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Posts posted by Athmos

  1. IC(Quert):


    Sort, stack, fold, put away. Sort, stack, fold, put away.


    That was the less then merry tune playing through Quert's head as he handled his patients' paperwork. With the last few ones, he slightly rushed putting them away, longing to get out of the Hospital, report to the Guard HQ, and get home(You work a 18 hour shift, and see how energy filled you are!).


    He pulled off his white lab coat, and replaced it with his Medical Guard jacket. He picked up two folders and headed for the exit to his office, then in turn, the Hospital.


    He jogged down the dusty streets, several side streets, and one back alleyway until he reached the Guard HQ. He pushed open the door and gave a quick, messy salute to Tera as he headed over to his locker, threw his folders in, closed it, and went back to the lobby.

  2. IC(Quert): "Missus....Well, Missus, how are you doing today?" Quert turned a page in the folder using his teeth. "Good, that's good. Your pulse is the same, thankfully. Most of your readings are good, but none improving, I'm afraid." He turned another page in the folder. "You've been like this for 2 months, 3 days. You were found nearly dead outside Po-Koro. I, with my nurses, brought you back. And I don't know your name." Quert lifted his eyes from the folder to the bed. A mess of tubes and wires almost covered a female Vortixx from sight. Quert sighed and looked at his folder again. "I read from this folder everyday, hoping, that just hearing a voice will wake you up. I have reasons of my own, but, no offense, the other doctors are starting to see you as a waste of a bed. Give me an idea you're not. Please." Quert closed the folder, looked at her one last time, and left the room.

  3. IC(Quert): His arm was broken, but it didn't bother him much. Stung if someone touched it, sure, but the bone had been set and was nearly healed. He adjusted his arm in the sling, as he walked through the hospital. It was probably the first day since Makuta's defeat that most of the rooms were empty. Too many people got injured or killed. Including him. He got off light, compared to most of the injuries. Just some dumb luck...OOC: Interaction welcomed.

  4. Quert



    Name: Quert (Ka-wert)


    Species: Po-Toa


    Alignment: Lawful Neutral


    Gender: Male


    Appearance: Quert stands around 6' tall. His armor, and most everything else on his body, is a rust-brown. His armor is comprised of a set of gauntlets and a set of greaves. He wears a black jacket, bearing the Guardsmen symbol and a medical cross. His mask is shaped like a Miru.


    Weapon(s): None; Carries a Medical Kit.


    Mask: The Mask of Healing


    Element: Stone


    Traits: Quert is an all around good guy. A bit of a smart-alack, he can be very comforting and calming, although a bit harsh. He is able to keep a calm head in stressful situations.


    Biography: Quert joined the guard early on in its development. He avoided the combat aspect of the Guard and instead joined up with the medical division, gaining a large amount of skill as a doctor. His sarcasm has resulted in him losing many a promotion. He prefers not to talk much about his personal history, as he says, "When I wear the jacket, it is time for business, not personal drama." However, he never removes the jacket.


    Weakness(es): Quert was never trained in combat, and suffers in combat as a result. He suffers in the cold.







    Name: Kaheri


    Species: Skakdi


    Alignment: Chaotic/Self


    Gender: Male


    Appearance: He is stands around 6'6". His body is light grey, with a triple green streak on his left arm. An ugly scar is visible above his left eye. His eyes are light blue. His body build is slim, but not scrawny. He is average height for a Skakdi. He wears a full set of light, leather armor, which is colored black.


    Weapon(s): Scythe


    Powers: Elemental: Ice; Vision: Thermal Imaging.


    Traits: Selfish and cold, with a bad sense of Humor. Doesn't talk much, but when he does, it's brief and to the point. Kaheri doesn't like to hang around other of his kind, actually enjoying the company of Matoran more.


    Weakness(es): Fire and Extreme cold weakens him. Useless in Long-Range combat.




    Maxiam Kilanewb



    Name: Maxiam “Max” Kilanewb


    Species: Po-Toa


    Alignment: Po-Koro/Lawful Neutral


    Gender: Male


    Appearance: Maxiam is a muddish-brown color and he wears a Dusty-Brown Kadin. He is middle-aged(for a Toa) making him older then most of the Guard Members. This is reflected in creases around his dark gray eyes. He is the only Toa in the Guard to wear camouflage(DCU) uniforms, as he insists, "The more I blend in, the more the enemy sticks out." He stands at 6' 10” tall.


    Weapon(s): 6' Iron rod, that can extend to 10'.


    Mask: Kadin


    Powers: Mask of Flight, Element of Stone


    Traits: Maxiam believes in strict rule-following and frowns upon rule-breaking in the smallest degree. This, along with his explosive temper, have resulted in many Guard members disliking him. He doesn't accept failure from himself, and will continue fighting to achieve his goals no matter what the cost. He has something of a unnatural loyalty for Po-Koro that never shakes, regardless of what happens.


    Weakness(es): Swimming. He is rather terrible at dodging long range attacks.







    Name: Shomdud

    Alias: Duddy

    Species: Fa-Turaga

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: 4’ in height when hunched over, which is most of the time. He wears an oversized baggy, brown cloak, hiding his limbs most of the time, which are a pale gray. He wields a black Sanok, which forces his almost pinkish eyes to stand out.

    Weapon(s): A iron dagger, with several names carved into the wooden handle.

    Mask: Sanok; Mask of Accuracy

    Powers: Weak Magnetic Influence

    Traits: Shomdud is rather loud, and loves to give advice, even when it is not desired. He is often telling of his old days as a Toa, but most of his stories seem to be fake and made up on the spot. He has a good heart but his mouth often moves faster than his brain. He loves “slop,” a stew made from leftover Rahi parts, which he insists is magical in nature and gives him strength.

    Weakness(es): He’s a slow, old, and weak Turaga.



  5. Just a bit of a call out:


    If I was interacting with you last arc, with any characters, please(pretty please), PM me or something letting me know. Several documents of my characters have gone rouge, to say the least, so I'll need heads up, as a few of them may not even show up again.

  6. Friar Tuck's been viewing the topic for hours, maybe he's writing the start of mid 2013-late 2015 aka BZPRPG 2013? :P


    We're all excited about the start of the next season, but there is little point to guessing when it's going to start. A better use to all your excitement would be in making characters for the new season. :)


    EDIT: And there's Tuck, explaining away.

  7. That was pretty cool. I find it really interesting how you turned a song into a complete story. It flowed extremely well, and was rather gripping. I didn't see any grammar or spelling problems, but the bold print made it just little hard to read. It might have just been my computer screen though. :P


    I had a good idea of what song it was, but when you got to "When the music died," I knew it. Great song choice, BTW.


    I wasn't sure if any of the past NEX members would want to be part of it again, and I didn't want to send out messages to them all. I figured I might annoy someone doing that, so a simple post in here seemed the wisest idea to me.

    You want back in, Grochi?

    Kaerhi, unfortunately, is off doing other things this time around. I'm gonna seriously consider making another character for NEX though. Had a ton of fun in it.

  9. OOC: Most likely the last Kaerhi post for this season. Will be bringing him back though, probably.IC(Kaerhi): "Huh." Kaerhi was standing outside the shrine and looking off towards Ko-Koro. Smoke wafted over the snow dunes and mountains, a sign that the earthquake, or whatever it was, did some damage. He popped his neck and turned to Velan. "So. Wanna go and make me fill my promise? The island stands before you. Or lies. Whatever."

  10. IC(Kaerhi): "Agreed. I am not going to try to steal from tea-lady and company." Kaerhi whispered back. He then stood up and announced, "Due to, uh, unforeseen circumstances, we must be going now. Thank you for the tea and housing."


    Quick question: What are the rules on Anixilia?

    -The Toa loses control of the mask power

    -The mask isnt necessarily organic.

    -The mask becomes fully sentient, considered another character, except, y'know, without the element and actual bodies and weapons and all that.

    -The mask and the Toa are not in perfect cohesion. You're using 2 brains now, which is an advantage, but the fact that there are always fallouts between 2 characters means most of the time, it's a struggle.

    -You're gonna have to follow the Anxilia plot.





    Any questions, feel free to PM me.



    I fell in love at "fully sentient."

  12. OOC: By dispose, you mean kill, right?





    Roase halted his beating of the Matoran waiter when Araedrex walked in. He gave him a rather toothy grin, but as he left, Roase looked at Maioro. "What was that about, mister Toa?"





    "Well, um, thank you for the teanotreally, I think we should be going now. Sorry."

  13. Pie, that's a bit of an exaggeration.Unless the standard of RP'ing has deteriorated massively in my absence. :P- Indigo Individual



    It deteriorated......without you.


    *insert cheesy love song*


    Back on topic,



    I just thought of this. We assume the Rahkshi going to fly over the walls at Ta-Koro, but what's from stopping them from flying just above the lava to hit the village from down under?

  14. So I had a look at this place and thought, 'Oh, Rahkshi. That looks interesting,' so I thought I'd maybe hang around for a little while.Hi again guys.(new people [or old people] who don't know me: don't worry about it, I'm just the guy who does nothing of importance and still thinks he's better than pretty much everyone else and incredibly underrated)- Indigo Individual



    For the new people:


    This is one of the best RPers on this site.

  15. I'd be surprised if they didn't have any sort of board-game. Sure, they have sports, but even that gets old sometimes. And what do you do on your coffee-break, eh? ha ha. In fact, there's a scene in a fan-fic of mine where everything has been rained out, and a few of the characters are playing a Matoran variation of Chinese Checkers to pass the time. I also don't doubt that every Koro/Metru could have it's own board-game(s). You know, games that fit the general disposition of each breed/Element.For kicks:Ko- and Ga-Matoran -- Clue/Cluedo, chess, Stratego, Senet, etc.Onu- and Po-Matoran -- Chinese Checkers, cards and Jenga? XDTa-Matoran -- Battleship and D&D.Le-Matoran -- Twister and Candy Land. *shot*



    Funnily enough, they probably do play a form of Twister. At least, I think.

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