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Makuta of Time

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Status Updates posted by Makuta of Time

  1. New song of the week from Anberlin's final album. Enjoy.

  2. New song of the week. Check it out

  3. New song of the week. This one's for you Sybre.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rahkshi Guurahk
    3. Sybre


      You're amazing, Flare. You're a good man. Thank you very much!

    4. Sybre


      I also approve

  4. New song of the week.

  5. New Year's is just one day away, and so is my epic. After the epic will be some characters who are or were in the show.

  6. No one's looked at me since March. Wow.

  7. No school shooting. I'm still alive, and I have winter break now.

  8. Now this thing says I've made 21 posts. I've made more posts than that already.

    1. -Windrider-


      Posts don't add to your active post count in COT, Voting Booth, Games & Trivia, Shops & Kits, and Q&A. I know you've been pretty active in COT, so this should explain why your post count seems off.

    2. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      That makes perfect sense.

  9. Officially a turaga now. Changing avatar to an older Snake.

  10. Officially starting my BZP epic today. Some where after New Year's, the dream I just had will be in the short stories or epic lot of OTC.

  11. Okay, This is late but I decided to change my avatar because of my 150th post

  12. Okay. After so many times of saying yes or no on going over the border, well Im here to officially say I will go over there On Saturday. So I will get some things done here immediately. Thank you for your time.

  13. On December 7, I am officially going to celebrate my 1 year anniversary here on BZP

  14. On December 7, my mask spinny will change. And coming soon next year... a name change!

  15. Only two days left to sign up for the Transformers RPG! After that, it closes.

    1. Kanakalackin


      PM me a link please.

    2. Kanakalackin
    3. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Good, now I need to get the plot rolling. (The NEW plot rolling)

  16. Pacers or Heat? Pacers or SPURS? Heat or SPURS?

    1. vataki


      I don't follow NBA really.

    2. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Aw, well the series is tied between Pacers and Heat. I'm just waiting for one to win (Pacers really) and get some free coffee when we win.

    3. vataki


      Well, good luck to your team, then! Hope you get that free coffee. :P That's always a nice thing to have.

  17. Paint it all, cover every inch. Any flaw will expose your weakness. I'm immune to your fantasy! I see right through you. See right through you! - Perfect Life by Red

  18. Pictures I've been dreaming coming down.

  19. Please read the PM I sent you. It is important if you still want it up.

  20. Pohatu Nuva is Emerging.

  21. Portal 2 is a real mind game. (I've stopped playing it at around 8:30, and began at 5:30 ish.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kanakalackin


      Did it work? I was just guessing.

    3. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Yeah. I also grabbed one, and let it go behind one.

    4. Kanakalackin


      Sweet! I did something right on accident!

  22. Pst. Wash, what's our first order of business?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      Freckles: Do not talk back to your commanding officer. Doing so is punishable by death


    3. CeeCee


      Freckles is dead.

    4. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      I know. =P Just loved that part.

  23. Punished Snake in: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

  24. R U Mine?

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      Since you are a 14 year old male, no.

    2. Makuta of Time

      Makuta of Time

      It's a song by Arctic Monkeys. I was listing to it at the time. (You made me laugh on your post)

    3. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      Haha I thought you were looking for a moirail or something...

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