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Lego Junkie

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  1. The story starts off rather well, I love your description of the sparse apartment.There's a couple things that bug me about this though. The first being, if he really was expecting whoever or whatever was in the building to be in danger, he probably wouldn't be smiling when faced with an eight foot jump, even if it IS a challenge. The stress and emotions running through him would cancel that slight feeling of challenge out instantly.I'm also a bit skeptical on how convenient and it easy it was for him to find his sister in a city like the one you described. While it might be obvious since there was a building surrounded by warriors of different types, it seems to me like that might not be an uncommon sight in a city where everybody is armored and armed to the teeth.Acidic crossbow bolts? Explosive crossbow bolts? Yes please!The final fight scene was pretty well done, I thought it could be extended a little though. It seems to me like, if he could kill three? Four? Matoran that easily in a matter of seconds, he could have just taken them on at the base of the building and not wasted precious time climbing to the top.While I may be entirely off here, those are the few things that bugged me in your story.Now don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed reading this, those are just my few pieces of insight!Hope I'm posting this in the right place, but seeing as I never review stuff.... Cut me some slack.Cheers, Evan.
  2. You people are awesome.: DThanks for remembering Andrew!
  3. Happy birthday John!How's it feel to be an AFOL now, eh? Eh? Eh?
  4. Wait, Eighteen?THAT'S SO OLDD:Happy Birthday Andrew!To many more! /clinks glass
  5. Soyuz 7K-L3, Space-plane by [Lego Junkie], on FlickrThe cold war, a time of posturing and threats, a moment in history where the world could have changed dramatically.Experimental space-craft are tested and shot into orbit in a race for the moon and the first lunar landing.The 7K-L3 was a top secret military space-plane developed and launched in 1968, in an effort to reach the moon one last time before the rapidly advancing american space program could.Yes, that is a fictional back-story, so don't go crazy on me for being inaccurate.Soyuz 7K-L3, Space-plane by [Lego Junkie], on FlickrThe darkness of space is cold. And in this alternate cold war space, it's very colorful.
  6. SUDDENLY, FORSTED FLAKES OUT OF NOWHERE. Well, they actually came from the store. But nowhere sounds better for telling a story.

  7. Okay, this sounds fun.I'll give it a go!Sign me up Sir Velox.
  8. I can hear the screams of the guy who's trapped in limbo, forever walking past this booth. c:
  9. Happy birthday indeed, Miss Katie!Wishing you a legitimate birthday, Evan.(You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.)
  10. ZBLARGH ZBLARGH DESTROY ALL HUMANS. Also, hopy ship, lots of words.

    1. Kakaru



  11. Yo Micah, you need to like, come back to us. D: And yuss, more writing from Kakaru. <3
  12. Legit is not what you think it means. It mean legal, not a well thought out compliment like we thought it was. Every night he'd say that. "Good night Wesley. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning

  13. legit |liˈjit| adjective informal legal; conforming to the rules : is this car legit? • (of a person) not engaging in illegal activity or attempting to deceive; honest : to see if he's legit, I call up the business.

  14. Member Name: Lego JunkieTheme: TreasureWord Count: 594Story: Timeless Night.Some expect treasure to sparkle, this one however, it just smiled at me. The light of the street-lamps reflecting in the puddles of brown shadow.A small hand grasps mine, warm to the touch and oh so soft. The moon peeks through the low cloud cover that encases the night sky, stars twinkle through the gaps in the clouds.The evening replays itself in my mind, the single rose, the sparkling jade earrings bouncing the light of the kitchen and the laughter at my ridiculous suit jacket.The dim lights of the restaurant forces our eyes to adjust after the bright shopfronts that had accompanied us all the way from the parking lot. Hidden speakers play soft unassuming music for the even more unassuming patrons.The meal passes by quickly, too quickly for my tastes. My date and friend of seven years looks at me with a question in her eyes, "Does it occur to you that we don't really achieve much in life?"I chuckle, "Yes, that it does. Every day and night, but then I remember I have you, and you're all I need to survive."A snort escapes her nose, "Could you BE any more cliche? Try a line that my parents DIDN'T use on each-other."My chuckle turns into a laugh, "Alright then M'lady, does this suit you?" With a sarcastic flourish, I kneel and prostrate myself before her, "You my dear, are the greatest treasure in my life. Remember that."When I glance up, she looks faintly pleased at my ridiculous line, seeing me looking, she quickly rearranges her face into a dignified mask and gives me a haughty look. "Oh stop it, you're making people stare. Get up off the floor and give me an arm up.""As you wish."The reference to her favorite movie seems to fly over her head, but as she starts to shake while I lead her outside into the night, I realize that it didn't pass by her at all.Her laughter rings out into the night as she twirls in the light snow that falls from the sky. She looks behind her, then slowly keels over backwards and begins to create a snow angel.Seeing me still standing, she raises a hand and beckons with a wave. I walk towards her laughing form, kneeling and then waiting for her fit of laughter to subside. "You seem to be a bit wet dear, would you like my coat?"The laughter dies instantly as she realizes that her evening gown is completely soaked with the powdery snow, "Um, yes please. "Her teeth chatter as the cold hits and I hand over my jacket that was the cause of so much humor earlier in the night.She pulls the coat on and surveys me with an eyebrow raised, "We can't have you getting cold now, can we? Let us go ."I extend my arm to her, and she accepts. Then we walk, following the salt and snow covered sidewalk.The screech of tires surprises us both, a pair of headlights careens towards us and the tires spin wildly, trying to stop the forward momentum on the slippery road. The world seems to slow down as I shove her out of harms way, the car climbs the curb and the impact of the car shoots through me. Life leaves me slowly."My dear, let me see your face, one last time."Tears trace down her face, sprinkling down as snow flakes."So beautiful..."Then the light takes me to a place that has no time.
  15. Member name: Lego JunkieTheme: VisionsStory: Destiny.Up, down, up, down.The tendon in my arm writhes like a snake, changing shape and contorting as I relax and contract my arm. The dark shadows surround me whispering and taunting. Visions of ancestors long dead and forgotten. Electricity snakes along my arm, turning the sweat beading the skin to glowing specks of light."Many have tried, none have succeeded." They whisper as one voice, "You will only suffer pain and sorrow if you try to complete this trial. Do not be a fool..."Up, down.The minuscule orbs of light flicker and sends tiny shocks down my arm. The waves crash onto rocks, many yards below. The light spray floating in the air catches the moonlight before it settles and coats my face, stinging slightly. It then joins my sweat, glowing faintly.The wind roars, waves crash, my heart beats steadily, keeping time with the waves. A wall extends skywards in front of me, mossy and glinting with slime in the faint light. I reach out and brush it with the tips of my fingers, sending a faint pulse of electricity up the wall, the tendrils quickly fade away to nothingness. "Do not be a fool youngling, you are the best hope we have. Do not waste it. "Up, down.The wind suddenly fades into a whisper, encouraging me on to the top of the world. The stillness makes the dark shadows clouding my mind anxious, the darkness begins to swirl, making my head ache. A massive wave crashes into the dark wall below, coating me in salt water and blinding me. Lightning explodes outwards and away from my body as it jumps from water droplet to water droplet, I'm encased in a micro solar-flare.I shout into the silence, "This future is mine to grasp! I shall take it and make it my own!" The shadows still, whispering among themselves.The brightness fades, shrinking back into my soaked and trembling frame.Then I jump, tendrils of lightning flow through my hands, snaking into the massive wall before me and pulling me upwards. Chips of stone fly, glowing white-hot in the darkness. The wall race past me at tremendous speeds, green and grey blur together to form a mess of flashing colors.The power surging through me instantly disappears, my momentum from my upward climb stays with me for a moment, and then it's gone. Gravity sucks at my legs, pulling me downwards, to a certain death on those massive boulders.My arms flail, searching for something to grab onto to stop my body from falling."I will not fail. I cannot fail." My scrabbling fingers find purchase, and my arms scream in protest.Then I climb.Hours pass as I slowly inch my way up the sheer cliff-face, time seems endless, the only thing that allows me to know that time is still flowing by is the rumble of the ocean beneath me.The edge takes me by surprise, my fingers reach upwards expecting to find more rock, finding nothing, only air.Shaking, I pull myself up and over the edge, collapsing into a heap on top of the world.The power that so suddenly left me at the start of the climb enters my veins, now laced with something stronger, more powerful.I have found the vision.I will become a god.Surges of power enter me and I send them into the stone beneath me. The enormous tower that stalked generations of my race begins to crumble, falling into the sea of blackness.The vision is mine.I laugh.
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