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Toa Of Virtues

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Posts posted by Toa Of Virtues

  1. IC (Desilix):"Wait!" Desilix said to Kodu, "I may be able to help smother the fires in vibrations, but you'd have to stay near me to be protected from the fire. Hey, you said you wanted an adventure!"

  2. There are many Kanohi powers in Bionicle, but there are still many powers left to use. You can put your own origional mask power ideas here. You can also give it a name, picture, fight scenario, or anything else you feel nessisary. Please, keep them origional.Here are a few ideas of mine, but since I may use them my epic, they are under a spoiler tag.

    Kanohi Inferma Mask of Illness- The user is able to make another being sick for as long as the wearer can hold concentration. Recovery time depends on how long the mask was activated, but is relatively fast.Kanohi Ensa Mask of Sharpness- The user is able to make any inanimate object form incredibly sharp edges or points by touch, but the object must be smaller than the user. The sharp edges or points are returned back to their original state when the user stops touching the object.Kanohi Cogit Mask of Thought- The user is able to temporarily stop time (including the users body) in order to think about their next action.Kanohi Epike Mask of Focus- Allows the user or a victim to focus entirely on one thing, while being oblivious to everything else.Kanohi Grav Mask of Obsession- Makes a victim feel a strong emotional need and attachment to an object/person within the victim’s vision as long as the wearer can hold concentration. The level of obsession the victim experiences depends on the wearers’ concentration level.Kanohi Oper Mask of Attention- Makes the user or a victim more detectable by making the victims’ brightness, sounds, or other senses greater than it originally was for as long as the wearer can hold concentration. The victim must be visible to the user. The wearer can make Volitak users normally visible.Kanohi Verv Mask of Paranoia- Makes a victim think the user has more power than they actually do as long as the wearer can hold concentration. The level of paranoia the victim experiences depends on the wearers’ concentration level.Kanohi Retin Mask of Memory- Lets the user or victim remember a distant memory in perfect detail. It can also make a victim temporarily forget their past as long as the wearer can hold concentration. The level of forgetfulness the victim experiences depends on the wearers’ concentration level.Kanohi Scipar Mask of Knowledge Sharing- Lets the user know something a victim knows by touch, but must give an equal valued amount of information about the user to the victim.

  3. IC (Grata):Grata, now outnumbered, surrendered. He may not be to bright, but he knew that there would be no way out with violence."You can arrest Grata, but Grata never stays arrested"

  4. IC (Grata):Angered by the Matoran disturbing his battle, Grata was determined to finish the battle quickly. While the Toa was talking to the Matoran, he swung his axe at the Toa behind his back.

  5. IC (Grata):Grata hit the wall with a heavy thud. But when Grata turned around, it looked like the wall had been more hurt than he has. However, the pain from the dagger was now seting in, and Grata held his wound with one hand. Grata then pointed his axe towards the Toa to attack with plasma. However, he forgot he was alone in this battle, and his move did nothing.

  6. IC (Grata):The dagger struck Grata in his stomach, leaving a bloddy wound behind.Grata, ignoring the pain, roared at the Toa and swung his axe again with incredible force while firing his laser vision.

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