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Jakura Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Jakura Nuva

  1. Uuuughh.... So bored.

    1. Ghidora131




      Trolol XD

  2. Looking for Kanohi! PM me if you have some extras for cheap

  3. And then I crashed into her, and I went up in flames. Oh yeah, and gravity hurts.

    1. Banana Gunz

      Banana Gunz

      I've been listening to those exact two songs like crazy this past week. The nostalgia is real...

    2. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva


  4. And then I crashed into her, and I went up in flames. Oh yeah, and gravity hurts.

  5. Back from vacation, ladies and gents!

    1. Ghidora131


      Boo. Get the rotten tomatoes.

  6. Sun is shinin in the sky... Oh yeah, I won't be on for a week, guys - going on vacation!

  7. 400 posts? Did you guys know that this is nearly twice as many posts as I had when I jumped back on a month or so ago? And that was over the span of a year. Hooray for hype!

    1. Ghidora131


      Boo. Get the rotten tomatoes.

  8. "Jakura Nuva, Toa of Obliviousness!" - MaxBionicleManiac, MakutaFest 2014

  9. Those times you want to grab them, strangle them thoroughly and throw them in the creek. Those times...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jakura Nuva
    3. Arzaki


      Those times when you DO grab them, strangle them thoroughly and throw them in the creek. Those times...


      ...are the best times.

    4. Ghidora131


      Um... Blub Blub

  10. "Jakura Nuva, Toa of Obliviousness!" -- MaxBionicleManiac, MakutaFest 2014

  11. #OmegaTahu

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jakura Nuva

      Jakura Nuva




    3. Arzaki



    4. Ghidora131



  12. Anyone have a good idea for the name of my hero on DC Universe Online?

  13. Anyone have good name for my character

  14. #OmegaTahu #BionicleReturns2015

  15. "Jakura Nuva, Toa of Obliviousness XD." - MaxBionicleManiac

  16. Pronounced (Juh-KOO-ruh)

  17. For the record, it was the other guy.

    1. Ghidora131


      Good. I have to give him this million dollars. Stay here a second.

  18. #OmegaTahu #BionicleReturns2015

  19. Some dirty scoundrel stole the name Jakura from me, so now I'm stuck with Jakuura!! The NERVE!!!

  20. 100% Hothead, 0% Burnout

    1. Ghidora131


      100% Hyped, 0% Happy

    2. Ghidora131


      100% Nuva, 0% Nutty

    3. Ghidora131


      100% Gruesome, 0% Girly

  21. 100% Clever, 0% Classy

    1. Ghidora131


      100% Kevlar, 0% sassy

  22. Hey, guys, make sure to check out TheThreeVirtues on YouTube for reviews, in-depth discussions and hilarious/informative podcasts for Lego and Bionicle! Subscribe to them!!

  23. Hey, guys, make sure to check out TheThreeVirtues on YouTube for reviews, in-depth discussions and hilarious/informative podcasts for Lego and Bionicle! Subscribe to them, they're awesome!!

  24. Not allowed to join TTV... FOREVER ALONE

    1. Ghidora131


      (Sad corny mu8sic starts playing) I'll go get the tissues.

  25. And then I crashed into you! AND I WENT UP IN FLAMES!

    1. Ghidora131
    2. Ghidora131


      Also, you got arrested for drunk driving. Whoopee.

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