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Posts posted by AdaptingChaos

  1. I noticed this since the beginning I bought the 04 sets. It wasn't anything I needed to know about, since I have the City Of Metru book, which talks about all the Metrus in Metru Nui.

    Yeah I have the book as well and on it, it shows the different power levels and stuff like that :)

    Btw cool find! :D

  2. Oh golly, ten years already? Funny, I just watched it with my 8 and 10-year old sisters over a week ago (they wanted to know what the heck Bionicle is, ha ha). My goodness, the memories. While most other 10-year-old girls were off watching Barbie movies or whatever, I was reading comics and watching MoL, ha ha. ................. I feel so old now....

    Thats pretty awesome :P

  3. Thanks for the pictures! Im not really interested in Chima, but I gotta say, these sets do look impressive! They also come with some nice new pieces and recolors which is great for mocing so I might pick up like 2 or 3? Not all bc I do think they are a bit expensive, but I can understand why :)

    Edit: I might get those Ape/Gorilla and Wolf sets.

  4. I love yor style and the MoC is great, however the lack of fins on the head feels incomplete. Also, she doesn't look feminine enough (but that seems like I am nit-picking). I love the MoC and overall it looks great! Can't wait for the rest.


    Question: Is there any other sites I can access and look at your MoCs? (You are the best MoCist ever).

    I agree! I want to see the other moc you have made! :D

    Also I think ive seen this moc of yours a while ago in a group shot with the other adaptive armor toa nuva, right?

    Btw nice torso and arm design! Also how tall is the moc compared to an actual normal sized set?


    First of all, I'd suggest working in the coloring. I see a lot of white spots and it looked more like it's been scribbled, than colored. Second, proportion. Lewa's mask looks small and both of their limbs are too skinny. I'd also suggest shading. Otherwise, great job.

    I'm still figuring out bodies. I'm more skilled with weapons and background. But, thanks. (And did you see the matoran? :P)

    I saw it! :D

    Lol is that supposed to be Kongu and Jaller?



    Cape is actually a recolor. I have a gray one just like it that came with a Knights of Moria set way back when those were out. (I believe it was the king set...)

    Unless there's some other set I don't know about, King Jayko came with a dark grey cape that had only one hole for the neck. It is also remarkably smaller. EDIT: KING MATTHIAS TOTALLY ACTUALLY HAD THIS CAPE MY BAD
    I disagree upon researching I found out the King Mattias Cape, had, like Vezon's a big hole in the center and not two small holes.

    Sorry dude, I just searched up Bircklink and saw that King Mattias cape has the two small holes. If you search up for the inventory on Bricklink, you can see that the cape has two holes on the sides. However Furno's cape isnt a recolor because the cape is full near the neck, King Mattias had a little curve near the neck and it appears to be smaller than Furno's cape.

    Now thoughts on this set; I might buy at least a couple of Furno XL mainly for the pieces :)




    Nice body design :)

    BTW why is it called adaptable?


    What I'm really pitching is the idea of using that feet and leg design on metru hips, with a bohrok shield as chest armour and a metru head. Everything else can be changed to get tons of different matoran. And because of the commoness of the pieces involved, I reckon most people could whip up a lot of different matoran from their own collections. Rather than writing all that in the topic title, I thought the word "Adaptable" covered it reasonably well. :P

    Oh I see :) nice idea! Mind if i try it? I'll give you credit of course :P


    Credits probably not even needed, its a fairly vague concept, so feel free :)

    Oh alright, but still :P


    Nice body design :)

    BTW why is it called adaptable?


    What I'm really pitching is the idea of using that feet and leg design on metru hips, with a bohrok shield as chest armour and a metru head. Everything else can be changed to get tons of different matoran. And because of the commoness of the pieces involved, I reckon most people could whip up a lot of different matoran from their own collections. Rather than writing all that in the topic title, I thought the word "Adaptable" covered it reasonably well. :P

    Oh I see :) nice idea! Mind if i try it? I'll give you credit of course :P

  9. i wish i knew how do use blender (All i know is photoshop, after affects, cinema 4d and sony vegas)! :(

    Anyways it looks really cool, i like the design of the torso and idk takua, i like the humanized form of makuta. It remind me of the human Kiina, but anyways great work so far and i would love to see the finished product! Also are you gong to but some of her key set features into the model? Like the color scheme, maybe some sort of claw weapon or winged armor?


    I really like how you attached the 1.0 arm to a 2.0 bone piece :)Also the Olmak seems like a good fit to the moc!BTW, when do you think you might finish your mutated Brutaka?

    Thanks, altough that one was rather last minute, me not wanting to put more time into designing a real hand, mutated Brutaka? Was extremely hard and fun to make, I finished him yesterday, sadly I keep on forgetti g to take pictures, tomorrow he's up, fir sure.

    oh i see haha :D

    also, glad to see hes finished!

  11. I think he looks lovely! My main niggle is what was mentioned above, what with the use of the Gukko Bird's head on the chest armour. It doesn't fit the rest of him. I think he'd actually be great if you just took those off.

    Thanks and yup ill try to find some other piece of armor :)

  12. Is it just me, or is that blade a bit small for a Toa of his size?

    Aside from that and the point mentioned by the previous posters about the rather bulky shoulders, this is a pretty nice MOC. Extra points for using the grey pins with the silver, instead of their more common black variants =)

    Lol thanks! :D I'll try to fix the weapon as well :)


    Mmmm, it seems to me that Ignika being Toa-sized was intentional. I wasn't thrilled about the generic design, but the size was perfectly okay with me. And I got a sweet Skyboard in the same box, so all is forgiven!The back spikes look out of place, as do the Keetongu-style feet. It makes the finished design seem... less streamlined. The Keetorange pieces near the shoulders should probably be turned forty-five degrees inward and filled in with some other armor, as they interfere with a streamlined feel aligned like that. The limbs (especially the upper legs and lower arms) might also need a bit more armor to better cover the Technic components.Other than those, though, it looks nice. I like the neck design, and the upper arms are rather nice as well.

    Lol I understand it was supposed to be a Toa-sized set, but come on he wore the Mask of Life!! :P

    Anyways yup ill fix the spikes and the Keetongu pieces near the shoulders cant really move or else the entire torso falls apart but ill try to see what I can do, thanks! :)


    idk guys I like the keet feet


    I'm also a big fan of Visorak feet as armour. The arms look fantastic. The Throwrider feet [the thing that was Muaka's nose, and on Keetongu's shins] look too slapped on. Not very streamlined or anything. Try and replace maybe?

    Thanks for your feedback! Ill try to see what I can do to improve and yup I agree with you on the slapping on that armor :)

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