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Everything posted by aimop95

  1. I don't know why everyone seems to be so negative about JTO, Honestly I think it's much better than the Last Bionicle Movie they made (massive beetle monster scares off the Skrull? Really? After all the ruthless characterization in the comics and we get that?). I personally am very excited to see how LEGO wants to develop the story. I won't mind a simpler story, simply because I love the toys as they are, but I think JTO has set up a very nice universe in which they can delve into darker themes and more complex narrative. The ending of JTO already had some amazing dark implications on Makuta's part and how the Hunter decided to split up the Toa from their Creatures was also very nicely executed the way I saw it. Much better than how Vakama decides to go all pissy and evil because of ONE mistake (honestly that was my only problem with Web of Shadows, ya you messed up Vakama, that's not an excuse to try kill all your friends, Matau had more a reason to go feral than Vakama). In any case, if they bring back the comics, we could probably get our much needed (apparently) complex stories we are used to, otherwise I think we'll be waiting for a long while before the story starts to spin us for loops or anything like that.
  2. Thanks for the replies. I'm excited. I never was able to really get (any of) the old sets (followed the comics/movies/books though), but now...NOW I HAVE ALL THE MONEY. And I cannot wait! Still, I think the masks will have powers...I mean, we still have the two mask makers...
  3. Have that silly gender ratio. Seriously, that always ticked me off despite the fact there were references to other female toa that weren't water related.
  4. So it's confirmed that bionicle is getting a reboot then? I just discovered that bionicle is coming back...like an hour ago. And I absolutely adored the old one. Does this mean we get to go all the way back? Back when fighting mind-controlled rahi was the biggest thing happening?
  5. As confusing as the serials are, I sort of want them to end, and end with a good story.I know that Greg is busy (I don't know the details though) but maybe he could hand them over to some very good fan writers? or something.Obviously there are copyright issues, but it's not like Lego plans on bringing this back.
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