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The Swimming Beard

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Posts posted by The Swimming Beard

  1. My first, and possibly only entry for the villain contest, Battle for the Gold Mask.



    Zylor was sentenced to The Pit for his efforts to fight against the Toa. While there, he developed an immense hatred for them, as they were what caused him to become a hideous monster. Eventually, he manged to escape, and has used his time since to hunt down the Toa that caused him to be imprisoned. 

  2. I'm just wondering, how would you guys rate your top 5 favorite episodes of the "New" Doctor Who? (not season 8, but all of the new seasons)


    Personally, my list would be like this:


    1: The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon

    2: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

    3: The Eleventh Hour

    4: Blink

    5: The Lodger

  3. This series is odd, just odd. The only episode I liked was 'Into the Dalek', whilst I completely disliked the first episode and 'Listen' promised much but completely let me down.


    'Time Heist' was okay.


    I hope Steven Moffet isn't around for long. I haven't truly enjoyed an episode since 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship'. His episodes are lacklustre and his female characters lack character development and any meaningful personality.


    Not to mention that they use the exact same appearance for so many of them. Consider the Eyepatch woman from series 6, Missy, and Calibraxas.


    Anyway, I agree with msot of what you said about this season.


    I know it would never, ever happen, but I'd love LEGO American Civil War or LEGO World War II. There could be small Battle Pack-style sets with generic soldiers from specific countries, medium-sized sets of major battles including famous commanders, and the big sets would be vehicles like the B-29 bomber.


    *sigh* If only that whackjob didn't build Auschwitz out of LEGO, now LEGO would never do it for real. Oh well. At least we have LEGO Abraham Lincoln.

    The LEGO Group was vehemently anti-war in their subject matter. The original Castle set was yellow specifically because Godtfred Kirk Christiansen was worried that if you gave kids grey bricks they would use them to make tanks.


    Honestly, some of their more recent themes HAVE come very close to including war-related content, specifically in the Indiana Jones theme and some other licensed themes. But the LEGO Group has never made a modern, real-world war the focus of a set or theme, just its context.



    If Lego is vehemently anti-war, why did they produce 2 models of the Sopwith camel, a WWI war plane? Additionally, if that was okay, why would they have a problem with WWII?

  5. I just hope next episode doesn't turn out like Hide.


    Yeah, Hide was immensely disappointing. Setting us up for something creepy and cool, and then... that?


    Anyway, I thought the Robin Hood episode was surprisingly good. Cheesy, but to the extent that you expect it enough for it not to be bad. 

  6. The gold works really well: it's sort of a halfway point between brown and the yellows that Toa of Stone had later on. It also reminds me of the yellows browns on some of the Matoran in MNOG II.


    The red makes a great contrast, too.


    Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking when I made it a Toa of stone. Tan is standard, gold is similar to tan and brown, and silver is just armor. The black is used as a base, so the only color that really wouldn't fit for a stone Toa is the red, which I added to make it interesting. Anyway, thanks, and thanks to everyone who commented. 

  7. My entry to the September BZPower flickr contest.


    This is, without a doubt, the most ambitious color scheme I have ever used on a MOC. I actually think I was able to pull it off fairly well. 





    As always, comments and criticism appreciated. 

    • Upvote 2
  8. Did no one else think that premier was one of the dumbest episodes of the franchise? Just me? Okay.


    Eh, it was okay. The focus seemed to be more on the characters than the plotline, anyway.


    Still better than "The Time of The Doctor". That one just seemed like the writers said "Okay, we have a bunch of storylines to resolve. Let's get them all out of the way at once." The whole episode just seemed poorly-written and bad.

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