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Jakura Nuva

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Posts posted by Jakura Nuva

  1. IC: Varan


    Varan was heading back to Arcturia, when he saw her looting Halmos. He raised an eyebrow.


    "You don't consider that the least bit... degrading?" he asked. "Those belonged to a wretched murderer."


    He watched her search the ground.


    "Looking for this, luv?" He held up a knife, a sly smile across his face. "Lodged itself in my chest armor when I fell."


    He held it out to her.

  2. IC: Varan


    "Nice to meet you three," he said. "I hail from... Le-Wahi, I guess. I was a, uh, freelance agent. Now I just sort of... wander."


    ...Why did I just feel the need to share that?


    Varan would've slapped himself, had he not remembered - Arcturia. Where had she gone? Looking behind him, the Ba-Toa saw her standing aways off, obviously avoiding the conflict. He felt bad for that.


    "Well, it was nice talking to you all. I have to rejoin my, uh, 'traveling buddy' over there."

    The Toa thought for a second. Maybe... no, that wasn't a good idea. He couldn't have anyone weighing him down. He had merely offered to walk with Arcturia as a friendly gesture.



    Varan groaned inwardly. "Unless, any of you would like to accompany us?"

  3. IC: Arzaki


    After Toenga talked to the guards a bit, he and Arzaki entered the village. Arzaki looked around, taking in the huts and the villagers hustling about, trading fish and other things.



    IC: Dessa


    Dessa strolled through Ga-Koro, wondering just how far south she'd have to go to find a viable prospect.


    OOC: Open for interaction.


    IC: Toenga


    "Beautiful, isn't it?" Toenga said, tugging on Arzaki's arm like a child. "I love the ocean - and the birds, of course - but my favorite sight here is that amazing waterfall. Isn't i -"


    Toenga didn't get the chance to finish his sentence, before he ran smack into another being - a very tall one. A Vortixx.


    Despite his experiences traveling, Toenga had never come face-to-face with an actual Vortixx. The size difference between the two caused the Su-Matoran to take in a sharp breath of wonder - and fear.


    "Uh, sorry... ma'am," he said shakily. "I didn't see you there. Uh, I mean, I know that sounds kind of impossible and all, given how tall you are, but..."


    Toenga's words trailed off with a squeak that sounded like a leaking air bladder.


    OOC: That's you, Perp

  4. OOC: Thank you for the clear-up, Krayzikk


    IC: Varan


    Varan pushed himself up from the ground. Everything had become a blur suddenly, as more than one Toa had suddenly advanced on the Cy-Toa. When he found himself standing once more, he faced a horrific sight - the dead, mutilated corpse of his once-enemy.


    He stared blankly at the body. The Toa had deserved what had happened to him - there was no doubt about that. And yet, Varan had never discovered why he had been attacking them in the first place. He hadn't even known his name.


    Turning away from the dead Toa, Varan faced the others, a grimace lining his face.


    "My name is Varan," he said. "Toa of Gravity."

  5. IC: Varan


    "Perhaps," Varan said to the Cy-Toa. "I've known Toa - "


    He froze. He saw the Bo-Toa run, jump, reach out...




    The moment the Bo-Toa faltered over the gravity field, Varan reacted, leaping forward to shove him away.


    OOC: GTG - be back tomorrow afternoon

  6. IC: Toenga


    Toenga puffed out his white chest with pride. "Sure, step aside, Toa. I'll get us through."


    He headed towards the guarded entrance to Ga-Koro.

  7. OOC: Not so fast, Ghidora - Varan never released the gravity pull on Halmos, meaning he is still on the ground, unable to move.


    IC: Varan


    Varan helped Kotak to his feet.


    "Are you alright, brother?"

  8. IC: Varan


    Varan, expecting the attack, reacted like lightning, sweeping his hand in an arc towards the Cy-Toa. With the gesture, he increased the pull of gravity on his enemy's limbs and torso, intending to send him crashing into the snow.

  9. IC: Varan


    Varan laughed. And then he laughed some more. It was a rough, grating sound, as if he had never laughed before.


    "My friend, you are delusional. Here you are, armed with naught but knives, challenging three - er, four - other Toa. You cannot win."

  10. OOC: Ultimo, are you sure? Because, KoK has the Bo-Toa - mine is a Ba-Toa.


    IC: Varan


    "Uh, it's fine," Varan mumbled to the Toa of Ice who had suddenly stumbled into him. "No harm done."


    "My funeral, Toa?" He said to the other, gripping the weapon at his belt."This is bad comedy."

  11. IC: Varan


    Varan sighed. It was going to be one of those days...


    He turned to face the malicious Toa and held his hand out. "I'm giving you one chance to calm down, stranger. There's no way you will succeed against three opponents."

  12. Hi, Keeper of Kraata - nice to meet you. I'm Jakura Nuva. I currently have sixteen BZPRPG characters - only about half of that number are currently active, though.


    As for you team, not sure I've met any of them... yet :P. EDIT: I'm an idiot.

  13. IC: Varan


    Varan didn't know why, but he suddenly felt a passionate hatred for this other Toa...


    Shaking the feeling aside, he turned back around and faced the gate again, watching the assorted beings flow through.

    • Upvote 2
  14. IC: Toenga


    With a yelp, the Matoran had drawn his only weapon - a meat knife - and pointed it defensively at Arzaki. He remained in that position until the Toa apologized.


    "It's - it's okay, I guess," he said shakily. He put his knife back in his cutlery satchel. "Just... just control yourself in the future, please?"

  15. IC: Varan


    The cloaked Toa turned, his emerald eyes just as striking - however, they were inlaid with power, not malice.


    "Excuse me, brother Toa? I'm sorry if I've upset you, but I realized that that Toa over there was in danger of being killed, and I couldn't allow that. It would be horrendous if I saw and did nothing."

  16. IC: Toenga


    Toenga glanced over and saw Arzaki smoking. Except, it didn't occur to him that it was the Toa's rage - rather, the young Matoran thought that he had literally caught fire.


    So, he did the worst possible thing he could've done.


    Shouting out in fear, Toenga grabbed a large seashell from his pack, scooped in a large amount of sea water from the coastline, and with a sploosh threw it across Arzaki's lower torso area.

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