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Nik the Three

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Posts posted by Nik the Three

  1. Do Private Investigator also know what his partner do? Or only his partner knows what does he do? I know that his skill may already be OP, but it would make a lot more sense.


    Also, three people remaining! Murder hype intensifies!

  2. Planet with architecture made of enlarged LoTR and Hobbit Lego sets. Legends says that floor is made of small Lego bricks and it is impossible to walk there without shoes.

    (Tell me if I should stick to previous more or less realistic things)



  3. Yeah, I have checked Games & Trivia and there are many like this. I would participate, but I have just filled character registration for Corpus Rahkshi and as a newcomer I think 2 games/RPGs are enough. Maybe change the rules so we can start, when 2 more people join Murder Mansion. Better than not starting at all...

  4. I pay danish robotic company (got teh joek?) for creating an arm. Why? I lift piano and punch you in your face. Oops, I didn't know Ignika is destructible! But I use it's own power to fix it.


    My Mask!

  5. Welcome to Corpus Nik

    It's my first RPG. Well I tried BZPRPG before, but left after... Well, I better not talk about it. I was trying to join already running story, right? This RPG seems better for such a newcomer as I am.

  6. Name: Tesla

    Variation: Magnetism

    Level: 2

    Gender: Recognizes herself as neutral, recognized by others as female. She doesn't mind that.


    - Two katana-like swords. Just not as sharp. Wears them on her back when she isn't using them.

    Appearance: Typical magnetism Rahkshi colors. Black head with yellow-orange eyes, black spine and golden feet. Golden hands have black circles of various sizes on their back. She is a little shorter than usual Rahkshi. Thinks that wearing transparent glasses makes her look better and smarter (that means she wear them).

    Personality: Intelligent, teachable, likes to increase her skills, helpful, nice, sensitive, but hates romance and love

    Bio: She spends much time in library, learning about physics (especially about electromagnetism) to help her understanding her own powers. She likes to help others with things she know and understand and overally is nice person. She always uses metal weapons and tries to help herself with magnetism, making her swords lighter to lift and heavier on impact. Difference is really a small, but she tries to increase these powers.

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