the old one, get to know the new characters firsthand.

    3D MNOG.


    ... once I get over the Vegemite Effect I might like that. Assuming it's engaging on its own. But I see "MNOG" and immediately think of that 2D animation, so it'll probably take a second playthrough before I expect a 2015 MNOG to be what it is, and before that I'm liable to complain that it's not what I was expecting and therefore it sucks.


    Noooooo. Teridax is dead. DEAD. Even if there was the possibility of him not being dead, which there isn't, he was the villain for 10 years. He's overdone and needs to be offed, like he rightfully was, so somebody more interesting can take over the Big Bad slot.


    Psht. Have you seen Transformers? I'm pretty sure every single reboot of their series has had Megatron killed, only to come back - usually in a bigger, "badder" form. Why? Cuz he's so awesome, and everyone loves him. Sure, it gets tiring after awhile, but still...


    I could see Lego doing that with Teridax (if we get a reboot, which is seeming more and more likely).


    Pfffff. Everybody loving Teridax? Nooooo, I don't think so, not from what I've been reading. Although I'm really not into Transformers and so can't compare its timeline to Bionicle's to see how they might parallel for reboots and such, so I can't really comment on this comparison.


    Eh, reboot Teridax (provided this IS a reboot, which I'm inclined to believe) isn't necessarily the same as preboot!Teridax.  If he shows up again, he might be a bit more interesting the second time around.


    ...also, I really wanna see what he'd look like with a redesigned set.   ^_^

    Hrmm. Reboot = alternate universe = yeah, maybe. Maaaaaaybe. Then he'd better be a shadowy, nameless entity for a while. Don't want the new fans looking up "Makuta" and getting spoiled.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Did a little sketch recently.


    That is beautiful.


    If we had to have a term, it should be chroniclers. Mainly because that is what we were doing 2001-2010 and now: looking at the events as they happened and analysing them. And now, in this very site, we discuss and write them down. We are like hard working Takuas.

    -cackles- Yes! Hard-working Takuas, hahahahaaaaaa... Also, for the classic fans, it's from the MNOG; we were Takua when we played it, so we became the Chronicler. Y'know, from a certain point of view. So why not have us call ourselves Chroniclers? We are Chroniclers!


    ... speaking of Chroniclers, I'm "chronicling" an alternate universe, so I'll be in the corner trying to write Chutespeak if you need me. Why did I decide the Chronicler's Company would be an interesting Toa team, again...? (Oh, right. The mental image of Macku trying to keep them in line.)

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