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Nik the Three

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Posts posted by Nik the Three

  1. @The Tower


    As someone, who recently became addict to The Binding of Isaac, I would love to try text-based Bionicle roguelike.


    This idea makes me think about creating text-based Bionicle roguelike, but I mean text-based video game (like Zork and Adventure). Kind of an experimental thing, where you wouldn't even have to register, just create one-use character. Considering it an experiment, it wouldn't even need a lore. I really don't want to stole your story, so I'll use you-woke-up-and-remember-nothing cliché.


    EDIT: I like some other ideas in The Tower. There might be some sort of daily-dungeon thing. New dungeon might generates every day. Some things will stay dropped on floor after death of character. But them, this might cause problem, because if there is glitchy or hard part of dungeon, it will be impassable for a day. But as I said, it will be experiment.

  2. IC: Tesla - Forest


    Tesla tried to not smile when Call agreed to go with her. She was happy of it, but didn't want to make Vlad feel even worse. She jumped into flight mode, followed by Call.


    Soon she noticed, that she lost Call. He'll be alright, Tesla thought, not stopping her flight.

  3. IC: Tesla - Forest
    I am sure it was too much, Tesla thought. Am I a wimp? Why should I care so much about Matoran? Because... Because... I have to defend them from my own species. But they are not defenseless after all... What would look worse, leaving group or saying 'I changed my mind'? She sighed, I came to protect Matoran and now I leave?


    OOC: Nobody here can read minds I guess, just wanted to show what she (and actually I) is thinking about. What a dilemma...

  4. IC: Tesla - Forest


    Tesla started to be nervous. "Are you still talking about Matoran right?" she said, turning to Vlad, "have you seen that guy, who just escaped? He was wounded. Heavily. Yeah, he probably deserved it. But just because you will not harm them, doesn't mean they won't harm you. And they can do it as you could clearly see." She was nearly shouting now, "they will think you are another raiding group and end like that guy. I am leaving. Anybody with me?" She looked at whole group of Rahkshi. Wasn't that too much? she though.

  5. IC: Tesla - Forest


    Tesla looked at Call for a while, "I agree with Call," she said as she turned to Vlad, "I don't know what is your definition of scaring, but I don't like the idea."

  6. @FA


    Thank you for cleanup! I can write beautiful essays, but not in english. About map, I am planning to add it.

    I have to add some details to skills and leveling as they seem to be most important mechanic. It doesn't matter that much how good at RPing of fights you are. If your skill in light attack is high, you will defeat weaker enemies without difficulties. If you never tried stealth, you will step on every branch you can see.

    Tools - if Toa of fire decides to make a fire bow and give it to other Toa, it will still be fire bow even if it was used by Toa of water.

    Gear - to be written

    Drops - there will be list of enemies per certain area and their possible drops listed. For events, actual drops will be listed after defeating it.


    I think it would make better video game than TBRPG. Maybe it could be a shorter RPG, lasting for example 4 months before Teridax is defeated.

  7. So, here is a different take on roguelike bionicle-themed rpg. I added some mechanics that might remind you of Skyrim and tried to make Toa more Toa. Classes don't fit very well with Bioncle. I am not happy with introduction lore, it sounds like if Toa were bad guys mindlessly killing Makuta.


    Realm of Teridax v.2
    All places, where Makuta species were living are now cleared and populated with Matoran. A lot of Toa were left there to guard them. Teridax and his closest allies had to move to the last island not cotrolled by Toa. He lost many of his minions. but lucky for him, island was dangerous itself before he came, with Bohrok and Rahi wandering it freely. Adding his remaining minions, he is safe from Toa in his realm. At least he was until Toa found his island thousands of years later.
    The Realm of Teridax is a huge island surounded by ocean from all sides. On its shores, new Toa are appearing, ready to finally defeat Teridax. Island itself has many different areas, including forest, plains, desert and finally mountains in the middle of the island. Closer to the mountains, tougher the enemies and land.
    East coastline
    One of two places where Toa may appear. Extending up to north and south, it is largest sandy beach on whole island and hosts mostly weak Rahi. Should be ideal for new Toa to adapt to island's hostile nature and get basic loot.
    East plains
    Hosting mostly Vahki and Rahkshi at night, this place is tougher than beach, but still quite manageable for weaker Toa.
    East forest
    Tougher than plains, this place hosts Rahkshi but also swarms of Bohrok. Covered in darkness by treetops, you can meet groups of Rahkshi even when it's day.
    West coastline
    Second place where Toa may spawn, terrain is more hostile here than on its east counterpart. Rather than sandy beach, this place is full of cliffs and rocks. Again, it's home mostly to some weaker Rahi.
    West plains
    Mostly same as east plains. (to be extended)
    West forest
    Mostly same as east forest. (to be extended)
    Great desert
    Covering most of west side of the island, great desert is a place hosting many hostile species. (to be named)
    North plains
    This place have slightly tougher enemies than both east and west plains. It is still safest way to get from west side to east side and back.
    Colder and tougher, this place surrounds mountains. Hosting harder enemies, this place is to be feared by novices. It is a land similar to desert, but with some sparse vegetation.
    This place is full of Dark Hunters, guarded by most elite Rahkshi and home to some Makuta, such as Icarax and Antroz. (we don't care much about canon here). Deep in the mountains, there is a staircase to Teridax's underground base.
    World was in peace for a long time as Makuta's presence on this island was just discovered. Best Toa were left to defend Matoran in case of sudden attack.
    Most of the Toa on island didn't even got a chance to experience real battle. They didn't even had reason to really train. And so, they know basics of fight but still have to gain some skill.
    As a Toa, you may prefer different things: swords, daggers, bows or just your elemental powers. Or you can learn to create tools for your allies. More skilled in one ability, the more you are able to use it. But it also slows down increasing skill in different abilities. This phenomenon is called 'leveling'.
    Every use of ability gives increases your skill a bit (To be added how does the bit actually look like). Main categories are:
    Light attack - Works with weapons such as daggers and short swords. Also let you dual wield mentioned weapons better.
    Heavy attack - Warhammers, axes, two-handed swords. These are just some of heavy weapons.
    Block - Using shields in combination with light weapons or using heavier to block and eventually perry attacks.
    Ranged attack - Using bows, crossbows and another ranged weapons.
    Elemental powers - Can be used with any types of weapons to enhance them or at its own as forms of energy.
    Craftsmanship - Working with softer materials, such as leather or wood. Better craftsmen can use their elemental energy to improve their products.
    Forging - Working with metals and gems. Better craftsmen can use their elemental energy to enhance their products. Requires specialized tools.
    Traps laying - Most silent way to kill, hurt or cripple somebody. Start with simple rope and end with sophisticated trap.
    Stealth - Great to combine with light weapons or traps laying. If you are good in stealth, you're almost invisible.

    All Toa got elemental powers. They can be channeled using weapons, giving your weapon temporary fire effect for example. You can unleash elemental powers themselves, to create water, to lift objects using gravity etc. If Toa of fire with very strong elemental powers ability creates a bow, even Toa of different element will be able to shoot fire arrows. If you use elemental powers often, you will increase your skill eventually.
    You get basic stuff. Enemies may have stronger tools and weapons, stronger the enemy, better may weapons be. You will also find materials, which can be crafted or forged into better tools. Using stronger materials however needs more skill. Not everybody can be craftsman.
    Weaker enemies are controlled by players who are fighting them (with some common sense). They can drop some less powerful gear, but that also depends on location (wasteland enemy will drop better sword than a rahi on beach).
    At least once per week, a more powerful species of Makuta will appear - an Event. Due to monotony of game, they are probably going to attract players. These can be Bahrag, legion of Rahkshi... They are always announced telepathically by Teridax himself and can be less powerful in plains or pure terror in wastelands. Those are controlled by GMs and can kill you if you underestimate them. Rewards for those tougher guys are more powerful gear and crazy amount of experience.
    Some enemies will guard entrances to dungeons. Those host amounts of bad guys and also bosses on end. If you are alone, don't dare to enter these. (To be added)

  8. OOC: Sorry for occasional 1-day breaks in RPing, I will try to limit them a bit.


    IC: Tesla - Forest
    "They were right here when I left their group," she said, "but there was a Rahkshi here. One of those who joined attack." As Helkyrie took off, Tesla took off as well, shortly after Revenge, and followed other 2 Rahks to the place where light flashed. Noticing Burn in the distance, Tesla prepared hands on handles of her swords. Isn't it unfair? We're 6 and he is on his own. She shook it off, he attacked village. That's even worse.

  9. IC: Tesla - Forest


    Tesla was walking in the direction of footsteps. She did not see any of them anymore, but sticked to the direction. Suddenly, she peripherally glimpsed something above. Was that Revenge by any chance? She stopped and looked above. She saw another thing. Wait, was that Helkyrie? She took off and turned to figures, increasing speed to catch them. Yeah, most likely.


    OOC: Was Tesla supposed to go and step on the trap?

  10. Most importantly, response to Realm of Teridax


    @Realm of Teridax (my RPG)

    Yeah, I was too obsessed with thought of Bionicle rogue-like. If you played game it's based on (Realm of the Mad God), you would see it's nearly the same. I will try to rewrite it to some kind of Bionicle not-bionicle-version-of-that-online-rpg.

    Six major elements were meant to be "you can choose one from 6 major elements (fire, water, air, earth, stone, ice) or magnetism, gravity and iron", giving you pick from 9 elements. Basically just keep idea but try it in different way

    Also, I might try to merge elements and classes, eg. fire is melee, ice is rogue, air is archer, water is healer etc. Must create some lore though or else it will be just another I-want-bio-roguelike-so-hard.


    My thoughts on other RPG ideas


    @Ghidora's Frontier RPG

    Either make more types of ships or huge variety of modifications for one single type.


    @le-toa_rock's RPG

    I think there is not real idea behind it. City in desert with legends about dead civilizations. And now it's only single city in desert with few survivors who are trying to kill each other?


    @Aqua Bellatores RPG

    Seems like strong idea! It is kind of similar to Ghidora's RPG, but water is your space. I love it because, you know, submarines.


    @Onaku's RPG

    It's really rough idea, but I think it may actually work. But I would wait with it, as there are too many RPGs discussed here right now.

  11. OOC: I am sorry for inactivity, I spent whole weekend making game for Jam and Monday for a bit of not-really-doing-anything.

    Btw, is it day or night for forest group(s)?


    IC: Tesla - Forest


    Tesla decided to land on spot where she left scout group. She saw a familiar group of trees and landed there. She started looking for footsteps. Ground was hard, but in the end, she saw something that reminded her of a Rahkshi foot. It took her few minutes to actually find more. Finally, she had a rough idea of the Helkyrie's and Revenge's direction and headed there.


    OOC: It's right direction.

  12. IC: Tesla - Forest


    "I think I'll leave you now," she stated watching other 3 Rahks, "he's gone anyway." She turned into a flight mode and ascended above trees to get back to Revenge as soon as possible. Maybe I am not that useless after all, she thought with a smile.

  13. I just got an idea and I would really (really, really, really, really) like to hear ideas, critism and whether you would actually play it.

    Many things are to-be-written. Many, many, many. I don't have much time now and also don't know how this will be accepted.

    Bionicle roguelike (Realm of the Teridax)
    Teridax have called many Toa to his realm. He wants to use them as a simple way to get rid of them and train his minions - Rahkshi, Bohrok, Vahki and many more. Toa are said to play a single game with him - If all of his minions fell, Toa can fight him. He may think this is impossible, but of course, Teridax has underestimated Toa again and his plan is not going very well.
    The Realm of the Teridax is a huge island surounded by ocean from all sides. Far from all other land, everything other is impossible to reach. Island itself has many different areas, including forest, plains, deserts and finally mountains in the middle of the island. Closer to the mountains, tougher the enemies and land.
    East coastline
    One of two places where Toa may appear. Extending up to north and south, it is largest sandy beach on whole island and hosts mostly weak Rahi. Should be ideal for new Toa to adapt to island and get basic loot.
    East plains
    Hosting mostly Vahki and Rahkshi at night, this place is tougher than beach, but still quite manageable for weaker Toa.

    East forest

    Tougher than plains, this place hosts Rahkshi but also swarms of Bohrok. Covered in darkness by treetops, you can meet groups of Rahkshi even when it's day.
    West coastline
    Second place where Toa may spawn, terrain is more hostile here than on its east counterpart. Rather than sandy beach, this place is full of cliffs and rocks. Again, it's home mostly to some weaker Rahi.

    West plains

    Mostly same as east plains. (to be extended)

    West forest

    Mostly same as east forest. (to be extended)

    Great desert

    Covering most of west side of the island, great desert is a place hosting many species of Makuta. (to be named)

    North plains

    This place have slightly tougher enemies than both east and west plains. It is still safest way to get from west side to east side and back.


    Colder and tougher, this place surrounds mountains. Hosting harder enemies, this place is to be feared by novices. It is a land similar to desert, but with some sparse vegetation.


    This place is full of Dark Hunters, guarded by most elite Rahkshi and home to some Makuta, such as Icarax and Antroz. (we don't care much about canon here). Deep in the mountains, there is a staircase to Teridax's underground base.




    Everybody plays as a Toa. Due to presence of Makuta, nature of Toa elemental forces was slightly altered. More extensive usage of them is called magic. You can choose between one of six primary elements, gravity, plasma, magnetism and iron. Also, being roguelike game, you can choose your class. As toa gain experience, their level of skills grow, making them able to wield more powerful weapons, channeling their powers in better way and using better tactics (and more of course). Maximal level is 15 and they are gained slowly over time. Level-ups will be announced by GMs.


    Mage uses elemental powers to shoot powerful blasts of energy. He uses staves to channel this energy. Those blasts alters depending on mage's element. (to be detailed)

    Archer uses bow (or crossbow) to harm his enemies. Stronger bows can channel his elemental energy.

    Rogue is a sneaky Toa who specialize in short distance fights. He is not a tank however and usually deals damage with longer itervals. Stronger daggers can channel elemental energy.

    Hunter usually hides and uses his traps to surprise enemies. Good hunter can force elemental powers into these traps. Hunter also uses bow, but he is not as good with it as archer is.

    Warrior deals huge damage using swords. He can dual wield shorter swords or use two-handed weapons, but do not use shield.

    Priest channels weaker magic through his staff to deal damage, but more importantly channels his elemental energy to heal himself and allies.

    Paladin is a warrior that uses his powers less to deal damage and more to give him and allies a magical buffs.

    Note: More to come




    Types of weapons varies for each class. To summarize it, mage and priest use staves, archer and hunter use bows and crossbows, rogue uses daggers, warrior and paladin use swords.

    Each character also have armor. Mage and priest use robes to enhance their magic, archer, hunter and rogue uses lighter, usually leather armor and warrior with paladin uses heavier armor.

    Kanohi is another piece of gear that Toa use. They come with powerless Kanohi and can find another one. Those are however much harder to find than other gear.

    Toa aren't skilled enough to make weapons, armor or kanohi themselves. They acquire them from enemies they defeat or in chests of more powerful species.




    Weaker enemies are controlled by players who are fighting them (with some common sense). They can drop some less powerful gear, but that also depends on location (wasteland enemy will drop better sword than a rahi on beach).

    At least once per week, a more powerful species of Makuta will appear - an Event. Due to monotony of game, they are probably going to attract players. These can be Bahrag, legion of Rahkshi... They are always announced telepathically by Teridax himself and can be less powerful in plains or pure terror in wastelands. Those are controlled by GMs and can kill you if you underestimate them. Rewards for those tougher guys are more powerful gear and crazy amount of experience.

    Some enemies will guard entrances to dungeons. Those host amounts of bad guys and also bosses on end. If you are alone, don't dare to enter these.

  14. IC: Tesla - Forest


    She nodded and walked for few minutes back before going into flight mode and flew with higher speed than usual. How will I find them? Finding village isn't hard, but finding three Rahks in the middle of forest... After some time, when she started to think she was probably close to the place where other 3 landed and started to watch ground more carefully.


    Soon, she saw a gold/white figure deep below. She looked more carefully to ensure it really was Vlad. She slowly descended, but still nearly felt when she touched the ground. I still have to master this, she thought. "Hello. I am here with, ahem, a report!" she took a deep breath after exhausting flight, "Rahkshi are gone, Matoran fought them off. Matoran are probably ready to attack us on sight. It wasn't a good idea to do a signal shot in our situation."

  15. IC: Tesla - Sky


    "So," Tesla started. "What are we going to do? I mean, Matoran will kill us on sight, but so will Rahkshi if they see us talking with Matoran." Her question soon turned into thinking loudly, "if there will be no Matoran, we can pretend we came to help Rahkshi. If there will be no Rahkshi, we can help Matoran. Oh karz, this is complicated situation."

  16. IC: Tesla - Sky


    Tesla stopped watching Claws and looked in a distance. She was not sure... She took of her transparent glasses and looked in a distance more carefully.

    "Guys?" she started, "I think I see a smoke in a distance."

  17. IC: Tesla - Sky


    "I am Tesla," she said, "Rahkshi of magnetism, but my powers are weak. I dual-wield two short katana, but I am not very good at it." I am useless, she thought for a second.

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