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Toa Of Virtues

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Posts posted by Toa Of Virtues

  1. IC (Grata):Grata got up out of the snow to continue traveling, when he saw a sign. It read:

    "Interested in fighting work?

    Can't make a living shoveling snow?

    Come to Sideways in the Frozen Traveller bar,

    For loot and glory!"

    It was perfect for Grata, he just had to find this "Frozen Traveller bar"

  2. IC (Grata):Grata was tired. He ran for many hours from Ta-Wahi for his life, as he had just broken out of a high security jail. He collapsed to his knees, shivering in the snow with broken armor. He was not sure if anyone was following him or not, so he had to hide, and stay hidden for a while.

  3. IC (Grata): Gata had noticed he had cought the attention of others, so it was too late to turn back. Grata lept off the roof, and ran. He took every back street possible, and ran as quietly as he could. Luckily, the night was on his side, hiding him in the shadows of the streets. He had to move to another Wahi, and fast.OOC: Grata to Ko-Wahi

  4. IC (Grata):Grata expacted he would be pulled back down, but not at this height. Also, he had just aimed himself towards the reinforced steel part of the roof. Grata was heavily armored, but it would not protect him from an impact like this. So, Grata fired his lazers at the steel, warming it, and making it softer. Just before he touched the roof, he swung his axe at it, burying himself in the hot steel. Grata then stood up with badly cracked armor, and looked at the Toa through the hole me made to get out.Knowing he could have been killed by the fall, Grata said "Toa code: never kill." With that, he ran as fast as he could on the rooftop away from the Toa, away from his gravitational field.

  5. IC (Grata):Grata growled in disapointment, as he cought his axe flying back at him. Then he realized that the Toa could actually be helping his escape. Grata looked up at the celing, and cut a hole in the roof. Because of the Toa's anti-gravity, Grata shot up out of the roof with incredible speed. He knew that the Toa would probably pull him back down, so Grata looked for a solid, reinforced part of the roof to aim his body at when he was most likely pulled back down.

  6. IC (Grata):This Toa of gravity was tricky, but Grata was going to put up a fight. Grata Touched the celing of the hall, grabbing as many stones as he could. He then threw the stones at the toa, blinding him from what was coming next. Grata threw his massive axe with amazing accuracy at the Toa. Either one of two things would happen: One, The Toa would loose his gravitational grip on Grata to stop the wall of stones flying at him. Or two, the Toa would ignore the rocks, keeping his gravitational grip on Grata, and get hit by the axe.

  7. IC (Grata):Grata, seeing that he had been tricked, fired his lazers at the toa. While doing that, Grata moved his head rapidly so the Toa would not be able to doge it. He did not mean to hurt the Toa, just make the Toa loose concentration so he could make his escape. If the Toa got hurt in the process, then that would be a bonus.

  8. IC (Grata):The first pair of guards came into sight. Before they could turn around to see Grata, they got whacked in the back by a giant axe and fell down limp. Dead? Unconcious? It didn't matter. Grata ran to the next two guards and did the same without stopping. He was near the exit now, and so far, no alarms had been set off. This was going smoother than any of his other breakouts. He then passed a rock that he could have sworn just moved...

  9. IC (Grata):Grata sat in his cell of steel and iron, sharpening his axe, waiting.Finally, night came, and the guards were further away from his cell than any other time of the day. Grata quickly got to work escaping. He activated his lazer vision to start melting away the steel door quietly. The door was hevily reinforced, so one night of lazer cutting would not do the job. Each night for about a week he would do the same. Since his cell door was never opened, the guards would never see the slow destruction of the door.Tonight was finally the night, and the outline of the steel door has melted enough that one swift kick would knock it down. However, since he wanted it to be quiet, kicking the door would not be a good idea. Grata carefully pulled the heavy steel door into his cell. His door was now open, he just had to get past the unsuspecting guards...You see, Grata thought, Grata never stays arrested.

  10. Matoro IIMatoro knew that Axonn was the only being that would be able to see him. However, someone had prevented him from contacting Axonn. This was the Makuta. As spirits, the two beings could contact each other without any problem.“Makuta!” Matoro shouted at the floating figure.“Matoro, I didn’t expect to see you here.” The being of darkness said.“Why are you here, Makuta?” Matoro asked, “Or, more importantly, how did you get here?”“It’s all part of the plan.” Said Makuta, “But your interactions are not, so let’s see if a dead being can die even more.”Makuta let out an enormous blast of shadow from his figure, knocking Matoro kio’s away. Makuta, knowing that his job was not yet completed, flew over to Matoro’s spirit.Matoro was defenseless; he had no weapons, no powers that would be of any use in spirit form, and a vulnerable mind. He could already feel Makuta ripping his mind apart from so far away.So Matoro flew. He flew for help. Only the great beings would be the only beings that had the power to help him, so Matoro started searching for them. Matoro flew away from his home, away from his friends, away from his brothers and sister, away from his life in hope to one day return. Matoro saw planets, stars, galaxies, all filled with life, the Great Beings were busy.For years he searched the galaxies for a sign of the Great Beings, but all he found was their endless trail of life across the many planets he came across. Each civilization flourished in unique and beautiful ways.He flew and swerved from galaxy to galaxy, and was lost in the never-ending maze of stars. His only hope now was to search for a being of great power he could contact. Matoro then came across a possible sign of the Great Beings: construction.Matoro could see artificial machines everywhere, it might have been a possible construction set by the Great Beings. This civilization was obviously more technologically advanced than his own, since everything seemed so futuristic. He then flew down to what seemed to be the main planet, and noticed a large slanted building with a big “H” on the side.

  11. IC (Desilix):Desilix then sacrificed a part of his sound bubble that protected him and Kodu to make a giant wave of vibrations. He then put it over some of the fire like a blanket to literally "shake" the air away from it. This seemed to prove fairly effective, revealing smothered ashes from under the blanket of sound. He continued to move on to the next flame. It was difficult, however, to keep the bubble strong enough to protect him and Kodu from the surrounding fires.

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