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Toa Of Virtues

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Posts posted by Toa Of Virtues

  1. Chapter 8The New Plan The deed was done quickly. Nothing was left except his helmet, which Vezidax pinned to a wall. For a short moment, Vezidax felt grief. He second guessed his actions, and wondered if what he did was wrong.“He was a coward!” Vezidax shouted to his Krahi, “He had it coming.”The Krahi stared at him blankly. Since they only responded to demands, they didn’t know how to respond to this. Vezidax paced back and fourth for a little while, and the thoughts of revenge soon justified the death of Metus. There was a battle within Vezidax’s mind: His own will vs. Teridax’s morals, and Teridax was winning.“Fear is our friend” Vezidax said to the Krahi, “It can make people do things they would never dream of doing. All we need is a factor of fear, and a spark to ignite the flame.”The “fear” had to seem different than the work of the Makuta; it had to be based off of a previous tragedy, but bigger than ever. The planet has been through a number of tragedies that he didn’t cause, so he had a nice selection. An idea came to mind, but it must first be tested, brutally tested, with unknown results. But if his theory was correct, and he could do such a thing, revenge would be easy. Vezidax activated his mask and got to work. Viruses, viruses meant to suck all joy and happiness out of a being, and replace it with darkness and fear. Viruses meant to drain a person of their sanity with fear. But there was a catch to this virus; it would only take effect while the victim is unconscious. While it may not destroy dreams, it could pass as a form of the original. Vezidax was recreating the dreaming plague.The virus had to be just right in order to work properly. It had to have no symptoms while the victim was awake. It must create enough nightmares for the victim to go insane, but not enough to kill them. It had to be curable by Vezidax and the Krahi, since he did not want all mad subjects when he was the king. But the trickiest part to it was that it had to work on all Matoran and Agori, Glatorian, Toa, and Turaga. Now, Vezidax needed some test subjects.

  2. I went back in time to clense the Universe using the Ignika of all evil before any bad things could happen, and did NOT make a paradox. TOPPEDI am Chuck Norris in Bionicle form

  3. Man, you're really spitting out chapters at quite a rate, huh? Crazy Makuta plans and a Matoro ghost reference? I don't know where you're headed with all this, but it's engaging so far. Just a few spelling errors I noticed though.-Ced
    Thanks for the review! I'll get to fixing thoes spelling mistakes right away, and the "seems legit" part was coincidental, but intentionally funny.I felt Metus as comic relief, and it just felt like it fit to me. Vezidax's character will get deeper as the story progresses.Also, when Vezidax said "With two Krahi already down" that means he already made two Krahi, not that he had two Krahi left to make.Thanks for reviewing my epic! It's my first epic, so I can use all the help I can get!
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