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Posts posted by boston100



    Doing a reboot wouldn't be the best idea seeing as how almost everybody would know what will happen

    Transformers reboots their continuity on a regular basis. They have certain tropes, sure (The Optimus Prime character will probably die at some point, the Starscream character is a backstabbing ninny, etc.), but they can do enough to the new story that keeps it interesting and fresh to not only build a new fanbase but entertain the old one as well with the elements they grew up with and loved.


    It doesn't come without its growing pains. When Transformers did their first BIG reboot, people HATED IT. TRUKK NOT MUNKY, etc. But it opened a franchise up to new and innovative ideas and allowed them to learn from old mistakes and break ground in a new territory.


    The comparisons between Transformers and Bionicle is almost STAGGERING. The initial "generation" lasted about a decade before both fans and the creators grew tired of seeing the same characters do the same thing over and over again. Both relaunched a "successor" line building on the original that the original fans HATED (though I'm almost certain beast Wars got way more hate than Hero Factory ever could).


    If Bionicle were to come back, change isn't just a better course of action. it should be inevitable. Going back to where it was left off is a recipe for disaster because it ended FOR A REASON. There's no shame in going back and trying again, so long as you attempt to get bast the mistakes that bogged you down in the first place.



    The problem is, Transformers didn't have the same sort of main story engine like Bionicle had. All the Transformers reboots can take it different places because the main concept, robots that turn into vehicles (and even the battle between autobots and decepticons) is easily applied to multiple different situations and stories.


    But with Bionicle, the main story engine was the secret of the giant robot. The nature of Mata Nui was a one trick horse that could only do its one trick once.They would need to radically alter the nature of the story to make a reboot work without the new audience being able to spoil it with a single google search.


    They could have made it work without having mata nui as a giant robot. I think the new story will be more or less the same as the old one until the end of the metru nui saga. THen im guessing it will go off in a completelly new directiction.


    Also they might merge 2001 with 2005 cause didnt we see toa mata like things fighting visorak like things?

    thats just me though

  2. By showing off your little collection you are activating my competitive instincts. :P


    I own over 200 sets (including a number of multiples), complete collections of Kanohi, Krana, Kanohi Nuva, Krana-Kal and Kanoka, and then some, and I'm still collecting! I'm actually tempted now to photograph my collection and show it off too!

    I had 173 sets at my last count then i got 20 POUNDS!!!!!!! on ebay so im not sure how many i have any more.

    It was a bionilce by the pound oction i got the hole lot for only 50$

  3. the day humans become a part of bionilce is the day i kill myself


    [settle down - Makaru]

    I wasnt seriose about killing myself. Im not actually going to commit suicide over a toy line. i was just saying that i would be mad if there were humans in bionicle. Sorry if you guys couldnt realize it was an agzaduration.

    Lol bad spelling sry

  4. comparing bionicle to hero factory is like comparing Lord of the rings to deltora quest. (if you dont know what deltora quest is it is a cheesy fantasy series geard towards little kid, however it is still somewhat enjoyable) one is deep, mature and quality where the other is generic, cheesy but still lots of fun.

    BTW i am going on vacation so i wont be on until monday 

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