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Timelady Gallade

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Posts posted by Timelady Gallade

  1. You are but you acendently sign a conraht to be MegaBloks boss and you resign from Lego. But while you are boss of megabloks you are shot and go to heaven. But you take the wrong door and you walk into and you have to suffer the smae fate as me when I asked for pie-favoured pie. And then you are eaten by an enderman. :P



    I wish for blu-tack this X-mas.



    Seriously? Those names are so lame, I don't even get why they say they are "amazing".There is barely anything new in here, but still good to know everyone seems to take this project more or less seriously.-Gata signoff.png

    I think they're fantastic names. They're archetypal. They tell you all you need to know about the characters. And they genuinely sound like the kind of names a kid playing with Lego might come up with. They remind me of many of the character names in Axe Cop, and in my opinion that's a good thing.



    I can see how they might be used comedically. I suppose Bad Cop's officers will be called Random Cops 1, 2, and 3?


    I having feeling they will. :/ And the hero would be called 'Good Guy?' Le sighhhhhh...

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