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Posts posted by AdaptingChaos

  1. My first Bionicle set was Toa Hordika Matau. :D Yes I know that the Hordika weren't the best but they still got me hooked onto Bionicle. I got him during the Web of Shadows Saga but I remember that I almost got Toa Horidka Nuju too.

    Would edit this but this account was deleted; anyways the Toa Hordika Matau was my first set, but I wish I have gotten Nuju at the time because he is one of my favorite from that line.

  2. The longest set I had to build was the Piraka Stronghold I had to complete it in 2 days. Just recently I built Vezon and Kardas with my 3 sets and it took me the entire day because I was looking for the parts!

    3 hours for a Rockoh T3. Found it on clearance at Wal-Mart in 2011 and begged my mom for it. Though I was only 11.

    Dont worry, your not the only one who would've done that :)

  3. This would be a good deal at a lot of stores, but Toys 'R' Us regularly charges above MSRP for sets. I can't find any indication that the sale applies online, where their prices are actually at MSRP. You'll still probably get a deal overall by taking advantage of this sale, but you'll want to do the math yourself to know exactly how much of a deal you're getting. It mgiht not be as much as you think.

    I agree. In my opinion, TRU is sometimes overpriced, because when I go there (I rarely do), I compare the prices to other stores' and theirs is more expensive (but not by much). Plus, I usually won't spend $75 on Lego sets, because my parents won't let me and I prefer the smaller sets.

    Agreed :) they once charged me for a Breakout Breeze for 20 USD! I bought it anyways, but now I just buy LEGO sets from the LEGO stores, unless there is sale like this. However this maybe a little too much..

  4. The last time I opened a set was about 2 weeks ago when I ordered all 6 Glatorian (5 from a seller on BZP and Tarix on eBay) it was amazing putting them together, especially since the last full sized canister set i opened and built was all the way in 2009 Gelu.

    I have just received my Irnakk, Karzahni, Iruni, Malum and some matoran from a seller a couple days ago and I built them :) So I guess those are the last time I opened sets and built them :P

  5. I once brought all my 6 Hordika, 6 Piraka and 6 Inika (because that was my collection at the time) to vacation in late 06 to Peru, my parents country. After that I haven't really brought any on a vacation any more but I will do so in the future, just not an entire collection, I would probably choose Karzahni, my Toa Ignika MOC, Malum, or Ackar.

  6. I would have to take my Toa Mata Nui or Tahu Stars, i don't know they're both iconic in the Bionicle storyline. :P

    I would've edited this, but the account got deleted. Anyways I would like to say I have hanged my mind. I would still bring my Toa Mata Nui, but he's completely now because of a MOC. I would now bring my Toa Ignika MOC (if that counts) or my Karzahni, such a big epic set and a awesome character!

  7. I have to go with the Phantoka and Mistika as my favorite waves, I just liked the idea of the old Toa Nuva characters returning. I also liked these waves because we got some really cool forms of Makuta. My least favorite would have to be the Visorak, I just never got an awesome feel for these sets as I did with the other waves.

    I posted this before the hack, and I still agree with what I said :)

    EDIT: However, I have begun growing a liking for the Glatorian :)

  8. To me the entire 2006-2007 story following Jaller, Hewkii, Hahli, Kongu, Nuparu, and Matoro was my favorite. In 2006, it was amazing to me to see the continuation of the story after 2003, where it all just went to flashbacks (2004-2005). Also 2006 introduced a new island and many new characters, as well as new pieces, many new pieces! :D It was also very cool that matoran that we knew since the early years became a heroic team of Toa! 2007 for me was the greatest Bionicle year and favorite IMO mainly because, the Toa Mahri completed a mission to save Mata Nui's life, in about 24 hours. Since this story line also included Matoro's epic death, the Toa Inika/TOa Mahri will remain m most favorite parts of the Bionicle storyline.

  9. 1. I believe it just to stylize, as stated above.

    2. I always wondered that when I saw the graphic novel! I always thought that the artist just made a mistake.

    3. Maybe just to signify that the figure was Mata Nui?!

    4. I never really noticed that in the novel, nice find! But maybe once again it was a mistake, like stated above.

    5. I guess that could also be a mistake.

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