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Toa Of Virtues

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Posts posted by Toa Of Virtues

  1. I can only remember brief snipits of the event, and at the time I was unaware of the gravity of it all. My mom said that she tried to explain to me what was happening, with little success. But my innocence to that kind of evil could only last so long. Never forget.


    "The people of this world are builders, but if you look into their hearts, you will find that they have the power to destroy"

  2. Chapter 18


         Curi’s eyes slowly began to glow once more as consciousness returned to her. The first thing that came into her mind was getting home. Her heart started to race as her last emotion, dread, returned. It was past curfew, and if any of those Toa found her out –


         Curi then realized she was lying on her back. She sat up and looked around her prison cell. That answered a few of her questions. Next to her were two Vo-Matoran she had seen in passing a few times, Dehvix and Hesa. They were looking over her with concern.


         “We’re glad you’re okay. We didn’t know if you were alive,” Dehvix said.


         “Are we under arrest? What happened?” Curi asked, looking around the dank environment.


         The two other girls exchanged pained looks. They realized that Curi had been captured before the disaster.


         “You must not have gotten back in time last week,” Dehvix said, trying to stall. “After that…”


         “The Metru Nui rocket didn’t reach its namesake,” Hesa bluntly muttered. She realized a moment later that her wording made it sound like it wasn’t launched. “It landed on the coast of the Northern Continent. Nobody knows what happened. I’m guessing they’re investigating the maintenance workers first… in other words, us.”




         Outside the chamber, Desula and Belhiru sat in silence across from each other, Desula’s back to the chamber wall.


         “Hear anything?” Belhiru asked.


         Desula shook her head no. “As I expected, they don’t have anything to do with this. Just like the rest of the Vo-Matoran I’ve read.”


         Belhiru scoffed knowingly.


         “You were right,” Desula admitted with a sigh. All of the Toa Narai recognized the Tahtorak in the room. Only a Nu-Matoran could have had the authority and opportunity to sabotage the rocket. Nobody was going to mention that to Ralis, though. Jehka had summarized the overall sentiment of the team best: “Might just be personal preference, but I like having my head on my shoulders and not mounted on the wall.”


         Upon the rocket’s failure, Ralis went into a rage. Every single Vo-Matoran who had anything to do with the rocket was arrested and transferred to specific areas for interrogation. Though Desula’s telepathy hadn’t found a trace of guilt in any of them – fear and despair, but no guilt – Ralis had only released very few of them, and probably just to divert suspicion of his heavy-handed “investigation.”




         The walls of the prison saw light for the briefest of moments as unseen figures tossed a Matoran-sized body unceremoniously in through the ceiling entrance. They then resealed the opening with the stone barrier.


         The three Vo-Matoran gathered around, perplexed. This new prisoner wasn’t a Vo-Matoran; the armor was red, not blue, and as he stood, they realized he wasn’t a Matoran at all. He was a Turaga. Though none of them had ever been to Metru Nui, they immediately knew by his Noble Hau and fatherly gaze that he was Lhikan, co-ruler of Metru Nui. At least, last they had heard.



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  3. Nice job on these! The main thing you could fix, with great effort, is to eliminate mixing of mata and metru colors. All dark, or all light blue, red, green, et cetera, for consistency. 

    I would have, but i don't have any other good shoulder armor. Since I needed those, I used the metru colors in the legs for consistency.

  4. (responding to Toa Kayn)


    I got in a little fight

    With a being of the night

    And a little creature that likes to bite

    Then I lost some light

    But that's all right

    Because I have become the Toa of Twilight


    Oh, and I forgot to mention

    I can also leave this dimension

    I went through worlds, and gathered a crew

    And they are all here so they can diss you


    Hi there, I'm the spectral mask

    Fighting me won't be an easy task

    I am a giant, floating, powerful Hau

    And a copy of that will not be allowed

    Although I don't judge based on how you look

    I'd say that you are the sum of every crook

    Now this was fun, and really great

    But I believe it is time to open a gate


    Hi, Makuta, welcome to The Kingdom

    In this world, you will have no freedom

    I killed you once, I'll beat you twice

    In this world, I'm not very nice

    People call me "the disgraced one"

    But not anymore, once we are done

    Killing you redeemed my name

    In this world I will get so much fame


    Take a look in a mirror, and you'll see me

    But in this world, I have the power of a flea

    Although I'm scared of the person in the throne

    A Toa of Water, with a pretty stone,

    If you meet her, you'll be nothing but bone

  5. Chapter 17



    Entry 2


         I liked it.


         I dreamed about doing this for months, but I never expected this.


         I actually liked it.


         I did not go though with the plan everyone had set up. I did not deploy a missile on Metru Nui. I did not do it in the name of the Great Nuclear Empire, nor did I do it for anyone in Metru Nui. I did it for myself.


         And I liked it.


         What exactly did I do? I chose what I saw as the lesser of two evils. There was only so much I could control in the operation, without bringing attention to myself. I made it look like an accident, but the ruse will only last for so long.


         The entire city came to life. Every Matoran in the city did what they could to make sure everything went as planned, except for me. While everyone was preparing for the launch, I blindly followed my own morals. I remember looking up at the giant, silver missile and thinking how only I knew of its true destination, and how foolish everyone else was for trusting me with so much power. Steam billowed from its engines as it waited our commands. The moment was coming, the moment that would reveal me for what I truly am.


         As the missile was launched, I felt a strange sense of surrealism. It felt like none of this was actually happening, and I had been caught in the illusion of one of my own dreams. No matter what I did, I could not convince myself that I was actually following though with my plan.


         While the missile was soaring beyond the walls of our city and on its way to Metru Nui, it suddenly failed. The rocket stopped using its fuel, and shut down mid-flight. It dove onto the edge of the Northern Continent.


         I couldn’t make it fail above the ocean, because our signal can only extend so far out. If it were any closer, we would still be in the blast radius. It had to be there.


         The bomb fell, and it did what it was built for. It killed thousands. No. I killed thousands.


         Although I was not there, I could feel it. Thoughts flooded through my mind as I tried to make sense of what exactly I was feeling. I tried to justify my actions to myself by saying it saved more lives than it took, but I couldn’t.


         Because I liked it.


         The damage I have caused might even be greater than if I had simply followed orders, since we brought a whole other continent into this war. Against all logic, I still can not be sad about what I did.


         There is a new voice inside of me that I’ve never heard from before. It gets louder and louder with every passing minute. Every time I look back on what I did, I do not feel regret or remorse. Instead, I feel nostalgia and satisfaction. I recall the video feed from the missile as it dove in on its new target, and once the signal disappeared, I remember feeling only pure bliss.


         What I originally did in the name of peace, ended in the name of bloodlust. If I am not caught, I will carry out many more atrocities, and I will follow orders without a second thought. It doesn’t matter who dies now, since everyone is already destined to fail. I tried to delay the inevitable, but I unintentionally accelerated us towards the end. Since there is nothing anyone can do about it, I might as well enjoy the ride.


         I don’t even remember all the names of the islands and cities that were destroyed. I suppose I should, but I don’t see the point in it now. In fact, I’m not even sure why I should feel any remorse for them. If anything, I spared them a slow and painful death. I used to think a savior was someone who saves lives, but I was wrong. A savior is someone who spares pain. A savior is someone who can see where people suffer, and have the courage to end it.


         Although I am ill right now, I will continue my mission. Once I get well, I will help spare the rest of the world of its suffering. By doing this, I will save people from the torture they inflict upon themselves. If I even hesitate to do what must be done, the rest of the world will be begging for the end. I can’t allow us to get to that point.


         My name is Dasel, and I will save the world.


         And I will love it.



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  6. Chapter 16



                For a millennia-long golden age, Metru Nui was the shining capital of Matoran civilization. That age was now over. The island city’s six elemental districts were completely abandoned, taken over by Rahi, the Vahki-Kal, and any mutant Bohrok that were still operating. The survivors of the brutal conflict were living barricaded in the Coliseum, under the ever-watchful eye of Turaga Dume.


                On their own, most of the city’s Matoran would have realized the error of their ways. They would have reflected on the death and devastation and understood the truth: hatred by anyone, toward anyone bred suffering for all. No civilization could prosper in the long-term under a culture of bigotry. But accepting that would mean accepting part of the blame.


                From his private chambers, Turaga Dume realized that such an awakening would splinter the already-struggling remnants of his people. No, for now, the important thing was to stay united and resolute. The few telescreens still in operation continually displayed a montage of the destruction, overlaid by images of the Nu-Matoran and Toa Ralis, with the flashing text “THEY DID THIS.” Of particular use to the campaign was Turaga Lhikan, whom had been missing for weeks. Dume had no choice but to assume his tragic death, with the undeniable involvement of Ralis and his misguided crusade.


                At the outskirts of the Coliseum, Matoran were hard at work perpetually strengthening their fortifications. Despite Dume’s best efforts to maintain a semblance of morale, the prevailing wisdom was that the worst days of the conflict had yet to be seen.




                In the land of Odina, Toa Arkko and Jehka stalked the empty streets. In the footnotes of history, Odina was noted as the base of operations of a short-lived band of ruffians who called themselves the Dark Hunters. However, this obscure trivia point had been forgotten by all but the most dedicated historic circles. To most, Odina was simply known as another territory of the Great Nuclear Empire.


                “There’s nothing more boring than curfew watch, huh, brother?” Arkko asked his partner.


                Jehka wasn’t listening. He was too busy scanning the alleyways for the fleeting glance of a Matoran trying to avoid being spotted. If he did, he probably wouldn’t get any more than a moment of eye contact, but that was all the Toa of Sonics needed. His Kanohi Nimmin, the Great Mask of Recall, would automatically bring any previous memory Jehka’ subconscious might hold to the forefront of his mind, even if he had spotted the face only once before in a crowd of thousands.


                Arkko, meanwhile, was busy using his Mask of Frenzy to drive nearby acid flies into dot-sized death matches. Each victorious fly celebrated by devouring his dead opponent’s shell, allowing the corrosive insides of the loser to drip to the ground with an audible sizzle.


                They noticed, from a distance, their two partners Desula and Belhiru. Floating behind them by Desula’s psychic power was a Matoran captive. The team met up in the middle of the road.


                “You guys find anything?” Belhiru asked.


                Arkko shook his head no. “I see you did.”


               Desula, lost in concentration, was holding a Vo-Matoran in the air behind her with her Psionics, the female Matoran’s limbs bound by unseen energy. She flung the Matoran to the ground and said, “Found her sneaking around the coast, probably trying to escape. Says she was alone.”


                Arkko smiled and raised his Plasma Sword over his head. Before he could bring it down, Jehka put his hand on the Toa of Plasma’s shoulder.


                “You heard Ralis, public executions will better keep them in line.”


                “But that does run the risk of creating a martyr,” Desula added.


                Without regarding the Matoran, Arkko slowly put his sword back to his side. “We’ll imprison her until sunrise. Best to not test the boss’ patience for us. You know that to him, we’re just a means to an end.”


              Ralis would be pleased the curfew watch had put a stop to late-night fraternization among the Matoran. There was something about it that made him uncomfortable, like they were planning treason. He couldn’t verbalize it, but luckily, his four Toa enforcers needed little justification. The Toa of Radiation was always grateful that they understood why he did what he did. He was freeing and protecting his people, nothing more.



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  7. Bionicle is a very long and complicated storyline, and there is bound to be a few mistakes scattered throughout. Sometimes, characters will make poor choices, leading to events that could have easily been avoided. What do you think some of them are?


    Now, now, bonesiii, we all know real life physics don't apply in BIONICLE.

    That's exactly my point -- my theory was a simple, convenient way to make real life physics not apply (planet being super-large, but not having deadly-high gravity levels). Now Greg's saying real-life physics DO apply in a simple way here -- bigger planet, bigger gravity. This creates an obvious, near-universal contradiction with all previous plot (except the ones just inside the artificial gravity field of the MU, which was a minority of Bionicle story), especially since it's confirmed Spherus Magna things (like thornax for example) are made of normal matter. For MU beings we could explain it away as protodermis itself absorbs extra gravity or nullifies its effects, but yeah...


    Leaving it unstated what the gravity situation was, would have been better, IMO. That way my theory could be imagined, or not imagined, as people liked. If he takes that assumption to a simple canon answer, it's only going to create massive plausibility problems. The physics excuse can only go so far -- and making virtually everything in a story get the well-deserved label of "busted" (to use Mythbusters lingo) is a bad idea. It isn't actually an explanation either, so doesn't really answer the "how" question.


    Maybe I should have simply worded it as "greater" instead of "far greater".... :o


    Anyway, remember that the definition of "far greater" is subjective--some people might think three times Earth's gravity is considered "far greater," other people might consider ten times Earth's gravity "far greater."

    Problem is the planet is many, many times larger than Earth, since the giant robot is roughly Earth-sized, and all portrayals of motion dynamics and everything just used Earth levels. An exact percentage isn't the point -- it's that if Earth physics is forced into this situation as that answer seems to imply, it would definitely be so high organic lifeforms should be pressed flat against the ground and maybe even be crushed, robotic parts should wear down rapidly, and a thrown disk (like the bamboo disks) should clunk to the ground instantly.


    Remember, Mata Nui could control gravity in his body, which could explain why things worked the way they did in there (and possibly on Mata Nui). As for Bara Magna, I don't have an excuse.

  9. Chapter 15

    Entry 1

         Every civilization has its flaws, and no civilization is perfect. These are rules I have learned over the past year working in the Great Nuclear Empire, formerly known as Karda Nui. We thought we had ourselves figured out, and we thought nothing could ever go wrong. Obviously, we were mistaken.

         About three years ago, Toa Ralis came to our city and told us of the struggle and the ultimate demise of the Nu-Matoran in Metru Nui. He claimed that the same would soon happen here, if we didn’t act first. Hearing this, our Turaga let Ralis rule alongside him, and later proclaimed him as the Supreme Chancellor of Karda Nui.

         Our Turaga is not known to make poor decisions, which leads me to believe that he had little choice in the matter. When Toa Ralis came to Karda Nui, he also brought a group of powerful Toa who supported every move he made. After a while, these Toa faded into the background, and were never officially heard from again. I suspect that they have gone behind the scenes, putting pressure on powerful political figures and silencing any form of resistance that pops up. I am sure that I am not the only one that thinks this, but no one is willing to speak up.

         Ralis rules through fear and vengeance. He claimed to avenge the death of his fellow workers, and fight for the freedom of secondary elements, but his actions tell a different story. He rules with an iron fist, and has no tolerance for anything detracting from his plan. We have heard the story of how evil and cruel all the Matoran of Metru Nui are so many times, it has become permanently engraved in our memories. He preaches the belief that they deserve a punishment worse than death, while he repeats the same story he tells. I can’t help but notice the similarity between the Nu-Matoran of the Metru Nui Power Plant, and the Vo-Matoran of Karda Nui.

         Soon after Ralis came to power, a monstrous disaster befell the entire world, as massive bioquakes shook apart the very foundation of our city. The large nuclear reactor at the core of our city crumbled in on itself, tearing down the numerous catwalks and rooms it used to suspend, and crushed the Vo-Matoran below. The sky itself seemed to rip open, revealing the vastness that lies beyond the walls of our world. Many Nu-Matoran and Vo-Matoran died, but the cataclysm did not discriminate only towards secondary Matoran. Even the city of Metru-Nui felt the wrath of the disaster, just as they finished cleaning up their Bohrok problem. However, we were not without warning.

         For the past two years, the stars in the night sky have been simmering out. It seemed obvious what was happening, and we all know what was causing it. With the Metru Nui Power Plant no longer functional and Ralis cutting off the power from Karda Nui, Mata Nui fell at our hands. Moments before the disaster struck, every being in the universe felt a gut-wrenching sensation that was undoubtedly caused by one thing; the death of the Great Spirit. Ralis blamed Metru Nui for the Fall, but everyone knew that we were all partially to blame. Although, what would you expect after declaring war on the rest of the world?

         While many saw this as a tragedy, Ralis saw an opportunity. Working on the remains of Karda Nui, Ralis rebuilt the city with only one thing in mind: war. He was determined to strike Metru Nui while it was down, and beat them into submission. He planned on doing this using a new piece of technology that could store large amounts of nuclear energy inside a long-ranged projectile. These weapons would be aimed through the rip in the sky, and at Metru Nui.

         It seemed like our entire city was repurposed into a war machine overnight. Every Nu-Matoran had a new role to play in this grand scheme, and no one would dare challenge this new order. Ralis even renamed the city the “Great Nuclear Empire”, marking the death of Karda Nui.

         At the very center of our new city stood a giant launch pad, tilted on a slight angle to face the hole in the sky. Our living quarters and workshops were embedded in the walls surrounding the massive cave, and looked as if they were trying to burrow themselves away from the launch site. This reflected the fear that every Nu-Matoran held close: the fear of our own weapons.

         Since this was relatively new technology, no one knew just how dangerous producing nuclear weapons could be. For all we knew, these explosives could have a hair-trigger, and could destroy the entire city at any moment. Even Ralis disappeared for a while when the first few missiles were being manufactured. The entire city seemed to hold its breath in suspense during production, which luckily ended in nothing once the first wave of missiles was completed.

         Everyone lost sight of our original goal, and focused only on surviving. Revolts became less common, as the vast majority began to follow Ralis blindly. People began to see him as a savior for pulling a powerful empire out of the rubble of an old city, and for doing it so quickly. He presented black and white morals that people could easily follow in times of hardship, and he acted as a symbol that people could rally behind. However, the threat of death lingered over any of us who would dare challenge him.

         It seemed that less and less Matoran worried if we were doing the right thing, while more and more Matoran worried if they were working hard enough for the glory of the Empire. Everyone is guilty of this without exception, including me. I fear death, and I am too much of a coward to face it. The most I can do is confess my crimes to a journal that nobody will read.

         My name is Dasel, and I am a Nu-Matoran of the Great Nuclear Empire. I am a nuclear engineer specializing in highly energetic nuclear explosives. My team and I are scheduled to launch and deploy a nuclear missile on Metru Nui tomorrow.



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    • Upvote 1

    Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly does CCBS stand for? 


    CCBS = Character and Creature Building System. It's ok, I didn't know what it meant either till a few days ago  :P


    As for Rahi... YES! We certainly need more! I just ordered a bunch of '01 Bionicle Rahi in an effort to complete my collection before the new sets start rolling out. All I'm mission now is the Manas!


    Speaking of which...why haven't we gotten more mechanical/motorized sets like the Manas? And would you folks be interested in seeing something like that in Gen 2? I know I would!


    I believe they didn't do it again because was because it was too expensive, and not enough people bought it. I think it was even the most expensive Bionicle set ever, correct me if I'm wrong.


    Edit: Ninja'd

    • Upvote 1
  11. Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly does CCBS stand for? 


    If it's a continuation, we definitely NEED to see the element lords and the dinos. Next logical step, IMO. Even if it's a reboot, I'd wanna see them. Dinos and giant reptiles are popular again. Recently we've had Pacific Rim, Godzilla, Transformers: Age of Extinction, and Jurassic World is coming soon...only makes sense for Bionicle to cash in on the giant reptile craze before it goes extinct again. 


    ...Pun was very intentional.

    Don't forget TMNT, even more over-sized reptiles.

    • Upvote 1
  12. They are pretty simple builds, but I like them. Although I feel like blue-taking the pieces on the chest is kinda cheating, it looks good.


    While the MOC's are good, your picture quality is amazing. You must have pretty good equipment, all I have to post pictures is my cell phone and a clean desk.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Hey guys, let's cut back on the long chain of quotes, it's getting obnoxious.


    I have a friend who works at legoland, and he claims to know a few higher-ups that know about future sets, and has heard nothing about the return of bionicle yet. I'm not sure if they would know, or if they would even tell him if they did. Either way, I'll pass on any news I hear.

    • Upvote 1
  14. lol. Personally im exited to see BZPower like it was in the old days. I joined after bionicles "death" so i never experienced the Huge community that BZPower was.

    Ditto. But that would also mean a lot more server crashes, and the higher risk of hacks for BZP. It's so weird, I have a neighbor who is into Hero Factory, and he was born after Bionicle ended. Wow I feel old...

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