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Nik the Three

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Posts posted by Nik the Three

  1. For clearance (from OP):

    Players who have got tag can't be targeted and one player can't be targeted more than once per round.



    After last round, everybody feared Toa Kapura. Makuta were unsure about accidental death of Ghidora. When ToaK saw Kopekemaster, he started to chase him. He touched Kopeke's shoulder. "Tag!" he shouted as he was running away to not get it back instantly. Kopekemaster was surprised: he was still alive!

    ShadowVezon searched for somebody to tag. He couldn't however catch anybody, so he took his zamor launcher and aimed it at leg of Dark Samus. He planned to paralyze him and give him tag. He somehow managed to accidentally hit his head, damaging his brain fatally.


    Kopekemaster and ShadowVezon have it! Dark Samus died.

  2. IC: Tesla - Gym


    Tesla attacked swiftly from left side, just above Doubt's knee. While he was distracted by attack, Tesla tried to pull sword by magnetism, applying opposite force on link. There was a little chance of this helping, but it worth trying.

  3. Makuta Luroka was after ShadowVezon. He finally got him, touching his shoulder gently and shouting 'You're it!'


    Toa Kapura on the other hand was in trouble. He was too slow to reach Ghidora. He took sword and touched Ghidora's shoulder with the flat side. He yelled 'Tag!' and slowed down, but suddenly stumbled, stabbing Ghidora into back accidentally.


    ShadowVezon and Toa Kapura have it. Ghidora died.

    • Upvote 1
  4. "Hello, my friends!" Teridax said to all people in huge arena, "I have built this arena for special occasion." Silence hit arena. Everybody expected Teridax to say something important, just as he cleared his throat. "Welcome to the first official Makuta's Tag game!" he said grandly. "And what's the goal?" other Makuta said. "To have fun!" said Teridax with smile on his face.


    For this game, Makuta has decided to use codenames. Two of them were picked, to have tag at the very start of the game.


    Makuta Luroka and Toa Kapura have it!

  5. IC: Tesla - Gym


    "No," she said, standing up, "I just said that to not get hit while defenless. That wouldn't help me in my training," she laughed and stood into battle stance again, "I am actually ready for more training."

  6. IC: Tesla - Gym


    Tesla was surprised by Doubt's sudden movement. She also noticed chain and jumped upwards, trying to evade it. It however hit her right leg, tipping her backwards. She tried using flight, but it didn't help, making her fall on back. "I give up," she said.

  7. Teridax called all of Makuta to Mata-Nui to play tag game. While Teridax wishes for everybody to have a fun, it's matter of honor for all Makuta. They will pointlessly fight for tag, not sure whether it is better to have or not to have tag. And so, this game starts with Makuta trying to tag each other. And to kill each other.


    Each round, player with tag have at least 24 hours to perform action. In this time limit, they can choose to tag somebody, by writing so into this topic. This has 50% chance to give tag to targeted player (removing tag from "attacker") and 50% chance to kill targeted player (one of those always happens). If player does not tag anybody (either by writing he doesn't target anybody or by doing nothing in time limit), he has 50% chance of being killed, giving tag to random player. Players who have got tag can't be targeted and one player can't be targeted more than once per round.


    When there is nobody to target (ie. when everybody, who is alive, has tag), group of alive players wins the game. When all players, who haven't got tag, are already targeted in current round, chance of random dying doesn't apply.


    Random chances are determined by me (Nik) on "random.org".


    Special roles (Players with special roles don't know about them. They are revealed upon death.):

    Teridax - Has 25% chance of dying when tagged instead of usual 50%.

    Bitil - Upon being tagged, has 50% chance of killing player who tagged him.


    Two people will have tag on start. More can be added in case of more players to keep it interesting.



    1. Ghidora

    2427135. Makuta Luroka

    3. ShadowVezon - Winner

    4. Voltex

    5. Petewa the Bitil

    6. Kopekemaster

    7. FF the Forgotten - Winner

    8. fishers64 the Teridax

    9. Dark Samus

    10. Toa Kapura

    11. Shadowhawk

    12. Toa Smoke Monster


    Registration is now closed.

    • Upvote 1

    - Spoilers are to be only used for spoilers on Bionicle storyline.


    Those aren't spoiler tags: they are 'More' tags. Spoiler tags can be identified by the word 'Spoiler' above them, and must be used only when hiding spoilers; 'More' tags can be named according to their contents (as FallenAtlas has done here), and can be used anywhere they are necessary for organization.


    They're relatively new on BZP; here's a post with more information on what they are and how to use them. :)


    Whoops, sorry for that. That's what happens when I try to help. *actually learns new useful tag and continues to try helping*

  9. @Fallen City


    I would play. I want to. Right know.


    Anyway, I see only 2 minor problems:

    - Spoilers are to be only used for spoilers on Bionicle storyline.

    - In player profile, things that are in brackets should be more described and be after colon. Think about people who never played any TBRPG.

    • Upvote 2
  10. I have doubts about whether trade system I proposed in last edit of Space RPG can work. You can for example trade 20 tanks of Argon for 2 diamonds.


    Is this kind of trading even possible to manage in TBRPG? What would main problems of this system be? I once heard money in RPG is a bad idea and this is actually quite similar.

  11. IC: Tesla - Gym


    "Great!" she replied, heading to gym. "I am not really better then I was last time," Tesla remembered about last time she was training with Doubt. Not better at all, she thought a little nervously as she entered the gym.


    OCC: I suppose Doubt followed her.

  12. I mean balance of sides, ie. if Side A doesn't seem as interesting as Side B. May this cause more people to joid Side B? And in extension, may it cause unfair fights? Centerpoint of RPG is war between two sides, so it is quite important for me to know.

  13. IC: Tesla - Hallways


    She thought about Vlad for a while. "Well," she said, turning her head to Doubt, "I was just searching for somebody to train in gym with. Just if you got nothing to do right now."

  14. IC: Tesla - Hallways


    "Well," she started, "It became pretty boring after our-" She took a pause to find right words. "-excursion to forests of Nynrah," she laughed. "And what about you?" she said, looking at Doubt.

  15. IC: Tesla - Hallways


    Tesla turned around, hearing strange sound. She noticed chain ball, which was somehow familiar. She looked at its bearer and smiled. "Doubt?" she said, "It must've been years since I saw you last time!"



    I like the idea, but thought I'd mention, a more spacey name for Earth's natural satellite is usually something along the lines of "Luna"


    Luna sounds more astrological than astronomical for me. After some search, Luna is actually latin for Moon. What about greek Selene? Or entirely different name? But I guess it isn't RPG's biggest problem or is it?

    Also, there should be around 20 and 12 moons for Renema and Greon respectively. If anyone would like help me creating or just naming them, it would be great.

    I am searching for second GM as well, as I think I am not able to do it myself.

  17. Writing RPG is really overwhelming for me, so many parts are incomplete. If you would like to help me in any (any!) way, you can PM me.


    Space RPG




    Decades passed since first people landed on Luna. What was once called home was now a wasteland, destructed by excesive industry, mining and wars. Last chunks of resources were focused on life out there. Mankind built dozen of huge colonies in orbit, farming their crops, using solar power, recycling their waste and trading with each other. But only quater of people got chance to get off the surface. Colonies were only one part of bigger plan. Tenth of all colonists were chosen for a bigger journey. Destination was Renema, gas giant in outer solar system.


    Renema system consisted of giant itself and twenty different moons. One of them was different. Merky not only had breathable atmosphere. Temperatures were similar to those of Earth. There was rich fauna and flora. When first group landed, they were speechless. They found second Earth, new home for thousands of people. Most people landed and created cities. Knowing, that they won't most likely get second chance, they used resources of Merky smartly. Small fraction of flora was rendered edible and was farmed for food. Nearly everything people built was recyclable.


    But nothing lasts forever. Some people, later called Blacktron, complained about peaceful life. They found recycling everything and eating herbs boring. They tried to take over Merky, but unsuccesfully. In secret, they worked on a new plan. They created new ship. This time, destination was Greon, second gas giant of solar system. For Blacktron however, Greon system was huge disappointment. Moon, that was closest to Merky, was called just Icy. Atmosphere needed filtration, because of ammonia and methan in it. Surface was of ice and rock. Equatorial temperature was always below 250 Kelvin. That was during the day.


    Blacktron lived like that for decades and they adapted to Icy's harsh conditions. One day however, something terible happened, wiping out half of population. This event was called 'Deep freezing'. Sun came into eclipse of Greon itself and lasted over 100 hours. Blacktron always had a grudge against Merkians, called Futuron by themselves. They blamed Futuron for their terible life on Icy. This was the last straw. They mobilized all their forces and are planning return to Renema system to take control of it.


    Futuron were however cautious ever since Blacktron left their system. They even built an army and placed ships in orbit of various moons of Renema, ready for possible return of Blacktron. Small fractions consisting both of Futuron and Blacktron people also departed, exploring rest of solar system or trading with Colonists back on Earth orbit.




    War is just at its start. Most of Blacktron's ships, weapons and men are ready. Fuel is near to ready and everybody is waiting for army general to give orders.

    Futuron on the other side takes time to prepare. Right now, it is mobilizing at least half of its population, producing last ships and loading fuel. Most of them are ready around Merky, but every other moon has lot of them too (especially moons that are important strategically, eg. March, which is main source of xenon).


    Of course, life continues on moons. Farmers on Merky and Icy have to obtain food, miners on March have to mine xenon (even more than normal) etc. People like ship and weapon engineers or traders are all playable characters of both main factions. Exploriens don't participate in war at all. After all, half of them separated from their factions in last 5 years, when relations of Futuron and Blacktron begun to strain. They might however visit Renema or rarely Greon system, trading resources that are rare in systems or not found there at all.





    Futuron is considered the good side, native to Renema system. Their home moon is Merky, but some live in colonies on other moons. They haven't done anything and have to face Blacktron in war.



    Blacktron is recognized as badies and control more hostile system of Greon. Most of Blacktron people live on Icy, but other moons of Greon have more minerals. Their grudge against Futuron caused the war.

    Not every member of Blacktron wants war. Most of current members are children of founders. Some of them are exploring system. Some may be trying to find better ways to create air or way to terraform Icy.



    Exploriens are neutral party, finding their home everywhere outside of Renema and Greon system. They aren't organised as whole. Some of them became pirates of space, assaulting lone ships and stealing everything they got.



    They are living in orbit of Earth. They are more or less passive and are trading with others. Some may however travel and become member of any other faction. Their life is however rather boring, harvesting crops and trading with Exploriens. Roughly quarter of people left colonies, searching for more interesting life either as Explorien, memeber of Blacktron or member of Futuron. They are also meant to be NPCs.




    Here is list of most commonly traded resources. Exchange rates are different for each planet and trader, depending on place. Eg. on planet where methane is mined, it has lower price. Gases are measured in tanks (t).

    Rubies and diamonds are accepted through whole system and are only thing that is worth something everywhere. They are closest to actual space currency. 10 rubies = 1 diamond

    Iron bricks are used most on Cermery and Tronic, but are accepted on Earth as well. 10 iron bricks = 1 ruby

    Steel bricks are created by processing iron bricks in electric furnaces. They are important part of ships. 7 steel bricks = 1 ruby

    Methane and ethane usually aren't accepted by Futuron, but are incredibly valued by Blacktron. 5t methane = 1 ruby; 7t ethane = 1 diamond (1t methane = 3.5t ethane)

    Argon and xenon are very important for Futuron, but totally useless for Blacktron. 1t argon = 1 ruby; 1t xenon = 1 diamond (10t argon = 1t xenon)

    Gold bricks make up components of ion engines and are found uncommonly.  2 gold bricks = 1 ruby.

    Purple bricks have many forms and only pure are really purple. By electrical currents of different voltages and wattages, they can change color and toughness. Their weight is comparable to wood. Toughness of pure ones is stone-like and can change to metallic. Metallic bricks are always of dark gray color. Only known source of purple bricks is Tronic. 20 pure bricks = 1 ruby; 12 colored bricks = 1 ruby; 5 metallic bricks = 1 ruby




    Ships are logical way to travel across space. Having ship is not like having a gun. Ship is your most valuable thing, your way to get to surface and back and basically your key to solar system.

    To create ship, you must cosider many things such as what is your character's role: if he is a pilot of fighter craft, he needs light agile ship with powerful thrust for sudden turns and escaping. If he is a trader, he needs heavier small to medium sized ship with huge cargo and efficient engine for carrying everything. As your starting craft, you have to choose a light ship, or join with other player to create medium ship for two or three people (latter needs approval). Later you can create ships of any sizes, that is, if you get enough resource to make one.

    Small ship - lightly armed and agile, those ships are either one passenger ship for intermoonary travel or light fighters (either orbital or atmospherical). They can't be used for interplanetary travel, as they would have enough fuel for that and would make easy targets for pirates. Smallest models need about 500 steel bricks, biggest about 1500 steel bricks. Other materials like glass are matter of common sense. Sufficient methane engine is made up by 30 metallic purple bricks and argon engine is made of 20 metallic purple bricks and 6 gold bricks.

    Medium ship - Pending

    Large ship - Pending

    Station - Pending




    There are two very basic groups of weapons, both used quite commonly.


    Optical - Basically lasers. They require only electricity to run, but consume it in large amounts. For smaller fighters, optical weapons might be bad choice, especially for ships with Ion engines, which are electricity-hungry as well. In case of having enough electricity, lasers are supreme weapons. They require precise aiming skills, but doesn't need leading of target. Less used type of optical weapon is "continuous beamed optical weapon". This type shoots much less powerful laser, which does damage only if you hold aim at one place for longer time. Some optical weapons may switch between this and classic mode.


    Physical - Everything that isn't optical weapon belongs here. There are many kinds of physical weapons, including rockets, missiles, mines, bullets and so. Big disadvantage of physical weapons is ammo.

    Bullet weapons are now mostly replaced by optical weapons. They are quite noisy, as speed of shot missiles is enormal. Leading of target is required, but if hit, they do pretty high damage.

    Rockets are favorite weapon of Blacktron. It's deadly aspect is automatic target seeking. This seeking is more effective against ships with reaction engines.

    Missiles are effective against ground targets or against slow ships. They are huge and damage they do is devastating. Only medium or larger ships can carry them.

    Mines are usually scattered across the battlefield. They must be placed carefully and are usually marked on allied maps.




    Ion engines are used by Futuron as they are more ecological than other types. Electricity is used to heat up gases to extreme temperatures. Rest is Newton's third law.

    Argon is used in transport ships. It is required less for achieving high thrust, but amount of electricity is higher. Because of that, argon is commonly combined with nuclear reactor. It is only practical way of interplanetary travel for ion engines. Note that argon is more pricey as well.

    Xenon is intended for landers, orbital fighters and less conventionally between moons of same planetary system. It is consumed at higher rate than Argon, but solar panels are sufficient for ionizing it.


    Reaction engines aren't anywhere near ecological. They are used by Blacktron for all of their ships. Their usage is generally prohibited in Renema system.

    Methane is usually used in smaller crafts. It is less stable and more likely to explode if stored in larger amounts.

    Ethane + H2 - This fuel is known to be more efficient for larger engines and more stable. Comonly called EH2 or just Ethane.


    Other than those engines are rather experimental or used on specific places. They might not as well be accepted by GM.

    Plasma engine - Uses electricity to heat up N2 or O2 to extreme temperatures. Practically usable only on planets with pure N2 or pure O2 atmosphere.

    Propeller engine - Known for its usage on Fressi's zeppelins. They are powered by electricity. It is generated using solar power or using nuclear power for larger zeppelins.

    If you have idea about other type of engine, PM GM for approval.


    For Exploriens, both ion and reaction engines are possibilities. It higly depends on place you are using it (ie. go for reaction engines where ethan is mined or easily obtainable) and possibly on your former faction (Futuron or Blacktron).

    Fuel shouldn't become only thing that is important when playing this RPG, but also not to be obtained out of nowhere. See tables below for fuel consumption.





    Closest planet to sun. It has thin atmosphere and temperature of its stony surface can reach 380 Kelvin. Day here takes 102 hours. Its known to have iron bricks under its surface and geysers of methane and ethane, resulting in many Explorien mining stations. Trading stations were developed in orbit, selling iron bricks, methane and ethane for other comodities (steel bricks, gems, sometimes xenon and argon).



    Second closest planet to sun. It has really thick and acidous atmosphere, making landings either deadly or one-way. In upper layers of atmosphere however, air is not so acidous and hot, resulting in few scientifical zeppelins with propeller engines. In small amounts, iron is processed into steel.



    Earth was once beautiful planet with forests, oceans, breathable atmosphere and life. Now air is toxic and has orange tint, making you see only what is few meters in front of you.

    Orbit however hosts biggest population of whole system - Colonists. Earth is important stop, to get supplies, on way from inner system to outer system and vice versa.

    Luna is Earth's only moon. Few analysis showed that there are no minerals under its surface, rendering it absolutely pointless.



    Tronic is sandy planet and outermost of inner system. Air has no oxygen in atmosphere, but has enough carbon dioxide to be made artificially. It has characteristic purple surface and many minerals under it, such as purple bricks, iron bricks and gold bricks. Its most notably main source of rubies and diamonds, which are used as one of currencies in solar system. Atmosphere has about 0,03% of Argon, resulting in presence of air filtering plants.



    Renema is bigger of two gas giant in system. Its atmosphere has high amount of ferric oxid dust, creating slight red tint. System surrounding it is fully controled by Futuron. Mining of both methane and ethane is strictly forbidden on all moons.



    Ice moon without atmosphere. Under its surface however, amounts of crystals, with ability to electrically bind xenon atoms, are found. Because of that, surface is scattered by numerous Xenon mines.


    Home of Futuron. 20% of surface are oceans, which are little acidous, but not salty. Forests take up 90% of solid surface. (More info pending)

    More moons pending



    Greon is smaller of two gas giants. It is so cold hydrogen freezes in its lower atmosphere, which is however consisting mostly of nitrogen. It has blue tint. Controled by Blacktron.



    This moon has got its name after its high gravity, known to bend steel beams. It is almost two times higher than on Earth, rendering long term life on its surface dangerous for one's health. Gravity is caused by high amount of iron bricks starting at about 100 metres below surface. Because of that, Bend is main source of Blacktron


    Home of Blacktron. Air has 5% methane, 2% amonia and 26% oxygen. Rest is most notably nitrogen. Its icy surface alows getting drinkable water quite easily. (More info pending)

    More moons pending


    Travel tables

    Pending. Should show duration of flight between 2 objects. You don't have to wait for it to elapse in real life, but you shouldn't arrive one post after somebody sent you message about help he needs.


    More sections and more everything pending.


    EDIT: Added war section, reorganized sections, added conversion ration and more.

    EDIT 12/10: Added weapons to ship section.

    EDIT 01/05: Added more details on ships some comodities and added new moon.

    • Upvote 1
  18. IC: Tesla - Hallways


    After some few more tries at her targets, she decided to leave gym. I need somebody to fight with, she thought. Or better, somebody to learn fighting with. And so, she just aimlessly wandered around hallways.


    OOC: Tesla open for (and searching for) interaction.

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