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Nik the Three

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Posts posted by Nik the Three

  1. So, I have wrote something down, Nendrek and Bakira are in. It's still a bit shorter than I would like, but I don't want to extend it much untill I have more characters.


    Chapter 1: Nokama's arrival


    It was a hard time for Mata Nui. Rahkshi were invading Matoran villages and Ta-Koro was destroyed the most. Vakama went to guests. Many of houses were destroyed or severaly damaged. Many Matoran were sleeping in a tents, deeper in a village, where Rahkshi don't get during invasion. "Morning, Turaga," said Nendrek, young Skakdi holding the guard with another Matoran. Those days, Ta-Koro gate was closed, because fear from Rahkshi was so strong. Four guards were just outside the gate, guarding the bridge and the rest of the guards were on the other side of gate. Ta-Koro, always having strong guard has now even increased number of them. "Good morning, Nendrek. You haven't returned to Le-Koro yet?" asked Vakama. "Well," started Nendrek, "nothing against it, but I think guard consisting of Matoran can't defend this village very well." Vakama laughed, "you're right, but don't tell that to them. They take a real pride in their work."


    Gate was slowly lifting, making Vakama able to see Nokama and her companion. Three Ga-Matoran, one Po-Matoran and a female Skakdi. "Hello, Vakama," said Turaga of water once she crossed the bridge and came closer to him. "Nokama," said Vakama, "I don't know what you heard, but it's probably worse than you could imagine," continued Turaga as they were walking past devastated village. "Vakama.." said shocked Nokama, "this looks really bad. Rahkshi did all this?" Vakama nodded and Nokama kept silence for a while. "No... casualties?" Turaga of water asked cautiously. "Fortunately not," said Vakama, making Nokama sigh. Four Matoran, who acompanied Nokama were already gone, to help in parts of village, but Skakdi still followed them. "Who is your company?" asked Vakama. "That's my guard," answered Nokama. Skakdi was following them, but kept distance so she didn't hear what the are talking about. "Her name is Bakira," continued Nokama, "she is quite dangerous, but if you pay her well, there is barely someone better. Maybe Toa, but those have their own problems right now." Vakama nodded, as they approached his hut.


    "We should take a little break, don't you think, Takua?" shouted Hewkii at Takua so he can hear him over the wind. Takua stopped and turned to Hewkii, "yeah, that sounds good." As they climbed higher, wind was stronger and air was colder. This reminds me of Ko-Koro, thought Takua. They sat on the rocky ground to rest a bit, "Takua? You still feel bad for leaving your guard?" asked Hewkii and watched Jala nod, "remember why did we go here. You will be much more useful as a Toa." "But still," sighed Takua, "leaving my village in roughest time for something that doesn't even have to work..." "It is worth trying," smiled Hewkii at Takua. "Maybe. Wait," said Takua suddenly, standing up, "wind has calmed down a bit. We should continue while it lasts." Hewkii nodded and also stood up, ready for more hiking.

  2. Same as above, if you post something here, it's about getting feedback and suggestions. Only change I noticed is eliminating types of ships.


    Off-topic: This TBRPG gives me feeling that I have to make Bionicle-themed Space RPG (non-TBRPG, regular PC game) someday. I am currently working on Bionicle sandbox RPG. Gonna post that on BZP when I make some progress.

  3. IC: Tesla - Outside


    "So," she said. She felt still little bit strange when in flight mode, "you said we will create plan on the way?" She though about it, "first of all, how are we going to make Matoran not shoot at us on sight?"

  4. I will wait with Chapter 1 for more characters.


    Also, try to not include too much canon things in bio. Things like "he moved to Ko-Koro, because he wanted to learn reading ancient symbols" are more than alright, but my story is mainly non-canon.

  5. I first downloaded Built-in Save, but it showed just black screen. So I tried Local Server version. I have redownloaded Built-in Save and... It works now! I had some troubles with extracting archive. Antivirus said it is extremely dangerous Trojan, so I had to add it to quarantine and so.


    I believe this topic can be locked.

  6. When I played MNOG (2001), I ran into really strange problem with saving.

    I have downloaded newest version from biomedia project, installed xampp and ran it. When I launch it using "http://localhost/matanui/Launcher.html" in a browser, it is able to save (I checked getstate.txt file and it differed). However on each start of game, I end up on beach with Maku wawing at me in distance. Interestingly enough, launching the game from "file:///C:/*****/matanui/Launcher.html" loads the state from localhost launches, but doesn't save progress. Do you have any idea what can cause this problem or how to solve it?

  7. This is a topic to discuss my epic Spirit of the Mata Nui. Share your thoughts and critism here.


    It is also your place to contribute to the story. You basically create a character like if you registered in RPG. Give it appearance, element, powers, weaknesses, bio and so on. Then you let me to get it into story and do anything with it without your further control. Before you do so, please read those rules:


    1. Never post anything into epic's main topic. Registration goes into review topic (here).

    2. Once you create a character, you have no control over it.

    3. Character can become main protagonist, antagonist, be a peaceful villager... That's up to me.

    4. Each person has currently limit of 3 characters.

    5. Allowed species (limit per person in brackets) are Matoran, Turaga, Toa, Skakdi and Rahkshi.

    5a. Number of Matoran is not limited (unless it don't exceeds overall limit). If Matoran becomes Toa, it does not count into your Toa limit.

    5b. Turaga mainly help Matoran to progress in story. Only one Turaga per person.

    5c. Only one Toa per person. As Matoran will play biggest part of the story, I suggest to not use Toa at all.

    5d. Skakdi can be good, evil or neutral. Max 2 Skakdi per person.

    5e. Rahkshi are not those smart Rahkshi, don't expect Corpus. Max 2 Rahkshi per person.

    6. No too much overpowered characters. No modern technologies. Not even pistol (use Kanoka launchers (or something) instead).

    7. Use common sense when creating your character.

    8. Characters don't have to be all equal. This is not an RPG.

    9. Character might or might not be included in next chapter released after its registration.

    10. Do not ever role-play in review topic. Create character and fly away.


    Character sheet

    Name: Use common sense.

    Species: Explained above.

    Alignment: Matoran, Turaga and Toa are always good, Rahkshi is always evil and Skakdi can choose.

    Element (if not Rahkshi): Any of six main elements and light for Matoran, Turaga and Toa. If light Matoran, also choose what it is disguised as. Every element for Skakdi (including secondaries and shadow).

    Variation (if Rahkshi): Include Stage (1-6 allowed). Use these tables.

    Gender (if not Rahkshi): Can choose for Matoran, Toa, Turaga and Skakdi (does not depends on element here, can't be neutral).

    Personality: Self-explaining. Rahkshi has limited personality, but are not entirely dull.

    Appearance: Self-explaining. Include weapons if any and Kanohi if Matoran, Toa or Turaga.

    Powers and weaknesses: Can lift 5 Matoran at once, fears water and so.

    Bio: Be brief, so it is easy for me to get it into the story.

  8. This is my first epic, but also probably first of its kind. To this story, you can contribute yourself (but please, check the link below first)! I have got something like set plot, but story will be hugely developed on-the-go, because of its nature. Chapter zero is thus really a short one, because I need you first in order to really write something.


    Click here to check how you can contribute to this story (review topic)!


    Chapter 0: The beginning


    Takua turned around. He could see whole Mata Nui from here. "This," he said. Hewkii has turned around to take a look. "It gives me headache," Hewkii said, "but I am still glad you took me here." Takua turned back to Hewkii, "but we are not here because of the view," he said. Hewkii nodded and both Matoran continued. They came here to find one of the powerful elemental stones. "I am still wondering..." Takua said suddenly, "only thing you need to do is to become Toa is to.. find a stone? I mean, that sounds pretty dull." Hewkii turned to him, continuing hike, "firstly, we haven't found it yet," Hewkii started, "and secondly, Vakama seemed unsure whether it will even work." "But his face, he seemed to be concerned about something," Takua stated, "as if he knew more, but thought that saying us that 'I am not sure whether it will actually work' was better."


    Vakama was wandering around Ta-Koro, watching the Mangai Volcano in far. If you knew my Matoran, he thought, thinking about Takua and Hewkii, who are now hiking the volcano. "Turaga?" Matoran has interrupted his stream of thoughts. "Yes, Kapura?" said Vakama turning to him. "Turaga Nokama and others have arrived," said Kapura. "Great," stated Vakama, "tell guests I will come in a few minutes." Kapura nodded and ran to tell them.

  9. I might eventually edit Tesla's registration post, rather than editing links to it. But that's up to you.


    What/who is the Claws that just appeared IC? My imagination hurts.

  10. Rewritten amnesia thing completely, pending change approval:


    Name: Tesla
    Variation: Magnetism
    Level: 2
    Gender: neutral, generally recognized by others as female
    Two katana-like swords. Just not as sharp. Wears them on her back when she isn't using them.
    Appearance: Typical magnetism Rahkshi colors. Black head with yellow-orange eyes, black spine and golden feet. Golden hands have black spirals of various sizes on their back. She is a little shorter than usual Rahkshi. She wears round transparent glasses just for aesthetic reasons.
    Personality: Intelligent, teachable, likes learning, helpful, nice, communicative, awkward when tired, not feeling love
    Bio: Tesla was created by a mysterious Makuta as one of his two Rahkshi. He didn't ever told any of them his name, because he felt that to be unnecessary. He discovered that these Rahkshi are different from what he knows about them and has been told by another Makuta about new breed of Kraata. He sent one of the Rahkshi to Corpus and kept second to send it there later as it was still not ready. First Rahkshi was Tesla, but she didn't have that name yet. She soon discovered that she have some powers slightly affecting metals and learned that these powers are called magnetism. Tesla spent some time learning about it in library. There she discovered a book about powerful Rahkshi of Magnetism, Tesla, who lived thousands of years ago. This Rahkshi was able to use traces of electricity powers. She decided to use his name and studied connection between magnetism and electricity. However, she soon found, that this connection is unreachable. Tesla now tries to spend less time in library and more time in gym, learning to use her katana.

  11. So...whats with the amnesia? Sorry if this has been explained in the RPG itself but I've been a little limited of late. Why does she have a cut off point in her memory like that?

    Well, ahem, stupid idea. I will rewrite it tomorrow, now I am on smartphone, which is not so comfortable for writing essays about Rahkshi. It wasn't ever explained... Should have gone more deep about that.



    This just came into my mind after seeing Tea-Rex's post.

    I always thought that Rahkshi bodies are just metal armor for Kraata? Or are they biomechanical?

  12. IC: Tesla - Library


    Tesla looked behind when she was leaving library. She said so only Vlad could hear it, "what's wrong with," she stopped, actually not knowing Call's name, "that guy?"

  13. I had a unique idea about an epic.


    I would write a story. In review topic, users would be able to write profile for a character (under some rules of course). Once they write a profile, I would make their character appear in a story (either just for a short time, as an protagonist, antagonist or whatever), but they won't be able to control it. Once user write a profile, his job is over, he is not allowed to edit profile or affect story in other way with this character.


    Would that be allowed or is that also considered 'Round Robin'?

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