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Toa Of Virtues

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Posts posted by Toa Of Virtues

  1. Thank you all for all the positive feedback! We are taking another short break from Unseen Light, but we'll be back again soon! Until then, please leave us reviews, it's the only way we can get better.


    All I know is that taking the possible return of some sort of brown into account, I'm probably going for that. I haven't had a set with brown since 2005. (i don't really count the vorox) 


    Yeah, bright orange and yellow, though not completely unrealistic, just felt a little odd on toa of stone. It probably wouldn't have been such a big deal if they used brown as well, but sadly they didn't. 


    I do wonder why brown was dropped. Oh Lego, you never cease to amaze me. 



    Probably because it didn't sell well. It would make sense that people thought that brown was the least desirable of all six colors.

  3. I am all for this topic. With a weird name like "bionicle", the only way we can come up with a cool name for ourselves is to brainstorm it.


    If you want a name that other people would instantly recognize, "Bioniclers" might be the best, even if it's not very creative.

  4. Makuta: "You can't fight me! Your arm's come off!"


    Tahu: "It's just a flesh-wound."



    I think you would have to tear muscle to take them apart, since that's what happened to the Toa Mata in their canisters. I also can imagine that it would hurt, unless someone managed to "switch off pain" like I had said earlier. I think the fan animation "Pohatu's Arrival" depicts bionicle muscles well.

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    What if they released one pixel of the main villain every day until 1, January 2015?


    I think it is highly unlikely, but I'd be okay with it as long as we got some other material.

    I doubt 100 pixels is enough.

    They did do somthing similar with the piraka when they were coming out.


    ToaOfVirtues wrote:

    So excited! This place might get a bit chaotic, so brace yourself.

    So, are you on the story team? I really hope so.

    If so, are you allowed to tell us more about the story than what we already know? I can understand if not.

    I'm really looking forward to these coming years! Do what you do best!



    I was allowed to read over the story bible and provide some input on it, but that has been the extent of my role so far. I did not have a hand in creating the story beyond that.


  7. Just got a response back from Greg about all of this. Link


    ToaOfVirtues wrote:

    So excited! This place might get a bit chaotic, so brace yourself.

    So, are you on the story team? I really hope so.

    If so, are you allowed to tell us more about the story than what we already know? I can understand if not.

    I'm really looking forward to these coming years! Do what you do best!



    I was allowed to read over the story bible and provide some input on it, but that has been the extent of my role so far. I did not have a hand in creating the story beyond that.

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