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Everything posted by Flipz

  1. -==IC: Emma/Lionel Zyther==- As she leaned out the office door, Emma studied Olivia, surprised to hear such a mature sentiment from someone so young. The detective fixed the teenager with a solemn stare. “You want to make it up to me? Be careful. Investigations always carry risks, but this one even more so. I realize I have no high ground to stand on, but…Team Flare is dangerous, even disbanded. I learned that the hard way when I was your age. Don’t be like me.” Looking up, the detective noticed Lionel standing politely nearby, having concluded his conversation with Lucia. “Mr. Zyther, I’m afraid we’re going to have to reschedule the rest of your consultation. Can we make it the same time next week?” Lionel consulted his Holo Caster, a sleek black high-end model accentuated with tasteful gold detailing, the decorations not unlike a Luxury Ball in design. “I don’t see why not,” he said at length. “Thank you, I appreciate your understanding.” “No trouble at all, Miss. Have a good evening.” With the office emptied of guests, Emma went back inside and closed the door behind her, the lock clicking audibly as she turned it. Through the frosted glass, the group could see the woman’s silhouette lean against the door before slowly sliding down it. Frowning slightly in concern--first at Emma, then at the teenagers who’d upset her, Lionel shook his head and stepped away, busying himself with his Holo Caster as he waited for his daughter to finish her conversation.
  2. IC: Looker Bureau Emma seemed unimpressed with the antics of Jared's companions, but she carefully schooled her expression to stay professional--she herself had been younger than most of this lot when she'd been tangled up in Flare, after all. She did, however, frown at Jared's suggestion. "Doubtful. Xerosic is...not really in a position to be helping anyone anymore." After some hesitation, she reached for a small gold chain around her neck, removing it to reveal a tiny key hanging from it, which she used to unlock one of her desk drawers. She removed a neat red envelope with a blue insignia shaped like a dumbbell from the drawer before locking it and returning the key to its place. With one last appraising look at Jared, she sighed and handed the envelope to him. "...Here. You'll want this." Even as she handed it to him, she hesitated, fingers gripping the paper just a moment too long before reluctantly relinquishing it. "Dr. Xerosic has a...condition. For the past two or three years, they've been keeping him in Laverre, at the Memorial Hospital, for treatment. He...he hasn't..." Another pause. "He hasn't been getting better." Emma winced and looked away, but despite the pain on her face, her voice stayed firm and even. "They moved him to Lumiose earlier this week, in preparation for surgery today. He sent me that letter. Said he wanted to see me one last time, in case..." The detective closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath. "I haven't gone. But that letter has the address to the surgery center, and his room details. I don't know when the surgery will happen, but if you want to talk to him in person...that's your best shot." She nodded down to the envelope in Jared's hand. "Just..." She stared at the letter with indecision, as trying to decide whether to light it aflame or else snatch it back from the man's hands. At length, she shook her head, tapping her fingers rhythmically along her wrist in an unconscious tic. "Never mind." The detective glanced over Jared's shoulder at the rest of the group, still occupied with Gym Battles and Badges and other light-hearted affairs. She smiled wistfully for a moment, before returning her attention to Jared. "Now, if that will be all, I need to go reschedule with my other client before my headache turns into a migraine." She gestured unsubtly to the door. "After you."
  3. IC: Looker Bureau Lionel stiffened at the mention of Flare. He gave Jared an appraising look before stepping outside. The detective’s eyes widened, but at length she nodded. “Of course. Come in,” she said, stepping back into the marginally more private portion of the office. She sighed as she sat heavily at her desk. “I’m Emma, by the way. I don’t know how much Sycamore told you, but I’ll go over what I know.” Sitting up straight, she steepled her fingers atop the desk and was all business. “About ten years ago, Team Flare fell. I was sixteen and homeless at the time, so I missed out on a lot of the details, but that’s not the part I was involved in. A couple of months after Team Flare’s downfall, a detective showed up in Lumiose named Looker. He partnered up with our new Champions, and started digging around the underbelly of Lumiose; that’s where he met me and Mimi, and ended up taking us in.” Emma paused, clearly uncomfortable, but after a deep breath she pressed on. “Looker…did a lot for me. I guess he just wanted to do right by us, but I just felt more and more guilty about it. So, once I learned to read, I took a job offer posted in Lysandre Cafe.” She shook her head. “It was a mistake. Little did I know that the friendly Dr. Xerosic who’d hired me had actually been one of the chief scientists of Team Flare. For the better part of a year, I went in to Dr. Xerosic’s secret lab, put on a mech suit he’d created, and went to sleep for a few hours before he woke me up and sent me home. I thought it was some sort of sleep study. I was wrong. For the better part of a year, Xerosic used me as his puppet to vandalize Lumiose and steal people’s Pokémon.” The detective clenched her fists unconsciously. “I was such a fool. When I think about the trust I put in that man, the things he could have done…the things he could have made me do…” She shook her head and took a deep, calming breath. “Eventually, Looker found me. While Calem and Serena covered my usual routes, , and with Mimi’s help he broke me free of the suit’s control. The Champions were able to trace the suit’s signal, so while Looker took me to the hospital, they confronted Xerosic, pinned him down long enough for Looker to come back and arrest him. Once Xerosic was sent to prison, that was it--Looker came clean and told me about his job for the International Police, and then left me with the Bureau while he went on to his next assignment. I think he meant for the Champions to take care of me, but, well…they’re Champions, and they weren’t much older than me anyway. Either way, I had the Bureau, and was pretty much on my own, so together Mimi and I worked to make the place into what it is today.” As if only just noticing the somewhat slipshod decor, she belatedly added, “… well, such as it is.” She looked up into Jared’s eyes. “Is that enough for your investigation?” IC:Lysandre Cafe As Lachina and Zoe sat down, two women were sitting nearby. One, a black-haired woman in a lab coat, seemed the average scientist or researcher, not out of place for a city housing a Pokémon Lab. Her pink-haired companion, however, was instantly recognizable to anyone who watched the Kalosian news. “Your work is fascinating,” Malva told her drinking partner, “but frankly I’m more interested in the practical applications.” “Of course,” the scientist said. “You’re not the only one who’s asked me about it recently. What would you like to know?” “Did they keep their charge? Is the energy usable? Have you had any success in putting it back into a Pokémon?” The woman smiled, having already heard the same questions a dozen times over. “Yes, potentially, and no. The events on July 31st seemed to have had little to no effect on containment--which raises some interesting thoughts regarding how it all happened, but I’m still gathering data to test my hypotheses. I’ve been hesitant to test energy use, since I do have a limited supply and none of my delivery mechanisms are particularly reliable. However, as far as the third point, what few cases I’ve tested seem to show that the energy will treat the Pokémon it’s applied to as a target rather than a recipient, for the most part behaving like an equivalent Fairy-type move.” Malva raised an eyebrow. “For the most part, Professor?” The professor nodded. “I’ve had a few inconsistencies with the control tests. The effects of my Aura-using assistant’s abilities seem to have changed compared to our tests before the flash. He’s sought out his teacher for confirmation and guidance, but of course that leaves my end at a standstill until we can get consistent comparison data. It’s been terribly frustrating.” “I can imagine. Anything I can do to help?” “Convince the budget office to give me more funding?” The two laughed together at their private joke. “In all seriousness, though…yes, you can. You train Fire-types.” Malva lowered her glasses, tilting her head in preparation for a scorchingly sarcastic quip, before the implication struck her. “Wait…Fire-types resist Fairy moves.” “Precisely.” The professor paused to sip at her drink. “My personal collection of Pokémon is limited, even more so with my assistant away. I need Pokémon with known interactions with the Fairy type, and I need them to be Pokémon with battle experience, Pokémon who can handle a few solid hits without major injury. I’d ask Augustine, but right now he’s bogged down in his own research.” “Of course. I take it you’ve already spoken with Siebold and Drasna?” This time the professor shook her head. “I’m only in town until tomorrow, and you were the first to call me.” Malva nodded in understanding. “I’ll talk to them next time I’m at the League. You’re still working out of Ambrette?” “No, we had to move north to Geosenge. Cheaper rent.” She winced. “I wasn’t kidding about that funding.” Malva smiled sympathetically. “I’ll see what I can do, even if it’s just sending the boys your way. Hey, on the bright side--with things the way they are, if you can figure this thing out, I doubt funding will be an issue anymore. The professor smiled and shook her head. “Thanks, Malva.” “No, thank you, Elaine. You’re doing good work for Kalos. While everyone else is running around after this extra evolution thing, you’re sticking to your work and seeing it through. I respect that dedication.” The professor flushed. “That means a lot to me. Thank you.” Malva raised her half-empty glass to the professor before downing the rest of the contents. She stood and tossed a few bills down on the counter. “Take care of yourself, Alderson. Call me if you make any progress.” “Will do,” the professor promised. Their business concluded, Malva headed for the door, pausing to speak with one of the waitresses as she passed; meanwhile, Professor Alderson returned to her solitude in silence.
  4. IC: Looker Bureau Lionel Zyther crossed his arms. “This is a detective agency. As a client, I expect to be afforded at least the illusion of privacy.” Behind Zyther, an olive-skinned woman in her mid-twenties with black hair and royal blue eyes stepped out of her “office”. She frowned upon seeing the new arrivals. “Hi--I’m sorry, did Callie let you in? The door should have been locked while I’m with a client…” The detective stepped over to the empty reception desk, lifting a small card that had been left on the computer’s keyboard. “‘Gone to dinner with fiancé, don’t wait up, Callie.’ Callie…” she sighed, massaging her forehead in frustration. “My sincerest apologies, Mr. Zyther. And to the rest of you, I’m afraid I reserve weekends for scheduled clients, so if you could come back for drop-in hours tomorrow at noon--” Lionel shook his head. “Please, I’m a private man, but also a patient one. No need to turn away business on my account; besides, I was just about to step outside with…” Lionel let out a breath, the tension leaving his shoulders as he opened his arms to invite his daughter into a hug. “Lucia,” he said in a tone of warmth clearly reserved for family. “I wasn’t expecting a visit, especially now, but as surprises go this is a pleasant one. It’s good to see you again.” Carefully avoiding the room’s other occupants, he strode to the door and held it open. “Shall we step outside and discuss accommodations while the good detective speaks with her other clients?”
  5. -==IC: Looker Bureau==- As the group entered the detective agency, a rather put-out looking Meowstic hissed at Jared before running between their legs and out the door. A desk haphazardly labeled “Reception” sat to the right, a dramatically outdated-looking computer atop it, while to the left was a small sitting area that had clearly been used as a sleeping area before being hastily and incompletely tidied up. A series of bamboo and paper folding screens separated the “lobby”, such as it was, from the rest of the office, but it did little to dampen the voices that floated towards them from the back of the room. “…D-A-H?” a woman was saying. “No ‘H’,” a man’s voice corrected, “but otherwise correct.” “Got it,” the woman confirmed. Even by voice alone, her pause was palpable. “Now sir, I don’t want to jump to a false conclusion here, but I’ve seen cases like this before. If your wife is cheating on you, are you sure you want to know?” “Cheating?” The man scoffed. “Don’t be absurd. My wife’s obsessed, not cheating.” “Mr. Zyther,” the woman said soothingly, “I realize it may be hard to accept, but the most likely outcome--” “Is not cheating, trust me. For one thing, the man’s dead.” The group could practically hear the woman blinking in surprise. “D--I’m sorry, did you say dead?” “Supposedly, yes. My wife thinks otherwise.” A pause. “Admittedly, if anyone could notice the signs, it would be her. Which is why I want you to back up her investigation. You’re licensed, you can go places she can’t, get answers from people who’d clam up around her. This…obsession of hers, it needs to be settled once and for all, for both of our peace of mind. You, ma’am, are the most expedient means to that end. Now, as far as finances go--” Whatever the man was about to say about finances, it was cut off by the ringing of the man’s Holo Caster. With a quick apology to the woman, he answered it. “Hi, sweetheart, to what do I owe the pleasure?” A pause--apparently he was using an earpiece. “You’re in Lumiose? Now?” Another pause. “Oh, well…” The man’s footsteps echoed as he paced off of the rug and onto linoleum floor. “I’m just across the way from Sushi High Roller. I’ll be done with business in a few minutes, perhaps we can meet there if you…” Pause. “You’re there now?” The man sighed. “All right. I’ll see you shortly.” The man hung up the phone. “My daughter,” he explained apologetically. “I'm sorry for the inconvenience, if you’ll just give me a few minutes--” “No need, Mr. Zyther. Family is…precious. You're lucky to have each other.” “Indeed.” Just then, the door opened from behind the group, admitting two women: one brown haired girl wearing a blue summer dress and a sun hat, the other a girl with strawberry blonde hair, who was wearing a loose fitting tunic over a simple-looking skirt. "It was nice of Clemont to pay for replacing my outfit. I don't think I'm gonna get the scorch stains out of Aunt Stacy's clothes, hopefully she won't mind…" Lucia half-mumbled the last bit to herself as she examined her clothes for about the hundredth time since she got them. "I think I'll need to alter it a bit still, but…" She shook her head. "So, that was a fun battle, huh? I had hoped it could be that fun, even with things the way they are now." Jamie nodded and said “Uh-huh. Uh-huh,” while staring eagerly at the yellow disk in her hands. She was kind of distracted by admiring the TM24 she’d been given. No offense to Lucia and her new clothes, the prospect of Thunderbolt was just more interesting. “I did not know that we would get a TM for winning. I wonder what we can use this on.” The duo suddenly noticed the mission team just as a tall man with wavy brown shoulder-length hair stepped out from behind the folding screen, his hazel eyes fixing themselves firmly on the group with a frown. The man crossed his arms, cutting a particularly imposing figure in his immaculately-tailored suit and tie, the dusting of gray across his closely-shorn beard granting him a gravitas that only improved his intimidation factor. “Well?” he asked, “Would one of you care to explain how long you've been eavesdropping on my affairs? Perhaps alongside why, exactly, you've chosen to do so?”
  6. Lumiose Gym (Jam) Lucia took a defensive stance as she analyzed the two electric types in front of her. The opponents both looked a lot stronger, but she eyed the Magnezone intently. Powers or not, that steel body would hurt a lot more than the Luxray would if it landed a body slam on them. "Alright, Gothara, attack the Magnezone, quickly!" Lucia pointed out. As the Gothorita ran toward her target, the trainer glanced over at Jamie. "We should focus on one target, I think; it would make things easier in case Clemont decides to team up on us instead." “Pelleas, attack the Magnezone from above!” Jamie said, causing the Heracross to spread his wings. Normally flying above an electric-type was a bad idea. But without electric attacks, certainly it wouldn’t be able to fight it off. Pelleas’s wings buzzed hard taking the Heracross into flight. He outpaced his ally, trying to force the Magnezone into dealing with two vertical angles. “Now, Magnezone, try Discharge once more!” Clemont commanded, hoping this time the twin-headed assault might push it past whatever was holding it back. “Luxray, since you can’t use Swift--” The Luxray in question half-turned to look back at his Trainer, a gleam in his eye; for a moment, Clemont could have sworn he’d seen the creature smirk. Clemont chuckled. “All right then, Luxray, go for it, I trust you.” The feline Electric-type lunged forward in a lightning-like zig-zag pattern. It stopped short of Gothara, whirling its tail rapidly just as it would for Clemont’s suggested move…but then, in a maneuver more befitting a Dark-type than an Electric-type, it crouched, swooping its tail down to the sandy battlefield floor and flinging it into the Psychic-type’s eyes. Leaping forward from its crouch, the Luxray continued whirling its tail in the same circular motion, trying to trip the Gothorita on his way past. The gambit was not lost on Clemont. “Magnezone, new plan!” he shouted. “Fly up, but let the Heracross get above you, then hold.” The Gym leader adjusted his glasses as he watched the field, hoping he’d calculated the correct trajectories. “I can hear you!” Jamie shouted at Clemont’s shouting. “Pelleas, dive low!” The Heracross shut his wings to let himself fall, before opening them again as he neared the ground. The distance was not so great between them now, so the Heracross pulled back his arm for a punch. The Gym Leader’s glasses gleamed. “So you can,” the Gym Leader acknowledged, “but overheard orders aren’t all there is to a plan. Magnezone, now!” As its Trainer had ordered, the Magnezone halted everything--including its hovering. Nearly four hundred pounds of steel dropped directly down--immediately above where Gothara now stood. Pelleas’ punch connected, sending the Steel-type spinning, but that alone was not enough to entirely avert its course. Gothara felt herself falling not long after the blinding sand attack hit. However, she decided to grab on to the offending tail that had tripped her up, taking her best guess at where it was. Once she confirmed that she had grabbed hold of the tail, the Gothorita began to climb further toward the Luxray's torso, unwittingly moving to pull herself out of the way of the death saucer. Of course, avoiding one danger did not remove her from the other. Stumbling somewhat under the weight of his unwanted passenger, the Luxray reversed course, his lithe form letting him snap his strong jaws aggressively at Gothara. While the angles were not quite correct to let the bite connect, it had not been his primary plan; once the Magnezone crashed down to earth with a clang, the Luxray leaped off of it, twisting itself in midair to make sure the Psychic-type would bear the brunt of the landing blow. Jamie smiled, this battle was getting fun. “Let’s punch him again, Pelleas!” she shouted. The Heracross didn’t fly this time. He wasn’t far enough away to warrant spreading his wings. Pelleas not so secretly wished he could have his fighting type moves again as he ran towards the Magnezone to punch it again. Gothara was slammed into the ground by the Luxray, but refused to give up as she decided that all was fair in love and war, and promptly attempted to bite down on the Luxray as hard as she could. The Magnezone warbled uncertainly, floating unsteadily as it tried to regain its metaphorical footing, then buzzed in anger as Pelleas punched it back to the ground. If the situation did not change, the more mobile Pokémon would be able to combo these jabs infinitely, locking it down until it ran out of energy entirely… A howling feline roar joined the cacophony as the Luxray leapt into the fray, interposing himself and his painful passenger between Pelleas and his oversized metal punching bag. “Stop!” Jamie called to the Heracross. There was little need as the Heracross noticed the small passenger on the Luxray. “Jump over it!” Jamie figured that coming to the rescue would be much easier if she could guarantee that the Magnezone was out of play. Spreading his wings again, the Heracross flew over the Luxray, intent on stomping on the Magnezone. “Gyro Ball!” Clemont ordered. Though lacking the energy that would otherwise empower it, the Magnezone still spun rapidly, slamming into the melee and flinging away ally and enemy alike. A moment later, the careening Heracross slammed down from above, ending the Magnezone’s twirling terror even as Pelleas was tossed from the Magnezone. The Heracross rolled across the field, trying to slow himself. “Magnezone is unable to battle,” the referee announced somewhat unnecessarily. “Thanks, Sawyer,” Clemont sighed, recalling the fainted Pokémon to its ball. Across the field, his sole remaining Pokémon locked eyes with him; the Luxray had already taken three steps forward by the time the Gym Leader finished his order of “Wild Charge!” Gothara laid dazed from the attack, but quickly tried her best to wipe the sand from her eyes as best as she could as she stood up to try and assess the situation. The Magnezone was nowhere to be seen, while the Luxray she had just been thrown from had how turned his attention to her ally, charging at Pelleas with wild abandon. With a frown, Gothara began to plot out the next move to use. The Luxray ran at full pelt, paws pounding the ground with great force as the Gleam Eyes Pokémon charged at the foe now standing between him and his Trainer. Clemont had opened his Gym to challengers, despite the lack of powers, because he trusted them, trusted him. He wouldn’t let Clemont down, not now, not when he was relying so much on him! Every hair on the Luxray’s body stood at full attention, as if charged with energy… “Come on, Luxray!” Clemont cheered, “I believe in you!” “Pelleas, get ready for it!” Jamie shouted, her blood pumping from the excitement. Pelleas uprighted himself and adopted a defensive stance. Both Pokémon braced themselves for impact… At that point, from seemingly out of nowhere, the little psychic-type that could crashed into the Luxray from his blind spot, knocking both the Luxray and herself out. “Luxray and Gothorita are unable to battle! The challengers win!” “You fought well, my friend. Now take a good rest.” The Gym Leader was unable to keep his disappointment at the loss from his face, but he at least held it out of his voice. “Good job,” he congratulated his opponents. “You’re certainly a lot stronger than I remember, Lucia, and Jamie…” Clemont chuckled ruefully. “If you’re still around when powers come back and the League goes back to full operation, then I pity my fellow Gym Leaders.” Jamie looked almost disappointed. “Aww, I wanted to beat him,” Jamie lightly whimpered as she walked over to Pelleas. “You did fantastic Pelleas, take a rest for me, okay?” she said before retreating the Heracross. She ran back over to Clemont, “Does this mean I get my first Gym Badge?” she said beaming hopefully. “It sure does,” Clemont confirmed, handing over the badge and holding out one for Lucia as well. “You should register for the League while you’re here; this year’s conference was canceled when the power went out, but that just means next year will be all the more exciting with all the extra entrants.” “Or if you finish your Gym Challenge early you could just follow in our current Champion’s footsteps and beat the Elite Four in the off season,” the referee interjected, the green-haired Trainer clearly impressed by Jamie’s prowess. “He does have a point,” Clemont conceded. “Either way, Sawyer can help you register on your way out.” Jamie showed the second biggest smile she gave at receiving a shiny object in the last couple of days. It wasn’t quite proof of a hero, but she’d always heard of Gym Badges. She’d always wanted one. And now that she had one, she was gonna take good care of it, and clean it, and name it Volty. “Let’s get you a whole bunch of friends Volty,” Jamie said. “Come on, let’s go register right away,” she suddenly shouted before grabbing Sawyer’s hand to drag him to go register. Lucia stared at Jamie in shock as she suddenly took off. "That was a good fight, Clemont. It'd be nice to have another rematch some time in the future." The healer grinned, then looked down at her own badge in awe - it was her own first badge and it looked… pretty cool in her opinion. She pinned the badge to her top, then smiled. "Those were good tactics. I should look into finding some ways to learn some tactics like that too." Clemont nodded. “Truth be told, I’ve learned a lot from my little sister Bonnie over the years. She’s grown up to be a truly exceptional battler.” "That's pretty neat." Lucia's face showed the subtlest signs of sinking, but she kept her smile up regardless. "Is she around? Maybe it'd be a neat idea to learn some tricks from her." “Oh, no, she’s in Unova right now. She’s interning with Alexa of the Lumiose Press, and they’ve been off on assignment for the past few days. Something about a source in Team Plasma and trying to get the scoop on one of the Trainers whose Pokémon evolved on One Island. Speaking of which…” As if on cue, Clemont’s monitoring computer chimed. “Yes! I knew it! The future is now, thanks to science!” With enthusiasm more characteristic of a child than a grown man, Clemont gleefully ran to the console, glasses gleaming as he greedily devoured the data. Lucia looked at the computer curiously, as she tilted her head a few times as she tried to wrap her head around the data. Still, she waited for Clemont to explain the results instead of actually asking. “Let’s see…” he murmured, “still no data on Magnezone--that’s disappointing--but according to the sensors there was an energy spike from another source? Hmm, maybe if I run a more thorough analysis I can pinpoint where on the field it happened and when in the fight…” The man tapped a few more controls before standing up and stroking his goatee. “Well, it’s not much to go on, but it’s certainly a start. Once again, I can’t thank you or Jamie enough for…” He trailed off, sniffing the air lightly. “Do you smell that? It almost smells like…” With nigh-perfect comedic timing, the computer’s ever-present hum rose to a dangerous whine. “…Oh, no,” Clemont moaned, realizing what was about to happen, “not again!” Some things, it seemed, never changed.
  7. -==IC: Clemont==- “All right, then. Let the battle--” “Okay, so I found it, but I don’t know if this is going to be any good…it’s just a bunch of nonsense about Ho-oh’s feathers and the purity of your heart and some Pokémon called Marshadow? Honestly, the whole thing reads like some kind of really awful half-baked anime movie tie-in.” The green-haired referee looked up from his reading to see Jamie’s and Lucia’s Pokémon already out on the field. “Uh…did I miss something?” “Not at all, Sawyer,” Clemont said, trying in vain to suppress his grin. “We were just about to start these ladies’ Gym Challenge. A Double Battle, just to see if it sparks anything new.” The referee’s mouth flapped open and closed like a fish for a few moments before he hurriedly set the book aside and assumed his position on the midfield sidelines. “Right. The rules of this Gym Battle…uh…” He glanced at Clemont. “What rules are you going to go with?” “Tag Battle, Double Battle format. The battle will be concluded once one side has no more Pokémon able to battle. As per usual, as Gym Leader I will not be permitted to switch Pokémon. As for the challengers--” “Shouldn’t you have a second Pokémon for the format?” “Huh?” Belatedly, the Gym Leader realized he had not sent out a second team member. “Oh…right. My second Pokémon will be…will be…” As if on cue, an enormous blue-and-black feline leaped through the doors behind Clemont, padding over to the Gym Leader with a surprisingly gentle gait for its ferocious appearance and melodramatic entrance. The Luxray leaned against his Trainer and gently butted his head against him affectionately. Clemont smiled as his own Pokémon made his decision for him. “My second Pokémon will be Luxray,” he informed the duo facing him. He paused for a moment in consideration. “Given the circumstances, it would be a waste of time to draw out the battle beyond these two Pokémon, so to keep the numbers even for the challenge substitutions will not be allowed on either side.” “Excellent! Now then, the rules of this Gym Battle…” The referee trailed off at the glare he received from the Gym Leader and his Pokémon alike. “…have already been reviewed. Let the Gym Battle…commence!”
  8. -==IC: Clemont==- "Rainbows…" Clemont’s brow furrowed. “Sawyer, you know where my office is? Go get my book on foreign legends, should be on the middle shelf.” As the referee scurried off, Clemont took a moment to explain himself. “There’s a legend -- if I’m remembering correctly -- about a Pokémon whose wings glimmer with a rainbow gleam. It might be worth looking into -- any lead helps.” The Gym Leader stroked his goatee once again, pacing as he thought aloud. “Okay, let’s start from the top again. There’s still a lot we don’t know about Pokémon evolution in general, but the current consensus is that it usually represents some level of concurrent epiphany in a Pokémon’s physical and emotional development. While some species evolve in response to the special radiation produced by certain kinds of stones, this tends to be an expression of unstable genetic structure in the original species, something not documented in any of the species we’ve witnessed evolving; furthermore, no recognizable evolutionary stones were seen anywhere in the leaked footage, and there is precedent for certain individuals of stone-evolving species undergoing evolution without the relevant stone, indicating that evolution stones are not inherently necessary to either evolutionary process. Thus, the logical course of action is still battling…” Clemont paused, as if suddenly remembering his guests were still present. He briefly consulted his Holo Caster for research notes before finding the report he was looking for and showing it to the pair. “Right, I should explain. A lot of the leading experts on evolution -- like Sinnoh’s Professor Rowan and our own Professor Sycamore -- say that human bonds with a Pokémon can greatly accelerate the process of evolution, and since the most well-documented way to grow those bonds is battle, I’ve been battling with my Magnezone all morning to see if we can forge our battle bond enough to trigger this new stage of evolution.” The Gym Leader smiled at his challenger. “Which is where you come in, if you’re still up for the challenge.” Clemont looked to Lucia. “I also wouldn’t mind a rematch with you, Lucia, if you’re willing. I don’t normally specialize in Double Battles, but the additional data couldn’t hurt, and might even prove to be exactly what Magnezone and I need. Would you be alright with that?”
  9. -==IC: Clemont==- “You were?” Clemont and the referee exclaimed in unison. The referee recovered first. “That’s amazing! Were you in one of those robot suit contraptions? What were those things you were fighting? How did you--?” “Whoa, easy there, Sawyer.” Clemont bowed respectfully to Jamie. “I’m honored by your visit. The bravery everyone showed there was truly commendable, I can’t imagine what it was like living through such a disaster in person.” The Gym Leader momentarily drifted off into thought, grimacing at whatever he’d imagined before dragging his attention back to reality. “Anyway, I do greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter. I guess the first thing I’d like to ask is, as someone who was there, what exactly happened to those three Pokémon out there, from your perspective?”
  10. OOC: Jam with Blade IC: Lumiose Gym "Well…" Lucia laughed awkwardly at the question. "I wouldn't say it was teaching so to speak. More like… battling me and hoping that it would be a good way to practice like that. Except for the fact that my Pokémon weren't really… suited to Single battles back then at all." The Rocket scratched her head with a sheepish smile. "It might've worked for like, anyone else, though." Clemont tilted his head, stroking his goatee gently as he tried to recall the meeting. “Viridian City…oh! That’s right, with Mr. Zyther and the iterative sub-circuits! Really impressive technology. You were his daughter, correct? I think you had a Bulbasaur, an Audino, and an Igglybuff, if I recall?” "Close; they were actually a Chikorita, Audino, and Chansey." The woman gave a smile at the explanation. "Otherwise that's right." Lucia glanced over and gestured to introduce Jamie. "This is Jamie, we’re…” She paused for a moment, not sure the proper way to introduce her. Best friends? Partners? Girlfriends? “…We’re visiting Kalos together." “Oh, my apologies, and welcome to Kalos!” Clemont smiled and turned to address Jamie. “I’m Clemont, Leader of the Lumiose City Gym.” The Gym Leader reached into a pocket and pulled out a pair of badges in the shape of a shield struck by twin lightning bolts. “Listen, I hate to impose, but would either of you be interested in helping me try to recreate something I saw in the leaked footage from One Island? I know it’s not a traditional Gym Challenge, but under the circumstances…well, it’s probably the closest we could get.”
  11. OOC: Jam with Merc and Pears. IC: Alex Zyther/Alma Mason/Tyler McKinley/Thomas Warren/John Ford - Den, Black Horse Manor, Kalos (Night of August 7th, 2017) “Unova?!” “I just said that.” Warren frowned at Alex, but the latter was spared the former’s wrath by an interruption from Alma. “There is more,” the girl began. “Alex and I--” “Di-di!” Didi objected. “--as well as our Pokémon, have discovered how we arrived in this reality. Specifically, there is an old legend about traveling through the mirrors of Reflection Cave, but unfortunately the path back home closed at sunset.” “Do we know when it will reopen?” Alex shook his head. “We could barely find as much as we did. All we could confirm was that the path closes at sunset--and even if we did reopen it, I think that particular mirror in our universe got shattered when we went through it..” The Kalosian paused, musing before turning to look at the Carbink they’d rescued. “I don’t suppose you know any more about the mirrors?” The Carbink in question started, somewhat surprised at Alex’s attention. Still, she considered the question, opening her mouth to answer before realizing that though she could still speak normally, the humans would not be able to understand it. She called out to Raleigh, the Psychic-type rousing from his own distraction to assist, and began babbling a string of almost musical nonsense to him -- a Pokémon poem, it seemed. “Translation, Raleigh?” Raleigh opened his mouth to answer before running into the same problem his counterpart had. “…right, sorry, forgot. Sorry, didn’t mean to put you on the spot--” The Ralts waved away Alex’s concerns, concentrating. Staring intently at his Trainer, he tapped his chest before moving his hand to his head and pointing firmly at it. “Well, that seems clear to me,” McKinley snarked, oblivious to Warren’s irritated glare. Alma was about to interject that she could communicate with her team, but something in the way her friend was looking at his Ralts made her hesitate. Alex, meanwhile, focused intently on his Pokémon, mimicking the gesture from chest to head a few times before realizing what Raleigh was trying to say. “…keep your heart in mind?” Raleigh glanced to the Carbink, who shook her head, before shrugging at Alex. Alex stared at Raleigh, the angles letting the Trainer make eye contact with the Ralts. Raleigh repeated the gesture once more, with feeling, and something passed between them. “’Focus your mind on what’s in your heart; the mirrors will mark out the way.’” Alma looked askance at Alex. “I’m sorry?” “‘Focus your mind on what’s in your heart; the mirrors will mark out the way.’ It’s the poem they were trying to tell us.” Alex and Raleigh shared a smile at their success. The Carbink seemed shocked by the successful translation, and she was not the only one. “How on earth did you get all that from that little gesture?” Both Alex and Raleigh shrugged in succession. “Dunno,” Alex answered, “something just…clicked.” Ford cleared his throat. “Regardless, that does not address the issue of your friends’ incarceration. I think I know someone in Unova who can help us, but it will take some effort on our part to release Ms. LaDonna and Ms. Zann. Tyler, have you and your Pokémon been to Black City before?” “A few times.” “Good. Once I’ve fetched some papers from my office, Thomas and Tyler will escort you to Unova. After you get to the prison, this is what you will need to do…” --------------- “…so with luck, you’ll be out again before the next sunset passes. Any questions?” Tyler shook his head with a grin. “I like this plan.” Ford seemed slightly concerned by McKinley’s enthusiasm, but shook his head in tired amusement. “Very well. We’ll set things in motion upon the morrow, but…” Ford glanced to Alex and the Carbink. “Might I have a word in private before you go?” The two shared a glance. “Of course, Mr. Ford.” Moving into a side room and out of earshot of the others. Ford closed the door behind them and moved past Alex. A desk stood in this study, with a chair on either side of it. Ford gestured to the visitor seat, welcoming Alex or Carbink to take it, while he moved to his own chair. “I will try to keep this brief,” Ford said. He spoke with a weight to each word, carefully choosing how to phrase what he was saying. “I cannot say whether you’re aware already, but I want to bring to your attention that your companion here is . . . unusual. Is she one of your Pokémon, officially?” “Er. Not technically. She was in the cave with us, when we went through the mirror. Rescuing her from some of the cave’s other Pokémon was what ended up taking us here.” Ford nodded. “And I presume that you intend to take her with you?” “I mean…yeah. She needs to get home as much as we do, right?” Alex glanced at the Carbink, who was listening pensively. “Of course,” Ford said. “I do not mean to suggest otherwise.” He paused, drumming his fingers against the desk. “These mirrors that you and Miss Mason spoke of . . . It occurs to me that they may bear some . . . connection to Carbink as a species, and more specifically the one accompanying you. I . . . believe that there may be a means to reactivate her powers, which would allow her to eventually find her way back to your dimension. It would take time--too much time to ask you to stay--but it is perhaps worth considering having her stay with us.” Alex was taken aback by the man’s suggestion, but nonetheless took a moment to consider it. It was true that she wasn’t technically “his” Pokémon, but at the same time, he felt responsible for her. From the moment he’d seen her in the cave, there’d been a bond, some sense of shared sympathy that drew him to take her side. He’d recognized something in her, something he saw in himself, and leaped without hesitation to defend it, and for all that had happened since, he couldn’t bring himself to regret it. Alex had his answer. ----- “I’m…sorry, Mr. Ford, but I’m afraid I can’t do that. I made her a promise, and as long as she still wants me…” Alex looked to the Fairy-type expectantly, seeking her input. The Carbink, for her part, was caught off-guard. This is it, she realized. Partnership. Seeking each other’s input. Not an order, but a request for permission, in service of a promise freely made. Was this Alex’s norm? Or was the Trainer on good behavior for Ford? For Alex’s faults, he has been nothing but kind since I-- Realization struck. …since I opened the mirror. ----- It was dark. It was cold. And it was loud. The predators circled, drawing ever closer in. Strangers had appeared to rescue her, saviors against those who had devoured all the rest and yet still hungered for her, the last who remained--and yet, for all their vigor and heroism, it seemed they too were now just as doomed as her. BANG The horrid noise echoed in her ears, confusing her senses despite the human covering her as completely as it could with its body. It should have reassured her, the selfless protection making her feel safe, but all she could think of was what a fool the human was for walking willingly to its death. Crystals shattered, shards fell, and she felt one of the other Pokémon pulling her onto its back. She couldn’t care; all she wished, with every thought, with every fiber of her being, was to be somewhere else, anywhere else, so long as it wasn’t here… A bright light briefly glimmered, and seconds later one of the humans turned its head. “There!” it shouted in its language, pointing at one of the crystals from atop its own Pokémon. “Go, go, go!” She couldn’t tell what happened next, only the floor first lurching to launch them forth and then approaching again far too quickly… ----- I did this, she realized. Not only had she been the baleful bait luring them into her predators’ trap, it was her wish that had brought them here, trapped them now in this strange other world. Is that so bad? a part of her asked. To be trapped in a world spared the pain of our own? Except it wasn’t, she realized. Two of the humans had been taken away, held prisoner for crimes not their own. The child, Alma, bore a frightening aura and a surprising degree of competence, but surely she missed her family? And Alex…the human had risked much for her, and was now trapped in a world with no place for him. Because of me, she reminded herself. She had a choice. She’d gone in search of a partner. One was now on offer. One she hardly knew…but one she knew she owed a debt. This world could be a haven to her…at a price: to be safe but lose her chance of ever knowing her partner’s kindness had been repaid. …”my partner’s kindness”. Hm. It seemed her heart had chosen for her. Returning Alex’s gaze, she nodded her assent. Alex beamed at the Carbink before turning back to Ford. “Like I said, I made her a promise. And I intend to keep it.” As Alex reaffirmed the promise he’d made to her, she made a promise of her own--to herself, for now, but to be shared when she could. I will stay by your side, as you are at mine. I will undo the harm I have caused. I will get us back home--and that home will be mine as much as yours. This I so swear, as a Princess of the Diamond Domain…Princess Coralie. There was more to the ritual, symbolic gestures to symbolize the pact. But in her heart, the bond was made, and that was where it truly mattered. ----- For several moments, Ford remained silent, peering at Alex with an almost tangible thoughtfulness. Finally he nodded, removing his hand from his chin. “I understand,” he said. “The bonds between humans and Pokémon are amazing things. I could never ask someone to willfully break one.” Ford rose to his feet. “Well, with that settled, perhaps it would be best now to get some sleep. We have a very busy day ahead of us.” Unfortunate, Ford mused, leaning back in his chair as Alex and his ‘Carbink’ exited the room. But not unexpected. He steepled his fingers together, closing his eyes. In circumstances so potentially dire, any loss of a lead can be catastrophic. And yet . . . He opened his eyes, looking back to the door. I cannot honestly say that the potential for answers quite excuses the loss of morality. Perhaps my counterpart did not understand this . . . Ford stood again, closing the book on his desk and slipping it into one of the side drawers. Best of luck to you, Mr. Zyther. As well as your Diancie.
  12. -==IC: Clemont (Lumiose City Gym, Lumiose Tower, Kalos, August 6th, 2017)==- Whether through a misplaced button press or some sort of preprogrammed override, the elevator brought them directly to the challenger’s-side arena entrance. As the doors opened onto the abnormally-dim battlefield (its signature electrical pillars shut down to save electricity), the newcomers could see a Trainer standing before them at the nearest edge of the ring, his white ball-cap, red hoodie, and black shorts standing in sharp contrast to the dull grays and browns of the Gym's industrial architecture. A Vivillon fluttered before him, with a female Pyroar waiting on standby--although “waiting” was a rather generous term to use to describe the napping Fire-type feline. On the sidelines stood a significantly more alert Marowak, stationed next to a rather distracted-looking referee but clearly taking its cues from the challenger rather than the official, and on the far end of the field waited the man they’d come to see: Clemont, the Lumiose City Gym Leader. For all his prowess in both Training and technology, the man hardly cut an imposing figure. While he was above average height for a Kalosian, his limbs seemed gangly and awkward, creating an almost bumbling impression when combined with his pudgy gut, frizzy blonde hair, and scraggly goatee. Still, a spark of inspiration crackled behind his bright blue eyes, and the intensity with which he worked on the device next to him displayed the same fervor he brought to his battles. “All right, Alvin,” he said, attaching a pair of electrical leads from the device to the Magnezone that hovered before him, “let’s try this again. Sawyer, start the match!” “Huh? Oh, right!” The green-haired referee closed his notebook and surveyed the battlefield. “Gym Leader Clemont versus Challenger Alvin, evolution phenomenon attempt number…” The referee paused. “Ah, what number were we on again? Five or six?” “It’s six,” the challenger confirmed, glancing down at his Pyroar. “She fell asleep during round four, then we went another round after.” “Right, okay. Attempt number six. Let the battle…begin!” “Magnezone, use Discharge!” Clemont commanded, accompanying the order with a step forward and a dramatic finger point.. “Vivillon, fly up and dodge it!” the challenger countered with equal enthusiasm. Both Pokémon obeyed as best they could…which in this case meant the Vivillon fluttered up to the rafters uncontested as the Magnezone uselessly strained to produce nothing more than its own droning groan of effort. After a few more seconds of this, Clemont made his call. “All right, Magnezone, that’s enough.” The Gym Leader scratched the back of his head. “Hmm. I really thought I felt something that time. Magnezone, did you feel any different?” The Steel-type burbled in the negative, causing Clemont to sigh. “Well, there’s no conclusions to be drawn without data. Sawyer, pause the match.” “The battle is halted!” the referee called with far more feeling than the situation warranted. “Both combatants are to cease fighting and return to their Trainers until the battle has resumed!” The challenger sighed as his Vivillon glided lazily back to ground level. “Is this really necessary? I’m happy to help without all…” The man waved a hand at the referee. “…this.” Clemont peeked out from behind his console and cocked his head in confusion. “You just gestured to all of him.” The referee seemed unfazed. “League rules state that a referee must be present at all Kalos League Gym Battles, and that--” “It’s not a Gym Battle!” the challenger protested. “I already earned my Voltage Badge, years ago! I don’t need a new one!” “But…” the confused referee opened his notebook, turning page after page in search of the relevant rule. “It’s all right, Sawyer,” Clemont reassured. “Like Alvin said, it’s not really a League battle. I just needed someone to train against to try and figure out this new evolution thing, and I wanted a referee to keep an eye out in case something went wrong.” The Gym Leader tapped away at his keyboard frustratedly, muttering to himself as he analyzed the data. “Hmm. Well, I’m grateful to you both for coming out today, even if we still don’t have anything. It’s greatly appreciated.” While the green-haired referee seemed buoyed by Clemont’s gratitude, the challenger frowned. “Actually,” he said, pulling out his Holo Caster to double-check the time, “I’ve got a date with my fiancé in about an hour. So, unless you’ve found something urgent…?” Clemont shook his head. “That’s okay. I’ve got a little data here, but not enough to really do anything with it. Thanks anyway, Alvin. Rain check for tomorrow?” “Sure thing, Clemont. See you then.” Nudging his Pyroar awake, the man gathered his three Pokémon and left, nodding to the two women at the doorway as he stepped into the elevator and departed. With the challenger gone, Clemont finally noticed the new arrivals. “Oh--new challengers? Hello there! I’m obviously not taking on proper challenges, despite what my referee might think, but maybe you’d be willing to help me with a little project?” The Gym Leader pulled out his own Holo Caster, a heavily-altered Frankenstein of a device that seemed held together by duct tape and best wishes, and cued up a video. “You see, I’m trying to replicate a phenomenon from those videos going all over the internet. One of the Trainers had a Magnezone like me, and, well…” The Gym Leader paused, distracted, as he finally registered Lucia. “I’m sorry, Miss--do I know you from somewhere? You seem…familiar.”
  13. OOC: Jam, naturally IC: Alma Mason/Alex Zyther - Great Hall, Dark Horse Manor, Kalos Alma nodded and made her way over to the Great Hall. Without saying anything, she summoned Shadow from her shadow. The Gengar was grinning, though not as widely as normal. Alma nodded. “Yes, I know, we should not trust him too much. Still . . .” She hummed lightly. “Help me find books on magic. If I perform the ritual now, things may go well for us.” The Gengar nodded and disappeared into the shadows of the room to search the shelves. Alex paused in his perusal of Ford’s catalogue console. “...Ritual?” he queried. Alma blinked, turning to look at him as if she’d forgotten he existed. “Er . . . yes, that is correct. What do you know of magic, Miss Zyther?” “Not...much, really. Dad always says it was smoke and mirrors, and to be wary of those trying to sucker people in with cheap parlor tricks. Mom is a bit more open-minded, but she mostly knows about psychic stuff, not really magic-magic like in the movies. But then…” Alex shrugged, gesturing to the room around them, tangible proof of the alternate reality they were apparently in. “At this point, it’s pretty clear the universe is way bigger than even I could imagine.” Alma scoffed. “Your father sounds like an intelligent and enlightened man, I’m sure.” She shook her head. “I can assure you, Alex, that Magic exists, and that I have a book that will allow me to perform feats that you have only ever dreamed.” She chewed her lip. “But, that is for a later time. I need to see, first, if there are materials here that I can use.” “Right. Just let me know what you need and I’ll try to look it up.” Armed with their determination (and Ford’s digital library catalogue), the two redoubled their search. --------------- Alma sighed, passing yet another book into Shadow’s hands, the ghost-type going once more to replace the tome. She put her face in her hands and rubbed at her eyes. She could feel a headache coming on, the sort she got whenever she strained her vision too much. Alex frowned. “There’s something about all this that’s...eerily familar. I could have sworn I’ve read something about this…like out of a fairy tale or something.” “Weren’t you speaking last night of strange things in that cave?” Alma asked. “Perhaps you should start there.” “The cave?” Alex thought back. “Right...Reflection Cave. It’s old--like, really old, there’s myths and legends going back thousands of years, before even the earliest Kalosian kingdoms were founded. Mostly normal stuff, like people wandering inside and getting lost forever, but…” The Trainer frowned again, running a finger along the older books as he searched for familiar titles. “Dene dine?” Alex looked down to the table, where Didi sat staring curiously up at him. “I don’t suppose you remember what books I was reading all this in, Didi?” The Dedenne looked thoughtful for a moment, then scampered away to start climbing along bookshelves, Alex smiling indulgently after her. He looked back at Alma. “How are they holding up, I wonder?” He glanced at Raleigh, who seemed lost in thought, and at the Carbink, wandering somewhat aimlessly under Sina’s watchful gaze. “It has to be hard, losing such a huge part of you all of a sudden like that. Sometimes I wish I could talk to them, for real, you know? Especially those two. I feel like I barely know them.” Alma chewed her lip. “If they were ghost-types, I might be able to help with that, but they aren’t, unfortunately.” Alex sighed. “Don’t suppose there’s a magic spell for that?” Alma sighed. “Magic is not a parlor trick to be used for fun, Miss Zyther. It is a co--” Before she could elaborate further, the two were interrupted by a loud squeal followed by a rather heavy-sounding thunk at the other end of the room. With a shared glance, the room’s occupants rushed toward the sound’s source, finding a very determined Didi attempting to drag a large book several times her size back to her Trainer. Alex couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, Didi.” He gently separated the Pokémon from her prize, taking a moment to ensure she was unhurt before taking note of the oversized literature. “What did you find for us…The Tourist’s Guide to Coastal Kalos? I appreciate the effort, Didi, but…” Alma opened the book and scanned the table of contents quickly before flipping to the relevant section. “Let’s see . . . For every crystal mirror in the cave, there is said to exist an alternate world. According to the legend, people from another world can’t go back once the sun has set . .” Alex looked at Didi with surprise. “I’m sorry, Didi. I shouldn’t have doubted you. Does it say anything else?” “The crystals in the cave share a similar chemical composition to the Pokémon Carbink, which may be why they can mainly be found there. That’s interesting, but not terribly helpful.” Alex shared a sad smile with the Carbink. “Shame she can’t tell us herself.” Alex’s brow furrowed. “What was that part about sunset?” “Um, let me see.” She flipped the page back. “Once the sun has set, those from other worlds can’t return home.” Alex’s eyes widened. Without a word, the Kalosian raced into the hallway, staring helplessly out the enormous west-facing window that dominated one side as it painted the room in the hues of twilight. “…We’re already too late.” IC: Thomas Warren/Tyler McKinley - Training Room, Dark Horse Manor, Kalos It was late. That didn’t bother Warren--he was used to staying up well into the morning, training his body against his Pokémon. Long ago he had found that he didn’t need nearly as much sleep as his friends, family--really, anyone he had met in his life. It was a peculiar skill, but a useful one, nonetheless. At the moment, he faced down his Aggron, who panted just as heavily from his own exercise as Warren did from his. The Signs Agent was determined that today would be the day he brought down Iron Armor Pokémon. He had been just about to run forward when the door to the side of the room exploded open, and a familiar, unwelcome, blond-haired man rushed in. “Warren! We’ve got a problem!” “McKinley,” Warren seethed. “How many times do I have to tell you, do not do--” “Shut up! I found Zann and LaDonna.” Warren was taken aback. “And?” “You’re not going to like this…” IC: Amelia Zann/Belle LaDonna/??? - Black City High-Security Prison, Unova Amelia scowled as the pair of helmeted guards shoved her into the cell, stumbling as one of them pushed her to the bunk at the rear. Only when she was securely seated did the guard unfasten the straightjacket they’d forced her into, their partner silently looking on as they held the door shut. Concealing uniforms, that’s a plus, she mentally catalogued, but the working in groups--not so much. And their door discipline is fairly solid, from the inside. This’ll be tricky. Knowing she didn’t have enough information to make her move, she simply stared sullenly at the Plasma stooges until they took their (meticulously cautious, drat) leave of her. A few minutes later, the sounds of muffled shouting next door drew her attention. She leaned up against the air vent -- too small for even a Pokémon to crawl through, and apparently connected only to the cell next door -- and listened for details about her new neighbor. “Are you kidding me? This is outrageous, I oughta--” The sound of a sharp slap interrupted Belle’s tirade, and Amelia gritted her teeth. Right, she thought, she ain’t used to gettin’ caught, is she? “Leave ‘em be, Blake,” she called through the vent. “We can leverage it at yer trial.” If we get a trial, she added silently, the guards’ chuckling indicating poor odds of it. Nonetheless, Belle quieted, and a short minute later she heard the door seal behind the guards just as it had for her own cell. “So,” Belle began after giving the guards another minute to walk completely away, “see anything?” “Plenty. Though nothin’ instantly useful.” “Yeah.” A long silence. “Gotta say, though, seems like plenty ways to get in for a high-tier lockup. . . ” “Maybe if we got an accomplice. . .?” A groan from Amelia’s opposite wall cut off the conversation. “Wonderful. A pair of regular Chatot. I love new neighbors.” Belle scoffed, clearly affronted. “D’you mind? We’re tryin’ to get outta your hair anyway.” “Easy, girl,” Amelia advised. “We got time, an’ we need time. No sense shakin’ the boat aheada time.” She moved to the other wall for easier access to the vent on that side. “Got a name, Mystery Lady?” The voice on the other side sighed. “You’re the first one to care to know since my gramma . . .” she muttered. “It’s Tiana. Most authorities call me Soldati; you can use either one. Everyone else calls me ‘nobody.’ At least, they used to. Do not call me that.” She fell silent for a second. “Who’s asking?” “Amelia Zann, assorted theft, arson, fraud, and murder. All for a good cause, of course. My partner in crime is Belle LaDonna, same verse same as the first, hold the death.” “Hi,” Belle greeted frostily. “Working theory’s we ticked someone off good, ‘cause our warrant’s been artificially bloated bigger’n a Swalot at suppertime. We ain’t fans, so we’re plannin’ to address it. You?” “I don’t have a case to get out -- I did what I was accused of,” Tiana said. Her tone was hesitant--she clearly didn’t like talking about this. It spoke a lot to her character that she did so, anyway. “I used to get harassed at school by these guys. It got bad -- really bad. I was going to do something about it.” Silence. “Authorities didn’t like what I ended up doing and they wouldn’t hear me out about why I did it. So now I’m here.” Belle nodded. “I c’n get behind that. Once stole a Beldum from an abusive waste of space, had the cops on my tail while I holed up in some caves for a year. Good times.” “Yeah, the fuzz generally ain’t worth the spit they shine their badges with. They ain’t gonna be helpin’ when the real trouble comes ‘round, so when somethin’ oughta be done, might as well do it yourself, an’ screw the consequences.” Amelia scowled. “I’ve had a lotta trouble over the years ‘cause of people like y’all talked about. Old ‘friends’, mostly. But they paid up, eventually. Forcefully.” The spy smirked wistfully. “Got myself into plenty of messes for it, too. But I ain’t never regretted it. Not one bit.” Amelia paused. “Y’know. Far as I see, ain’t none of us oughta be in here. Whaddaya say the three of us do somethin’ about it, eh?” “You’re telling me. Team Plasma would rather let a deranged Hypno eat Unova’s schoolchildren than do anything to harm the poor, suffering cannibal. And they’re not even the worst of Unova’s problems.” She shook her head in her cell. “I don’t know, though. I guess getting out of here couldn’t be any worse than staying . . . What’d you have in mind?” Amelia shrugged, before remembering that they couldn’t see each other that well through the vents. “Was hoping you’d have more details to work with--you’ve been here longer, after all. Way I see it, though, if we can get even just one helper on the outside, we can spring the cells, an’ then the rest falls right into Belle an’ my wheelhouse. Got any ideas?” Silence fell from Tiana’s cell. And then: “You know…I just might.”
  14. IC: Alex Zyther A parallel world? That's...actually a thing that can happen in real life? Trying not to frantically analyze what he could recall of the isekai shows he'd seen, Alex curtsied for Ford once more. "Thank you, Mr. Ford. I genuinely don't know what we would have come to without your help." With a somewhat distracted smile and a gesture to his Pokémon, Alex turned and led the party back into the room from whence they'd come. ----- -==IC: Raleigh/Carbink==- The startled silence was cut short as the Trainers in the room began their explanations to Ford. As Alma digressed into an explanation of her own abilities and Ford's attention fell more on the other Pokémon, Raleigh let his focus shift to the newcomer to their midst. <"There is little to tell, I'm afraid,"> he began. <"I have only been with Alex for a short time. I...there was an...incident. The woman who was with us, the red-haired one, was rather upset with me. Justifiably so, I must assure you, but nonetheless I did fear that my punishment would take a rather...directly corporal form, if you take my meaning. Alex...stepped in to save me. No reason, no repayment of debt, just sheer principle. Fear didn't stop him, nor infirmity, his will alone sufficient to overcome both. That was when I decided to join him."> The Ralts hesitated. He'd had other reasons, as well, but those were his alone, reasons he'd already decided to share only with his Trainer...once they could actually do so, of course. <"From what I've seen since,"> he concluded, <"those instincts remain consistent, as you've of course experienced firsthand. Does that answer your question, milady?"> The Carbink regarded the blue-capped Ralts thoughtfully. <"That is protection, yes. But what of partnership?"> <"I...beg your pardon?"> <"The pact of unity. The ancient bond between human and Pokémon. You've spoken of half, but I have neither seen nor heard of the other between you?"> Raleigh regarded her with confusion, only to be distracted by the pink Sneasel making her way to them. <"Come,"> she said simply, head tilting to the two Trainers already leaving the room. With a nod, Raleigh fell in line, lost in thought as he considered the Rock-type's hard question. ----- The Carbink, somewhat crestfallen by the interruption, followed Raleigh in frustrated silence. Thus far, the humans had conducted their affairs completely independent of the Pokémon; to them, she seemed as best an afterthought, at worst a burden. Could such a relationship truly be considered a partnership? And if so, was she willing to accept it? The Sneasel from before fell in step beside her. <"Partnership requires communication,"> she confided, as if reading her thoughts. <"Those without words must find a different way."> Before the Carbink could question her cryptic communication, she drifted back to guard the rear--a well-practiced strategy, based on the casual ease with which she fell into disguised watchfulness. The Carbink considered the advice. True, she had become somewhat over-reliant on telepathy, had forgotten that the disastrous flash had not robbed her of her speech entirely. But surely humans, lacking her own species' penchant for mental communication, would not share such an error? Why not? a small corner of her mind offered; After all, if we are used to speaking with the mind, wouldn't they be used to listening with it? With this troubling thought in mind, the Rock-type worried her way around the Great Hall with the others as the humans searched it for answers.
  15. IC: Alex Zyther After following Ford into the den, the Kalosian glanced momentarily at Alma. "Well," Alex began, "I'm...not exactly the best one to ask about how the situation with the Pokémon powers happened, since I was kind of in a coma at the time, but as far as the rest..." Alex did his best to summarize the trip into Reflection Cave, rescuing the Carbink, meeting McKinley and Warren, and eventually Amelia and Belle's arrest. "I mean...I knew they were a little...shady...but like, in the good way, like spies or superh--erm, vigilantes or something. That whole big list, that just seemed...excessive. Like, there's no way they would..." Alex trailed off a moment, before resuming with a realization. "There's no way the Amelia I know would do all that. It's too big for her, she always seemed a lot more...subtle, you know? And Ms. LaDonna...she seemed even nicer than Amelia. There's no way they could be real criminals." A headbutt at Alex's side interrupted the Trainer's rambling, prompting a look down to the Dedenne at Alex's feet. Didi nuzzled Alex's ankle comfortingly, but contrary to usual consequences there was no pain of electric shock undercutting the gesture. Normally, this would be nice--but the fact that the power had been robbed from her only left Alex feeling sick...and reminded the Trainer of their other concern. "Anyway, more importantly--our Pokémon. Alma, can you go over what happened with the whole power loss thing?" A few short feet away, under the watchful eyes of a Sneasel and a Ralts (a most thoroughly unlikely duo, in her view), the Carbink watched and listened. 'More importantly--our Pokémon.' She wasn't sure how much she believed it--how much of her time with him had been spent as a casual concern, a side note, a background detail among his human concerns?--but yet, here he at least sounded sincere. And he had rescued her, hadn't he? Promised to take care of her, not to leave her? Was that not the very heart of the ancient pact? She looked to the Ralts beside her, wishing either one of them could use their usual telepathy. She needed to know more about this human before making a choice, and even without battle his Pokémon would be the best way to learn--if only they could speak together. A few short moments later, she blinked. I have been lost in my thoughts all alone for far too long, she thought, realizing her obvious blunder. The Psychic-type was already meeting her gaze, but she still startled them both by asking, <"So what can you tell me of your Trainer?">
  16. OOC: Jam with Minun IC: James Arthur/Lancelot/Amanda Zarth (August 6, 2017, Alamo Ambassadorial Wing, Four Island, Kanto) James and Lancelot waited in silence. The trainer was sending out messages to various people, but the Scizor had nothing to do but look brooding. Both were beginning to become impatient. They had other things to do today, where was Amanda? She was already a half-hour late. James pulled out his phone and typed a message to Amanda. He waited for a while longer. No response. He had assumed that Amanda was the punctual type. Had he misread the Plasma Knight? He decided it was worth popping in on Amanda to see if she had forgotten their meeting. The pair made their way to where Amanda was staying. James knocked on the door and waited. No response. There was the possibility that she was out and her phone battery had died on top of other explanations. Still the possibility existed that Amanda was not okay. And it wouldn’t do for a gentleman to not at least check. James pulled out a card key from his briefcase. It wasn’t something that he wanted he particularly wanted his fellows to know about, but this was bothersome. If questioned, he’d have to pretend that this card key wasn’t something that he’d been working on since he joined Team Liberty. He swiped the card through the reader next to the door and the door opened. James peered inside slightly. He signaled for Lancelot to enter before him. On the off chance that Amanda was in some compromising situation, he was not going to get a reputation for walking in on it while already breaking in. The Scizor complied, and scouted the room before James. He signaled for James to follow, so James entered the room. The sight awaiting the Liberty Executive was...unusual, to say the least. While the vast majority of the suite's horizontal surfaces were completely covered in clusters of both printed and handwritten papers, the layout was not one of chaos but of carefully-curated (if sprawling) order, the stacks of paperwork neatly aligned and laid out in various clustered grids, connected to each other by other stacked documents of common relevance. Although a few key reports had clearly been duplicated several times across the room, Amanda's unorthodox arrangement had nevertheless minimized redundancy wherever possible. Unfortunately, Amanda's unorthodox arrangement had also rendered the space effectively unlivable--most notably evidenced by the bed, an unbroken layer of paperwork resting atop covers that had clearly not been disturbed since well before the One Island operation. A short distance away, the room's occupant sat at a similarly-overburdened desk, idly tucking several rebellious strands of hair behind her ear as she continued attempting to cross-reference her findings. She held up her hand in a gesture of pause. "Please give me another moment, I need to complete this comparative damage output analysis for Executive Arthur's report." As she jotted down several more notes with speed and neatness that computerized printers would envy, James noticed that there were no food scraps in her trash can. Worrying, if his suspicions were correct. At last, the Plasma Knight spun her chair to face him. "My apologies, this report is quite important to--" Amanda seemed to finally notice James with a start, her bleary, bloodshot eyes bearing bags beneath as they widened. "Executive Arthur. To what do I owe the pleasure?" James was silent for a few moments. It was blindingly obvious from one look at her eyes what ailed her. He’d wait a moment to broach that subject, however. He pulled out his phone and held it up to Amanda’s face. On the screen of the phone was the present time. “You missed our meeting by over an hour.” Amanda’s eyebrows elevated. The Plasma agent made to conduct her Xtransciever, only to discover upon her third attempt that it was unresponsive--no doubt due to a drained battery. With worried lines furrowing her forehead, she stared at the Liberty executive. “I see. I apologize for my failure of preparation. While I cannot in good conscience label my analysis as ‘complete’, I have managed to come to a few preliminary understandings of the operational circumstances for which initial corrections may be drafted, pending the completion of our full conclusions. Do you wish to review this current progress?” Tempting as it was to get that rundown, and as pressing as it was that they be able to further upgrade their power suits, James had to turn it down. “Apologize to your body, not to me. I can review your report when it is finished. You need bed rest right now. A report made in an exhausted state is more likely to have errors.” “Besides, the world will still be ending when you wake up.” Amanda froze. While she’d been mentally nodding along with Executive Arthur’s logical points, his last statement sent ice through her veins. With difficulty, she swallowed. “With all due respect, Executive Arthur...that is not a promise either of us are capable of ensuring.” Her hair, usually so neat and tidy, fell down across her face, and she attempted futilely to secure it back once more. “I would rest significantly more securely if I could be certain the situation would not worsen while I have voluntarily incapacitated myself.” Lancelot bopped James on the head. The joke might’ve been a wee bit insensitive. “Never try gallows humor with you, eh?” James muttered while the Scizor’s pincer was still on his head. James considered what logic he could use to counter Amanda’s point but found nothing. It was true that he couldn’t guarantee even the safety of Four Island to the next day. Missing Zero’s movement were sporadic and hard to predict without further data. Still, he wasn’t going to let that stop him from making sure Amanda got sleep. “You can be rest assured that the situation will not worsen because I wish it not to. I do not know if you have noticed, but I am pretty good at getting what I want.” James walked over and began assessing the notes on the bed. He wasn’t going to completely upset Amanda by ruining her organization, but this sort of mess was in the way. “For example, if there is a fussy Plasma Knight destroying her own body by denying it rest, against my wishes, I order my Scizor to pick her up and bring her to her bed.” Lancelot understood that cue. Amanda made a noise of protest, but she was in no state to resist the effort--a light breeze would have had the same effect, let alone an over two-hundred-and-sixty-pound Bug-and-Steel Pokémon, and even the instinctive psionic barrier she summoned served only to bounce her backwards toward the bed. As her instincts battled James, however, her intellect, in contrast, sided with him. Self-destructive activity is an inefficient use of Team Plasma assets, she reasoned mentally, seemingly unaware she was in fact broadcasting her internal thoughts. Furthermore, Executive Arthur appears possessed of sufficient intellect to independently derive interim intelligence from an incomplete analysis. Current impressions indicate his current capacity to operate without significant risk of harm even without a completed threat assessment. The same cannot be said of myself; therefore, further resistance is counterproductive. “Very well,” she concluded verbally, “I will resume my operations once I am rested and physically capable of doing so.” Only after making the promise did the Plasma operative seem to register that her organization had, in fact, utterly claimed her sleeping space. James wasn’t paying attention to the psychic messages. He was focused on completing the task as quickly as possible. Lancelot picked up on it. He’d probably tell James about it, later. When James cleared off the lasts papers and pulled back the blanket and sheet, Lancelot laid the Plasma Knight on the bed. Covering Amanda with the sheet and blanket, James said, “Is there anything you would need to fall asleep?” He was only half-serious about that statement. She looked on the verge of falling asleep already. Near-delirious at this point--at least, for her--Amanda shook her head. “The knowledge of your concern is comfort enough,” she mumbled, drifting off even as she spoke the words. James waited for a few moments, making sure that Amanda had indeed fallen asleep before turning his back to her. He picked up some of the pages of the incomplete report. He studied the first few pages briefly. “This is solid work,” James muttered as he placed them back down. He was looking forward to the completed report. He might have need of it soon. But not so soon that her sleep needed interruption. Lancelot was already by the door. James followed him out after turning off the lights and shut the door. “Honestly,” James said as he walked past Lancelot. “Can you believe that sort of behavior?” Lancelot grabbed James’s shoulder. It was the middle of the afternoon and James hadn’t had anything to eat that day. “...Fine,” James relented. “I will go get something to eat. Are you happy?” he said turning the other direction towards the dining hall. Yes. Lancelot decided that he was.
  17. IC: Alex Zyther (August 7th, 2017, Black Horse Manor, Kalos) Alex stepped forward slowly, the clack-clack of his crutch echoing softly beneath the cathedral-like ceiling. The Carbink cradled in his free arm burrowed closer to his chest; though more obviously intimidated than the others, she was certainly not alone in the sentiment, as Sina, Raleigh, and Harvey drifted distantly in Alex's wake, only Didi prancing blissfully forward in the comfortably familiar environ of wealth and power. "Di dedi!" The Pokémon did not glare at her fellow Fairy-type, impertinent though the Dedenne's chiding had been; however, her jewel-like eyes met the electric mouse's with a baneful stare. The Trainer, though, seemed to side with his own Pokémon, crouching to the ground as if to set the Carbink down. She let out a small whimper in protest, drawing his gaze to her own. "I'm sorry," he said, "I know you're scared. But I won't abandon you, okay? I promise. Can you promise to be brave for me while I talk to Mr. Ford?" The Rock-type hesitated, looking to be on the verge of tears once more, but slowly nodded. Alex smiled. "Good." He glanced back at Raleigh. "Stay with her please, okay Raleigh?" The Ralts nodded--and then, to his surprise, so did Sina a moment later. Reassured, he set his crutch down and stepped forward to address their host, clearing his throat to gain the man's attention before curtseying politely. "Mr. Ford," he began, "my name is Alex Zyther, and this is my friend Alma. We, ah...we need your help. Our Pokémon have lost their powers, and your, er..." Alex glanced back at Tyler and Thomas, unsure of how exactly they'd describe their relationship to Ford. "Employees? Agents?" What did they say their group was called? Signs? "...Symbols?" He grimaced at himself for failing to ask--where were his manners today?--but forced himself to move on. "Anyway, they said if anyone could figure out what happened and give them their powers back, you could." The Trainer paused, wondering if he should continue. Should we explain about Amelia and Belle? Or would it be more polite to let Tyler and Thomas report that themselves? He glanced back at Alma, still standing back with McKinley and Warren, as if she might remember her etiquette lessons better than he had.
  18. Night League <”So, you expect us to fight like mindless beasts,”> the Espurr asked from her spot next to her Fennekin and Eevee companions. <”Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but some of us are at a distinct disadvantage in physical altercations. How do you plan to remedy this?”> A rock fell in front of the Espurr. <”Get creative.”> Lucas had pushed his way closer to the front during the fight. Nyx was trailing behind him. He picked up a sharp loose rock when the Espurr had begun to speak. <”Use that if you can think of nothing else.”> Psyka scowled. <”Yes, of course, how could I miss the obvious solution of bludgeoning somebody to death with a rock?”> she said snidely. <”Putting aside how barbaric that is, there’s nothing keeping opponents who already have a physical advantage from doing the same, and I doubt a rock would help much in either case seeing as my kind are still not known for our physical prowess and will still be set up to lose.”> Lucas ignored her. If she was too limited of mind to think of ways to fight, then that was her problem. He offered a solution, and if she would not take it, it was her loss. He looked towards the Pokémon in charge with an impassive face. The relaxed-looking Rockruff from before barked out a laugh. <”I like you,”> she commented, walking over to the Cubone. <”How about you and I partner up for a round? I’m Fini, by the way.”> She glanced over at Psyka, noting the Espurr who seemed to share Vixen’s earlier distrust of the Alolan company. <”You know, strength isn’t everything. I’d have thought Nani getting her hiny handed to her by Mu would have made that clear. Besides, we’re fighting doubles now--way more room for creativity there.”> Vixen growled. <”Hey, how about you back off? Psyka’s way smarter than anyone I know, she’s just not used to fighting without her psychic stuff! Sorry we can’t all be dumb muscle like some sort of--”> A staff slammed down between the two pairs of Pokémon. Mitama glared down at them. <”Enough, now. Since you are so eager to stick up for your Espurr friend, you two can fight together.”> <”Great, let’s show these losers--”> <”No. This is not a place for personal vendettas. I will decide the combatants.”> The dragon type scowled. <”Go, stand over there. Your opponents will come to you.”> The Fennekin glared, but went to do so, with Psyka following along silently. Fini nodded in gratitude to Mitama as the Hakamo-o went about her way to find their opponents. Though she usually clashed with the serious Dragon priest (in comparison to whom Nani seemed a sloppy parody), for once Fini was forced to admit she agreed. “You okay, squirt?” she asked Lucas, who she belatedly realized had not yet agreed to partner with her. Whoops, she thought, as Mitama shepherded a pair of Pokémon into their arena, bit late for that. “Stay loose,” she counseled as their opponents approached, “you’ll be fine.” The feathery foes revealed themselves; first a Farfetch’d wearing a mail of chopped Sticks as samurai armor, followed by a mystical-looking Murkrow whose hat had been bedazzled by a bangle of beads. Lucas sized up the two bird Pokemon. Even if the power had been on, he couldn’t rely on his ground type attacks in this case. He’d normally try to use Draco Meteor on such opponents, but that was obviously not an option. The Cubone tried adjusting how he was holding the two pieces of the bone together. This was gonna be awkward to fight with. Across the way, Psyka was amused to see a rather wimpy-looking bug-type approach them. <”This is to be an opponent? It hardly seems--”> She was cut off as the second combatant stepped in, smirking at her from underneath his mushroom cap. Vixen chuckled. <”A plant and a bug, huh? Easy pickings!”> she boasted, hopping playfully. Psyka nodded, though she wasn’t quite so certain it would be that easy. Scanning the field for something to use as a weapon, the Espurr saw a decently-sized branch that tapered off into a dull point. She picked it up, hefting it as a club and nodding in approval. As the majority of the other assembled Pokémon paired off and were escorted to their assorted arenas, a pair of small Normal-types found themselves isolated, overlooked by those seeking stronger opponents. When it became apparent the two Eevee would not be finding allies or opponents, Mal let out a sigh and headed over, the Alolan Ratatta nudging the one Kantonian cousin who’d had the courage to show up. “Ey,” Mal said, hoping the sudden sound wouldn’t spook the nervous-looking Eevee he’d chosen to speak to. “Don’t mean to pry, but it looks like yous two still need someone to fight. This here’s my Kanto cousin Carlos. Since we four ain’t like to get a fair fight anyway, maybe we could scrap it out together, eh?” Ellen glanced over at the other Eevee and nodded. <”That sounds okay to me. I’m Ellen, what’s your name?”> Nyx took a second to realize that she was being directly addressed. <”Y-you mean me?! Er-that is, my name is Nyx.”> <”It’s nice to meet you.”> Ellen turned towards Mal, nodding. <”Where is Carlos?”> <”I’m, er, here,”> Carlos replied, the quadruped Ratatta emerging hesitantly from behind his biped cousin. <”So, uh...do we just fight, or…? I just don’t really want to, you know, cause any trouble…”> Mal waved off his cousin’s concerns. <”Fuhgeddaboudit, cuz. We gots whatever arena ya wants ‘cause yous with me, capiche? ‘Sides, I ‘magine it won’t take long for someone to get knocked outta the running, if yous willing to wait…”> The Wimpod glanced nervously back and forth between his opponents, who already appeared to be in a poor mood, and his partner, a jagged-toothed Breloom who grinned wickedly across the arena as he sharpened his razorlike claws. <“N-now, we’re all in this together, so l-let’s have a nice, clean--”> He never got to finish his sentence. The Breloom turned his wicked grin upon his partner, and, seizing the whiskers at the Wimpod’s tail, spun and hurled the Bug-type bodily at Psyka, the Wimpod wailing all the way. Psyka had no time to process this on a conscious level. Acting purely on instinct, she whipped her branch around, knocking the Wimpod away to her left. With a sigh and a shrug, she chased the temporary flier, leaving Vixen to face off against the Breloom. The fire-type rushed at the opponent with a grin, knowing that she had the advantage-- Wait, no, powers weren’t working. Sadly, she only realized that when she failed to produce a Flame Charge attack. Instead, she just slammed feebly into the taller Pokémon. The grim grinning Grass-type replied with a kick that, while not the species’ specialty, still stabbed at the Fennekin with spurs like sharpened steel. When the fox-like Pokémon leapt back to evade, the Breloom aggressively pursued, swinging its club-like tail in imitation of Psyka’s previous attack against its partner. Mal tapped his foot impatiently as he waited on his cousin’s waffling. The Ratatta sighed. <”Look, here’s fine, let’s just start, ‘kay?”> The other three nodded, with Ellen walking towards the center of the space while Nyx and Carlos retreated to the edge. And then Mal had an idea. A nasty, terrible, devious, scheming idea, the Dark-type struggling to suppress a smirk. As the Eevee offered a paw for a handshake, Mal extended his own hand...only to clench it into a fist for a surprise sucker punch. The Eevee yelped, staggering back from the blow. Shock, betrayal, and anger all shown in her eyes as she looked at the Alolan Pokémon. <”We haven’t started yet!”> she protested. <”Haven’t we?”> Mal challenged playfully, attempting to use the distraction to slip past Ellen and attack her partner. Belatedly, the other two combatants leaped into action, though in their case this mainly meant circling the edges of the area warily while awaiting attacks from Ellen and Mal. Ellen’s fur bristled, and a soft snarl rumbled from her throat. <”Alright, if that’s how you want to play it.”> She sidestepped to let Mal past, then leaped onto his back, trying to sink her teeth into him. Lucas shifted his stance several times to accommodate the break in his weapon. None of it felt right. He eventually settled on a sub-optimal stance. It wouldn’t grant him the best power, but it’d keep the bone from falling apart mid-swing. The Farfetch’d moved in to press the attack, testing Lucas’ responses with a few tentative swings before shifting stance to strike for real. Lucas raised his bone to block the blows. He should’ve been quicker. Before his bone was broken, he would’ve been able to deflect such blows with ease. But with the awkward stance, it took more strength to move the bone quickly enough into position to block the Farfetch’d’s attack. Having raced up a fallen tree to gain the height advantage over the Flying-types (a truly novel experience, she idly noted), Fini dove down after the Murkrow, only for the glint of moonlight off the Murkrow’s glass beads to force her to look away at the last moment, giving the Dark-type time enough to evade. Having forced Fini’s failure, the Murkrow danced and twirled, sending glimmers of light across not only his own battlefield but a few adjacent as well. Fini smiled. Finally, she thought, a fight that’s actually fun! With a friendly growl, Fini pounced once more, not caring that she’d accepted her flying foe’s lead in their mutual war-waltz. A gleam of light caught Mal’s attention even as he fended off another attack from Ellen, his glance revealing a nearby Pokémon he’d heard of but never before seen. <”Hey,”> Mal called out to Lucas from the adjacent arena, his own battle seemingly having entered a lull, <“ain’t ya one a them...ah...whatcha call it...Marrow-hawks or somethin’? I ain’t never seen one’a yous before, but I’m a big fan.”> Struck by inspiration, the Ratatta darted for a small stick amongst his arena’s detritus, waving it around in a crude imitation of a fire-dancer’s baton. <“One thing I ain’t never gots, though…”> The Dark-type suddenly brought the stick down on one knee, snapping it in two, before quickly gnawing the ends to sharp points. <“Why stick to one stick when two’s twice as nice?”> Apparently amused by his own joke, Mal chuckled and returned his attention to Ellen, ducking and weaving around the incoming blows while stabbing out with his two impromptu daggers in retaliation. The Farfetch’d broke off his assault sometime during Mal’s speech. Lucas regarded Mal’s rambling with little regard until they sank in a bit more. Two weapons. <Perhaps it’s time to take my own advice.> His eyes dashed around for a rope of any kind. His eyes focused in on a piece of vine. He dash towards and knelt down next to it. He had to work fast. Vixen reeled away from the attack and was still coming to her senses when a series of rapid jabs from the Breloom hit her. She cried out, jumping away to try and regain her bearings. <”Psyka!”> she called desperately. <”I could use some help here!”> If the Espurr heard her partner’s pleas, she ignored them. Instead, Psyka focused on the Wimpod. She slammed her makeshift weapon into the bug type again and again, feeling victory close at hand -- until the Wimpod suddenly turned tail and scurried off, into the crowd. Psyka stepped up to the edge of her arena, growling as she tried to find the opponent. Belatedly, she realized that Vixen probably would have been able to sniff the creature out. Ellen, meanwhile, was nimbly dodging the stabs and thrusts of Mal, though the reach and speed of the weapons was making it hard for her to retaliate. What she wouldn’t give to get her paws on a weapon of her own. Inspiration struck. She hopped back as far as she could and planted her feet. When Mal came in next, she acted first. Her fangs clamped down on his wrist, causing him to drop one of his daggers. Using his momentum, Ellen twisted to throw him overhead. The opponent hit the ground with a loud cry, but that didn’t matter now. Ellen’s ears pricked up. Nearby, she heard Vixen’s panicked voice calling out for help. Picking up the dropped weapon, the Eevee turned and bolted towards her sister’s arena. Nyx raised a paw in protest at her ally leaving. She turned towards the dark Rattata. With a manic panic, adrenaline rushed through her body, propelling her forward. She jumped and and stomped her forelegs on the arm that still held a weapon, forcing Mal to drop it with a cry. The familiar cry split the air, causing Fini to quirk an ear in its direction. Mal? The momentary distraction was all her opponent needed; reversing his spin, the Murkrow angled his necklace to shine its reflections right into the Rockruff’s eyes, the Alolan canine completely unprepared for the sudden change of pace. She stumbled blindly backwards, wincing as she tried to recover. It was exactly the opening the Farfetch’d had been waiting for. Seeing his partner’s signal, he rushed forward, slashing his Stick across tender tendons and forcing Fini to flinch. The Rockruff tried to turn, but the stinging pain in her legs sent her sprawling across the ground instead. Without a miracle, she was surely done for. A round blur slammed into the Farfetch’d. Lucas had wrapped the vine around the head of the femur and made a makeshift flail. The Cubone rapidly followed his weapon with the rest of the bone in his other hand. The bone proved a much better bat than it had before when Lucas followed the flail by slamming the bat into the bird. This was something Lucas could get used to. The Farfetch’d flung a wing up to absorb the bat’s blow, but it was still enough to take the pressure off of Fini. With a grateful nod, she struggled to stand; though she only managed to sit up on her front paws, her steely gaze told the other combatants that playtime was most certainly through. Ellen rushed into the arena just in time to see the Breloom lift Vixen off the ground and repeatedly strike her with his claws. With a snarl, the brown fox launched herself forward, slamming into the small of Breloom’s back. The Mushroom Pokémon staggered from the blow, but only gave her a brief glance before turning back to his victim. He was raising his claw again when Ellen plunged her dagger into his leg. With an irritated snarl, the grass type dropped Vixen and turned to swing at Ellen. For his trouble, he got a hard bite to his arm. Rage filling him, he began lashing out again and again, and each time Ellen was too fast for him to hit, and he came away with new bites or scratch marks. With a roar, he raised his claws and plunged them down. Ellen jumped, and his claws slammed into the ground. As a shudder ran up his spine, he spun, his mace-like tail finally connecting with the Eevee to send her flying across the arena. Satisfied that the nuisance was gone, Breloom turned and started kicking at Vixen, who backpedaled to try and put some distance between them. Carlos crept closer to the manic Nyx, but couldn’t quite chart a course of action. By the time he finally flung himself at the enemy Eevee, she had already bolted away. As he circled around the staggered Mal, Carlos stumbled over the weapon Nyx had forced his cousin to drop. He fixed his gaze upon the discarded dagger…but after a mere moment’s consideration, he sportingly shoved it aside. Keeping his profile low, the Rattata scurried off after his opponent. Lucas’s coordination and movements were much better after adapting to two weapons. He would need to practice to fully adapt to this new fighting style, and years to master it. But with the ability to put his weight into his blows, he was able to force the Farfetch’d onto the defense. The Farfetch’d retreated one step, two. A feint, a strike, a miss, a reversal. The Stick-wielding samurai attempted to turn the tide, defense to offense, a shift in tempo-- A discordant caw cut his concentration. The Farfetch’d turned his head just in time to see Fini fall upon the Murkrow, the seemingly-helpless Rock-type having waited for the dancer to overextend into an attack before countering with her superior weight and stamina. His partner pinned and at the opponent’s mercy, he turned to lend aid… It was a fight-ending error. The Cubone had dropped the vine so he could use both hands for a home-run swing. The Farfetch’d soared until he hit the fallen tree that Lucas had taken the vine from. He ran over to make sure that the Farfetch’d was down for the count. He lifted himself onto the trunk of the tree and saw the bird was unconscious. He took a moment to take in his surroundings. From atop his perch, the Ground-type spotted Nyx, now alone in her arena against two opponents, the other Eevee having vanished in the interim. Lucas stared at the arena. He hardly knew Nyx. He didn’t ask her to come along. At the same time, he couldn’t help feel responsible for her being here, considering he didn’t ask permission to come here to begin with. <“You know,”> Fini pointed out, <“if someone was to see something unfair--hypothetically speaking, of course--and wanted to help out--again, hypothetically speaking--in my current state I somehow doubt that I could hypothetically stop them, now could I?> The Rockruff regarded the Cubone with a mischievously encouraging grin. <”Go get ‘em, bud.”> Lucas continued staring for a moment, as if he was ignoring the Rockruff. But after a moment, with nary a word, he ran to pick up his vine, and left to find Nyx. Elllen staggered to her feet with a wince. The Breloom was savaging Vixen, and it needed to stop. With a roar more suited for a fierce Mightyena than a timid Eevee, she jumped at the Breloom -- And was casually swatted aside, sent sprawling across the ground again. Panting, she stepped between him and Vixen, only to be knocked back once more. She made her way to her feet for a third time. Vixen found herself backed against the edge of the cliff, nowhere to run; the Breloom wasn’t stopping. Ellen wasn’t able to stop him. Vixen closed her eyes as he drew his fist back for another blow. There was a sharp and repeated whacking sound, but no impact. Vixen cracked one eye open and saw Psyka standing over the Breloom, her club wielded in both hands. Xander’s team all looked between each other, and Psyka sighed. <”My apologies,”> the Espurr said, lowering her weapon. <”I should not have gone so far off . . .”> Ellen growled softly. <”You’re right,”> she agreed. <”You should have stayed to help Vixen.”> <”My kind are largely solitary creatures. It did not occur to me that she might have needed help, and for that I am truly sorry.”> Psyka turned to Vixen. <”Please, forgive me for my error.”> <”Hey, don’t worry about it,”> the fire-type replied. <”I should have taken my time and figured out his weaknesses before rushing in.”> Ellen whined, nuzzling her sister. <”Sorry I didn’t get here sooner, and that I couldn’t do more to help. Are you okay?”> <”You’re real dumb, you know that? You had a fight of your own, so of course you didn’t come help out earlier. Look, can we all stop apologizing and just agree we all learned something here, ‘cause I’m feeling real embarrassed here!”> The other two nodded, and the trio looked around. <”Looks like things are almost finished,”> Psyka observed. <”Why don’t we call it an early night and head home?”> Her companions agreed, and the three began their descent towards the Alamo. Nyx lead the remaining Rattata in a chase around his downed cousin. If one thought it looked like a desperate panic without a strategy, they’d be right up to the part about not having a strategy. She kicked up up the fallen dagger and a mound of dirt at the opponent. The dirt flew straight for his eyes, and the stick found his foot. The Rattata fell backwards onto his ally. With a shout, Nyx jumped onto the pair and slammed the two bodies into each other. Lucas arrived to see the still panting Eevee standing on top of her two foes in victory. That surprised him. He felt a bit silly for running given the result. <It seems mad panic can be an asset,> the Cubone stated. Nyx realized at that point that she had won and finally stopped panicking. Her breathing was still quick, but she slowly walked over to the Cubone. The winded Ratatta accepted the defeat without hesitation. Hesitantly climbing to his feet, Carlos managed an admiring glance at the unassuming Eevee. <”Man,”> he muttered, mostly to himself, <“wish I could be that strong. Maybe someday.”> Hoisting his cousin over his shoulder, he set off for healing. Nyx just looked puzzled. She wasn’t used to be complimented for her strength. Lucas suppressed the urge to laugh. <Come on. Let’s get out of her before Claus and Richard realize we’re missing.> Lucas started walking down the mountain, and after a moment spent looking back at her defeated foes, followed. Fini limped her way over to the healer’s camp, where to her surprise Mal had been laid out by his fellow Alolan Ratatta. She barked out a brief laugh, only to wince as her tendons shrieked in protest at the jarring motion. Eyes still closed, Mal grumbled discontentedly. <”Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, fuzzball.”> Fini perked an ear. <”Have fun then, did you?”> Chuckling at the Rattatta’s single-digit response, she settled down next to him and sighed as an attendant spread a soothing berry balm over her more severe injuries. <”Speaking of not having fun, where’s Nani?”> Mal waved a lazy paw, not willing to sit up yet. <”Dragged herself off somewhere, somethin’ about a closing speech or somethin’. Whatevah. Nobody cares,”> he groused. The Rock-type cocked her head. <”What’s that?”> she teased, <”someone not treating this whole fight club as the most holy ritual to end all holy rituals? Blasphemy!”> She clapped a paw to her chest in mock horror, the effect spoiled by her uncontrollable giggling. Mal cracked open an eye, seemingly for the sole purpose of rolling it. <”If that girl’s gotta be so stern an’ stoic like that, she oughta be able to stand up for herself. Her fight with da boss was just…embarassin’.”> Fini quietly hummed, her own thoughts on the matter mixed. <”So, how did your battle go? Find any decent recruits?”> <”I wish. Got in a scuffle with a couple ‘a Eevee, were dead easy ‘til they both went psycho an’ double-teamed me. One’a them just quit outta nowhere, weirdest thing, but by then it was too late.”> The Alolan Ratatta snorted derisively. <”Shoulda known, really. Was real disappointed by my Kanto cousin, lemme say. Ain’t got no backbone for battle, that one. Hope he’s just a fluke. How ‘bout you? You get anywhere with that, whawuzzit, Marrow-hawk?”> <”Cubone,”> Fini corrected, <”and no, sadly.”> <”Ah. Lost too, eh?”> <”Won, actually. Impressed me a lot, actually, he improvised, adapted, hit like a human truck, too. Did something with his bone and a vine, the Farfetch’d had no idea what to do with it, let me finish off his partner even after this.”> She indicated her injured legs. <”So what happened? He turn ya down?”> <”Didn’t offer. He’s got a Trainer, could smell it on him.”> <”Ah. Shame. Sound of it, he coulda made a good fit for the crew. If only it weren’t for his human.”> <”Eh. Probably why he’s good as he is.”> <”Seriously?”> Mal sat up and stared at Fini, who merely quirked a brow in reply. <”You think it makes that much of a difference?”> Fini shrugged. <”From what I saw tonight? Yeah, quite a bit.”> <”Huh.”> The two stared out at the night together in silence. After a few minutes, though, Mal had to ask, <”So, you thinkin’ about findin’ a Trainer, then?”> The Rockruff smiled serenely. <”Eh. I’m happy as-is. I mean, I’m not opposed, but…”> She shrugged once more. <”If it happens, it happens.”> The Dark-type smirked. <”Well, if it does, maybe your Cubone friend can give you a whip to go with your collar.”> Too busy snickering at his own joke to note Fini’s unimpressed silence, Mal pushed himself to his feet. <”Anyway, I oughta check in with da boss. Later.”> Fini managed a nod before settling back down with a sigh. Wish Nani was here...well, if she was fun, she amended. The Puppy Pokémon wondered why her counterpart had lost the joy of battle, why she insisted it all had to be work. We’re only young once. Why waste it? Especially if the alternative is being like that. Suppressing a shudder, she settled down to sleep, wishing she had someone with whom to share her happiness.
  19. IC: Alex Zyther (August 7th, 2017, Outside Reflection Cave, Kalos) "Something is definitely wrong," Alex muttered, eyes hooded. "Cassandra is my mother's name." And Lila Zyther is dead, the Kalosian mentally finished. 'Not quite right' was an understatement, really. Something ticked away in Alex's mind, some legend or story the Trainer had read on some long, bedridden evening. Unable to place it, however, Alex could only nod assent to Ford's agents. "Are you okay coming with us?" the Kalosian asked the Carbink. At her hesitant nod, he cradled her once more, carefully retrieving his crutch--including Belle's attached machine--with his other arm. "Ready when you are, I guess," Alex told the others, Amelia's Pokémon joining Alex's at his side. Unable to suppress a smile, he cheekily added, "Zyther to McKinley, six to beam up," before the teleport took them.
  20. Jam - Tyler McKinley/Thomas Warren/Belle LaDonna/Alma Mason/Amelia Zann/Alex Zyther - August 7th, 2017 Reflection Cave, Kalos: As Amelia stepped forth into the sunlight, an artificially-amplified female voice boomed out from all around them. “THIS IS THE POLICE. STEP AWAY FROM THE CAVE WITH YOUR HANDS UP.” Belle cursed softly, raising her hands silently above her head. She’d been through this sort of process enough times to know it was better to do as instructed. Alma frowned, following the older woman’s lead. Caught off-guard, Amelia had her hands nowhere near her gun, which left her with no option but to comply with the command. Alex simply froze, both arms full and completely unprepared to be stopped by police rather than summoning them. A Luxray and a Houndoom jointly circled behind the group, quietly but firmly cutting off any chance of escape back into the caves. For their part, McKinley and Warren seemed more surprised than anything. They did not even feel the need to comply with Jenny’s orders, with McKinley instead giving her a casual, two-fingered salute. “This is unexpected,” Warren said. “Is there a problem--?” “Hey, let me handle this one, Tommy,” McKinley said, nudging Warren. He cleared his throat. “Well, this is unexpected! Is there a problem, Officer?” He ignored Warren’s unamused scowl. Officer Jenny raised an eyebrow, but kept her gaze fixed on the unresponsive Alex. “McKinley. Why am I not surprised? I don’t suppose you’re aware you’re traveling with wanted felons?” This snapped Alex out of his fugue. “Wh-what?!” The Trainer fell to his knees, crutch clattering to the ground as he belatedly held up his hand, raising the other a moment later once the Carbink wiggled free. Officer Jenny’s mouth drew thin as she nodded to her two Pokémon, who herded Belle and Amelia away from the others. “Amelia Zann. Belle LaDonna. You are under arrest for three hundred counts of grand larceny, thirty-eight counts of aggravated assault, six counts of battery, fifty-four counts of accessory to aggravated assault, eight counts of accessory to battery, two counts of escape from police custody, twelve counts of impersonation of a government official, seven counts of impersonation of an officer of the law, three counts of impersonation of a member of the International Police, two counts of dereliction of duty from the International Police, one count of possession of a deadly weapon in violation of parole, three counts of evidence tampering, forty-three counts of theft of International Police evidence, forty-six counts of obstruction of justice, two counts of kidnapping a government official, four counts of kidnapping a member of the International Police, eighty-two counts of trespassing, sixty counts of trespassing on government property, seven counts of vandalism, three counts of arson, one count of grand theft auto, one count of destruction of public property in the Kalos Canyon National Park, and--” Officer Jenny did a double-take as she read out the final charge, exasperatedly muttering something that sounded suspiciously like “darn it, Officer Meekins” before finishing with “...and four counts of jaywalking.” Belle stared, too shocked at the list of crimes, and impressed that the officer had read that all in one breath, to say anything until it was all over. “Now, hold on, I’m sure those numbers don’t quite add up . . .” Officer Jenny scowled, the dark expression seeming out of place on her normally cheerful face. “Those are just the charges since the last time you broke parole.” Thomas and Tyler tried not to seem impressed, but failed to do so before Officer Jenny noticed. The policewoman pointed to her eyes and then them, as if to say “I’m watching you,” though the half-amused spark in her eyes robbed the gesture of its sting. Still, it was enough to forestall their inevitable interruption. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you do not have one, one will be provided to you…” Alex’s mouth worked wordlessly as Officer Jenny continued to read out the two women’s rights before securing them inside her police cruiser. It was only after she’d finished that the Kalosian finally found the ability to speak again. “N-now wait just a minute,” he objected, “that…that can’t be right. Amelia would never...” Officer Jenny glanced over at Alex, sympathy spilling across her face as she registered the Trainer’s genuine shock. “I’m sorry. If it makes you feel any better, you’re not the first person she’s taken in, Mr.…?” Alex hesitated, but felt compelled to comply. “Zyther, ma’am. Alex Zyther.” The policewoman’s brow furrowed, as if trying to recall something, but she ultimately dismissed the thought in favor of her duty. “Well, Mr. Zyther, as for you and Ms.…” “Alma Mason,” Alma supplied helpfully. “As for you and Ms. Mason, I don’t see any mention of either of you in my reports, and you don’t have any outstanding warrants, so as far as I see it you’re guilty of nothing but an unfortunate association. The two of you are free to go.” The policewoman turned her attention to Belle and Amelia’s Poké Balls, which finally prompted Tyler into action. “If you don’t mind, Officer,” McKinley said, raising a hand. “We’d actually like to take their Pokémon with us.” “…And why exactly would I allow that?” “Well, for one, I’d argue they’re little more than accessories to their owners’ crimes,” McKinley said. “But I know not everyone would agree with me there, so putting that can of worms aside, they appear to have been afflicted with some sort of unnatural condition that we’d like Ford to take a look at.” “Yes, it is affecting my own Pokémon and Alex’s, as well,” Alma interjected. “It could very well end up being a matter of national security,” Warren added. “We’d rather not take any risks with it.” Officer Jenny shot the two operatives an appraising look. “All right. Make sure Ford lets us know what he finds, we’re going to be processing them quickly so the window to add additional charges without a second trial will be rather small.” McKinley gave a small bow. “Ford appreciates your understanding.” The officer in question nodded, scanning the group one last time before turning away. Suddenly, however, something clicked within her mind, and she turned her attention back to Alex. “Mr. Zyther. You said your name was Alex, correct?” “Y...yes?” Officer Jenny frowned. “Strange. I could have sworn the Zythers’ only had a daughter...Cassandra, that was it.” The policewoman affixed Alex with a piercing stare. Alex swallowed. Beside him, the Carbink reached out a tiny hand, the Trainer calming at her touch before taking a breath in preparation. “It’s, uh...Alex isn’t my birth name,” the Kalosian stated truthfully. Officer Jenny’s sharp intake of breath was swiftly followed by a brief, understanding nod. “I apologize, then. I take it your...current identity is not widely known?” When Alex nodded, the officer smiled sympathetically. “All right. In that case, I can leave that detail out of my report.” After a moment’s hesitation she added, “From what I’ve heard, Lionel and Lila Zyther are good people. When you’re ready, I’m sure they’ll accept you with open arms.” Alex could only nod, countenance ashen at the thought. He was too distracted to see Officer Jenny’s sad but encouraging smile at him, only noticing she’d left as her cruiser pulled away from the scene. Still at a loss for words, Alex’s feelings were ultimately summed up by Alma’s succinct question: “What should we do now?”
  21. OOC: Jam with Merc IC: Belle LaDonna/Alex Zyther (August 7, Reflection Cave, Kalos) As they walked, Belle flexed her right arm, frowning softly as she felt the metal sleeve restricting her movement. “Darn,” she muttered quietly. Alex, immediately in front of her, looked back. “Problem?” The purple-haired woman nodded. “My Snag Machine got a bit banged up in the fight.” SHe undid the straps that held in place quickly, sighing. “Guess I’ll hafta find a tech person to fix it.” Alex paused a moment, considering. “You know, my dad’s a tech guy. His company makes the Holo Casters everyone uses, and he comes up with some of their other stuff himself. I’m...well, I’m still learning, but maybe I could take a look? Hold onto it until Dad and I can fix it together?” The Trainer didn’t know exactly what a Snag Machine was, but the idea of poking around in new technology with his father held significant appeal. “I’m not sure how comfortable I am with that, but . . .” She frowned. “Alright. Amelia trusts you, so I guess I can, too.” She handed him the strange device. “Just understand, if you completely break it, lose it, or steal it, you will regret it.” Alex nodded, paling a little. It took a little awkward maneuvering to hold the device with his crutch arm, but with the help of a shoelace and a couple of hair ties (Alex silently thanked Valerie for the complementary beauty kit she’d given out with her outfits), the two managed to fasten the device securely to the crutch for safe transport.
  22. IC: Amanda Zarth (August 6th, 2017, 6:43 AM Kanto Standard Time, Alamo Ambassadorial Quarters, Four Island) A strident chime interrupted Amanda’s analysis. Frowning, she crossed the room to her bed, shifting a sheath of reports to extract the Xtransciever beneath. At first, the report read as gibberish, and it was only on her third re-read that she was able to properly contextualize the information contained within. Kalos, she considered. How does Kalos factor into the current situation? She read through Tierra’s summary once more, but the connections established were tenuous at best. Still, it was good to be informed of their allies’ movements, even if they did not directly involve-- Amanda stood bolt upright, re-sorting her thoughts for several long seconds before flicking her eyes over the sender’s line for confirmation. Knight Tierra. The One Island mission had come to its close hours before, but she had yet to properly inform either of her superiors of the situation. Without hesitation, she hit the call button to begin a videoconference.
  23. OOC: Jam with Minun! -==IC: Nani/Mu==- Nani stared down her opponent, the familiar sensations of readying for battle contrasting against the hollow emptiness where her powers formerly lay. She studied her opponent, trying to determine how the loss of powers would affect his strategy-- What strategy? she suddenly realized. There’s no powers. The only option left is… And with that, Nani launched forward to attack. She hit the ground running, headed for the central boulder where Mu was surely… …not waiting? As she finished her jump atop the boulder, she found to her surprise that the Dark-type still stood atop his very same perch, hardly having moved from his starting position. What is he doing? she wondered, What possible plan--? The skeptical stares of the onlooking audience spurred her back into action. No time to think, have to show them what I’m...what Alola is made of! She resumed her race across the field, panting slightly as she neared the opposing ridge. A familiar surge of adrenaline launched her leap toward the edge-- --and right into Mu’s waiting fist. The sucker punch lacked the power of its Dark-type namesake, but it was nonetheless just as effective. Nani felt herself crashing into and then rolling off the Ratatta as her mind caught up to the situation. Right, she thought to herself, power-less...not powerless. She’d underestimated him. She couldn’t do that again. Off to one side, the Fennekin who’d spoken up earlier was snickering. Mu walked from his perch slowly towards where Nani was. He stopped when his forepaw stepped onto a patch of grass that was growing amid all the rocky terrain. The Rockruff saw Mu move forward and stop suddenly. What is he planning? Rather than close in again, she instead began circling warily, instinctively raising her tail for a Rock Throw before the failure of the move to materialize reminded her once more of how everything had changed. Her eyes narrowed. This...this is why we’re here. To fight, to train, to find a solution, so no one we love will ever have to feel this way again. She lunged forward once more, a plan in mind and determination in her heart. Mu revealed his hand at that moment. Literally. He tossed a mound of loose earth from his hand towards Nani’s eyes. Nani yelped with pain, but to her fortune, her plan hadn’t relied upon sight; rather than trying to tackle her opponent, she instead spun on her front legs at the last moment, kicking blindly backward to try and launch the Ratatta out of the ring. Mu lamented slightly when he saw his opponent’s response. He positioned himself low to the ground. He was still hit by the Rockruff’s foot, but he wasn’t launched. Instead, he reached to grab Nani’s tail to slam her to the ground. Still blind, Nani had no way to notice Mu’s attack until his claws were already wrapped around her tail. After a few moments’ confusion, she realized his plan, but could not make sense of them. Without powers, surely he wouldn’t be able to-- And then her feet left the ground. With a yip of surprise, Nani lashed out again with her rear paws, claws scrabbling away as she tried to curl inward to bring her forepaws to bear. She couldn’t force Mu to release her--but then, that wasn’t been the goal, not yet. She hit the ground, hard, and rolled, whipping her tail around and into the ground with as much strength as she could muster. Whether she broke free or turned the Ratatta’s strategy back upon itself, she was too tired to care--all that mattered was regaining the momentum, or at least enough to finish the fight on passably equal terms. She blinked her eyes blearily, rubbing at them with a forepaw to try and clear them from Mu’s earlier dirty tactic. Mu released the tail when Nani started to whip it. He didn’t need to throw her again. There was only one way Rattata finished fights. He lunged towards Nani from a side blinded to her from sand, and opened his mouth. <“Nani! Look out!”> cried an impossible voice from the crowd. Nani sat bolt upright, bleary eyes searching in vain for the source. Had the duel been to the death, the move would have saved her life. Mu’s fangs, poised as if to puncture the jugular but held just shy from fatality, sank instead into the canine’s chest. Though the honorable Ratatta had indeed held back, it was still too much for the Rock-type to bear, and she fell to the ground with a definitive thump, the pain of her injuries sending her in and out of consciousness. “<Enough!>” Mitama declared, though Mu had already disengaged from his fallen foe. <”The challenger, Mu, is victorious.”> Mu bowed his head in respect to his opponent on the ground. He signaled for his minions to help clear Nani from the field. <”The rest of you,”> Mitama continued as the remainder of Mu’s minions cleared the crowd away from a number of other surrounding spaces, <”choose your opponents. This night’s battles have only begun!> --------------- When the world finally stopped flickering, Nani found herself supported by a pair of Ratatta as they guided her behind a nearby boulder just out of sight of the main battlefields. One of them, having noticed Nani’s return to consciousness, spoke to her. <”Lady Nani,”> she said, <”it is good to see your rapid recovery. Master Mu instructed we gather these for you.”> The Ratatta indicated a quartet of Sitrus berries laid in a neat line. <”Please recover your strength, so that you may rejoin Master Mu for the conclusion of the night’s festivities.”> The two Ratatta then left her, leaving the Melemele representative to her own thoughts. Well, that could have gone better, she groused, mentally replaying the fight as she wondered just how her plans had gone so far awry. For some reason--no, actually, she knew exactly for what reason--she kept finding her attention drawn to the moment when Mu had lifted her, bodily, and slammed her to the ground even without the aid of Pokémon power. Okay, she admitted to herself, definitely seeing what Fini sees in him, curse her. Shoving her baser responses aside, she tried to take an unbiased look at her opponent. He’s...better than me, she was forced to admit. For all my plans, for all my preparation, he was just...better. The fact rankled, but there was little she could do to change it. She stifled a groan. Her head ached--well, all of her ached, really--and it was too much effort to think. Tomorrow, she half-heartedly promised herself. Tomorrow she’d try to salvage things; tonight, she had a ceremony to complete...and then, gods willing, rest. Behold your chosen champion, Tapu Koko, she sarcastically prayed. I hope you’re satisfied, oh great spirit. Thousands of miles away, a sound like a rooster’s crow rang out from atop a claw-shaped peak.
  24. Proposed changes to Amanda's Magnezone for reaching 21 exp (note that the Specialization change would also consume the ability change for that level); additionally, Magnet Rise has been replaced with Light Screen: Species: Magnezone Nickname: <none> Gender: <genderless> Trainer: Amanda Zarth Appearance: An ordinary Magnezone in every way except one: its eyes are violet, just like its trainer's. Now bears a burn scar on its underside from the events of the One Island mission against M0. Personality: Though robotic and mechanical in its moves like Amanda's other Pokemon, Magnezone seems to be the slightest bit protective of her. It seems to be more aware than it lets on. Ability: Analytic Levitate Speciality: Though unusually slow even for a Magnezone, this individual is extremely adept at flight through Magnet Rise, being able to activate it faster than a Mach Punch and sustain it for very long periods of time having experienced Mega Evolution due to its extreme bond with its Trainer, it now channels a small portion of that power back into its regular form through retaining the Levitate ability, though it has lost Analytic as a result. Known Moves: Magnet Rise Light Screen, Flash Cannon, Lock-On, Zap Cannon, Discharge, Tri Attack Experience: 23 NOTE: due to use of a special reward, Magnezone can Mega Evolve despite lacking the experience prerequisite Mega Appearance: Mega Magnezone's body is split into three segments, its powerful magnetic fields enough to Levitate it even at a distance. The burn scar on its underside still remains, now extending backward from the underside of its mandible, its amethyst eyes sparkling with an almost human intelligence and power. Mega Ability: Levitate (Mega Magnezone standard) Mega Specialty: Due to the inherent connection between Amanda and her Magnezone, it is able to access and use Amanda's psychic powers while Mega Evolved, though if both attempt to use a different psychic power at the same time (i.e. Amanda tries Barrier while Mega Magnezone tries Teleport during the same "turn") both uses of the power will fail.
  25. IC: Alex Zyther/Amelia Zann - Kalos, Reflection Cave Alex's eyes widened as the Heal Pulse washed over them. "Whoa, wait--when did powers come back? How long have we been out?" The Trainer's words cut off with a hiss as the wounds began to close around crystal--Raleigh and Didi quickly got to work removing the embedded shards so the healing would continue properly. The Ralts, for his part, frowned in confusion as he attempted again to contribute his own Heal Pulse, only to fail utterly. Amelia smirked as she realized she'd be the one making proper introductions. "Amelia Zann, Alex Zyther, Belle LaDonna, Alma Mason," she announced, gesturing to each of them as she gave their names. "We were on our way through to...where'd ya say again, kid? Geo-somethin'?" "Geosenge," Alex supplied. "Right. That." Amelia paused to flip Sina the bird when the pink Sneasel rolled her eyes at her. "Anyway. We were goin' through when outta nowhere a buncha Sableye decided t' try an' make us their mornin' snack. Guessin' that ain't normal fer 'round here?" Alex shook his head. "Maybe it's been harder for them to hunt with the power out?" the Kalosian speculated. Without warning, the pink Carbink begain sobbing, to Alex and Amelia's confusion. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Alex apologized, looking to Amelia for clarification but getting only a bewildered shrug in return. "I won't bring it up again, okay?" The Carbink looked up at Alex with watery eyes and nodded, sniffling pathetically as she tried to stem her tears.
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