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Everything posted by -Auron-

  1. Hey, Iruini Nuva. I was wondering if you had read and downloaded my music sample I gave to you in your Biotech Games topic. I'd still like to help out, and I'd love the opportunity to do so. Let me know when you can.

  2. -Auron-

    B Z P Classifieds

    I need Zamor Sphere magazines. Lots of them.
  3. -Auron-

    Off To Billund

    Whoa...so our "new" sets are never new to you. Awesome, but a bit boring too. Interesting how Makuta would fight a Hydraxon though.
  4. This should be interesting. A random emotion generator in your sig...that's special. There should also be a way to change it's emotions too, lol. -the Auronz-
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