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Nik the Three

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Posts posted by Nik the Three

  1. Game-wisely, there is no difference between arrest and death. Arrest was just behind corner, so I at least tried something. I thought it will end like this. Seeing this, there was no possible way to win for me.


    Good luck, Jed.

  2. I made a drawing of my first and (currently) only Rahkshi - Tesla. It doesn't look very much like how I imagine her, but it's worth mentioning. Here.



    IC: Draco

    It is at this point I realize that maybe I should save the wall trick for if Subject actually escapes. I made a fool of myself... Again. I silently will the wall to disappear.

    So gym can be entered again? Is it safe for usage? I don't want my Rahkshi to die in less than week after joining Corpus.
  3. IC: Tesla - Refectory


    Tesla nodded, "I don't believe any Rahkshi in whole Corpus might become soldier they imagine," she frowned and turned to Doubt, "this new breed has ability to think. It can result in better killing machines... Killing machines with feelings and thoughts. This is not what Makuta needs. Maybe it is, but not what he wants. We are just an experiment. I don't want to know what they do with those who aren't able to do what Makuta imagines we should do. But this let's change topic, this is just... Too... Depressing, that's the word. Are you with us on going to courtyard, Jitters?" she turned head to him, unsuccessfully trying to smile again.

  4. I occasionally draw something and this is the case. I decided to draw my first Corpus Rahkshi character - Tesla, Rahkshi of Magnetism. I can personally see many errors (like top part of right arm hollow, non-colored book and parts not being in scale, fingers on book etc). Hardest thing for me was right feet, because I haven't ever seen it as physical part and I didn't find image from given angle. Overally it ended better than I expected, especially being my first Bionicle-themed drawing.




    Before coloring


    • Upvote 2
  5. IC: Tesla - Refectory


    She thought about it for a while, taking her last spoon of mash. "You're right," she said then, "I believe, if they want to use us in war, it would be better to have weaker soldiers, than killers, who tries to kill each other." In front of her empty tray she stretched again, "where shall we go next? I feel need for fresh air," she looked on each Rahkshi, "are you with me to visit courtyard?" she looked under the table, "I believe Destraz would agree."

  6. IC: Tesla - Refectory


    Tesla was surprised. She always thought that her talking about library would make everyone soon fall asleep or be bored to death. "Actually," she started, "it's mixture of both. I want to be better in fight, using magnetism in better way and at the same time," she smiled at Jitters, "I love books and science." She took a full spoon of mash, "but enough about me. What about you Doubt?" she turned head to him after taking another spoon, "I don't know much about you besides fact that you are, well, Doubt."

  7. IC: Tesla - Refectory


    "Oh, I haven't even noticed he followed us," said Tesla and looked at Destraz. He seemed to not like how she is watching him, "that means your power is rahi control," she turned to Jitters, "I am Rahkshi of Magnetism. I spent a lot of time in library learning about my element from scientifical view. That's where my name came from: Tesla was a really powerful Rahkshi of Magnetism, who lived thousands of years ago. More interestingly, he had a traces of electricity powers," she looked thoughtfully, "but we are new generation of Kraata and such thing as 2 elemental powers is probably impossible. There is connection between magnetism and electricity, but only on scientifical field. There seem to be no connection in terms of elemental energies," she frowned a bit, "I spent whole week to discover that," she got her smile again, "but at least I have a name now!"


    She looked at Doubt and back to Jitters while proceeding in line, "let's take seats!"

  8. IC: Tesla - Refectory


    Tesla thought about it, "I think... It's less than a week, but I spent one day getting settled and rest in library, so it doesn't count very much."


    She looked at Jitter's tray full of grey sludge: "Don't take that much, it might look like a mash, but it will fill you quickly." She took her own tray and took about a half of what Jitters took. After some time standing in line, Tesla asked: "Where do you have Destraz from?"


    OCC: And more importantly where is Destraz now? Blocking hallway or has he gone with us to refectory?

  9. If MUD is what I think it is, this won't be exactly that, because this game will be too much story driven to make so strong interaction possible.


    It may change quickly, but current idea is that you may meet other players in locations, trade with them and get hints from them. Story we are currently working on is so complicated it will take a while to sort everything out and start with first location. Similar to MNOG with some of NPCs replaced by actual players maybe.

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  10. IC: Tesla - Hallways > Refectory


    "So let's go!" she was really happy to know two Rahkshi she can probably call friends, "I am starving!"


    Three Rahkshi (Tesla, Doubt and Jitters) have arrived to refectory and stood in the line for their meals, "you arrived today, haven't you?" she looked at Jitters, "I recognized it from the way you are watching other Rahkshi, walls and everything."


    OCC: Tesla semi-open for interaction

  11. My Rahkshi is talking with two other Rahkshi and they both agreed to go with my Rahkshi somewhere. Is it ok to (how to say it?) move them to place I am going to? Or should I wait for their own posts about going there? I think that it's kind of unnecessary in my case.

  12. I think that there is a little too much randomness in the game. Can't we select our tribes for best strategy?


    It's because some Glatorian and Legends might be a bit overpowered while some others might be underpowered. Also, players then might be complaining, because who come first has the biggest choice choosing from 8 tribes, 5th from 4 tribes. And then, finding 8th player might take longer, because everybody might be like: "I don't want to play as Earth Lord, earth is so stupid element! How is it even different from rock?"


    About Glatorian, they were added to not have "generic Bionicle-themed strategy game".

  13. IC: Tesla - Hallways:

    Tesla turned to the other Rahkshi: "That means your name is Doubt! Nice to meet you! Will you accompany us to refectory or do you have another business?"


    OCC: Ok, now I am really leaving for today...

  14. IC: Tesla - Hallways

    "I would be pleased to call you a friend more than acquaintance," she lost her smile for a while, "because," she sighed, "I don't actually have any friends," she regained her smile again, "can I invite you for a bowl of nearly edible thing from our refectory?" She looked at both Jitters and Doubt. She doesn't mind eating herself, but having friends to talk with is a great plus.


    OCC: If you are in hurry (especially Doubt), you can decline invitation. Tesla is so happy of successful conversation, that she won't mind it that much.

  15. IC: Tesla - Hallways

    "I don't think Tridax or whoever runs the school would be happy to see shore turtle running around his school," she looked on Destraz, "I think that he doesn't like me, so I will leave him alone." he turned back to Jitters, "now that I am familiar with this little being, what's your names?"


    OCC: Rewritten this. Misunderstood Toa Cykron's comment. Sorry, I have to leave now for like... 12 hours? You are both free to say "bye" as Tesla if you were in quick need of one.

  16. IC: Tesla - Hallways

    "A... turtle?" she pondered for a while, "yeah, maybe I have read the word somewhere. I am a big bookworm, you see. Those glasses aren't even dioptric after all," she laughed, "I am Tesla, nice to meet you!" After sleeping, she was able to conversate properly. She tried to forget meeting of Sepulchral, but it just couldn't get out of her mind.

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