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Posts posted by randomreviewerbros

  1. I wished for more movies, in my opinion The Legend Reborn was a great movie and it really ended with a cliffhanger where I was left wanting for more and it never came along because of the sudden cancellation of BIONICLE G1 which sucked a lot for all us fans from the first generation.


    The old timeline exists separately from the new one so no, G2 didn't ruin G1.

    It was the online serials that did.

    I agree 100% with this.

  2. Today I will be reviewing the second set in my series of Ninjago 2016 Reviews. It is set 70601 Sky Shark, it retails for $34.99 AUD (but bought for $29 at Big W) and I believe it will be $19.99 USD but not 100% sure on that. Also 19.99 Pounds in the UK. This set contains 221 pieces.




    As I had stated in my Cole's Dragon review the box art of the 2016 Ninjago Winter sets are as follows. The main protagonist (this time being Jay) is featured on the top right of the box and here is the box of this particular set:






    This set contains 221 pieces, many of which are very useful and are used in many creative ways in this set that I've never seen in a set of this size. Most notable pieces to me right out of the box were:


    The anchor pieces used on the fins

    The treasure chests used as dynamite holders

    The barrels used as exhausts

    The shark teeth stickers are a very nice touch in my opinion


    So overall a great variety of pieces here.


    Building Experience:


    Personally I was actually looking forward to the build of this set more than any other and this was mainly because when I first saw the images of this set late last year I immediately saw the very creative uses of pieces and such. Once I opened the box and started building I was not disappointed by any means, it was exactly what I thought it would be, just a very enjoyable build, and even though it was a quick build it was still very appealing.




    I really think the minifigures in this set will be very much sought after once everyone has seen the season that just ended a few weeks ago (btw if you haven't yet seen it and you are a Ninjago fan, you must watch it asap, it is an awesome season, very disappointed it ended so fast). Anyways the two minifigures are Lloyd in his Airjitzu Gear and Flintlocke as seen here: 



    Both minifigures are fantastic and are going to be a very big draw to this set, it is currently the cheapest way to get both these characters and actually will be the cheapest as of this point because summer sets have already been announced and pictures seen already. So if you are wanting great minifigures this set is for you! 


    Lloyd's weapon is the Golden Weapon Power Staff according to Lego Shop at Home's description and Flintlocke's Weapon is a standard Sky Pirate's Sword which isn't bad by any means. But this was a disappointment to me as in the show he always uses the Double Flintlocke Pistols but not to worry because if you bought this and the Cole's Dragon set you already get a spare pistol in each set, so then you can make him look like this:


    Ah that's more like it!


    I'm also going to include Lloyd's Jetpack as an accessory in this set because it's just a nice little addition to the set and I like the build, here it is:



    The Djinn Blade in the set is 'Trapped Kai' and as always the blade is a great Ninjago collectible.


    Final Build:


    The final build to this set is absolutely fantastic, I love everything about this set, it is a fantastic addition to any Ninjago collection and is well worth the money (if you live in Australia, please buy this at either Kmart or Big W, they both have it for $29 and that is much better then the $34.99 everywhere else, or just price match it to their price). Anyways this set it awesome, great build, great minifigures, great pieces, and great price, here are the final images:

    LibyuqY.jpgThis is the main play feature in the next pic below which by the way is an absolutely excellent feature, if you aren't going to get this set then please look at the free instructions online to see how it is done:

    s9dm77a.jpgDrops sticks of dynamite via chain link, very creative use of parts. And then of course opening cockpit:



    Final Thoughts and Recommendations:

    For my final thoughts and recommendations on this set, I give this set a definite 10/10, there is nothing I can say wrong about this, and out of the two sets priced at $34.99 AUD/$19.99 USD this set is probably just a bit better, although I do love the minifigures in The Ninja Bike Chase set as well. Here are the pros:


    Great minifigures

    Great pieces

    Creative building techniques

    Enjoyable build

    Awesome final model


    Here are the cons:


    The only one I can think of here is that the other set priced at this range included one more minifigure than the Sky Shark so maybe this set could have included an extra pirate or something.

    The jetpack looks great but actually uses an 'illegal' building technique where the binoculars are placed, but that is kinda pulling at strings to put one more con in, so it is nothing major.


    So as you can see, I absolutely love this set, and it does actually play a big roll in this current Ninjago season so it is a must have for any Ninjago fan. I highly recommend this set, it is one of the better sets that were priced at around this range that Ninjago has ever released, my personal favourite would have to be the Mountain Shrine set from 2011 and that was at $34.99 AUD as well, but this set is easily number 2 to me! 


    So go out there and get it when you see it, great set at a great price!


    Look forward to my next review being The Ninja Bike Chase!

    • Upvote 3
  3. I enjoyed your review! I think you were fair in addressing the pros and cons, and there's lots of relevant information in there for anyone considering purchasing the set.


    fishers already told you how to add images (because she's super helpful and awesome), but I'll drop another link here: the Official Pictures Topic has everything you could ever need to know about posting images on BZP. Let me know if you need any help.


    Looking forward to more reviews! :)

    Much appreciated, will be uploading review of the Sky Shark tonight!

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