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Toa Of Virtues

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Posts posted by Toa Of Virtues

  1. IC (Desilix):Desilix found his footing slipping as he was being draged outside. He was nearly out of the door when he took his sword and stuck it in the ground. From the effect of gravity, desilix now saw the boulder as the ground, and the ground as the wall. He was holding on his sword for dear life.

  2. IC (Desilix):Desilix saw a skakdi run at the toa, so he ran to that skakdi with his sword raised high. This was obviously a skilled and focused toa that had recently showed up, but Desilix believed he was better and he was determined to prove it.

  3. IC (Desilix):The skakdi was down, doging the toa's first attack, but down. Desilix then ran over to the other toa to help defeat the skakdi.

  4. IC (Desilix):The skakti seemed to be focusing on their fight with the new toa, and the toa seemed to be winning. To help the toa, Desilix let out a focused beam of sound that let out a piercing screech to the skakti. Hopefully, this would daze them enough for the other toa to attack. He just hoped that the toa would not get caught in the screech.

  5. OOC: I love national beat up a skakti dayIC (Desilix):The toa woke up, dazed, and saw how tense the fight was getting. He realized that maybe this was bigger than your average theft. Maybe these "NEX assasins" were more important than he had thought they were. All the better reason to capture them. Desilix stood up, sword at the ready.

  6. IC (Desilix):Desilix has been absorbing more of his element so quickly that it was starting to get painful. He felt the sounwaves within his body, shaking his mind apart. Desilix stopped absorbing his element, but it was too late. he passed out on the ground behind a rock.OOC: I have to go somewhere... please ignore my passed out body untill i get back later today.

  7. IC (Desilix):Knowing that he had none of his element left in his body, he started absorbing sound from the air. The louder sounds the others made let him absorb his element faster. The room started getting quieter...

  8. IC (Desilix):Although he could not physically battle, he still could use his powers. He activated his Matatu and took the heavy lid from the trap door that the skakdi of gravity once made light as air, and threw it at the Kaerhi.

  9. IC (Desilix):More toa. This was in his favor, he wouldn't have to kill a matoran in secret after all to maintain his life and honor... but more his life. He stood up, showing how he was clearly defeated in battle. He then looked at endless piles of treasure exposed from the trap door. Then, he looked at the Toa and nodded.

  10. I like the theory of Keetongu, he seems like a good canidate. No mind wipes, great power, mysterious history, didn't feel bad killing sidorak, an eye that sees all in someone (observation), and respects the three virtues. Yeah, he might have been sleeping in the ice for who knows how many years, but maybe his eye let him see the outside world. Dume or Velika are also good choices, but i have a gut feeling its Keetongu.

  11. IC (Desilix)Seeing that the skakti was leaping at him, he activated his Matatu and held the skakdi in place. Due to his dazed condition, he would not be able to hold him for long."A deal" The toa said in desperation, "Lets make a deal, I can't die a failure. I'll do anything!"Then the Matatu wore off and the skakdi was free.The Toa closed his eyes.

  12. it's just that it started off really great then proceeded to average.

    Yeah, i was running out of time to do any more cool clay things. I may make more in the future. But thanks for the review!
  13. IC (Desilix):The toa did not understand a word the skakdi just said, but continued to try to feed the fire."And you" he said, pointing to Kaerhi, "From the looks of it, he is just using you so he can use his own powers"Desilix knew it was risky to try to get skakti upset, but he had few other options. It was either this, or emerging from this fight as a failure.

  14. IC (Desilix):Desilix sat up in pain and looked at the treasure, and the skakdi about to posess it. He could not continue the fight, and he knew it. But maybe they could."Why don't you take it all yourself?" The toa grunted "After all, you did most of the work"

  15. IC (Desilix):Delilix was nosediving, but had seen that the Skakdi moved out of the way and striked the ground next to the recently opened trap door, opening it further. He was hit by the zamor sphere, was sent flying, and crashed into a wall, struggling to sit up. A crater was left where he had origionally aimed, and the trap door was open to let everyone see what was inside.

  16. IC (Desilix)Desilix was being rocketed towards the sky with incredible speed. He had never dealt with a skakdi of gravity before, so was unsure how to battle. He activated his Matatu to pull himself to the ground with incredible force. He knew that he could not simply stand with this skakti with gravity powers. As he predicted, the skakdi returned gravity to him to slam him on the ground, with the additional force of the matatu pulling him. With no time to spare, Desilix drew his protodermis sword and nosedived, aiming at Hatann.

  17. IC (Desilix):Desilix Was pinned to the ground. He attempted to pick himself off the ground with his Matatu, but the gravitational force was too strong. On the ground, Desilix sent off a huge shockwave which knocked his attackers back, giving him enough time to pull himself to his feet, and anchor himself with his Matatu if the skakdi were to attack him again with gravity."What do you even want here? Whoever ownes this place sure didn't want you" Desilix said while looking at all the trapps scattered around the room.

  18. IC (Desilix):"I am Toa Desilix" the toa said, while vibrating the air infront of him enought to refract the lasers to just make a few small singes on his armor. "And will the owner of this house be happy to see you chained to a chair in the corner"The toa however, did not see Kaerhi dive towards him. Desilix was then tackled to the ground by Kaerhi, and the two fought blades-to-blade. Eventually, Desilix shoved Kaerhi to the corner of the room and said "I am the destined Toa of Protodermis! You think any common thieves can defeat me?"

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