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Jakura Nuva

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Posts posted by Jakura Nuva

  1. IC: Transient


    Transient, not wanting to be seen as ungrateful, spoke up after Enforcer.


    "Yes, indeed," he rumbled, stepping slightly into the light. He leaned against the wall and took a few spoonfuls of the food. It was astounding!


    "You'll have to let me see the recipe sometime." He winked a cold, green optic.

  2. IC: Transient


    Transient stood in the shadows, picking through a bowl of food prepared by his Toa-brother, Forger. He had to admit, though - as delectable as it seemed, he had little appetite.


    The Ba-Toa kept his tri-scope leveled on the newcomer - a Vortixx bounty hunter named Xhalia. Transient scanned her, taking in all the little details and storing them away for later. If she proved to be a threat... she'd find out just how fast he could slit her throat.


    And then he'd -


    He stopped, his gaze frozen. What he'd just been about to assume... was a thought that horrified him. He'd never thought of something so awful, so - cannibalistic - before. He violently squashed the rising fear clutching his heart. He needed to remain focused.

  3. @Axilus


    I believe it's a Shepherd's Crook of Destiny.




    Just kidding, I have no freaking idea :D


    Anyways, great job, T1S! "Other side of the Fourth Wall" was my favorite part :P

  4. IC: Transient


    Transient nodded once, his hood hiding his facial features. Menacingly, he stalked forward to the stranger, his ragged cloak flowing in his wake. He grabbing the newcomer's pack firmly and attempted to rip it away from him.

  5. IC: Transient


    Transient nodded slowly, doing his best to hide the eagerness he felt. He silently unslung his shotels from his back and attached them to his belt for easier access.

  6. Alright, I'm working on a couple comics now. Hopefully, I can have at least two up tomorrow, and then the Christmas special will either be tomorrow evening, or the following morning.



    EDIT: I bring one of them now! How about that? :P


    Shenanigans: Episode 2


    Enjoy. :) The others will be along, presently.

    "Hehe. We'll see about that."






    But seriously - this made me LOL :D


    Also, great job with the Christmas one!


    I have a question, though - have you ever posted instructions/a part list for your MOC self?

  7. IC: Enforcer.


    "Farewell," I say to his receding form, before I stop, a thought occurring to me. "Wait..." I run after Transient.

    IC: Transient


    Transient turned to acknowledge Enforcer - but when he did, the Vortixx was already hurrying after somewhere else. Following his gaze, he saw Forger, looking quite well given his previous state.


    The Toa walked up to the two and slapped Forger's shoulder.


    "Hey, brother! You're looking good." Realizing that the two had been involved in a discussion, Transient stepped back a bit. "I'm sorry - am I interrupting something?"

  8. IC: Transient


    He coughed. Transient was an orderly being - he didn't like not knowing what to do, or lacking specific instructions or orders.


    "Uh, very well. I guess I'll just... sit." He headed off awkwardly towards the arena.

  9. IC: Transient


    Transient nodded. "Thank you. Should I be waiting somewhere for the trial? I apologize for my questions, but I haven't been here for..."


    He laughed, a strange, faraway sound. "...well, a long time."

  10. IC: Transient


    He couldn't explain it, but Transient felt strange all of a sudden. He had seen the recruit only once, but...


    Shaking the feeling off, the Toa cleared his throat. "Yes, indeed - where is Zero?"

  11. IC: Transient


    Transient emerged from the training room, panting heavily. He had slung his new weapons - dual shotels, reinforced for combat - over his shoulders, and returned his cloak to his body. He was fully prepared.


    Caught in his musings, the Toa of Earth nearly stumbled over Enforcer.


    "Sorry, Enforcer," he rumbled. "Hey, do you know when the trial with Faora will be? I'm ready when she - and Zero - are."

  12. IC: Anhar


    The Toa hesitated. Giving up his Kanohi meant losing a large fraction of his power and strength. He didn't want to be caught in a jam - especially if they decided to kill him - without his Mask.


    Then again, if he refused, what reason would they have to trust him?


    Anhar sighed and removed his Kualsi. A brief flash of light emanated from it as it separated from his face. He resisted the urge to touch his cold, metallic jawline as he handed the Kanohi over to the Vortixx.


    IC: Varan


    Varan was growing quite angry. He had rummaged through almost every cabinet, drawer, closet in the room. He must have gone through thousands of stones, detailing everything from food shipments to weapons dealings to secret escape plans. But nothing about the Master.


    The Toa of Gravity was considering infiltrating Zero's room, something he had refuse do I do earlier - it was an extreme breach if privacy. But now that he was desperate, he was seriously rethinking it...


    Just as he was about to quit, though, he noticed something inside the wooden floor. If he had not had his Mask of Sensory Aptitude activated, he never would've seen the minuscule glint. Leaping silently to the floor, Varan pried his fingers into the wood and tugged. After a minute if pulling, he finally managed to pull the board loose. In doing so, he discovered a neatly stacked pile of stone tablets - extremely old tablets. Pulling them to him, he took a look at the name scrawled across the corner of each and every one - "Zero". Smiling, he looked closer.


    It took only a moment for Varan to swing the tablets into his pack and dash from the room. He had found what he needed. Closing the heavy stone door quietly behind him, the Toa began his departure.

  13. IC: Anhar


    "Believe it or not, the little dude's a Chronicler," Anhar said matter-of-factly. "He was quite interested in da whole situation, and, being a Chronicler, you know da guy's gotta be an observant little Matoran. My two cents says he knows more about tings den even I know. Who knows what he and Varan talked 'bout while I was out."

  14. I wonder if perhaps future versions of the Toa might have transparent masks (or solid and transparent blends) for an "energized" look.

    *Looks at Jaller Inika figure*


    Ah! I see what you did there...


    But seriously - I hope so. That would be an extremely cool aesthetic, IMO, especially if used for rebooted Inika.

  15. IC: Anhar


    Anhar was growing angry.


    "Money caches? You really think the dude tells me where he stores his green? Why would anybody tell someone dat?"


    He sighed and rubbed the area of his mask where his nasal bridge would be.


    "Uh, allies... he has a friend in the Ta-Koro Guard. Jakura, I believe his name is. He works with him at times. Uh, dere's Nialus, of course - but he hates Varan's guts as much as I - as we - do, if not more so. Look, most of his team is dead now, buddy - killed in a, er, incident in Mangaia. Rahkshi, I believe. As for allies... well, he ain't got many. Friends he ain't got none of. I figure the only reason Jakura still works with him is cause he's blissfully unaware of what a jerk-wad he is."


    Anhar stopped for a moment, then snapped his fingers.


    "Wait, I got it! Look - I was on my way to da Fau to take care of an old enemy of mine when Varan intercepted me. Before he did, do... a young Matoran joined me. I believe his name was Hile. Anyways, when he found out that I wasn't who I's masqueradin' as, he joined Varan. From what I hear, Varan has a soft spot o' sorts for da Matoran..."

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