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Nik the Three

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Posts posted by Nik the Three

  1. Right now I see only one flaw: More clearance about 'Make' in player profile would be nice. I understand it as species. What can we choose from?


    How do scientists get results of simulation? Is it rendered in 3D with sound? Or rather some numbers they must process? Gamewisely, it's unneeded information, but I was just wondering.

  2. @Federation


    When you post RPG here for feedback, you should think about what people say. Both Nato and Ghidora made good points. But you just say that it is unnecessary to change things as answer to most these points.


    People won't have fun playing this, because they won't be playing. They will just follow your storyline, not allowed to go against your plans. That's how videogame might work, but not how TBRPG can. Story should be dynamic, not linear.

    • Upvote 1
  3. @Vault

    Idea seems promising. Now, what's the point? Endless fighting of two sides or finding all of relics and defeating Isfet side? If latter, what is the goal of Isfet? To prevent it from happening or to get into Obelisk and convert all the good guys?
    With 'die and respawn as bad guy' system, game might end up having two times more badies than good guys. If Ya'ew Isfet dies (if that's even possible), does he just die or respawn?

    Species might be more cleared, listing all of them or saying you can choose from any existing (eg. is Skakdi possibility?). There should be two categories for powers (eg. elemental powers) and gear like weapons.

    Plantaí is a subspecies of Toa? From different parts of the profile, it sounds there is more of them.
    Little typo right at the start (GMed by Sassy Dalmatian) and in Plantaí gear (...sauces, and oils to cook with, as well as tns of seeds.)

  4. IC: Tesla - Gym


    Tesla made appear a table with few melon-like targets. Maybe she can direct her katana with magnetism too. Still having katana only in right hand, she stood into battle stance, hitting 'melon'. Or at least she tried to. That was bad, she thought.


    OOC: Tesla still open for interaction.

  5. IC: Tesla - Gym


    Tesla found an empty place and took her katana. She decided to start training with them by balancing them. They were quite heavy and she started to balance them a bit using magnetism. There was actually a change and katana felt more stable in her hands. She moved center of mass slightly to her hands, by pushing handle downwards and end of katana upwards.


    It however required lots of concentration. Tesla put left katana on her back, trying to balance only one at time. Change was much more noticeable.


    OOC: Tesla open for interaction. Also, her powers are not actually as noticeable as it may sounds.

  6. I am for example playing my first TBRPG, so I am trying to avoid real fights and conflicts and such with my character. Actually, we (I and Tesla) are both learning to fight.


    You should do the same: talk more than fight.

  7. IC: Tesla - Gym


    So far, it seemed like magnetism from point of physics and from point of Rahkshi powers were two different forces. Only thing that connected them was metal. But the ways metal was affected by those forces were just different. It didn't make any sense. Tesla closed book, disappointed by new knowledge and returned books to their shelves.


    When she was on the way out of library. She noticed Call, talking with Snap, but she didn't want to disturb. Maybe I can do some... research, she thought, heading to the Gym. Hopefully, she will find somebody to practice with. Perhaps of equal skill. She entered gym and looked around.


    OOC: Tesla open for interaction.

  8. @Mixels


    I just learned about new Lego franchise. Your RPG and franchise itself seem like simplified Bionicle. That doesn't make it bad! It is quite the opposite, actually. Or at least has potential to be. Right now, it is just rough idea of using franchise. We got Mixels, Nixels, Mix, Max, Murp, elements... and what now? Right now, it feels like RPG about war between Mixels and Nixels, both being playable characters. So you should give Nixels more... more everything. Also, they seem like Matoran, compared to Mixels.

  9. How should my character (Tesla) talk to Call, who she met 2 months ago (real-life time) while it was few hours ago for Tesla? I mean, so many things happened and Call is just talking about it. Should Tesla avoid Call?

  10. IC: Tesla - Dormitories


    "I am Tesla," she smiled. She would help Blue on rest of her way to her dorm, but it seemed that she is starting to annoy her. "Pleasure to meet you."


    She wanted a pause from fighting, so she headed to library. She was thinking about Blue and so, she just headed to shelves about about physics and took some books about magnetism. She took them to table and begun to read them.


    OOC: Open for interaction.

  11. IC: Tesla - Dormitories


    "That's what I think too," Tesla sighed, "but just because only few are nice, doesn't mean nobody is nice." She looked at tired Blue, "can you make it to your dorm now?"

  12. IC: Tesla - Refectory


    Tesla responded, shocked by Blue's sudden change: "Because unlike other Rahks on this school, I am trying to be nice to others. I-I simply am like that." She looked at Blue, "If you don't want my help, I'll leave you here." Is being nice really so uncommon thing? she thought.

  13. IC: Tesla - Refectory


    "I don't mind helping you." Tesla gave Blue needed support, having Blue's arm over her shoulder and slowly led her to dorms. "Show me a way to your dorm," Tesla said when they left the refectory. Blue was a little heavy for her, but she was more or less standing on her feet. Tesla was wondering, how does one get this tired, but she didn't ask about it.

  14. So right now, RPGs I would like to see polished are:

    1. Ghidora's Frontier

    2. FallenAtlas's Fallen City

    3. Eyru's Wasteland


    Honestly, I would play any new Bionicle RPG (so I know what's going on from its start to my hype's end), but those three RPGs sound most interesting.

    • Upvote 2
  15. Sorry I haven't been on for a while. Is it ok if my exuse for that in the rp be that something happened and I was hiding somewere in the school?


    Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Can I come up with an exuse for why I was ot in the rp?

    It's discussed above. Just pretend few hours passed for your character, even though few weeks passed for other characters and you'll be fine. You can mention it in OOC part. I don't think there is need for special excuse like 'hiding' you suggested.

  16. IC: Tesla - Refectory


    Tesla was ending her meal, when Rahkshi of Chain Lightning stumbled near her. When she saw her falling and heard her apologize, Tesla stood up to help her. "Are you alright?" asked Tesla, helping out Blue. "You seem pretty tired," she said, watching Blue and helping her to stand straight. "I may help you to get to your dorm," she continued, forgeting about rest of her meal.

  17. IC: Tesla - Causeway > Refectory


    Tesla landed just in front of the causeway. She could just fly over it, but she was too tired. She tried to navigate and after few minutes, she arrived to her dorm and took a rest. She then gone to refectory, took some gruel and sat on nearest place.



    Tesla took off over 2 months ago of real-life time (here). I stopped playing, but now she is here. Flown thru a spacetime wormhole, she feels like it was just few hours ago. Or something.

    Tesla open for interaction.

  18. I didn't play for roughly a month too. Tesla is somehow stuck flying back from Matoran village. I don't have idea how to explain why she was away for over a month.

  19. @Hinga-Nui

    I think this is pretty solid idea. You should be more clear about what caused the war. Matoran must have to fight for something, not only to mindlessly kill other Matoran. They need a good reason to fight, something they want to achieve etc. Otherwise, their morale would soon reach zero. About NPC system, it seems interesting and may work, even though it may make players godmode. And there should be a top limit of squad members.

    What weapons do Matoran use? Are we talking only about Kanoka discs? Was war long enough to develop stronger weapons such as pistols or even rifles? Do Matoran use vehicles of any kind or do they move by feet? I can imagine some crabs, but those aren't exactly war animals.

    And finally, can players play as craftsmen? People who work at forges or create new types of weapons/vehicles/tools. Talking about creating new weapons, what do Ko-Matoran really do? It's quite important when it comes to choosing district.

    • Upvote 1
  20. @Bonkle Zombies


    Can anyone explain word Bonkle? Is that short for Bionicle?


    Pretending I understand that word, I would suggest name 'The Walking Bonkles'. Other than that, seems like interesting idea.


    @Other RPGs

    So far, most interesting ideas I heard here were 'Suicide Squad' and 'Ghidora's Space RPG'

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