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Status Replies posted by Edo309

  1. Happy 100th Anniversery, Titanic!

    1. Edo309


      You're right on that. Maybe I should change it?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Ok, the Picture Topic says I need a Hosting Service site. Do I need an account on those sites?

  3. Hi Tufi! I'm just wondering, but how do you get pictures from your "My Pictures" Folder into a post?

    1. Edo309


      Just disregard this now, I got my awnser.

  4. Does anyone actually care about what I type here? Ah no one ever reads these things.

    1. Edo309


      I just came here and read what you wrote. So someone does read these things.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Hi. Welcome to Bzpower.

    1. Edo309


      Thanks, man.

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