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Dibble Flubwibbler of DOOM

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Status Updates posted by Dibble Flubwibbler of DOOM

  1. and we're the game grumps!...wait,no thats not my show. BELOW AVERAGE GEEKS!

  2. Two Year Ahvokii! YAY!

    1. McNugget


      Your status is currently a lie.


      You have the Huna.

  3. for some reason, my computer has deleted almost three months worth of my activity here. has this happened to anyone else?.

    1. Sybre


      Meh, I've had worse.

  4. i miss the show fringe on fox. anyone else seen it?...no? SHAME!

    1. Cratak


      I've heard it's a pretty good sci-fi show, but I haven't had the chance to watch it.

  5. i have a vahi on my profile on the side!!! what does this mean?!?!

    1. Cratak


      You've been here for a year! Woot! :D

  6. McDonalds documentary:its terrible for you,and we dont even know where the meat comes from! our reaction:THATS DISGUSTING!ill have six big macs please!

  7. have you heard? McRib is back! *hungry eyes tune plays* ;P

    1. Cratak


      "Hurry and get yours now for a limited time!" I think this is the fourth or fifth time they put up the limited McRib. XD

    2. Dibble Flubwibbler of DOOM

      Dibble Flubwibbler of DOOM

      someone told me once that they mash up all the bones and fat and put an ingrediant of yoga mattresses into it to hold it together(yumm!)

  8. BACONATOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!eat one or die.

  9. BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. or im just that geeky...either way...SONIC RULES!ALL WHO DISS SONIC WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF A THOUSAND BURNING SUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. "just obtained the eighth rodaron emerald!must...become...8th...emerald...staticTH..." yes...i did say that...i love sonic that much

  12. just obtained the eighth rodaron emerald!must...become...8th...emerald...staticTH...

  13. i think i know you from lego.com too!im legomonster7667

    1. Cratak


      Hey! Aren't you part of the Glatorians? (Sorry I didn't reply until now, haven't been able to get on the computer)

    2. Dibble Flubwibbler of DOOM
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